Betsy Garnes, Lake Ridge, visiting the Community Market at the Workhouse Arts Center in Lorton for Community lunch and shopping with gardening friends, ex- amines oils and gems by Market Opens Susan & Staci, of “Gems 4 U.” Garnes is using the outing opportunity to per- form another regular act In Lorton of kindness in memory of News, Page 7 her father. HomeLifeStyle Page 8 Classifieds, Page 10 Classifieds, v Opinion, Page 4 County Board Recognizes ‘2021 Community Champions’ News, Page 3 Requested in home 4-16-21 home in Requested Time sensitive material. material. sensitive Time Attention Postmaster: Postmaster: Attention ECR WSS ECR Fairfax Restores More Customer Postal permit #322 permit Easton, MD Easton, FY 21 Budget Cuts PAID U.S. Postage U.S. News, Page 6 STD PRSRT Photo by Susan Laume/The Connection Photo April 15-21, 2021 online at www.connectionnewspapers.com Bulletin Board Submit civic/community announcements at Connec- tionNewspapers.com/Calen- dar. Photos and artwork wel- come. Deadline is Thursday at noon, at least two weeks before the event. EVERY SATURDAY Community Market Opens. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. At Workhouse Arts Center in Lorton. Fea- turing over 20 vendors, new and returning. SATURDAY/APRIL 24 Academy Day. 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Sen. Mark Warner is hosting his annual Academy Day. The event will offer a comprehensive overview of the United States service academies and their admis- sion processes. Attendees will have an opportunity to hear from officials from the five federal service acade- mies, as well as representa- tives from the Department of Defense Medical Exam- ination Review Board, the University of Virginia ROTC programs, the Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets, the Virginia Military Institute, and the Virginia Women’s Institute for Leadership at Mary Baldwin University. Visit www.warner.senate. gov. You may email acade- [email protected]. gov with questions. 2 v Burke / Fairfax / Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton / Springfield v April 15-21, 2021 www.ConnectionNewspapers.com News County Board Recognizes Volunteer Fairfax ‘2021 Community Champions’ 2021 Community Champions Board of Supervisors Chairman Jeff McKay (D-At-Large) selected as his Citizen leaders step up to nerable dealing with food insecuri- champion Diane Watson ty to social injustice. Supervisor James Walkinshaw (D-Braddock) picked Rebecca “Betsy” Clev- support the vulnerable. Every year, as a part of the enger Fairfax County Volunteer Service Supervisor John Foust (D-Dranesville) selected Fanny Salazar-Laske By Mercia Hobson awards, supervisors have the honor and Supervisor Walter Alcorn (D-Hunter Mill) chose Lydia Russo The Connection challenge of selecting one outstanding vol- Supervisor Daniel Storck (D-Mount Vernon) picked Reverend, Dr. Brian unteer from their district to receive their Brown he Fairfax County Board of Super- Community Champion Award. During the Supervisor Penelope Gross (D-Mason) selected Bob Kahane visors recognized its ten “Com- meeting, each board member provided brief Supervisor Daniel Storck (D-Mount Vernon) chose Rev., Dr. Brian Brown munity Champions” during the comments on his or her district, “Communi- Supervisor Dalia Palchik (D-Providence) chose Judith Schneider-Fletcher TBoard’s April 13 meeting. The ty Champion 2021.” Supervisor Pat Herrity (R-Springfield) picked Stacey Brumbaugh County’s volunteer leaders supported many Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2021 Supervisor Kathy Smith (D-Sully) selected Dr. Reverend Brenda McBorrough causes, giving their time and talents to im- Fairfax County Volunteer Service Awards will Supervisor Rodney Lusk (D-Lee) chose Michelle Menapace proving the quality of life for those most vul- be live-streamed on YouTube Tuesday, April 20. Diane Watson, Community Champion 2021, At Large- Lydia Russo, Community Champion 2021, Hunter Mill “As a passionate advocate for issues relating to the health, District - Serving as a volunteer with Vienna Volunteer well-being, and enrichment of older adults, our at-large Fire Department since 2006, she assists with fundraising champion has been an active volunteer with the Fairfax outreach and marketing. In addition, she turned what was County Department of Family Services Volunteer Solutions, supposed to be a purely social endeavor, a