fee LOmore four Page Ci 28 Pages Today Comic Section CARTERET PRESS Four Sections VIM, No. 1 'AKTKRET, N. .!., FRIDAY', SK ITEM Mill 20, H129 PRICE THREE CENTS Ml!.. Candidate* For Pulpit I Carteret Negro Arrested Relief Is Promised Preach at Presbyterian CHurch Crowds Watch For Woodbridge Crimt Vote Of Men Ends Rev. Georpje Kane, of Audohon, N Raymond Cheeks, colored, of Her J. a candidate for the pulpit of the FifthBaby Parade gen street, was picked up by the po- To Randolph Street First Presbyterian church, conducted lice of Carteret Monday and turned the services th«re last Sunday. Rev. Event Under Auspices of Board over to the police of Woodbridge. Ac- Copperworks Strike Walter Anderson, of Swedesboro, an- cording to the latter, Cheeks is want- CenteCent r of Street Cause* Flood* That Endanger Life, other candidate will conduct the of Health Said To Be Beat ed on a charge of assault and battery Of The 700 Who Cast Ballots More Than 450 Favor Return il It Told—Firemen Have Water Pre»»ure Gauge. morning and evening services this of Series—•The Prize Win- preferred by Lena Stewart, a color- To Work Hundreds Did Not Vote At All But Are Under- Sunday. Mr. Kane preached an inter- Mi gtrt of Woodbridge. Cheefcn has esting sermon at the morning service . stood To Favor Return Td Work—Blast Of vement that did not hn-i entered into the discussion several ners. been in trouble in Carteret frequent- V" made matters worse is how] times. last Sunday on "Your Conception of The fifth annual baby parade un- ly- Whistle Signals End of Contest. t-J' ";,lks and grutteri h.upper Mr. Olbricht displayed some of the Yourself", der the auspices of the Board of Cheeks was fined $50 and $£.60 by chartta thah t hahdd beeb n usedd. TThhe coun- Health Saturday was featured by a the WdbriWoodbridgd e policli e recorderd ^ A lonn blast of the deep-toned The men after they went out on 1M1K meeting of the Bor- cil readily agreed to supply the blank bigger attendance than usual and by' whistle of the U. S. Metals Refining strike a week ago Monday added many exceptionally attractive floats. .liny , ndl Councilman Vonah who charts, and expressed appreciation of lompany's plant at 6:46 o'clock last some features to their original de- ,: the subject, «id that the the gift from the plant that donated Miss Gertrude Casey The Board of Health which sponsors night announced the end of the Btrike mands. Most of these were subse- intro „ i, dangerous to the extent it. The charts will b« filed in the bor- this yearly event had offered a Football Team Works of some 2,300 men that went out on quently dropped but the five cent I;,' I children might be drown- ough hall as a means of keeping an temptin garray of prizes in cash and Monday week. The whistle was a sig- raise per hour remained as an issue t ml; exact record of the water pressure. merchandise. The board had also giv- nal of peace. It had a dramatic effect. and finally became the only one. It " sidewalks during heavy Has Church Wedding ,pears that the Mridente of Although there had been no publi- en the parade much advance publi- HardAt Practice Instantly there was a quickening of was a demand for a flat increase of ,„. II ii city. The result was that a ?rent five cents per hour for every one Jtrett in the vicinity of city about the gauge at the time it ife. The streets leading to the big waa installed it appears that the Becomes Bride of Edward T. throng turned out to see the parade. Coach Puts Men Through Hard plant had been bare of traffic for two on the hourly payroll. It would have r,.«r(,ott, petitioned lone tin* From a health point of view the hiuiTy «alk» and curb.. These 1m- water company knew immediately Smith of Elizabeth—Couple Drill Every Day — Team weeks. As if by magic they were sud- meant an addition of $324,000 to the r greatest interest was in the health company's annual payroll, it was stat- " .*.!