A1 49 Sea Palling Find out more on the web TO Cromer & Sheringham Dilham A1 www.enjoythebroads.com 49 W Waxham a Stalham xh am Ne Worstead w C www.broads-authority.gov.uk TO Aylsham ut Winterton Dunes The Bittern Line Barton Sutton Hickling Sutton na The Broads rr Turf Broad ow g Hickling Broad au ge r Horsey ai lw Barton Mere ay Martham This project was devised, written, R Broad iv Broad e r Bur Neatishead eel sett e Coltishall A1151 How Where adventures begin... Irstead Hill Potter Heigham researched and designed by the Hoveton West Hoveton t n Womack Somerton Little Broad A r Water ve Horstead i UK travel website and consultancy Horning R e Martham Hemsby Ludham n B1152 er Th u r Riv A1 49 Wroxham A1062 B1152 Ormesby Broad Scratby Wroxham Broad Cockshoot Broad Thurne Trinity Ormesby Hoveton Ranworth Broads Great Broad & Malthouse St Margaret Ri Broads ver Bure A1064 Clippesby Rollesby Broad Salhouse Ranworth www.coolplaces.co.uk A1151 Broad South Walsham Upton Salhouse Broad Dyk e Filby Broad Caister-on-Sea Filby and by the sustainable tourism B1140 South Walsham Upton A1064 Stokesby marketing specialist agency Bure Acle er v A47 i NORWICH Thorpe St Andrew R A47 Brundall The Wherry Line Stracey Arms Strumpshaw Halvergate Marshes GREAT YARMOUTH Whitlingham Surlingham Tunstall Breydon Water www.greentraveller.co.uk Broad Country Park B11 Berney Arms Surlingham Buckenham The Wherry Line 40 A11 Wheatfen Burgh Bramerton R Cantley TO Thetford iv Yarmouth Rockland Rockland er Yare Castle Haven Broad re 43 St Mary a A1 r Y ive Gorleston R y A1 Reedham e Belton 40 Langley A1 n 46 e Dyke v a TO London Hardley W New Cut r e Dyk e v Ri Fritton Lake “Investing in your future” Hardley t he Crossborder cooperation programme C A12 Flood r e 2007-2013 Part¿QDQFHGby the European Union v i Chedgrave R St Olaves (European Regional Development Fund) Loddon +HUULQJȵHHW Broads Authority area B11 Somerleyton 40 7KLVWH[WUHȵHFWVbWKHDXWKRUȇVYLHZVb7KH NOT OPEN for navigation R iv e r W SURMHFWZDVIXQGHGE\67(3DQΖQWHUUHJbΖ9$ a Broads bike hire centre v en ey 43 Ȇ7ZR6HDVȇSURJUDPPHZKRVHb3URJUDPPH A1 Broads canoe hire centre Aldeby Burgh Oulton St Peter Dyk e LOWESTOFT Main road route A143 $XWKRULWLHVDUHQRWOLDEOHIRUDQ\XVHWKDWPD\ Lake Lothing Railway Oulton EHPDGHRIbWKHLQIRUPDWLRQFRQWDLQHGKHUHLQ Geldeston Broad Information centre Riv Oulton www.step-projects.eu er W aveney Broad approx. 