Community Board Ten Board Meeting Attendance Shore Hill Community Room Monday, .June 16,2014 - 7: 15 pm Board Members Present: 34 Board Members Excused: 6 Greg Ahl Jumana Rishara Liz Amato Ronald Gross Alien B0I1nick Victoria TTervas-Castaneda Jaynemarie Capetanakis June Johnson Kevin Peter Carroll Stella Kokulis Paul Cassone Dilia Schack Shirley Chin Judith Collins Doris Cruz Ida D' Amelio Board Members Absent: 2 Khader El-Yateem Ann Falutieo Anna DeMetz Michael Festa Adi! Oualim Barbara Gemlaek Judith Grimaldi Stephen lIarrison Robert Hudock Ex-Oftieio: Habib Joudeh Brian Kaszuha Councilman Vincent Gentile Katherine Khatari Brian Kieran Nikolaos Leonardos Rhea McCone Nick Nikolopoulos Mary Nolan Susan Pulaski Mary Quinones Dean Rasinya Husam Rimawi Jean Ryan Linda Sarsour Eleanur Schiano Joanne Sem inam Joseph Shaia Joseph Sokoloski Lawrence Stelter Sandy Vallas Brian Walsh Mary Aml Walsh Lori Willis Tony Wu Junathan Yedin COMMUNITY BOARD TEN GUESTS Date: June 16.2014 -7:15 PM Subject: CBIO Board Meeting - Shore Hill Community Room PLEASE PROVrDE AS MUCH I:"lFORMATION AS POSSIBLE. THANK YOU. Name/Address Phone# Fax# E-Mail Address Organization/Affiliation \-l,.h ""3AE.'" ::..?-. ~3~· ~ \4\ £h:l:J£\ v I EflJlSn I )~-@)'3{.CI3 [8jJ(t\~L~M3P. N '7 t '6 1."':> {o (6it"~,,- ~~Jh \.1 v··\ (1.\ '>~.TL- !IlK.. fD ~ ~~~ It-\, LA 'aj,/t{ @ (Oktl(;) . (ol/os ~Jw.q 910253 I-Mft2h - 7/31 -23~ -ffS9J' /UOL ;1110 9;;'Q ~3RI> oTE IfUAI. /)'} C}r y4!J l.t@() {j /. ~o t111 Rt:3 i/)E/I/T y R F:5 I~CO ....v T COMMUNITY BOARD TEN GUESTS Date: June 16.2014-7:ISPM Subject: CBI0 Board Meeting - Shore Hill Communitv Room PLEASE PROVIDE AS MUCH INFORMA TIO~ AS POSSmLE. THA:'IK YOU. Name/Address Phone# Fax# E-Mail Address Or/!anization/Affiliation "7/ f. J-J I:. ).-)7 ( ~L 4 Iv 7. c;,~~ 7y JI Of/, -,05- ------ ~..-l. c.e::.~ rv(\~..•.tG G-~\A•...;;3l{ ~ I 7t..( 7'f< ~ \'Vt lLlJ.A8--- \ , (';2(0 G.MAI'-, ~oM. 9/'7533 7C;7bl 1..C 57 [(..,.. -'(0<- ~~PO GD\JVlC,r-J ~ '3( 'i' 'S CW77r7 rv((), ~~ni e.. - lfhfn ~t S\t-~ ~;"h6>CiC( U Cf/7- TroDtE".A (!:' Gi>1'l., t. C",,,,, I j-/vM elL- I "L"} 2.. ,J 0 ~e p I~ V Fu J e v <1 /0 0"//ljluA,;fv<. ,,6 1/g373-o6If lIdo7 I/P-(./'f - 977''1 A'!,50ACtAH(;-.r-. 7vVJWv...- u? 7t0 ~ 1/ f. 7 <If. 31 (; ~ ~7) -8.)( ./~ //' 7c;r--3/G, bob (!qS5~rt{ @//CK"/~d/. (506 ~ IV(> COMMUNITY BOARD TEN GUESTS Date: June 16,2014 -7:15 PM Subject: CBlO Board Meeting - Shore Hill Community Room PLEASE PROVIDE AS MUCH INFOR.!."\1ATlONAS POSSIBLE. THANK YOU. Namel Address Phone # Fax# E-Mail Address d~f\'\ e..{ d-~@JR-(; l.Q~'\ A "t:..- AIl'c.he II~Y 11r-;l- ~t: q,).io IYlich."lle ~3b @ jmq;I.4"'N'I (4 ( 7 3(/1-/ '8 S\ f't1(e-Ireo)€.. k 2-iD V~Ie.I1.o,v. cAI'\j~(14'<:0 VQ{\ ~D.". P, 1~:f-lf> /13\1 C!A1)l. (4_ K"\V ( Gc.{ 0 -lfrj~- (j.nek 0 -h ()Y\A-<.... <0~ \l Nf <...-c5YV' 0r(}.(b- -=--- <:re;v -::n..'\ '-"(- "t tf)- -o'lt.-,,y /k:;lir.~':t;-'~r;,J~ 1f5>e,N1 b(y 1"'l.y1 (111I ( LA ~ M/~ k I ;)( I{,,),( ~'z. h:>'1 )"ltC. (""y t d !VI (I,J-;!. &t-1--; HI1((\ II faf' .e'T(Mot\d e~",,,,,,f e e U C c/If r-.) COMMUNITY BOARD TEN GUESTS Date: June 16,2014 -7:15 PM Subject: CBI0 Board Meeting - Shore Hill Community Room PLEASE PROVIDE AS MUCH INFORMATION AS POSSffiLE. THANK YOU. Name/Address Phone# Fax# E-Mail Address Or~anizationl Affiliation if 15-lS()Lj~:j;C{I Iwboolle ~- 7ft ;).3:97 /~5 "JY7 3,»).ZO)O'7(YZ.~?"j/~)ILI/J0f2.L-A,JDcJ ~~ ~e.--- /3vfJoJo '!fvL- /!;7{-1'L D 0 If 0~ r:x5~ LAre Met LLc" k-{l/-(~1U~ COMMUNITY BOARD TEN BOARD MEETING June 16,2014 - Shore Hill Community Room MINUTES Chair Kieran called the meeting to order at 7:20 PM and invited Captain Raymond Festino, Commanding Onicer, NYPD 68th Precinct, to lead the Honor of the Pledge. Chair Kieran asked for a motion from the 11001'to adopt the amended Agenda. Motion by BM Vallas, seconded by J3M Hudock. Chair Kieran noted one slight amendment. Parks Committee Chair Johnson is absent tonight and was scheduled to give an informational report, which we do not have as yet. BM Ahl will give a brief review of what occurred. Tfthat is not sutricient for informational purposes, we will add those items to our next regularly scheduled meeting. Agenda adopted as amended. Chair Kieran asked for a motion from the floor to adopt the Minutes from the May 19,2014 Board Meeting. Motion by BM Kaszuba, seconded by BM Mary Ann Walsh. Minutes adopted as written. PUBLIC SESSION Council Member Vincent Gentile thanked all Board Members who had served previously and welcomed the new Community