VOL.·X Bakersfield, Callforn la~ May 5,: 19.38 · No. 24- Jaysee 'Plans Friday,Set as Deadline For 'Entry For Annual. In Phi Rho Pi Date Fight Picnic _________ .;..___ -:--· . -i'. • Y. M.-Y. WSponsor ! Editor Skating, Free· Platter·Tournament·pperis.Monday. - Gr.ub, _Attractions; Va_riety Program For New And Old Debators . /'l Edicts Evening Dance Tomorrow "Oh foo-no ! They're trying to ·take VanderEike Hurt awaf · the only . privilege .vre's got .-,-! . A problem which . has become in·' If )'OU. nYocndll So loss, M nsfc, left.".. ''The girls musf rem~mber, if . · . · . • · . are supers.titious, don't at- en ngs, ~ chedulcd they. try anything like that, that. the· ~ ·- _ . __ _.creasiaglr . , _. ..Hiderit . is !hat of. student tend school on tlic afternoon of Fr".1 For ".\.sse111M~·~ . Paul .\'anderEike,. geology in- b oys·. can run a lot (aster. .. than they. activi~y during- free- school lioifrs:: day,··~ray 13: - Come to"the studcnf ·· ·· · · · - - --.- . ---- - structor: in t lie .junior. co liege and can!'~ ~'But it's. too unfair and: one-_ . Do doubt ·most of :1-'0l;) rea.liz'e that b~y picnic to bo stag~d at Jerrer- __ Variety j~ entertain~etit is _pro~si ,'ice' principal ··or the_ local,. high sided, the.way it is nQW." ... the extent of the junior co11cgc cam-,.son park. 1sed to all Jaysee .students when the I i;d1ool;. receh:ed minor injuries' in Thus run the comments on·. the . '. pus is about the width and Jen th of _- Free refreshments a.nd a .wide v 8 • Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. present their an au.tomobile accident at Truxtun subject for the Phi Rho Pi Platte!' the Califoi·nia entrance and. pai~.kwav... ncty of. rccreationa~ activities a.re of. first .student ~o.dy assembly Friday at I and F :streets y~sterday noon. tournament, '.'Should B. J. c. women AND THAT IS JUST .ABOUT ALL· fc r ed . A d nnce w1 11 b e h eId m th e the r cg \l Iar t ,me .an d pace.I Th e pro- . Another car eras.bed broadside thave. equal· rights with_ B.· J. C. men Put a few dozen people into thi~ evening. gram will ini_ti~te -the brain storm( into· tha( which !\tr. VanderEike lin asking for dates?". small area, and you have ·probJeni of . Skating Too . of program ~ha1rman 8:!rY · Andcr- J was drhing. Despite· .a scalp 8 !f · real importance. With no p)ac~ to o~~. of _the features• o~ this day. o! son, ":ho decide~ thal 1t would be. a I ·wound and side injury he was able Begins ft{onday · go for extra curricula activities and feshv1ty IS that the Jay see students good 1dea for different clubs around. to walk to the llfercy hospital, With each tcarri being made up of no place in "vhich to loaf during free will in~ug.u~ate the. newly construct- the campus . to s~onsor. assemblies I where he was gh=en. emergency- Ione experienced and one inexperienced . periods, ·most students stop to talk ed skating nnk. Th1.s rink at the park now and then throughout the school ·treatment.· debater, the event will begin Monday loudly underneath class room wi~dows was built under the direction 'of the year. - . I B d. T k" ... F. evening when the first round of the- ,;-·--- - or· dodge in·and·out among ·cars· pass: 8-.a~~~fi~~ ~lty c;<:>y_11cil: _Q~L~1::1t.J~l:l_r -· -·. _!_a_~~!n~:~ Feat~red . 3 n 3 es J rSt p1:eliminaries is held,- acco;,airig to · ing down t.he avenue. · skates. and have them oiled. and ready · Tlie · progi·am will ·feature· a· tap p··,-.... --e·,---i·n-"- . ..._e. _ t.. 1.:.·-·.-- Hazel Morton, Phi Rho Pi president. fo u ldance by Winifred Ellis and Beth 3 c OU n All-st.~dents wishing_ to comp.ete.mus_t -- ·--------·-·- To make matters eren worse the r se. · 5- · · l ·:a · · · ' Class Tug of War Probst, one by Neil Ross, vocal solos npp Y to Mr. Leonard McKa1g, m L1- · · · ' · making of the junior college library Th b R . U h EI . S dd d · - brary 108 or to Miss J.lorton befor~ '; into a' study hall has dosed ·if fo e outcome of the tug of ,~ar be-, 'I os1e nru , .ame _to ~r., ·"We ~cored su~crior ranki_ng as qne. •.