X ' .'X ’ \ X 31,1946 X The Weather \ : "X C ' AVerag« Dally Cfe^latlon I oi«n||rt of U. S, Weather Borean Pkr Mu Month of inly, 1948 ^ M am hekter h^/miing Hera ld PaiPartly ..cloudy, little ehaage In ItACjE-TEl! I i/iN I h ■« ' i" " - II ■<."'’ ' ' ■.. I temperaturemnp tonight; mostly n^.Ntoen q a p U in ;^ w le ^ w ^ re- EAVES-TI®B|UGH aislOT«d as Exectatlve Officer of 8,890 j^vJoudj,^cloudy ■nmrsday.'^SgatUredvShow-~ H . , . — 1 ist niahtV rtgular moiith'ymonthly Walter Cowles the 2nd Battalion trim wrhlch post Condnetors NeedNS^ ep a li^ to ^ lu dI thundentorma,tnuttden Members of Sun?et ,Rebckah Member M the Audit .hiiKintL..3I. ss n.„«.ineet . g if* DUworth-<X-irth -c X Herald Classified of duty he was relieved and after or . Replacing On Yonr'^^ossbT nurian of CtrcuUttoiu Uodge will meet this evening «t ^.in^ell I’osl.PnnI 102102., th^tt .ht."'' being hospltitozed. for malaria, ibout «v e n O'clock In'iEWd Fellows hall, Now a Lt. Col. was given leave to visit his home ' CALL jiOBMAN _ Manahetier^A Ciiy of Villag^harrii and proceed to Wdtkins B-.othcr» cioH. V .J largely a tt^ d d . X 898 ICaat Oenter Street \ , new'husikvsa Was diachfsed with \ Returns Lost^$lQ0 and to nwralt s^new aaslgnment in RICE THREE Funertl Mome in t n ^ e to Mis- the principal topic \ . ^ the States. „ ^ Telephone 8966 \ (FOURTEEN l*A(jES) .MM. Robert Bri>wn, of Ellcnor Rogers who /B^amemoc of the orgafuzntiopa cona^tion ’k. I . \ , his return to duty Cap­ VOL. LXIV., NO. 255 X ' (ClaatUled Advertising an Pnga 18) F o r m e r Commahding Tj^^andXMet.. , of the lodge. and by-laws. After considetohle Honesty und The HenOd-Clitoil* f without leaving his name to'Mje tain Cowles was promoted to Ma; length which consisted of the r e ^ K tlompany jor and his recent promotion to -«r. and 'ommitte'" of -Uic , Offic Uartrnrd are anendlng a weeit» The executive Jng of the ahanges proposed for thh, Lieutenant-Colonel - was dated ew it BallM Se ra W ^ ary soi iety of IJng P r o m o t i o n . Doe*^., ./IMI »»r*» ^aMtlon at \Vinn^»«ukce Fa.rme, ^omen’s Missi fliwt Ume the meeting was adjourn­ Is July 27; ^ ' PJaais Bad This Up Their Sleeve, To^ Kpianuel Liitlv 'ran church "will ed. Prior to the w g til^ session. Colonel CoWlea roae through the Q t t a d i B H K Jaconla, N. H. afternoon at 2:30 rtneet lomorro"’' th« Po«t B^icecutlve comftnttcf neia Fridav evening, -•'WFazlo urday morning and inserted * S'**" Je officer whoMtok Manches­ non-commissioned ranks of the IS Lose 1, hy ^niin^ P et^ i l o s ^ f w bin in M u^hy’^toru g ! ,ified ad. Saturday evening. H a^y 169th Regiment to a comifltselon Pvt.' Herman R. Lampr,-—. a\t the church a tfhort m«cUng. - - ter’srepiesentmive infantiy a to ^ a r th c north and. The local ] Wells picked Op a copy of in Company K and has been in the. ' Mr and l^ra. Hfntian N^am- Mr. and / r S .'^ e r t J. Smith of 84 VHlage itreet. hifa oe- N'rile GleancM group of the South -ponaort the Depot ] Herald and immediately called the- ticompaX through its training irt Current war 54 months. iwood strieet have returned a£ter Methodist W.S.C.S. Square Grilbdld not nOUce his loss given number. No one was ho,me the SoutX,"^'~^bcn Capt. -j^ alter ''Another veteran officer. Major |un training a» an a a-isit With the family of they wn- so Wells again celled, Monday and of the Air Fotrcs at GeiKcr, morrhw afternoon at 2,15 m the until he arrived at the W est Side Cowles—was promoted on: Jul:^July 227' George Elliott of McKee street, M a n c h e s t e r •s in ^iflaw arid daughter. Mr, and Mrs. Watkins Funeral home, .f to. attend Ovai to Wittiest istoisebaU game. contacted. Pat., who hat been on home leave after ’ to Aid Field, Spokane, M'aah. Gordon Bryant of Braintree, Mas.s.. Laat night. Welle earn* to town to” the rank oif LtouXtol-Colo«M nearly three, years in the South Pa­ \ in a body the funeral son-ice at Meanwhile Hairy, Weils>who was Oorctofl. Augmita, Ga?xl w h o W ^ Uieir children are Spencl- 2;30 of Mri-xEllendr A. Rpgm-s. with the bill and as a reward. Pat at Camp O o r ^ , cific, hM '■•been assigned- to duty doing Boma ifcoppUigv^ropped in'm where he ia now commapding & 4488 m k ^ vacation at\ Bur-eard s who was a of the gi'oup. Murphy’s and poked to ) the l.oo gfave him ttyenty-fiVe dollars. Hon­ with a training battalion at Csmp 877 MAIN ST. esty paid off and both parties were training Hattotlon at that camp, Blandlng, Fla., where he served Plane Toll Heavy bill. He asked If-anyoitobs«l §Voodbridge atreet, Raymond Mercto^of 114 Summit happy. ' to A veterkn of th^ four yeato ago With tp* Anti-Tank iev and MraTkarf Richter re­ it end when no one topUed^he left paigna in . the Solomons in 1942, j^e‘ss\^i^iursSirwhgo^ street is enjoying hla annual two ’company of Manchester. Major turned home last evening . from EUibtt leaves toon for his new as­ \veoks racatlon given employee.