Board Ten Board Members, Victoria Hervas-Castaneda, Jumana Bishara, Brian Walsh, Paul Cassone, Nick Nikolopoulos, and Joseph Shaia. He told them it is really an honor to be part of Community Board Ten because of the responsihility they will have and the kinds of decisions that this Board makes. The Councilman stated that he is in support of all of the DepaI1ment of Transportation's 4th Avenue Safety Revisions. They have come up with good revisions, and he noted that at this point there is no lane reduction. He also supports the proposed safety improvements at &9th Street, which Tranic and Transportation Committee Chair Cruz will he discussing. Councilman Gentile aIU10uneed that the NYPD contacted him and has determined the locations for the tive new cameras, which will be 88th Street and 3rd Avenue, Bay Ridge Avenue and 3rd Avenue, Bay Ridge Avenue and 4th Avenue, 681h Street aI1d41h Avenue, and 851h Street and 5th Avenue. These five camera,; arc in addition to the two cameras we already have. The Councilmen announced legislation that he recently introduced. One was new curb cut legislation regarding illegal curb cuts. Another bill was on illegal conversions, which will allow the Department of Buildings to use circumstantial evidence to try to establish that an illegal conversion is taking place. And tinally a bill on illegal clothing bins, which has also been aI1issue here. Councilman Gentile made the following announcements: The Eco Dock has been repaired and is opening the th th th weekend of June 28 and 29 • The B37 bus is coming back on June 29 . Tomorrow night he is joining Community Board II in hosting a Job Infonuation Night for BJ's Wholesale Club, which will soon be opening in Bensonhursl. Finally he noted that his District Of lice will be moving to 8018 5th Avenue hopefully within the new two weeks. Chair Kieran asked the new Board Members to stand and welcomed them to Community Board Ten. He informed them that there is a Swearing Tnand Orientation for new memhers at Borough Hall on Wednesday, June 251h at 6:00 PM. Nicholas Chamberas from Assembly Member Malliotakis' otlice aIU10unced that the Assemblywoman aI1d Senator Golden are sponsoring Yoga in the Park on Tuesday, June 24th at 7:00 PM, Saturday, July 15th at 9:00 AM, Tuesday, August lih at 7:00 PM, aI1dSaturday, August 30lh at 9:00 AM. Please call 718-987-0197 if you have questions or would like to register. With regard to Tuition Assistance, Assembly Member Malliotakis is fighting to restore funding for graduate students. She is trying to increase the threshold of income from $RO,OOO to $100,000 for families. Finally, with summer coming, thc Asscmblywoman asks that we look after our neighbors, especially seniors who may need a ride or prescriptions refilled. Chair Kieran noted that Senator Golden's mother passed away this week, and then invited John Quaglione from the Senator's office up to speak. John announced that the State legislature incrcascd thc allowable income for the SCRIE program fi'om $28,000 to $50,000. They also increased the Epic program from $35,000 to $75,000 for a single person and from $50,000 to $100,000 for married seniors. He received an email this afternoon from the State Liquor Authority saying that they denicd Cafe Rcmy's license renewal. On July lih the Wounded Warrior Amputee Soft Ball game will be held on Shore Road at the field near Xaverian starting with a ceremony at 12:00 PM, a I:00 PM gamc with local bar owncrs, and they are trying to get celebrities for a 3:00 PM game. There will be summer concerts in the park again this year. lIe noted that there was an accident over the weekend at nth Street and Colonial Road and thcy havc asked DOT to initiate a study. Finally, he stated that the Senator's mother, at the age of93 and suffering from Alzheimer's, passed away. The wake is at Clavins tonight until 9:00PM, tomorrow from 2:00-4:00PM and 7:00-9:00PM, and thc funeral Mass is Wednesday at 9:45 AM at St. Anselm's. Andrew Gounardes from the Borough President's otlice alU10unced that the initiation and swearing in for new Board Members will take place on June 25th at Borough lIall. On Thursday, June 19th there will be the One Brooklyn Resource Fair at Borough Hall from 4:00-9:00 PM. This is an opportunity for community organizations, non-profits and different types of organizations to find out about resources and grants that are available and networking opportunities.
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