· . , . ~ · - · · tween the frosh _and sophs will tell Harry Anderso_n and Bob ?.tills; 1m1- of the best st.ate bands," was the re· 4.15 to_ morrow. afternoon.. ·. , talking:. or extra curricula work and D b has driven many more· stud~nts into whic~ class is the stronger. Otbe1 /.ations by Glenn_ Tanne:, a reading I port ~( He~bert Rose, capt~iri. of the · urmg su. sequen~. r,ounds some of the alrea.dy ·overcrowded "campus." sporting events are also offered. lby Fay Potts, and a piano. solo by .combined .high school arid Jumor col- the teams will _be ehmmated, and the- Not that .. the. library restrictions Plans are being made to have a bus Gregory ·Po11logianis. .The ·. high-'lege band when asl<ed· the result of final debate wiU be held before the- .. ·:'1 . shoultf ·be. abandoned. On the con~ bring -the. students from out of town light o_f the assembly will be the sax- the performance of the· . Bakersfield student b_ody.. -/J trary, these reg~lations· hav~ · proved back to_ the _campus ~y ~ o·~Iock so ophone q~;iette? which wiU P!~Y two band ._in t~e Los ~ngele~ festival.- . Debate Oregon Style ·. '... ,· . t<> . ~ . most. heli>Cul in .. turning . the ~hat. t.hey .w1U ~~t n11ss the_ll' home ~umbers, . ~apnce. Vi~nnese and · Perform mg soloist~ w_1th the loeal .• An interesting r~ture of the affair . ._, :._ .· H~rary,into a ·~al place of st~y, and b~und bus~s.. _ : . ·. _ . •··.. : _ , .~we~t Sue. , JI_olhs N~n~:llY, Ralp~ band ~ere; B~l? )~~i. _p1~..2~.El,o~d Y.?r-t~-!q.d;~~t-·lt-fa'1:}o1:};~-----'o~ e,.._ _ .:.:,~-. '·~':_ . , . :..--t~,1::,- 8~i>u~, 1i~torid~ 11 :cfoubt, be con~ _ _-_ . <· Dar,e. in Evening ·-·s.- • . < ,~art,11H; ~-r.. ~c~ S~u~k _and Fun.· S~nchff, ·flute; Francis Strunk, .s~x_o~ which means that direct ·q estioh.!J' be- ··-. • . ,. : ,:,:,~· ·' ~·: .. - .. ·tlnur~: ~;.·~-..-·~;:.:.......-:..::.--· -..:0. __In .th~-t\'.~l![!_lgL;iy!!Jder~~?Y~POrt CIS ~~om prise ~h.1s qna~~~!:._ -- ~hone; and Claude Holloway.-. ~ JUrlf tween the debaters . will' ta lie • thi. • . .··.·~ But the point .is: simply this. A dance will be. held . at the Women's . Ptomlse~ Interest . - . ior-college ·-.quar_tette,- eomposed :-of. place of-the-regular- reliuttal,per1od~-~-;..:. _____- ·~ . study hall . just will not. soive the Club. Admissfon will be by student . ~cco1~mg :to Fay. P~Us, ~e_ne,ral Harold Austin, J,m Bradford,. Claude Thi:, method is becoming increasingly .. -. problein of what to .do ·in spare n10- body. card ·or 50. cents a person for chairman, this assembly ~r?mises 't.o Holloway, and Florence McKa1g, pres popular: v.ith . colleg'e· ~tudents, siricei men ts. : it is to' be admitted. that we those not holding a student oody card. be one of the most _entertammg.of the sentcd a brns_!?_ {1!1~- French ~o_rn n_?!'1...:. it is informal . and. provjdes fun· for shouid_ study more, but we don't. and, The music wll~ be r_urnished. by Max !.emestcr, . 6 ~ all . students are· urged lb_er: · - . : ,; · . ·. _. ·.. : ·,, both spe~~ers and audience. ,-..- ·:~ ~:. for the. most part, we can't be forced Ba~lcss and his swmg orehest~a. to attend. T~~ b~nd pla~ed Sie.~pre Fide~is Studen~s who have already appl1~ to do so. Jim Stut_zman is the general ~ha~r- Ian? Builders ~f Youth, numbers re- for places· in. the. tourney include · . Of course the ideal solution of mnn for the dance and . the picnic; Swimming Party . Iquired to cntet the contest. members ()f Mr. McKaig's public - -~ .. the situation would be_ a student chaf~ Hazel :Horton, publicity. chairman; · · Ispeaking class, hi.s regular debate . tei- ·room. _ Many schools do have John Besonc, sophomore game .chair· Swimming, dining; . · ·and ·dancing Isquad, and seyeral others who have --, .-_ "rooms.of this. sort,-/nd. at one 'time man; an? Jack -Roberts, freshman we~e. enjoyed by French Club mem: Y •.w. _Party .. · n.o_ co1_11_1ect!oll _with ~he .r~rens_ic~ .de~~ . B.. ~. c, also had ,ts student room. I game chairman. hers this evening. The .e\'ent will Is: success i partment. - . - . When, however,· the ·high. school an_d' take· place at the i,iotel. S"·imming I Team Lineups junior college. began to i;ro,v larger - will be· ~t 5 o'ciock, dinr.er ·af 6 and I The following teams· have signed the room ,~as taken away to make Club Sponsors Movie followed by dancing: Adverfiseine~ts were on parade at!UP so far: Helen·Baldwin .and Harry . -roo~ for classes. Now _with the re- . ·---.. 1 The French Club is also having aithe. annual partt for the Girl. Re- !Aride~~son; Hazel_ Morton.and Ken Ro-_ mo'.'al of.half of the high school_to ·E. Udo· Dut· kt'·" - th lcake.salc today... i"er"b~ of K6rn'.c t· Un'1on·H1"ghlbesk,., .Esther Taylor an_d.Wayne . B k fi Id . h . ..__ . 'b m1e n te e i\e, . ts el . • . ·~". ~ oun , Lo ·J A I . nd W 1 0 .· E ast a ers c , 1t m1g t uc poss1 le t"tl f th ·G.
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