NASA-CR-197986 DiP \RT\ILNT ()F f: \RTII c,CIENCES )213) 740 _11)6 rll /% "_.?:_., F\X ;2 !?,) "40 SNOI vL_O,r,_" FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT NASA GRANT NAGW-2902 GEOLOGIC MAPPING OF ARGYRE PLANITIA Submitted to O m o 4" tn Dr. Joseph Boyce u_ u ,1" c o NASA Headquarters z _ 0 Code SL Washington, DC 20546 O" by University of Southern California Department of Earth Sciences Los Angeles, CA 90089-0740 Ph Donn S. Gorsline 213-740-5125 Collaborating Scientist: Timothy J. Parker Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA March, 1995 UNIVERSITY OF SO! "THERN CAI.IFOR\'I.\, UN'IVERSITY PARK, LOS ANGELES, CAI.IFORNIA. 9008%0740 rKuJP_,L: t SUMMARY This report describes the results from the geologic mapping of the central and southern Argyre basin of Mars. At the Mars Geologic Mapper's Meeting in Flagstaff during July, 1993, Dave Scott (United States Geological Survey, Mars Geologic Mapping Steering Commitee Chair) recommended that "all four quadrangles be combined into a single l" 1,000,000 scale map for publication. It was agreed that this would be cost-effective and that the decrease in scale would not compromise the original science goals of the mapping. Tim Parker completed mapping on the 1:500,000 scale base maps, for which all the necessary materials had already been produced, and included the work as a chapter in his dissertation, which was completed in the fall of 1994 (see attached). Geologic mapping of the two southernmost quadrangles (MTM -55036 and MTM -55043; MTM=Mars Transverse Mercator) Was completed as planned during the first year of work. These maps and a detailed draft of the map text were given a preliminary review by Dave Scott during summer, 1993. Geologic mapping of the remaining two quadrangles (MTM -50036 and MTM -50043) was completed by summer, 1994. Results were described at the Mars Geologic Mappers Meeting, held in Pocatello, Idaho, during July, 1994). Funds for the third and final year of the project have been transferred to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, where Tim Parker will revise and finalize all maps and map text for publication by the United States Geological Survey at the l: 1,000,000 map scale. RESULTS The primary product expected from this mapping project will be a single 1:1,000,000 scale map sheet, corresponding to the original four 1:500,000 .scale controlled photomosaic base maps of the MTM -50036, -50043, -55036 and -55043 quadrangles. This map will be published by the USGS. A companion scientific paper describing the geologic evolution of Argyre Planitia based on the work on these quadrangles, but including a discussion of the importance of the Argyre Basin to the geologic history of this part of the Martian highlands and its place in the paleohydrologic cycle of Mars is included as a chapter in Tim Parker's PhD dissertation, which was completed during Fall, 1994. The scientific paper is currently in preparation for publication in a peer-reviewed scientific journal. vKOPO_AJ_ SUMMARY PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Donn S. Gorsline (Name, Address) Department of Earth Sciences_ Un_iy.ersjty of Southern C',difornia University Park, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0740 (Telephone Number) (213) 740-5125.__ Co-INVESTIGATORS: Timothy J. Parker (Name Only) PROPOSAL TITLE: Geologic Mapping of Arg_Te Planitia ABSTRACT: (Type single-spaced below line. Lettered paragraphs (a) through (d) should include: a. brief statement of the overall objectives and justification of the work; b. brief statement of the accomplishments of the prior year, or "new proposal"; c. brief listing of what will be done this year, as well as how and why; and d. one or two of your recent publications relevant to the proposed work.) a.) Objectives: Investigate the morphology and distribution of the layered plains material and sinuous ridges in central and southern Argyre. Emphasis is placed on a careful analysis of their distributions relative to regional topography and features such as large channel systems radial to the basin. Further emphasis is placed on characterizing the process or processes likely to have been responsible for their formation and what they might suggest about the martian paleoclimate. b.) Progress. MTM quadrangles -55036 and -55043 and map text were given a preliminary review at the USGS (map text is attached). At the Mars Geologic Mapper's Meeting, it was recommended that all four quadrangles, MTM-50036, -50043, -55036, and -55043, be combined into a single l: 1,000,000 scale map sheet when published. All map quadrangles and revised map text will be submmitted for formal USGS review by the project anniversary date in July, 1995. d.) Summary Bibliography: Parker, T. J., 1994. Geologic mapping of Argyre Planitia: A large highland sedimentary basin. In "Martian Paleolakes and Oceans", Dissertation Chapter Three, p. 59-83, and Appendices II and III, p. 185-196. Parker, T. J., and Gorsline, D. S., 1992. Preliminary geologic mapping of the MTM -55036 and -55043 quadrangles, southern Argyle Planitia, Mars, Lunar and Planet. Sci. - XXIII, Lunar and Planet. Inst., 2p. Parker, T. J., and Gorsline, D. S., 1993. Extent and Timing of Fluvial and Lacustrine Events in Argyre Planitia, Mars, American Geophysical Union Spring Meeting. MARTIAN PALEOLAKES AND OCEANS by Timothy Jay Parker A Dissertation Presented to the FACULTY OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL UNIVERSH'Y OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (Geological Sciences) December 1994 Copyright 1994 Timothy Jay Parker UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA THE GRADUATE SCHOOL UNIVERSITY PARK LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90007 This dissertation, written by Timothy Jay Parker ...H,,H0,,0,6,,JHHm • , t ,HOe • HIOH0e_ io eO,O,e,OOO,, _ ,O,,JH,I m ,,eooea,,,,oo4 under the direction of h._._........ Dissertation Committee, and approved by all its members, has been presented to and accepted by The Graduate School, in partial fulfillment of re- quirement s for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY ,,,o,g,aoo,o,Ho,,i,,,,, o,,o,ooe,,Q,o_,Q,oooo,,,oo,l°*H,,oo,,,,o_oHoe,o,, Ji,Io Dean of Graduate Studies Date .HWHOHO,_,.OOH_HIJH*HOeHIIH.HHO DISSERTATION COMMITTEE ........ _i;_;_ ...,_u,,_.., ...; :'..... •..'¢:'........ /_.. ........ ...... _..._"/...% .".-....."_'_... ......................... .,° I11 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 1 General Statement 1 Overview of Objectives 3 CHAPTER ONE - EXTRATERRESTRIAL LAKES: AN OVERVIEW OF ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS 6 General Statement 6 The Outer Solar System 6 Titan 7 Triton 8 Pluto 9 The Inner Solar System 9 Venus I0 Mars 12 CHAPTER TWO - THE SEARCH FOR MARTIAN LACUSTRINE BASINS 16 General Statement 16 Origin and Maintenance of Martian Basins 21 The Martian Water Budget, and the Availability of Surface Water Through Time 23 Channel Sources for Ponded Water on Mars 25 Surface Sources 25 Uzboi Vallis -- 26 Mangala Valles 31 Discharge Estimates for Mangala Valles 44 Formation of Mangala Valles 46 Atmospheric Sources 5O Argyre Valley Networks 5O Stereo of Highland Valley Networks 52 Origins of Martian Plains Surfaces 55 Plains Morphology 55 Plains Boundaries 57 iv CH,M:rFER THREE - GEOLOGIC MAPPING OF ARGYRE PLANITIA: A LARGE HIGHLAND SEDIMENTARY BASIN 59 General Statement 59 Physiographic Setting 67 Stratigraphy and Structure 73 Noachian System 74 Hesperian System 76 Channel Materials 76 Plains Materials 77 Amazonian System 77 Plains and Channel Materials 77 Surficial Deposits 80 Geologic History 81 CHAPTER FOUR - THE NORTHERN PLAINS: A MARTIAN OCEANIC BASIN? 84 General Statement 84 Depositional Settings 88 "Drowned" Streamlined Hills and Channel Banks 92 Lobate, High Albedo Deposits 94 Channel Fissures 97 Paleoclimatic Influence on Landform Development 101 Cold Climate Effects 101 Warm Climate Effects 106 Boundary Relationships 107 Gradational Boundary 110 Interior Plains Boundary 114 Intermediate Plains 119 Thumbprint Terrain 121 Mottled Plains '121 Very-high-Resolution Detail from West Deuteronilus Mensae 121 Canyon Adjacent to Cratered Uplands 126 Canyon Walls 126 Intermediate Slope 126 V Debris Aprons 129 Canyon Adjacent to Intermediate Plains 131 Canyon Walls 131 Debris Aprons 132 Canyon Floor 132 Characteristic Plains Morphologies 135 Stepped Massifs 135 Curvilinear Ridges 138 Basin Volume 141 Channel Volume Considerations 143 High-Resolution Topography 145 Discussion 150 Erosion of Regionally Stratified Material 150 Plains Emplacement Mechanisms 154 Eolian Deposition 154 Volcanism 155 Sediment Deposition in Standing Water 156 Water Wave Dynamics in Martian Gravity 158 CONCLUSIONS 165 REFERENCES 168 APPENDIX I - CHRONOLOGY FOR THE EARTH, MOON, AND MARS COMPARED 185 APPENDIX II - DESCRIPTION AND TIMING OF MAP UNITS, ARGYRE PI.ANITIA 186 Description of Map Units 186 Surficial Materials 186 Plains Materials: Argyre Planitia Assemblage 186 Valles Materials 189 Plateau and Mountain Materials 191 Crater Materials 191 vi APPENDIX Ill - CRATER SIZE-FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION CURVES ACROSS THE LOWLAND/UPLAND BOUNDARY IN WEST DEUTERONILUS MENSAE 197 PRECEDW.3 P_G_ R_J-_!K NOT FILMED 59 CHAPTER THREE GEOLOGIC MAPPING OF ARGYRE PLANITIA: A LARGE HIGHLAND SEDIMENTARY BASIN General Statement Argyre Planitia is the second largest well-preserved impact basin in the southern highlands of Mars and perhaps the best preserved large impact structure on the planet (Hodges, 1980). It is approximately 1400km in overall diameter and 2km deep (USGS, 1989). It is encompassed by a prominent rim of rugged mountains (Nereidum and Charitum Montes) between 300km and 500km wide. Several of the mountains in Charitum Montes are over 10krn high, determined from shadow measurements. Geologic mapping at a scale of 1:500,000 includes quadrangles MTM -50036, -50043, -55036 and -55043 (figures 17-20). These quadrangles are assembled primarily from the high-resolution (approximately 40m/pixel) Viking Orbiter images from orbits 567B through 569B of the central and southern part of the basin. Much of this data provides stereo pairs with good overlap and reasonable vertical exaggeration. The remaining area of the quadrangles are covered at a pixel scale of 250m or greater, though the image quality is generally quite good.
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