POLTAVAPOLTAVA regionregion PRESENTSPRESENTS 1 GeneralGeneral informationinformation aboutabout PoltavaPoltava regionregion Area: 28800 km2 Population: 1 479,9 ths. inhabitants Center of the region: Poltava 4,8% of the total area of Ukraine 3,3% of the total population of Ukraine 2 PoltavaPoltava regionregion AdministrativeAdministrative divisiondivision ofof territoryterritory Districts 25 Big towns, which locate in Poltava region 5 Population: Poltava 288,9 ths. inhabitants Kremenchuk 224,8 ths. inhabitants Коmsomolsk 54,8 ths. inhabitants Lubny 47,1 ths. inhabitants Mirgorod 39,3 ths. inhabitants Towns, which locate in Poltava district 10 Urban-type communities 21 Villages 1814 3 PoltavaPoltava regionregion TransportationTransportation infrastructureinfrastructure Route length of: Railways 853 km Automobile roads, 18034 km including earth roads 2268 km Number of bridges 662 - total length of bridges 23,1 km Major highway Е40 Railway goods stations: Poltava, Kremenchuk, Komsomolsk, Grebinka, Lubny, Mirgorod, Romodan Airport: Poltava River port: Kremenchuk Department of economic development of Poltava region state administration 4 PoltavaPoltava regionregion WeightWeight inin UkraineUkraine’’ss economicseconomics 6,3% of agricultural production in Ukraine 5,7% of industrial production (6th place in Ukraine ) Gas condensate 61 % Natural gas 37 % Oil 13 % Iron ore 21 % 5 PoltavaPoltava regionregion ResourcesResources potentialpotential Oil, natural gas, 98 deposits gas condensate (25% of all Ukrainian deposits) Iron ore 10 deposits (19% of all Ukrainian deposits) Peat 44 deposits (more than 5 million tons of reserves) Brick and tile raw material 92 deposits Mortar sand 26 deposits White coal more than 800 million tons PoltavaPoltava regionregion GeneralGeneral economiceconomic indicatorsindicators Gross regional product 56 580 mln. UAH (at current prices) 3,9% of Ukraine’s indicator Gross regional product 38 424 UAH per capita 5th place in Ukraine Average salary 2 988 UAH 3 265 UAH in Ukraine 7 PoltavaPoltava regionregion LaborLabor forceforce Active workforce 706,0 thousand people Unemployment rate 8,2% Higher education establishments 21 vocation-technical schools 43 Over 200 professions 847 scientists work in 23 Higher educational establishments Total budget for science research and technical studies 78,5 mln.UAH 8 PoltavaPoltava regionregion StructureStructure ofof goodsgoods andand servicesservices productionproduction Supplying energy, Other 3,3% gas, conditioned air Mining industry, 8,2% stripping 27,7% Machine building 14,0% Chemical producing1,3% Food processing, Cox producing and drinks and tobacco's oil processing products produsing products 23,8% 21,7% PoltavaPoltava regionregion StructureStructure ofof grossgross productproduct ofof agricultureagriculture 10 PoltavaPoltava regionregion AgroindustrialAgroindustrial complexcomplex inin figuresfigures Gross agricultural products 16,1 billions UAH 2nd place in Ukraine Gross grain harvest and pulse crops 5,6 mln. tons 1 place in Ukraine Quantity of cattle 285,5 ths. heads Quantity of cows 134,2 ths. heads Milk producing 389,2 ths. tons 1 place in Ukraine Gross beet harvest 1,5 mln. tons 2nd place in Ukraine PoltavaPoltava regionregion OrganicOrganic productionproduction Enterprises which have the certificate for organic production . PE «Agroecology» . LLC «Kvark» . LLC «Firm Diamant LTD» In process of certification: . PE «Korogod» . PE "Yaroshenko» . LLC «Poltava Sad» . PE «Sapsan Semenіvka» 12 PoltavaPoltava regionregion SmallSmall businessbusiness sectorsector Number of small business entities 9108 Number of small business entities 63 per 10 thousand of inhabitants 14,2% of total profit of all companies in the region 13 PoltavaPoltava regionregion ForeignForeign commercecommerce Foreign commerce turnover 4,2 bln. USD Export of goods and services 2,7 bln. USD 6th place of all Ukrainian regions Import of goods and services 1,5 bln. USD 14 PoltavaPoltava regionregion ForeignForeign commercecommerce Geopolitical structure of export PoltavaPoltava regionregion ForeignForeign tradetrade Partner countries 118 Geographical structure of export Russian Federation 24,2% China 10,7% Kazakhstan Outher 4,7% countries 32,4% Austria 11,7% Czech Belarus Republic Germany 3% Turkey 3% 4,0% 6% 16 PoltavaPoltava regionregion ForeignForeign investmentsinvestments Total amount of 1,65 billions USD foreign direct investments Number of companies with foreign shareholders 387 Net increase of foreign direct investments for 2013 122,3 mln. USD 17 PoltavaPoltava regionregion ForeignForeign investmentsinvestments Number of investing countries 48 Panama 1,2% Cyprus Other 12,4% 4,1% Russian Federation 4,8% Netherlands 12% Switzerland 60% Great Britain 6% 18 PoltavaPoltava regionregion ForeignForeign investmentsinvestments Structure of foreign direct investments Other types of industries 0,7% Finance and insurance 1,8% Professional, scientistic and technic