0 1mile scale A12 1k m A146 Carlton Colville Printed by Seacourt, a carbon neutral printing ©Crown copyright and database rights 2013. Bungay Beccles A1 $JXLGHIRUJUHHQWUDYHOOHUV Ordnance Survey Licence number 100021573. 44 company powered by 100% renewable energy. the broads 7KLVLVWKHȴUVWJXLGHWRWKH%URDGVIRUJUHHQ water, water everywhere 2 WUDYHOOHUVDQGZHKRSHLWLQVSLUHV\RXWR what is a broad? 4 messing about in boats 6 GLVFRYHUWKHPDQ\DGYHQWXUHVWKDWFDQEH boat hire 8 KDGLQWKLVDWPRVSKHULFZLOGHUQHVVRIULYHUV water-borne adventures 10 DQGODNHV canoeing 12 boat trips 14 %XWLWȇVQRWMXVWDERXWWKHODQGVFDSHWKH on dry land 16 DSSHDORIWKH%URDGVȂWKHXQVXQJMHZHO walking the broads 18 RIWKH8.ȇV1DWLRQDO3DUNVȂLVDOVRLQWKH nature 20 PXOWLWXGHRILQGHSHQGHQWVXVWDLQDEOH a perfect day? 22 EXVLQHVVHVWKDWDUHEDVHGKHUHHYHU\WKLQJ sleep 24 IURPJUHDWSXEVWRERDWKLUHRXWȴWVWR eat and drink 26 at the beach 28 IDEXORXVFDPSVLWHVȐ kids 30 6XSSRUWWKHPDQGNQRZWKDWE\GRLQJVR summer diary 32 \RXDUHVXSSRUWLQJWKH%URDGV love the broads 34 broads tourism 36 how do I get to the broads? 38 Britain’s magical waterland further information 40 Reeds 3 water, water everywhere $ZLOGHUQHVVRIODNHDQGULYHUUHHGEHGDQG WZRKRXUVIURP/RQGRQ\HWIHHOVDPLOOLRQ PDUVKKXJHVNLHVDQGGLVWDQWKRUL]RQVFXW PLOHVDZD\HVSHFLDOO\LI\RXȇUHRQDERDW RQO\E\ZLQGPLOOVDQGWKHJDULJJHGVDLOVRI *LYH\RXUVHOIXSWRLWVWUDQTXLOHPSWLQHVVDQG IDUR\DFKWV7KH%URDGVLVRQO\MXVWRYHU GLVFRYHUDZRUOG\RXQHYHUNQHZH[LVWHG Boathouses, Hickling Broad 4 5 the rivers BURE the longest and busiest of the Broadland rivers, navigable from Coltishall all the way to *UHDW<DUPRXWKZKHUHLWȵRZVLQWRWKHVHD THURNE meets the Bure at Thurne Mouth, IURPZKHUH\RXFDQIROORZLWVȵDWELJVNLHG what is a broad? trail all the way to the glorious expanse of +LFNOLQJ%URDGȂDFODVVLF%URDGVMRXUQH\ 7KH%URDGVORRNVOLNHDQDWXUDOODQGVFDSH WRWKHDUDEOHFURSVWKDWWKULYHLQWKHIHUWLOH ANT a tributary of the Bure, the narrow Ant EXWPRVWRILWLVPDQPDGH7KHEURDGV ȴHOGVEH\RQG(DFKEURDGKDVDFKDUDFWHURI twists its way up to Barton Broad, and is one of WKHPVHOYHVDUHQRWQDWXUDOODNHVEXWLQIDFW LWVRZQIURPWKHUHHG\ZLOGHUQHVVRI+LFNOLQJ WKHPRVWEHDXWLIXO%URDGVMRXUQH\VE\ERDW SHDWGLJJLQJVWKDWȵRRGHGGXULQJWKH0LGGOH %URDGWRSUHWW\DQGGLPLQXWLYH6DOKRXVHDQG YAREWKHIDVWȵRZLQJ<DUHLVWKHZLGHVWRI $JHVIRUFHQWXULHVWKHODQGDURXQGWKHPKDV WKHPRUHXUEDQHQYLURQVRI2XOWRQ%URDG WKH%URDGODQGULYHUVȵRZLQJSDVW%UXQGDOO EHHQFXOWLYDWHGȂIURPWKHUHHGDQGVHGJH ULJKWLQbWKHKHDUWRI/RZHVWRIWb and Reedham and discharging into the wild