![0Ubtaco Email: Dly@;:;Ubiacq,Wa.Gov.Au Website: File Af2987 [Lllg© 20 February 2015 111111/111111111111111111111111 T1150,J7'34 Hon](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
All cQ11lrnunlcations should be directed to the Chief Execmive GWcer RECEIVED 241 Roi<,by Ro,d SUBIACO WA 6008 25 FEB 2015 PO Box 270 SUBIACO WA6904 By:4Q Z- T!:lE:phonE:: 08 92.37 91'2.2 Facsimile; 08 9237 9200 ~07c:; -y/Y.....: 0UBtACO Email: dly@;:;ubiacQ,wa.gov.au Website: www.subiil.co.wa.gov.au File Af2987 [lllG© 20 February 2015 111111/111111111111111111111111 t1150,j7'34 Hon. Tony Simpson MLA 3 MAR 2015 Minister for Local Govemment Received at 140 Wiltiam St 8th Floor, Dumas House Attachments? V N 2 Havelock Street WEST PERTH WA 6005 Dear Minister Simpson LOCAL GOVERNMENT REFORM Thank you for the invitation to us to meet with you on Thursday, together with the Mayor and CEO of the Town of Cambridge, Our CEO arid I were appreciative of the opportunity to present Subiaco's position in relation to the Reform process and thank you for your confirmation that the merger with Cambridge will not therefore proceed. Regarding the proposed City of Perth Bill, your commitment that the City of Subiaco would be consulted in relation to the new boundaries, and that those changes would be of the effect of including the university and hospital and immediate environs within the City of Perth. This would leave the primarily residential component of the current 'orphaned' or 'stranded' part of the South Ward within the City of Subiaco and not affect our current wards and councillor representation nor the November 2015 Council elections. As mentioned in the discussion, there is a mood within the Council to revisit the current wards and representation arrangements, and at officer level to' preview potential efficiencies and the organisational structure .based on the leClrning through the reform process. We look forward to working more closely with you and the Government now that this somewhat divisive issue has been resolved. Yours sincerely MLL~ "HEATHER HENDERSON ,MAYOR • ,:_,_,,,,,1: ,,"",,:-.., , ::/ f. { '. '~.. '" . \l' ",J. .,.. ,/ Primed Qn A1,l;itralian made 100 per Cent recycled paper. All (oJ~lm~m[catj9!1$ !!hould be direcred lO lhe Chief Executive Officer 2;) Rokeb)' RQ;'Id SU6.IACO WA 6008 PO 130x 270 SUBIACO WA 690!l- TcJephone: 08 9237 9n2 F:!.csimilc: OB 9237 9200 Email: city@:;ubiaco.wa.gl;>v.au W~l)?Hf!: \\'\\.,\\,.s\lbiaco.wil.goy.21l Enquiries: Ian Hill File: Al2987 27 February 2015 Hon Colin J Barnett MEc MLA Premier of WA and Cabinet Ministers 1 Parliament place i- WEST PERTH WA 6005 1",- , ., ~: ': ': .,11' .'.! ,_ ," .\; " " Dear Premier LOCAL GOVERNMENT REFORM The Council has reviewed its position following the Government's commitment to ab,mdon Local Government Reform process, . reaffirming its wish to remain an independent and sustainable local government. However, there is now a further threat to the City's future as a consequence of the proposed City of Perth Act. Accordingly the Council has resolved that it should make strong representations to you in relation to the proposed legislation, to ensure the retention of the substcmtial portion of the South Ward (south of Aberd"re Ro"d) within the City of Subiaco. The Council acknowledges the Minister's commitment to engage the City of Subiaco in the consultation process fOr the Sill, and tile retention of the majority of the South Ward remains most important for thE) viability of the City. The Council is also appreciative of the assurance that these boundary changes will not impact on the City's 2015 elections. We look forward to receiving your response to these matters in due course, so that the matter may be reHsted back to Council. Yours sincerely Ian Hill CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Printed on.Auslmlirm maclc )00 ocr cent recvcled DriDt:r, All !;omll'nmiCl!tio.ns shoukl be directed 10 the Chief Execu!lve Officer 241 Rohby Ro,d SUBIACO WA 6008 PO }lox 270 SUBIACO WA 6904 Tc~c~ll(lIW: 08 p2:;37 9222 facsimile: 08 9237 92(10 Emili}: rii}'(ii)suhiru:o,\\';t,gO\',flll Wcb~iJr: www.suhiacowa.r.nv.au Enquiries: Ian Hill File:N3828 6 March 2015 Han Mr Colin Bamett MLA Premier; Minister for State Development; Soienoe 1 Parliament Plao(l WEST PERTH WA 6005 Dear Premier Barnett, PROPOSED CITY OF PERTH ACT The Council has weloomed the recent announcement by yourself and the Minister for Local Government that mergers would not be proceeding unless both parties agree. It has also reiterated its position and desire to remain as an indepenclent and sustainable local government However, the proposed City of Perth Act raises further issues for both Subiaco and the wider oommunity, At its meeting held on 24 FebrUary 2015, the Council resolved to write to 0111 members of PClrliament to seek their support to ensure thClt Kings Pqrk is exempted from being included in any proposed "City of Perth Aot", and that any local government affected by boundary ohanges is entitled to q Dadour Poll. The City looks forwarcl to reoeiving your response and views, which will be referred back to the Council. Yours sinoerely KATHY NUS AlCHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER All pommunicaliol;1s SlHll\ld be (l!n:~le~ll() [he Chil!r1;xc~\lQvC Offic\!r 241 Rol~ehy Road SUBLACQ \VA 6006 1/111111111/1111111111111111/11 r11500974 PO 130x 270 Sl)BfACO WA 6904 Tclcpbo_ut;.; 98 92)7 !n2:f- Fpc;:;;im.