DATA/MEDIA 2007 07 TwixtVille [Konzeption] ++++ 2008 NARRATION 07 Data Ecologies 2007 07 Pure Research 08 Black Box Sessions 11-2008 07 Basic - electronics 07 Gravitron - Shanghai PN 08 Narrative Strategies 2008 08 We know the Ropes (EV) 07 S.P.I.E.L.E.N 06-2007 07 We can go on forever (EV) 08 Let's put the future behind us 08 Tumido, Ken Vandermark & 08 Luminous Green - Workshop 07 Define your experimental situation (TA) Tim Daisy (EV) 08 How do you make your living? (TA) 06 Invited Keynote: Physical or Virtual - it's all real (TA) 08 A temporary city on an imaginary map (TA) PN 06 Playing The Game (TA) 08 TwixtVille – VerflixtVille (TA) 2006 06 Physical real-time interactive situations (TA) 08 Pier27 [Konzeption] ++++ 2009 06 Extensive multi-scale interactive situations (TA) Linz 09 06 Astron - HAIP Festival 09 Black Box Sessions 10-2009 06 BodySPIN 10-2006 06 BodySPIN - Sensi Sotto Sopra 06 BodySPIN - From Flash to Pixel 09 sound devices and machine composition 09 Data Ecologies 2009 06 Pong Mythos 06 Simply a party (EV) PN 09 Narrative Strategies – Talk (TA) gRig PN 09 Häusliches Glück 09 Living with Systems – Introduction (TA) 06 BodySPIN 05-2006 06 BodySPIN 07-2006 06 Bon Voyage BodySPIN (EV) 09 Luminous Green – Talk (TA) Domestic Bliss (gRig) 06 Sensory Circus 03-2006 06 GraviTron goes AsTron (EV) 06 Futurelab – Introduction (EV) 09 Parade Rückblick at Time's Up (EV) 06 Those damn robots - It's alive 06 Ein Schiff am Himmel 06 NODE.London meets nodes in LINZ 09 deadmachine orchestra (EV) 09 The Trons in Concert (EV) 06 TwixtVille [Konzeption] +++++ 09 MayHEM (++++++) 10 Rapid Prototyping +++++ 2005 10 Robotic Workshop - e = 1/2 mv^2 10 Living with Systems 2010 05 The Faro Appreciation and Research Organisation (EV) 10 Quintron & Miss Pussycat (EV) PN 10 Woher kommt Raum? 05 Cavity Resonator - Piksel 05 Punkrock Changed our Life (EV) 10 Departure Dinner Sini Havukainen (EV) 20 Seconds into the Future 05 Data Ecologies 2005 05 RealWorldData - MedienRaumSensorik 10 Critical Bends (EV) 10 BoatMania (EV) 05 Sensory Circus 03-2005 05 Sensory Circus 04-2005 05 Sensory Circus 05-2005 05 Sensory Circus 09-2005 11 Summer is getting closer – PARTY (EV) 10 Talk at CCAS Gallery, Canberra (TA) 05 It don't mean a thing if it ain't got the swing (EV) 05 Digital Physics and Emotional Godlets (TA) 05 Come on down into the engine room (EV) PARN 11 BoatMania.2 (EV) 11 Narrative Space for Math Motivations (TA) 11 Water as Medium PARN 11 Stored in A Bank Vault 11 IM TRESOR 11 Improving Reality – Conference (TA) PARN 04 Last Ferry to Hongkong (EV) 11 Water Machines 2004 04 Timothy Carey Night (EV) 11 Scripted Exploration of Water Machines (EV) 2011 11 CoC - Workshop 01 04 Hyperfitness 12-04 PARN 11 The Kitchen 04 CAMP NOU Wuzler - public experiment (EV) 11 CoC - Workshop 02 11 Offenes Atelier - Open Lab (EV) PARN 11 Narrative Objects 04 Bar Bot at DEAF Festival CoC – 04 Artistic run spaces in Sydney (EV) 11 TUART 2011 (EV) 11 Im Garten / In The Garden 04 Anchortronic 07-2004 04 Lost in Archives (EV) Control of the Commons 11 Pachube IoT – Hackathon 11 Mathematickal Arts 04 Sensory Circus 09-2004 04 Mission Completed (EV) 04 Paranoia Engine - publically tested (EV) 04 Vernetzte