WKDWKDVEHHQKDUYHVWHGWRPDNHWKDWFK HPSWLQHVVRI%UH\GRQ:DWHU CHET this tributary of the Yare takes you through woodland and meadow to the small %URDGODQGWRZQRI/RGGRQ WAVENEY often overlooked, the Waveney forms the southern boundary of the Broads and is one of the region’s most picturesque ULYHUVȵRZLQJSDVWWKHKDQGVRPHWRZQRI %HFFOHVDQGHPSW\LQJLQWR2XOWRQ%URDG Reeds and big Norfolk skies 7 messing about in boats 7KHEHVWZD\WRDSSUHFLDWHWKHIUDJLOHEHDXW\ %URDGVKDVDQDPD]LQJDELOLW\WR RIWKH%URDGVLVWRJHWRXWRQWKHZDWHU DEVRUEYLVLWRUVDQG\RXFDQEH 0RWRUFUXLVHUVDUHWKHPRVWSRSXODU VRPHZKHUHWKDWIHHOVOLNHWKH RSWLRQEXW\RXFDQDOVRUHQWDVDLOLQJERDW PLGGOHRIQRZKHUHLQQRWLPH RUDFDQRHRUWDNHDQ\QXPEHURIJXLGHG ZLWKRQO\WKHFUHDNRI\RXU ERDWWULSV7KHEHVWNQRZQVWUHWFKHV VKHHWVRUFKXJRI\RXUHQJLQH FDQEHEXV\LQSHDNVHDVRQEXWWKH IRUFRPSDQ\ Full sail on the river Bure Malthouse Broad 8 9 hiring a boat Your experience of the Broads will depend on where you FKRRVHWRSLFNXS\RXUERDW7KH1RUWKHUQ%URDGVLVWKH most popular – and busiest – region, but is home to the best IDFLOLWLHVDQGWKHZLGHVWDUUD\RIDWWUDFWLRQV7KHPDLQFHQWUHV for boat hire are Wroxham, the so-called ‘capital of the Broads’; picturesque Horning, a couple of hours downstream; Potter Heigham, where you’re poised to explore the vast expanse of the largest broad at Hickling; Stalham, site of the Museum RIWKH%URDGVDQG/XGKDPKRPHWRWKH+XQWHUȇVȵHHWRI WUDGLWLRQDO%URDGVVDLOLQJ\DFKWVΖQWKH6RXWKHUQ%URDGVWKH Dayboat on the Bure principal boat-hire centres are Brundall, on the Yare, not far from Norwich; Reedham, where the chain car ferry still makes this one of the few points where you can cross the river; and VOHHS\/RGGRQRQWKHULYHU&KHW green boating 7KH%URDGVDUHJUHHQHUWKDQHYHUWKHVHGD\V<RXFDQKHOS keep the rivers and broads pristine and wildlife friendly by strictly observing the speed limits, using biodegradable washing products and taking care not to spill fuel – and, of course, opting to hire the newest and most environmentally sound craft, the best of which have low-wash hulls and adhere WRWKHJXLGHOLQHVRIWKH*UHHQ%RDW0DUN Hickling Broad Upton Dyke 11 water-borne adventures HUNTER’S YARD Horsefen Rd, Ludham NR29 5QG ZZZKXQWHUV\DUGFRXN$GPLUDEOHSXULVWV ZKRUXQDȵHHWRIWUDGLWLRQDO%URDGV\DFKWVDQGGLQJKLHV NANCY OLDFIELD TRUST Irstead Rd, Neatishead NR12 8BJ ZZZQDQF\ROGȴHOGRUJXNȆ0DNLQJDGYHQWXUH possible’ is their motto, which is exactly what they do, taking GLVDEOHGSHRSOHRXWRQFUXLVHUV\DFKWVDQGFDQRHV NORFOLK BROADS