activities 0,7% Activity in sphere of administrative and additional services 7,1% Real state operations 3,7% Wholesale and ratail trade, repairing of vehicles 40,4% Industry 43,5% Building 0,9% Agriculture, fishinery, foresty 1,2% 19 PoltavaPoltava regionregion ForeignForeign investmentsinvestments Major investors, who are working in the region 20 PoltavaPoltava regionregion ForeignForeign investmentsinvestments Completed projects JV «Poltava Petroleum Company" Plant for production of liquefied propane-butane The joint venture "Poltava Petroleum Company" - the largest and most successful British investment in Ukraine. Total investment in the new draft made more than 10 million USD. The design capacity of the new venture will allow the company to produce about 140 tons / day. a mixture of propane and butane. 21 PoltavaPoltava regionregion ForeignForeign investmentsinvestments Projects which are implementing The company «Pioneer Hi-Bred» Logistic seed complex in the village Stasi, Dykanskyi district, Poltava region Investments - 10 mln. USD. have been put into operation in 2012. Enterprise of producing seed in the village Stasi, Dykanskyi district, Poltava region Investments - 40 mln. USD. It’s put into operation in 2013. The factory specializes in the production of sunflower seeds, corn and canola. Factory and logistics center employ 60 employees who support the operation of warehouses, distribution lines, and timely delivery of seed corn and sunflower Pioneer ®. Moreover it will be used about 20 temporary and 200 seasonal workers who will be necessary during periods of full of potential production capacity. 22 PoltavaPoltava regionregion ForeignForeign investmentsinvestments Implementing projects German firm «HAKA planen.bauen GmbH» Implementation of the investment project for construction a pig farm. Vatazhkovo Poltava region Investments - 10 -12 million Euros. During 5 years is planned to build five complexes 1250 breeding sows with a total capacity of 30 ths. pigs per year. 23 PoltavaPoltava regionregion NationalNational ProjectsProjects «New Life» - presentation of maternity and child protection «Open world» "Clean City" «Timely assistance" 24 PoltavaPoltava regionregion ССollaborationollaboration withwith internationalinternational financefinance organizationsorganizations Loan portfolio in region $150 mln. The first project of the Bank in the sector Butchery in Ukraine. To modernize LLC "Globinskiy meat plant" and LLC “Globinskiy pig farm ", as well as the construction of the biogas plant. The loan proceeds were used to purchase modern agricultural technology that has contributed to the general modernization of the sugar industry and the entire agricultural sector of Ukraine. Funds were invested in financing the construction of 5 elevators, including a river terminal in Kremenchug. 25 PoltavaPoltava regionregion InitiativesInitiatives andand energyenergy savingsaving projectsprojects Regional coordinator of Covenant Poltava regional state administration Project «Energy efficiency in municipalities" Project «Local alternative energy solution in town Murgorod» 26 PoltavaPoltava regionregion ProposalsProposals forfor cooperationcooperation Industrial park «Central» 168,55 hectares in Kremenchuk, Poltava region for your production! 01.04.2014 проект создания индустриального парка внесен в РЕЕСТР ИНДУСТРИАЛЬНЫХ (ПРОМЫШЛЕННЫХ) ПАРКОВ УКРАИНЫ Sector 1 - «Hi-Tec» (machine building) Sector 2 - «Logistics» (logistics) Sector 3 - «TechnoPolis» (ІТ technologies and electrotechnology) Sector 4 - «EcoLife» Business - city 27 PoltavaPoltava regionregion ProposalProposal forfor cooperationcooperation Perspective areas for investments Allocation of new production sites 137 land plots 926,5 ha ( 0,002 - 75 ha) 28 land plots 236,2 ha ( 5 до 15 ha) 19 land plots 561,8 ha ( till 15 ) Possibilities: automobile industry; high-tech industry (instrument-making) PoltavaPoltava regionregion ProposalProposal forfor cooperationcooperation Reformation the objects of communal property, energetics Cooperation in the field of new sources of energy (windmills, rehabilitation of small hydroelectric stations; production of biofuel) Implementation the energy conservation projects, recycling Readjustment the objects of housing stock PoltavaPoltava regionregion ProposalProposal forfor cooperationcooperation Perspective areas for investments Agriculture Building of feeding complex; Production of combined feed; Production of vegetables in greenhouses with modern technologies (hydroponics, etc.); Building the fridges for industrial storage; Organic farming and production of organic (bio-) food products; Implementing the projects in the area of foodstuff production (baby foods, food for diabetics etc.) PoltavaPoltava regionregion -- isis thethe territoryterritory ofof harmonyharmony andand successsuccess,, whichwhich wewe cancan createcreate togethertogether!! 31.
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