Echtzeit 12 CoC - Talk Fringe Parade / Royal Institute AUS (TA) 12 CoC - Trip 03 / Belgium Canals 12 CoC - Presentation at Burning Ice Festival 03 Sensory Circus Fragmente (EV) 03 A balanced Enterprise (EV) 12 CoC - Trip 02 / Danube 12 DE12 - On Turtles and Dragons (EV) 12 CoC - Trip 01 / Murray River 03 Data Ecologies 2003 03 Interactivity for Dummies 03 Haptic Interfaces 03 Dorkbot - lloopp 03 Dorkbot - vvvv PARN 12 Unattended Luggage in Cluj 12 Unattended Luggage in New York 12 CoC - Talk Time's Up and Crosstalks (EV) 03 A Balanced Act 03-2003 12 CoC - Workshop 03 2003 03 Amazing – Party (EV) ars 12 CoC - Talk Port Adelaide (TA) 12 Sensing Resilience 2012 03 Bar Bot - Roböxotica Bar Bot - Split 03 Bar Bot - Lille 03 Alone & Forsaken (EV) 12 Resilients:The Flotilla 12 Data Ecologies 2012 12 DEVO - No Satisfaction (EV) 12 NonGreenGardening Harvest (EV) 03 Anchortronic 10-2003 Anchortronic 09-2003 Anchortronic 08-2003 Anchortronic 05-2003 Anchortronic 03-2003 Anch.02-2003 12 Dine with Natalia Borissova (EV) 12 Non-Green-Gardening 12 PARN - Act Otherwise 12 NonGreenGardening Workshop 01 03 Body SPIN - Cinemas de Futur 03 Konstruktion experimenteller Situationen (TA) 12 Robotics Workshop 2012 / Presentation (EV) 03 projects, plans and working methods (TA) 12 PARN - Narrative Strategies 2012 03 New Media Culture (TA) 03 Lightning District 07-03 Resilients 12 DE12 - Book Sprint 03 Becoming Digital (TA) 13 Hotel Resilients (EV) 02 Anchortronic 12-2002 02 Anchortronic 10-2002 13 PCB - Prototyping 02 Unplagued – Party (EV) ars 13 Robotic Workshop - Notating Machines 13 Are These Berries Mine (TA) 02 Sonic Pong - Microwave Festival 02 Sonic Pong - Playground 02 Hotter Than July (EV) 13 The Resilients 02 In God we Trust (EV) narrative 02 A house is a boat that doesn't float (EV) 13 FFab - Future Forecast 13 Practical Utopias 13 No need to wait (EV) 2002 13 FFab - Scenario Planning 13 Night of Insectulas (EV) 2013 02 BodySPIN 03-2002 02 BodySPIN 04-2002 02 Inspire through Transpire (EV) 02 Time Maze - Pulse Race (EV) 13 FFab - Coordination Meeting (EV) 13 Tabula Rasa (EV) 02 Realtime - Processing 02 Generative Media Systems - Workshop 02 Workshop on Play and Gaming 13 FFab - Future Lunchbox #1 (EV) PARN 13 Notational Resume – PARN (EV) 02 Big Baby – Performance (EV) 02 No Music Tournament Participation (EV) 02 TransCodecExpress (EV) OK interactive 14 Robotic Workshop '14 14 Robotics Brunch (EV) Beginn der paneuropäischen Kooperartionen physical PN 14 Lucid Peninsula / IMA 14 Lucid Peninsula / Cluj 01 Mingling of Physical and Virtual Worlds (TA) 01 Cellular Automata (TA) 14 FFab - Future Lunchbox #2 (EV) 14 Empress Club - Hope Masike (EV) 14 ToR - Treffpunkt Afrika 01 BodySPIN 05-2001 01 BodySPIN - exploring spaces (EV) 14 FFab - Future Lunchbox #3 (EV) 14 AMRO Nite (EV) 01 Rig the Markets (EV) ars 01 BodySPIN – Presentation (TA) 14 FFab - Future Lunchbox #4 (EV) 14 Open Haus (EV) 01 Sonic Pong Biennale de Lyon 01 Le Stop - P-A-R-T-Y (EV) 14 ToR - Exhibition Viktring 14 ToR - Exhibition Harare 01 Body Motion - CTRL Space (TA) V2 14 FFab - Future Lunchbox #5 (EV) 14 David Moises - Stuff Works (EV) 01 q_#3 (EV) KAPU 2001 01 walking into mirrors (TA) 2014 01 Closing The