\k OS 9:2~7 9200 Email: c;iL)'~sL\bii1co.wi1.g0\"'\U Wehsite: www.subinq).Wfl.gov.au Enquiries: Ian Hill ~,.'-' File; Al3131 Vr::.ri'\ 13 March 2015 1n Htdl Z015 i 1fCf-01MI'f Hon Tony Simpson MLA Minister for Local Govemment; Community Services; ---~-"""='-~~..-, Seniors and Volunteering; Youth fIJIL.GC )?§H, Level 8, Dumas House, 2 HaVelock Street -, WEST PERTH WA 6005 Z 0 MAR l015 ;:,;. Re~eived at 140 William St Attachments? V N Dear Minister Simpson METROPOL.ITAN LOCAL GOVERNMENT REFORM/CITY OF PERTH ACT Thank you for your letter dated 26 February, which together with the Department's 'Reform update' of 11 March will be referred to the next meeting of Council on 24 March. The Acting CEO and I also appreciated the visit last week from Jennifer Mathews and Nick Sloan to disGUSS the City of Perth Act. Unfortunately, they were not willing to leave a copy of the plan indicating the proposed revised boundaries affeoting both ourselves and Nedllmds, which in turn raises the matter of the nature of the Gon$ultation process your office and/or the Department are intending to conduot with the-- -". affected '- .'residents and-, the communitie. ---.- ... - s. With the lessons learned from the reform process, there is a need for a collaborative and consultative approach to the changes impliCit in the proposed City of Perth legislation and at our meeting at Parliament House on 19 February you indicated this WQuid occur. Could you please, as a matter of some urgency, let Us know how and when this will occur, as this Council has the expectation there will be a process as promised - and ahead of the legislation coming before Parliament - to engage the affected local governments and their communities, and take account of their views. Yours sincerely HEATHER HENDERSON MAYOR cc: Han Bill Marmion MLA Printed on AUSlrnlinl1 nla(je 100 per cent n:c}'clccl paper. The Hon Tony Simpson MtA Minister for Local Government; Community Services; Seniors and Volunteering; Youth Our Ref: 49"0703414 Mll Heather Henderllon Mayor City of Subiaco PO Sox 270 SUSIACO WA. 6904 Dear Ms Henderson METROPOLITAN LOCAL GOVERNMENT REFORM/CITY OF PERTH ACT Thank you for your letter dated1B March 2015 regarding the City of Perth Act, exptelllling your appreci"tion with regard to the meeting YOLi had earlier thill month with the Director Gener,,1 of the Department of Local Government and Communitiell ",nd my Chief of Staff. The City of Perth Bill is currently being drafted and the Department will cont",ct you in the coming weekll to talk to you ",bout the transition provil;,ions affecting the City of Subiaco. I look forward to your collaborqtion on the smooth transition to the new boundariell of the City of Perth. Your!;] sincerely HO~~ SIMPSON MlA MINISTER FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT; COMMUNITY SERVICES; SENIORS AND VOLUNTEERING; YOUTH LevelS, Dumas House, 2 Havelock Street, West Perth Western Australia 6005 Telephone; -1-61 8 6662 6600 Faoslmile: +61 (3 6552 6601 Email: Mlnister.Simpson@dpc,wa,gov,au Minister for Local Government; Community Services; Seniors and Voh.mteering;-Youth YDur Ref; N2.987 N3s2s Ciur Ref. 49-07260/1 49-07329 Mr Ian Hill Chief Executive Officer City of Subiaco Po Box 270 . SUBIACO WA 6904 Dear Mr Hill LOCAL GOVERNMENT REFORM AND CITY OF PERTH ACT Thank you for your letter d<lted 27 Fepn)<lry 2015, and the letter d<iled 3 March 2015 from Ms K8thy Bonus, Acting Chief Executive Officer, regmding local govemment reform and the proposed City of Pert.h Act I understand that Premier Colin Barnett has responded to the City of Subiaco's letters on this topic. I COil cur with the Premier's statement that the proposed City of Perth Act is <In import<lllt step in recognising the unique role of the City of Perth <lS the capital city of Western Australia. The inclusion of Kings P<lrk within the boundaries Qf the enlarged City of Perth is one important aspect of this. Th8nk you for writing to me. Yours sincerely HON TONY SIMPSON MLA MINISTER FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT; COMMUNITY SERVICES; SENIORS AND VOLUNTEERING; YOUTH 2 8 MAR 7.(j15 Level 8, Dumas House, 2 Havelock Str<:)et, West Perth Western Austrillia 8005 Telephone: +61 8 6552 6600 Facsimile: +61 8 65526601 Email: Minister.Simpson@dpo,wa,gov,au · I All communications should be (hr~ct(ld lo the Chief Executive Ofrlcer RECEIVED 241 Rokeby Ro,d SUBIACO WA 60GS 14 MAY 2015 PO Box 270 SUBIACO WA 6904 -.\:CITYOF Telephone' OS 9237 9222 F'''lmll<' OS 9237 9200 BY: t,f-O'7tJ ~BIACO EmUll' city@sL\b1<tc~,Wll go\' au Website WWW.StlbIUCI gOY Enquiries: Ian Hill File:Al3131;vw .
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