Are YOU A Member? Towing Travel Services Services ❖ Bail Hotel Res­ Services ervation Service ♦ •> Personal Accident Driver Protection Training ❖ ❖ Day or Over 700 Millions of Motorists avail themselves Affiliated Night o f the many distinctive features of con- vemence ' service - year after year. Offices O u r man will gladly explain, w S £ ] p . NEW JERSEY AUTO CLUB NEWARK OFFICE MAIN OFFICE ROBERT TREAT HOTEL LOBBY 1 HANOVER ROAD Tel. Bigelow 2-1400 Tel. FRontier 7-7200 NEWARK, NEW JERSEY FL0RHAM PARK, NEW JERSEY AUTO CLUB UNDERWRITERS AGENCY, INC. in the BUILDING Q ew etuil 9nAuHa*toe AUTOMOBILE — CASUALTY — FIRE — THEFT — LIABILITY Standard Rates — Dividend Paying National Service NEWARK OFFICE MAIN OFFICE ROBERT TREAT HOTEL LOBBY 1 HANOVER ROAD Tel. Bigelow 2-1400 Tel. FRontier 7-7200 NEWARK, NEW JERSEY FLORHAM PARK, NEW JERSEY 309 MAIN ST. ORANGE, N. J. Free Delivery SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY CALL ORange 6-2400 ORANGES DIRECTORY - 1963 93 ORANGE, EAST ORANGE, SOUTH ORANGE, MAPLEWOOD ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY 1963 ABBREVIATIONS ab, ab ove ct, court June, junction r, resides with householder acct, accountant delica, delicatessen kpr, keeper h, head of household adv, advertising dept, department LPN, Licensed Practical rd, road agt, agent dir, director Nurse real est, real estate a l( a lle y dlst, district la, lane rem, removed Am, American div, division lab, laboratory rep, representative apts, apartments dir, dealer lleut, lieutenant repr, repairer archt, architect do, ditto lwyr, lawyer rest, restaurant assn, association dr, d rive mach, machine, machinery, RR, Railroad asst, assistant drsmkr, dressmaker m achinist rte, route atdt, attendant E, E ast maint, maintenance S, South elec, electrician, electric mdse, merchandise sec, secretary auto, automobile sergt, sergeant av, avenue or electrical mech, mechanic, mechanical bdg, building elev, elevator med, medical sis, sales bel, below emp, employed mfg, manufacturing sq, square bet, between eng, engineer mfr, manufacturer sta, station, stationary bev, beverages est, estate mgr, manager steno, stenographer bey, beyond ext, extension mkr, maker sub, substitute far, farmer n, near supt, superintendent bkkpr, bookkeeper supv, supervisor blk, b lock fl, flo o r N. North blksmlth, blacksmith ft, foo t NY, New York City tchr, teacher fum rms, furnished rooms nat, national tech, technician blvd, boulevard tel, telephone c, com er gen, general opp, opposite govt, government opr, operator ter, terrace capt, captain tpk, turnpike carp, carpenter h, head of household— p, page r, resides with householder pk, park trans, transportation chauf, chauffeur pky, parkway trav, traveler, traveling clr, circle hdw, hardware hosp, hospital pi, place treas, treasurer elk, clerk trk, truck com, commission housekpr, housekeeper PO, Post Office hwy, highway pres, president TV, television coml, commercial v pres, vice president condr, conductor Inc, Incorporated prin, principal inq, inquire priv, private W, West conf, confectionery prod, production whol, wholesale constr, construction ins, insurance insp. Inspector prof, professor wid, widow contr, contractor prop, proprietor wkr, worker corp, corporation