Loop 01 01 Acoustic Space Lab 01 Dust 2905 (EV) 01 V-Stream-21 (EV) future 14 Narrative Strategies 2014 fabulators 14 ToR - Workshop Siachilaba 14 X Factor Futures Workshop 14 Data Ecologies 2014 14 DE14 - Book Sprint FFab 14 Law and Lore of the Sea 15 Futures of Future Fabulators (EV) 00 BodySPIN 09-2000 15 Randzonen 15 Possible Futures of Migration – Scenario Session 01 00 Hyperfitness 05-00 00 Hyperfitness 03-2000 15 Changing Weathers kicks off 00 Sonic Pong - Adelaide 15 RE/CALLING SIACHILABA (EV) PN 15 Lucid Peninsula / Vienna 00 Time's Up Overview (TA) 00 Torino calls for Sonic Pong 15 Lucid Dream Scope 15 Lucid Peninsula / C&C Glasgow 00 Anchortronic 01 - GeertJan Hobijn (EV) 2000 00 CTL00 - Transient3 00/11 (EV) 00 Pleasures of the Harbour (EV) 15 ToR - Exhibition Re/Calling Siachilaba 2015 00 CTL00 - Transient2 00/10 (EV) 00 Rechenzentrum (EV) changing 00 Closing The Loop 00 00 CTL00 - DUST 00/05 (EV) 00 Pause (EV) PARN 15 Unattended Luggage in Vienna 00 CTL00 - Transient 00/04 (EV) weathers 00 CTL00 - Internet widens Distances 00/02 (EV) 15 Talk at UTS Interactivation Studio (TA) 15 Floating Village Exhibition CTL – closing the loop PN 15 Mind The Map - Nantes 15 Mind the Map - Linz FFab 99 Get Goings 04-99 99 All You Can Eat (EV) ars 16 Changing Weathers transiencies 99 In conversation with Robert Fischer (EV) 99 Hyperfitness 03-99 PN 16 Mind The Map - Prague 16 Robotics Workshop '16 99 Sonic Pong - Premiere 16 Robotics Workshop Results (EV) obsolete 99 Obsolete - C64 – Muzak (EV) 16 Tales of Resilience / Vienna 98 Obsolete - Bureau of Low Technology (EV) 16 Trade, Water and Transport (EV) ToR 1999 98 Obsolete - ASCII Art Ensemble (EV) 16 Re-enact Bruegel (EV) 2016 16 Steps into Futures +++++ 98 Pseudo-Scientific Filmnight (EV) 98 Closing The Loop 98 98 Dine together with Robert A. Fischer (EV) PARN 16 "How To" - Physical Narrative (TA) 98 Cybaerobic (EV) 98 Safe Harbours 98 Hyperfitness 11-98 98 Hyperfitness 09-98 contained 98 Time's Up Sportsbar 98 Hyperfitness - Video 12-98 1998 2017 97 Dine with Gottfried Hattinger (EV) 97 Hyperfitness 09-1997 97 Hyperfitness 10 -1997 BODY/MACHINE 97 A Day at the Races 02 97 A Day at the Races 01 MODES of existence 1997 staging surround sound scenography atmospheric (Txoom) installation (w9) synaesthetic synästhetics Context Aware Narratives (14) comprensible audio-visual immerson nachvollziehbar atmospheric contextual immersive characteristics intuitive immersive of space (P23) composition environments immersive subversiv (w183) Outdoor-Environment (18) multi-sensual sensory interaction (P22) surprising (w82) strange (w189) situative low-bit Situationsapparat behaviour playful (w5/w82) ludic Interface (substitute) ludic moment (P23) reactive/responsive s.u. spatial ludic-narrative axis (P23) Interaktive Geschichte (10) begehbar performativ Interaktive Erzählungen (35) fundamental involvement re-enactement (w2) design performativity (w287) interactive of Body and its mass ganzkörperliches interactive walk situation (w5) Eintauchen process oriented through s.u. experiantial future erlebbar recycle redefining playful experience- reused whole body driven borrowed
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