«« made «id then it that the instrument had been install- On Wedding Trip to Bermu- denly full of ruBhinj cars. ed, st*. QUwiahi said. ... prize division. In this division the Shaping Up In Satisfactory offlce. The company repre- da. prTzeif wife awEnR?' for physical ex- —Tfie p!ace' signal canYtTaYler a vote i'ScTareTr I'M to grant thts He told of a visit of Superintend- cellence in babies. There were three Manner. worse, ent Miindy of the water company to had been taken by the workers as to increase was impossible at present. part of the street is •ub-divisions and there were a great The middlhighee r than th» level of the firehouse a few days after the Miss Gertrude) Casey, daughter of As the Carteret high school foot- whether to return to work or remain The committee from the strikers many entries in each. The abiMren had repeated conferences with rep- v instrument was installed. Mr. Mundy Collector and Mrs. William D. Casey, ball team goes through its daily chor out. Of the large body of men out i ,.h , Thmee rrauresulut «Is tha"""t dur »•••-"">"•""="- • "• were examined and judged by Dr. lh seemed to know the gauge was there of Washington avenue, became the es at the high school field in prepar- 720 voted. The rest seemed satisfied resentatives of the company. These ' f' v ains the water rises on the seemed to knc bride of Edward Thomas Smith, son William London, a baby specialist of to abide by the result. Generally they were all friendly but the company inVh, a height of from three to'and brought another man with him ation for the opening fame of thi of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Smith, of Perth Amboy, and the prizes were season against South Amboy high ol were considered favorable to reutrn- refused the increase as an impossible «aiks ti a°M»yo ii Br uuiyiyiMulvihllll Msaiid thatthat , tto examinexaminee itit.. Another interesting bit g y g 409 Magie avenue, Elizabeth, at a a weeded solely on a basis of health Stb 27 th ttridi ing to work at ottce. Of th«M that demand. Up to Tuesday no effort waa o investigated the condition J oif information was the fact that the and development. September 27, the one outstaridini made to get the sentiment of the men . had i that it was dangerous. He pressure 1ha—s vbee—n u:highe-1- r anJd more nuptial mass in St. Joseph's Catholic voted 467 were in favor of return- church, Wednesday at 7 a. m. The The first three babies in each sub- beyond general talks. Tuesday a vote ami ^ ; ed" that immediate action niform since the gauge has been in- ing to work; 2G3 favored remaining d ceremony was performed by Rev. division received cash prizes; $10 I of raised hand was taken. Then there ",„ it U proposed to grade tailed. han been moulded together afte out and keeping up the fight for the Father Edward C. Mannion. the first, $5 for the second, and five-cent raise that had caused a began to appear sentiment for a se- I the middle of the street until Mayor Mulvihill said he had been cret ballot. By Wednesday noon this idinu aaboutb the boroughg,, looking Miss Josephine Smith, a sister of A line that averages every bit of deadlock between the company and 'n a the level of the walks, and the bridegroom was the bridesmaid; were awarded also and there were sentimentcysentiment crystalizet d into a demand. A,, better provision for draining ver the condition of the streets, and 160 and incidently includes all letter the men. It was agreed that the out- William D. Casey, a brother of the medals. In the first sub-division, for men from last year's varsity greets come of the vote should decide the By night a meeting was arranged. If :t,w»ter rapidly. The motion ad noticed there were several holes issue. was held at the borough hall and the \ off ?'•' n Hudson street, Chrome avenue bride, was .the beBt man. Edwin W. children up to six months old, the Coach McCarthy as he starts his daily f,,r the matter to the council as Casey served as usher. The church fi»' P™* went to Helen Matvey, cf This morning the first shift of men plan for a secret ballot to be taken „ M1,, nd five the peopl* of Ran- nd Middlesex avenue. Most of these, drills. With George Chomichi return- n was .filled with friends of the couple. 166. Emerson street; the second, to ing to the team on Monday, McCar- returned to work and general activ- yesterday was perfected. 'trert immediate relief was he Mayor said, were the result of ity was r«ium»d at th« plant. Oth»r It waa deoided that tinfe the com. t d-lph xcavations made by the water com- After the ceremony a wedding break- Elaine Sabo, 31 Mary street, and the thy mapped out the line for the first nn(ll. |,v Councilman Vonah and car- fast was served for immediate rela- «>*«} \\ John Chereponya, of 216 men went to the plant and were as- pany vu to pay off back wages yes- j; a,l .'/unanimous vote of the other any and never properly repaired. team. Hart and Poll, the latter a t lives at the home of the bride's par- Randolpph street.
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