instr. Instructor ,(1) indicates room number—“ st” and “ Miss” are implied ORANGES MPD, Maplewood Police Department REAEx, Railway Express Agency EO, East Orange MPO, Maplewood Post Office Inc (Newark) EOGenHosp, East Orange General NY, New York City SHU, Seton Hall University H o s p ita l SO, South Orange EOPD, East Orange Police Depart­ O, Orange OFD, Orange Fire Department SOFD, South Orange Fire Department ment OPD, Orange Police Department SOPD, South Orange Police Depart­ EOPO, East Orange Post Office ment E-LRR, Erie-Lackawanna Railroad OPO, Orange Post Office PSCT, Public Service Co-Ordinated SOPO, South Orange Post Office EOFD, East Orange Fire Department Tran sport SOilCo, Standard Oil Co of NJ HospCatO, Hospital Center at Orange PSE&GCo, Public Service Electric TelCo, New Jersey Bell Telephone Co WUTelCo, Western Union Telegraph Co M, Maplewood and G as Co MFD, Maplewood Fire Department NEWARK PSCT, Public Service Co-Ordinated MBLInsCo, Mutual Benefit Life A&PCo, Great Atlantic & Pacific Tran sport Insurance Co PruInsCo, Prudential Insurance Co T e a C o MetLifelnsCo, Metropolitan Life In­ WECo, Western Electric Co Inc CelCorp, Celanese Corp Westinghouse, Westinghouse Electric CRR, Central Railroad of NJ surance C o NFD, Newark Fire Department and M fg Co GECo, General Electric Co WEICorp, Weston Electrical Instru­ IntRevDept, Internal Revenue Dept NPD, Newark Police Department PRR, Pennsylvania Railroad LVRR, Lehigh Valley Railroad ment Corp 8 CHECKER MOTOR CORP. OR 4-8888 FACTORY BRANCH - 531 CENTRAL AVE.. E. ORANGE Sales - Service SEDANS - STATION WAGONS - AERO BUSES - LIMOUSINES Parts 94 1963 - THE PRICE & LEE CO. 'S AAA ABBOTT --Joseph A student r 110 Orchard rd M (American Automobile Association) F Kenneth --Joseph J (Dorothy E) slsman h 110 Orchard rd M Schultze gen mgr Newark office Robert Treat --Lillian r (12) 271 Park av EO Hotel Lobby Newark NJ tel Bigelow 2-1400 main --M ary J student r 110 Orchard rd M office 1 Hanover rd Florham Park NJ tel FRontier --Paul R Rev (Bessie S) minister First Presbyterian 7-7200 - See insert opp Alphabetical Directory Church O h (2A) 21 Village Green O --R osalie A student r 344 Forest rd SO --William R (Eva L) h 266 Glenwood av EO t A A (AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE Abbs Gertrude W wid Alfred W h 24 N 22d EO Abby Gardens apts 43 Cottage SO Abco Inc Mrs Evelyn M Arndt pres Gabriel M Arndt v ASSOCIATION) pres exterminators 225-227 Central av EO Abeel Ansel R Jr mgr Newark h (402) 36 S Munn av EO F Kenneth Schultze gen mgr Newark office Robert --Dewey B r 100 Freeman av EO Treat Hotel Lobby Newark NJ tel Bigelow 2-1400 --Irene M Mrs h 100 Freeman av EO main office 1 Hanover rd Florham Park NJ tel Abel Anna R v pres-treas The Nitram Mfg Co 47 Long EO FRontier 7-7200 - See insert opp Alphabetical r inq do Directory --C urtis R (Louise) h (1) 315 Hawthorne O A-B Quality Auto Service Inc Albert P Zabroskie pres —John C (Bessie) h 621 Springdale av EO Donald F Zabroskie v pres Henry Bain sec-treas 34 --Michael (Beatrice) (Jordan's Drugs) 104 Main EO h at Hillside N Park EO A C Cleaning Co (Hagop Zadigian) 142 Main EO Abeles Ethel L Mrs real est Newark r 14 Kingman rd SO A -l Electric Motor Repair Harry Bergstrom mgr 82 