NET PRESS RUN AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION THE WEATHER for the month of December, 1028 , . - .41 rarceaat by u. ». Wrmtiuet Oareaa, 5,209 Sew UavcB Slember of the Aadlt Burean ol P ^ l y cloudy and slightly warm­ Clrcnlationa er tonight and GTnesday. VOL. XLIII., NO. 83. (Classified Advertising on Page 8) SOUTH MANCHESTER, CON^., MONDAY, JANUARY 21, 1929. (TEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENT'S W ’ LEADER Ruth, Broken-Hearted, 90 PASSENGERS Face Charges of Ten Murders PRESIDENT-ELECT SAYS VICTORY Vague As To Future ARETAKEN OFF IS TEMPORARY LEAVES CAPITAL New York, Jan. 21.— Appearing “ I haven’t made any definite GROUNDED SHIP; ■ p ' bi’oken-heartfed and still dazed. plans,” the Babe answered dully. I '--- ) Babe Ruth was back in New York But he lost his apathy at the next' • . » • . • ■ City today, trying to pick up the question. ON HIS VACATION Prohibition Chairman Here threads of life dropped when he re­ "Where is Dorothy?” Wrecknif Tugs Now Trying ceived the shocking news of the “ Please don’t ask about the kid,” Says Enforcement Must tragic death of his wife. he e.xploded. “ It's bad enough as DOCTORS TO REMAKE The “ big fellow” seemed totally it is.” to Puli President Garfield LITTliE RADY GIRL Crowd of Several Hundred at a loss to decide on plans for the The mystery of Dorothy’s iden. Be Non-Political— Calls future. tity, whether the 9-year-old girl is Off Reef; Connecticut Res* Chicago, Jan. 21.— A baby; “ How long are you going to re- their own or the adopted daughter girl, both legless and with only Bids Him Farewell at Sta­ for Renewed Efforts. imain here?” a reporter asked him. of Ruth and his tragically burned one arm, will be entirely “ re­ “ I don’t know.” wife, may be decided today, how­ rs made'' by modern science. Dr. tion -W ife and Small Per- “ Are you going to take up your ever, when Mrs. Ruth's will is to be Hdnry Daspom Thom.i8, profes­ regular training?” filed in Supreme Court.'' sor of orthopedic surger> at the Dr. D. L.eigh Colvin, chairman of New York, Jan, 21.— With he( University of Illinois College of <sonal Party Accompany the National Prohibition commit­ 90 passengers safely removed and Medicine announced toiiav. tee. told the con,gregation at the Solomon *s Favorite Wife Two. artificial legs and an bound for Nassau on the steamer artificial arm. equipped with Him on Special Train South Methodist Episcopal church Pan-American, the grounded liner wires attached to little loops of yesterday morning that the victory Drank His Poisoned Wine President Garfield was being emp­ permanent skin will permit tbe Bound for Miami Beacb, won ten years ago when the Eigh­ tied of her cargo on Manitellu Reef child to control muscles and teenth amendment was adopted today with the prospects- that she actually walk, eat, write and would be temporary if same forces perform other acts of a normal Florida- London, Jan.-SI.— The-historical^newspaper said. After the coffin would be refloated In time to pic|< child. Dr. Thomas claimed. that obtained that victory did not revelation that King Solomon's fa-j had been opened a parchment was up the passengers at Nassau almost «- see to it that the amen’ament was voriie wife, Moti Maris of Memphis, j found in the mummy wrappings, on schedule. an Egyptian sacrificed her life b y ! It contained writings, supposedly in Washington. Jan. 21.— Herbert enforced. Tlie greatest problem drinking poisoned wine intended the hand of Solomon, extolling the This word was received here this Hoover said farewell to the capi­ confronting the prohibitionists, as­ for the world’s wisest man, is con­ afternoon by the Dollar Line of­ serted Dr. Colvin, is combatting virtues of his favorite spouse. tal today. tained in a parchment found with I The parchment is said to recount CRUISER BILL fices. Not a passenger was hurt, Accompanied by Mrs. Hoover and powerful wet propaganda, well the mummy of her body in excava­ organized wet political machines,, a plot upon Solomon's life fostered not an ounce of baggage or cargo tions at the amount of the temple, by Amerto, his father-in law. Moti a small personal party, the Presi­ and keeping prohibition enforce­ damaged, tne line said. High praise dent-elect left for Miami Beach, ment out of politics. according to a Cairo dispatch today evidently knew of the cabal for, was paid to the efficiency of the FACES MUCH Dr. Colvin defended the constitu­ quoting the Egyptian newspaper ■ when poisoned wine was offered to Florida, at 10:37 o'clock on 1 spe­ “ El Mokattara.” Solomon, she seized the cup, drank Pan-American in its transfer and A hunch that Detective Sergeant McCarthy had when he saw them cial train on the Atlantic Coast tionality of the Eighteenth amend­ in a ment, and also presented "rgu- The excavators found a wonder-1 it and died in the arms of her hus­ the commander