DIRECT The Bridge, Wroxham NR12 8RX ZZZQRUIRONEURDGVGLUHFWFRXN2QHRIWKH pioneers of sustainable Broads tourism yet one of the biggest Filby Broad ERDW\DUGVZLWKDODUJHȵHHWIRUKLUHE\WKHGD\RUORQJHU NORFOLK WHERRY TRUST Horsefen Rd, Ludham NR29 5QG ZZZZKHUU\DOELRQFRP7KLVZRQGHUIXOROGZKHUU\Ȃ WKH$OELRQȂLVDYDLODEOHIRUFKDUWHULQVXPPHU RICHARDSONS The Staithe, Stalham NR12 9BX ZZZULFKDUGVRQVERDWLQJKROLGD\VFRXN Among the oldest boatyards, and consciously aiming to LPSURYHWKHHQYLURQPHQWDOIULHQGOLQHVVRILWVFUDIW WHERRY YACHT CHARTER CHARITABLE TRUST Hartwell Road, :UR[KDP1RUZLFK157/ZZZZKHUU\\DFKWFKDUWHURUJ A collection of lovingly restored wherries available for public VDLOLQJVSULYDWHFKDUWHUVDQGHGXFDWLRQDOYLVLWV Stalham Staithe Traditional Broads yachts 12 13 BANK BOATS Staithe Cottage, Wayford Bridge NR12 9LN paddling ZZZEDQNERDWVFRXN BARNES BRINKCRAFT Riverside Rd, Wroxham NR12 8UD 3DGGOHDFDQRHWKURXJKVRPHRIWKHVPDOOHUZDWHUZD\VWKDWDUHQȇW ZZZEDUQHVEULQNFUDIWFRXN VRHDVLO\QDYLJDEOHE\ODUJHUFUDIWȂVLOHQWUHHG\DGYHQWXUHVZKLFK MARTHAM BOATS Cess Rd, Martham NR29 4RF DUHVDIH\HWP\VWHULRXVDQGIXQIRUDOOWKHIDPLO\ ZZZPDUWKDPERDWVFRP )LQGPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQbDWZZZFDQRHWKHEURDGVFRXN OUTNEY MEADOW CAMPSITE%XQJD\15+*b ZZZRXWQH\PHDGRZFRXN PHOENIX FLEET Repps Staithe, Potter Heigham NR29 5JD ZZZSKRHQL[ȵHHWFRP ROWAN CRAFT Big Row, Geldeston NR34 0LY Rowing on the Bure at Coltishall ZZZURZDQFUDIWFRP SALHOUSE BROAD Lower St, Salhouse NR13 6RX ZZZVDOKRXVHEURDGRUJXN SUTTON STAITHE BOATYARD Sutton NR12 9QS ZZZVXWWRQVWDLWKHERDW\DUGFRXN THE CANOEMAN 10 Norwich Rd, Wroxham NR12 8RX ZZZWKHFDQRHPDQFRP WAVENEY RIVER CENTRE6WDLWKH5Gbb%XUJK6W3HWHU%HFFOHV 15%7ZZZZDYHQH\ULYHUFHQWUHFRXN WHISPERING REEDS Staithe Rd, Hickling NR12 0YW ZZZZKLVSHULQJUHHGVQHW WHITLINGHAM OUTDOOR EDUCATION CENTRE Whitlingham /DQH7URZVH1575ZZZZKLWOLQJKDPRHFFRXN Inching through the reeds Waterlilies on Lily Broad 15 take a trip ELECTRIC EEL Toad Hole Cottage, How Hill, Ludham NR29 5PG 01603 756096 LIANA Hoveton Broads Information Centre, Station Rd, Hoveton NR12 8UR boat trips 01603 756097 7KHUHȇVDQHDV\ZD\WRJHWRXW RA Whitlingham Visitor Centre, RQWKHZDWHULI\RXȇUHSXVKHG Whitlingham Lane, Trowse, Norwich IRUWLPHDQGWKDWȇVWRWDNHRQH NR14 8TR 01603 756094 RIWKHVPDOOERDWWULSVWKDWUXQ BROADS TOURS The Bridge, Wroxham NR12 8RX 01603 782207 IURPYDULRXVVSRWVDFURVVWKH ZZZEURDGVWRXUVFRXN
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