Main --Etta wid Herbert R h (3T) 44 S Munn av EO --Ida wid Albert h 2 Woodland Crescent SO EO A & A Stainless Steel & Nipple Co (Frederick Ambielli) 30 --Patricia bacteriologist Jersey City r 14 Kingman rd SO N 15th EO --Richard R (Olga) real est Newark h (108) 40 S Munn av EO A & J Esso Service (James F Gibbons) 65 Central av EO A & L Renna Bros (Anthony and Lawrence Renna) gaso­ --Theodore J (Ethel L) acct Newark h 14 Kingman rd SO line 58 N Park EO --Theodore L lwyr Newark r 14 Kingman rd SO Abell Elizabeth F editor NY h 348 Tichenor av SO A & S Transportation Co James V Spiniello Jr pres Jos­ --L illia n W wid John T died July 5 1962 age 82 eph LaFera Jr v pres marine trans 249 Wallace O Abelson Joseph J (Lillian O) ring mfr Newark h 257 Aacme Glazing & Mirror Co (Milton Snyder) 139 Main EO Warwich av SO Aalten's Orange Auction Galleries (Nathan Holover) 47-49 Main EO --Louis (Lillian G) mgr Irvington h (34) 65 Randolph pi Aamodt Helen Mrs housewkr W Orange h (13) 530 Park av SO O Abelson's Orange Inc Enoch Fredericks mgr jewelry 279A Aanensen Arndt P h (209) 149 S Harrison EO Main O Aaron Norman slsman Union h (1) 162 Spring O Abend Arthur slsman Newark h (1) 5 S Maple av EO --William h 25 Lawton EO — Benjamin (Sophie) slsman h (12D) 445 Central av O Aarons Cordell R letter carrier OPO r 290 Ogden O --C a r l M (Olga) h (216) 60 S Munn av EO --Edgar H (Irene) h 290 Ogden O --Robert L printer Newark r (1) 5 S Maple av EO --Joseph P chemist W Orange h (2B) 251 S Harrison EO --Sarah M v pres Mink's 535 Main EO h at West Orange --Louis (Annie) ins broker Millburn h 180 Tichenor av Abendana Ada Mrs office mgr 578 Forest O h at Irvington SO Abene Peter J (Edna) supv Newark h 492 Norwood EO Abar Burt G in U S Army r 297 Midland av EO Aber Herbert C (Lillian J) elk NY h 169 College pi SO --Irene L wid Burt G tel opr TelCo h 297 Midland av EO Aberbach Louis (Elizabeth) slsman h 40 Coolidge rd M --James F (Maureen) elec tech Cedar Grove h 502 Glen- Abernathy Gurney (Erma M) slsman Buffalo NY h (806) 106 wood av EO S Harrison EO Abate Joseph M stockman Newark r 533 S Clinton EO --Hurie C (Victoria) carp h 58 N 15th EO --Nicholas F (Circle Dress Co) 416 Central av EO h at Abernethy Ronald W elk NY h 54 William EO West Orange Aberson Samuel J (Harriete) h 343 Rutledge av EO --P a u l A (Carm ela) h 533 S Clinton EO Ablendorio Robert J (Ann) rug layer h (1) 156 N Grove EO --P a u l T student r 533 S Clinton EO Ablondi John J (Anna V) master mech Newark h 32 Peach --Samuel (Mildred) clothing mfr Newark h 105 Holland rd Tree rd M SO Aborn Benjamin r 101 N Grove EO Abato Paul (Carmine) meat cutter Newark h 235 N Day O Abraham Benjamin (Mabel R) h (2J) 29 S Munn av EO Abaya Ralph chef Newark r 34 S Maple av EO --Nancy student r 98 Boyden av M Abbamonte Louis W (Marion F) physician 226 N Park EO — Norman N (Susan) supv NY h 119 N Maple av EO h at West Orange --Sophie Mrs assembler Livingston h (6) 401 Main O Abbate Amelia R r (B6) 154 Irvington av SO Abrahams Ethel wid George h (6C) 158 S Harrison EO --Kenneth P (Alice) rem to Lyndhurst Abrahamson Pearl wid Harry r (5) 18 S Munn av EO --Louis J (Rose M) slsman h 44 Grove pi EO --W alfred Jr (Bernice) emp
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