^ or \ C arrier "and • Lhnd-Baged crated 20 months near. Michigan where they hac'c .?iynt the Manchester Gas Cotnp^any. signment. W A N TE D ^ Jap Air Talks e ^ n g for sick and wounded, to Kiwaiiis Meets • , > . ' ■ r .itoir vacation the'- past moniy , V ---------------------------------------------------- ; Aircraft Attacks In H igh Regant''ExpressC4l SS^192nd U, S. Army g c n e ^ .»o*- They alao visited their son Gerald s Harold Olds of the F. T. Blisli W ed d in gs Man or Boy, full or part pltal at Oranceater, England. GommoiL5|an family in Anaonla for a few ,days, hardware store '.s on his annual one lime. Good pay. Good ^ ly Costly; Destroyed Show Terror 6,000 (.For Marshal; Desiret* week vacation. He is spending It At Lak e Site proposition for the right MancheaUr Orange will bold « • In the' report of the tdWn court down state with his family. , bll\ Burners O r W recked W arplanes O f Axis Opposed and. regular meeting tomorrow evening aetaion yesterday the address of Clack-Cox party. Era Arriv^^ O f Missies Top 1,300; Damage to Follows Raids Aetion Taken Favor- rt*lS b t o’clock In the Jamea Morlcon^pras given errone­ The marquee df the State thea­ Mr. and Mrs. Charles W *'’*! C** Have Weekly Gather­ Apply I^TOle. Membera are rem lnd^to ously. MorlconfS "^'‘ rcss is «6 ter, has .been given a complete Enemy Just Starting. H'.y of 523 East Oenter street .an-i ing at H arohl GipT,ity'’8 X To Be F e lt I able to Allied Cause; bJSig an arUclt to be jaunM**"'*! Irving street, instead of 38 Flor­ renovation job during the .past nounce the marriage of. their | F u r r a ^ e s For Britain during the lecturer’a program. ence Btr.cct as printed. week and today it was being paint­ Van's Daily Becoming More j Prineipal Concern Seen daughter, Besse to Frank Clack. Coventry Cottage. A Pew StID AkR^M*. Guam, Aug. 1.— (TP)—^ m - i/’* ed. It is expected to be eompleted USCG,. son' of Mr. and Mrs. Ftonk -to-vAeiUllgleS M m ., Myth Seaman of Hartford ; . ---■ . Tense as Super-Fo l,20d ^uper^qrts to ‘W elfare, Protection of We are glad to corrtcV an a^ *" shoitiy. The .sign. "State." has U Clack of Sharon. Pennsylvania Service Station ' bmed carrier and land-based Sweeping LaboKyic*®>*y i in tte rdpprt of the alhmr w ^ n K road granted the use of her . ol- been painted ,a Navy bjne color ‘TTie Manchester Kiwania club r a c k i j f p e o i ^ m Another "secret ^ a p o n " the Girmans had ’’In toe works", before waria end Is the odd-looklng p r^ Uge at Bolton Lake for to e pot The wedding took pipes in the Tel Hartford 1-8lBto y plane- attacks cost Japan by ress and Navy PlaneAt- Be Single Raid j People of France^ \ M rtv of Mr. and MtU. rieroeri that atanda out aud attracts In'? Chapel of the Marble Collegiate held its weekly meetinl:^^ at Attor­ 427 Hartford' Road lectlle pictured above.'. Devised by Professor W.ag-her, foriher chief Junkers aircraft designer, the Seen Having \Great luck luncheon and card party of 898 Maple Avenpo — Hartfto* conservative, official accounts nrojectlle called the ’’Schmetterlng,’’ la a radio-controlled bomb believed capable of speeds up to 600 • C ^rett which appeaiW in ^ eve compared, w-ith the formci*- church at Fifth Avenue, New York ney Harold Ganity’s cottage at tacks Grow in g u ty , *Soon* « « HeAJd. The name of the- O. E. S. Bridge Club tod^y- white lettering. The job is bejng at least 1,546 ships and small mUes an hour, with a celUng of 50.000 feet. It was intended for use against Allied planes. The one Eepnomie and Paris, Aug. 1.—(/P)— Ad­ City, on Saturday, July 28th.,The Coventry Lake yesterday after­ cial Ellen t o l l , Mm .
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