of the President high class hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., led to the arrest of Fred Nave, line. ments for treating the question na­ ful underground chamber filled band. The parchment extols the Garfield, Captain T. P. Quinn, for left, and Clyde Roberts, right, alleged members of the famous Ace Pen-^ OTOITION Mr. Hoover did not arrive at the tionally rather than by states. He w-ith art objects, tapestries, orna­ many virtues of the self-sacrificing his prompt action in bringing a re­ dleton gang of bank robbery, who are blamed for ten murders in Colora­ station until a few minutes after maintained that the liquor problem ments and a gold coffin, the Cairo Moti. lief ship to the scene. do, Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas, New Mexico and Utah. Rewards totaling the scheduled departure of the i.s a national problem, that it has Slightly Damaged. 550,000 are to be shared in by McCarthy, shorvn in the inset, and two train at 10:30 a. m. the same results throughout the The President G.arfield is not be­ other detectives who aided in the capture. Leaders Believe a Well Laid A crowd of several hundred per­ nation. He insisted that the liquor BAY STATE MAN lieved to be but slightly damaged sons gathered in the concourse and interests are organized nationally, NOTED PLAYWRIGHT and is expected to continue Its applauded the president-elect. or had been, at least, before pro­ ■■ PRINCE OF INDIA round-the-world trip within the . Filibuster is in Progress The departure was further de­ hibition, and therefore it was just next 24 hours. layed while Mr. and Mrs. Hoovei OFFERS PRIZE OF $50,000 stood on the rear platform to bs to fight those interests on a na­ Gets Title Because of His The work of transferring 7,000 tional basis. DIES IN HIS STUDIO to Defeat Measure— Bills photographed. They waved good­ Study of Hindu Philosophy— tons of cargo consisting largely of bye to the crowd as the train gath­ Reviews Fight automobiles to barges from Jack­ The speaker, who occupied the Speaks Many Lang^uages. • ered momentum and disappeared in­ sonville and Palm Beach, was start­ FOR ROUND WORLD HOP Jam Senate. to a tunnel. pulpit at the South Methodist ed this morning. church at the regular morning ser­ Leonard Cline Had Been Haverhill, Mass., Jan. 11.— « ---------- --------------------------------------------- Prince Rama Maharajan of With the hatches empty and the Washington, Jan. 21 — Herbert vice yesterday, arrived at his dis­ ballast tanlis free of their burden, India walked down Main street Washington. Jan. 21.— With six Hoover goes south today pretty cussion of present day liquor pro­ the vessel will be freed from Ma- WOMEN TO FIGHT Dead Five Days When today. His Royal Highness Denver Newspaper to Give weeks remaining before the death well satisfied with the results of his blems after a concise review of the laiiilla Reef by the rising tide and fight in this country, to have the grinned. of the Seventieth Congress, the ad­ two weeks work in the capital. Young men on tht: corner without the aid of tow lines, in the For the next month he will re­ Eighteenth amendment adopted. Body Is Found. opinion of Captain T. P. Quinn. R » M | l .r ministration today faced the task of He said that the adoption of the discussed the weather thought lax in Florida’s sunshine, fish in A wireless message from Cap­ Mamed Woman Says Music liquor prohibition amendment was there was something familiar enacting two major measures, the tropical waters, begin work on his tain Quinn to the company officers the culmination of a great reform New York, Jan. 21.— An autopsy in the smile of the royal pedes­ inK Aviators Say It Will Teacher Flirted With Her new cruiser and the reapportion­ inaugural speech, and complete the movement. He called it the great­ trian. stated that the Merritt-Ghapman- j Husband So She Accepts personnel of the Cabinet which he was to be performed today on the Scott salvage tug “ Warbler” was ment bills, before completing .its est step towards '■‘national right­ “ Hello Fred,” shouted one will take into office with him on body of Leonard Cline, author, alongside, with the barges sent legislative program. eousness” in the history of the and “ His Royal Hignness” ^ Be Done in Near Future. ' ^‘^^^^enge. March 4. country. playwright and former newspaper from Palm Beach, sixty miles from Budapest, Jan. 21.— The 'The House,' having completed its Six weeks from today on the otherwise Frederick E, Maley, the scene of the mishap. In 17S3 Benjamin Rush, one of man, who was found dead in his yelled back “ hello.” first duel ever fought in Hun­ sh a ^ q f the Congressional .program, wind-swept plaza of the Capitol he will raise his right hand and take the signers of the Declaration of Fred Maley, ' who left his Npw York, Jan.
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