Shucks! The women's soccer team's season ended this weekend with an NCAA loss THE CHRONICLE to Nebraska. See SPflRTSWRAP, pg. 1. MONDAY. NOVEMBER 25, 1996 ' ONE COPY FREE DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA CIRCULATION: 15,000 VOL. 92, NO. 59 Medical Center hosts cancer research forum By KEVIN DAVID clinical trial practices, saying and JENNIFER YOUNG that these trials provide critical Health professionals from links for cancer research. "With­ across the southeast converged out clinical trials, we can't get last Friday in the Sanford Insti­ ahead," he said. tute of Public Policy to attend In his speech, Crawford out­ the fourth public forum of the lined different Medical Center President's Cancer Panel. The resources that help to bring clin­ aim of this three-person commit­ ical research together. Research tee appointed by President Clin­ includes oncology, outpatient ton is to address how changes in clinics, cancer center resources, health care have affected med­ research labs and the University ical research and development. oncology consortium—a net­ The panel members were Dr. work that involves a larger Harold Freeman, director of number of hospital climes in tbe surgery at the Harlem Hospital southern United States. Center in New York, Frances Following the list of possible Visco, president of the National resources, Crawford spoke Breast Cancer Coalition and Dr. about the current clinical trials DAVID CASSESSE/THE CHRONICLE Paul Calabresi, chairman emer­ program and said in the past itus ofthe Department of Medi­ few years there has been a need Tawambi Settles runs down UNC's Leon Johnson in the 4th quarter of the game Saturday. cine at Brown University. for an internal review. To sup­ The forum, coordinated by port a review, however, he said Rita Beskie, administrative the Medical Center will need se­ Football loses season finale manager of the Comprehensive nior investigators and mentors, Cancer Center at Duke, ad­ clinical trial coordinators and a By ERIC FRIEDMAN play needed to be made. today. We made some errors, dressed traditional clinical re­ data management system. 0-11. "The University of North and they were a good football search institutions and how the In addition to an examina­ After weeks of speculation, Carolina played a pretty good team that was able to make changes in health care have af­ tion of the current system, an 0-11 record finally became football team today," Duke enough plays to beat us." fected their ability to do re­ Crawford spoke about clinical a reality for Duke as it coach Fred Goldsmith said. Duke's disappointment search effectively. trials in relationship to a man­ dropped its final game of the "We're a football team that, came to a climax midway The first two segments of Fri­ aged care system that seeks to season to No. 13 North Car­ obviously, has had one long through the third quarter. day's forum focused on outreach eliminate costs. olina, 27-10. struggle, but I wouldn't trade Having pulled within six, 16- efforts to cancer patients, clini­ Crawford said that from The loss mirrored many of our football players, this foot­ 10, Duke had the Tar Heels cal research and patient care in 1990-95, patients registered in the Blue Devils' other losses ball team, for all the bowl (9-2, 6-2 in the Atlantic Coast underserved populations. clinical treatment trials num­ this season—flashes of great­ teams that I've been with... Conference) in a third-and-14 During the third segment of bered about 900-1100. In 1996, ness, a lot of heart, but a fail­ We were never beaten badly situation from the UNC 20 the forum, Dr. Jeffrey Crawford, however, he said the number ure to execute when the big by ability, never by intensity See SPORTSWRAP, page 6*- director of clinical research at registered for this type of treat- the Medical Center, spoke about See FORUM on page 4 > DPD to Professor critiques post-modernist thinkers By ED THOMAS scribed what he condemns as This past Friday, a packed the faulty use of math and undergo lecture hall heard First-hand science within other disci­ about the sloppiness in post­ plines, such as literary criti­ modernist thought from one cism and social philosophy. audit of its most controversial crit­ Focusing on the erroneous ics, professor Alan Sokal. use of math and science by By AU KOREIN A physics professor at New such prominent thinkers as The Durham Police De­ York University, Sokal en­ Jacques Lacan, Gilles partment is slated to un­ tered the spotlight this sum­ Deleuze and Stanley dergo an extensive organi­ mer after publishing an arti­ Aronowitz, Sokal emphasized zational audit next month cle in the journal Social Text, that he does not oppose post­ in an effort to streamline published by the Duke Uni­ modernism, but rather some its operations and reverse versity Press, in which he scholars' shoddy understand­ recent negative media cov­ purported to argue that ing and use of science to sup­ erage. "physical 'reality'... is at bot­ port their arguments. City Manager Orville tom a social and linguistic Sokal was very specific in Powell recommended the construct"—that there is no his critique, which is aimed at evaluation to the city's fi­ objective, physical reality be­ some of the biggest—and nance committee, which in yond our own perceptions of most revered—names in post­ turn suggested it to the it. modern thought. "Now, I'm City Council, said City The uproar came three not talking about some assis­ Council member Paul weeks later, when he pub­ tant professors of English at Miller. lished an article in the jour­ Podunk University making A number of factors nal Lingua Franca admitting fools of themselves holding prompted the audit, Miller that the Social Text article court on quantum mechanics See AUDIT on page 11 • had been a hoax. and Godel's theorem," he said. CAROLE BUIA/THE CHRONICLE In his speech, Sokal de­ See SOKAL on page 11 •- NYU physics professor Alan Sokal offers criticism Friday. THE CHRONICLE MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1996 World and National Newsfile Hijacked plane crashes in Indian Ocean From wire reports Russians withdraw: President By JAMES McKINLEY moros broadcast a call for hospitals to the largest of the islands in a group lo­ Boris Yeltsin on Saturday ordered N.Y. Times News Service be prepared to treat them. cated between Mozambique and Mada­ the withdrawal of virtually all ofthe NAIROBI, Kenya — An Ethiopian The wide-bodied Boeing 767 took off gascar, where it hoped to refuel. It remaining Russian forces in Chech­ Airlines flight with 178 people aboard from Addis Ababa at about 11:10 a.m. crashed in the ocean, just a thousand nya, in a move that will deprive crashed into the Indian Ocean Saturday and was on its way to Nairobi when 11 yards from the shore, at about 3 p.m., Moscow of even a face-saving mili­ afternoon off the Comoros Islands after hijackers, whose identities and motive airline officials said. tary presence in the breakaway re­ being hijacked, airline officials said. were not immediately known, took over gion in southern Russia. "The hijackers directed it toward the "Yes, it has been hijacked and it the flight, threatening to blow up the Comoros," Addis said. "They wanted to aircraft with hand grenades, Thomas Requirements updated: The crashed," Ahmed Kellow, the state- go to Australia. We don't know why." owned airline's general manager, said Addis, an airline official, said. The reason the plane went down was Department of Transportation said by telephone from Addis Ababa, the For reasons not entirely clear, the hi­ not immediately known, he said. Friday that it would seek to require Ethiopian capital. jackers directed the pilot to fly them to Addis said the flight had originated auto makers to install new, more There were reports of survivors from Australia. The plane was approaching in Bombay, India, and was on its way to advanced air bags within two years the crash and the local radio in the Co­ an airport on Grande Comore Island, West Africa, with a stop in Nairobi. as part of a package of steps to re­ duce the danger the safety devices posed to children and small adults. Leader challenges: Defying the Clinton, Chinese president to trade visits West, East European nations and his own parliament, President By TODD PURDUM ship that has foundered badly in the organization, which includes more than Alexander Lukashenko of Belarus N.Y. Times News Service last four years over human rights, 100 countries, aims to promote trade went ahead Sunday with a referen­ MANILA, Philippines — Despite trade, nuclear proliferation and Tai­ and remove barriers that inhibit it. dum on giving himself near-ab­ deep and unresolved differences, Presi­ wan. In a separate meeting with Presi­ solute power. dent Clinton and President Jiang But after an 85-minute meeting at dent Kim Young-sam of South Korea, Zemin of China agreed on Sunday to ex­ an economic summit of 18 Asian-Pacific Clinton apparently succeed in persuad­ change state visits over the next two leaders here, it was clear Clinton and ing him to to maintain his country's years, the first such extended meetings Jiang had made little substantive minimal links with North Korea, de­ between their nations since the mas­ progress on any of those issues. The one spite Seoul's outrage over the incursion Weather rrO sacre of pro-democracy demonstrators possible exception, administration offi­ of a North Korean submarine and its Tuesday WW at Tiananmen Square in 1989. cials said, was Jiang's apparent willing­ crew into South Korean territory in High: 60 • Rain The White House hopes the recipro­ ness to move ahead on opening markets September.
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