Facebook group the Northern Virginia Aging Network, and the Fairfax called Vienna VA Foodies, into a vehicle for raising mon- County Long Term Coordinating Council, working to enrich ey, awareness, and community action for food-insecure the lives of older adults and support challenges unique to families, for frontline workers also, first responders, and this community. She serves her active adult community as a more. Her efforts weren’t limited to Vienna either. When the block captain and care team leader, where neighbors work Black Lives Matter Movement grew over the summer, Vienna together to provide services so that all can age in place safe- Foodies fundraised to help the Anacostia area of D.C. In one ly in their home. She has also helped draft policies tackling day, the group raised $20,000 to support Martha’s Table, a social isolation for older residents in Fairfax County and nonprofit helping children, families, and the community.” - throughout Virginia. An outstanding advocate, facilitator, Supervisor Walter Alcorn (D-Hunter Mill) and collaborator, congratulations to Diane Watson, our At- large Community Champion.”- Board of Supervisors Chairman Jeff McKay (D At-Large) Michelle Menapace, Community Champion 2021, Lee District- “This volunteer worked on several Fairfax County Rebecca “Betsy” Clevenger, Community Champion Boards, Authorities and Commissions including the Com- 2021, Braddock District - “For more than a decade, our munity Action Advisory Board and Human Services Council, next volunteer has been a champion and leader of her the Food Access and Literacy Workgroup. Our Community church’s charitable operations in Annandale. Prior to March Champion has spent a good deal of her time in 2020 devot- 2020, she helped serve an average of 65 families week- ed to numerous pandemic efforts. She focused on collect- ly. Once the pandemic took effect, the need for food and ing and delivering farmers market produce for donation necessities skyrocketed, and she rose to the occasion. She organizations, addressing food insecurity, and selling face oversees the provision of critical food requirements, such as masks for others. When she delivered masks and was asked 220 grocery bags prepared weekly, emergency food boxes, how they could compensate her for her efforts, she asked as well as prepared meals. She’s created an environment that folks simply pay it forward by providing food donations where everyone can get help, no questions asked. Her tire- to nonprofits, such as So Others Might Eat, World Central less efforts and organizational prowess have ensured that Kitchen, Food for Others, and more. Her efforts resulted in thousands of our neighbors have had food to eat and warm more than 250 masks donated and countless food dona- clothes to wear. Congratulations, Betsy Clevenger.”- Supervi- tions.” - Supervisor Rodney Lusk (D-Lee) sor James Walkinshaw (D-Braddock) Bob Kahane, Community Champion 2021, Mason Fanny Salazar-Laske, Community District- “This volunteer is well known in his hometown. Champion 2021, Dranesville - “This year’s He has served as president of the Rotary Club three times champion was instrumental in establishing in the past and will take up that position again in July. He WIN, Women-inspired Neighborhood, a has also served as chair for Taste of Annandale, the largest community-wide effort in conjunction with community event in the Mason District, for four years. His Fairfax County Public Schools, county gov- jobs as chair are numerous, including recruiting sponsor- ernment, and nonprofits to bring women ships, organizing volunteers, and attending to a myriad of in need to the forefront of assistance. The other details. The Taste attracts more than 6,000 community success of a group over its six-year histo- members for free entertainment, food, and more. Proceeds ry is predominantly due to her efforts in from this event are used to support youth activities in his creating a safe space for neighbors, largely town and in his district. Congratulations Bob Kahane, Mason people of color, immigrants, (and) for those District Community Champion,” read on behalf of Supervi- struggling financially can come together to sor Penny Gross (D-Mason District) by Board of Supervisors talk about the challenges they face, build Chairman Jeff McKay (D At-Large) social networks, and find ways to support each other. During the pandemic, she has helped those in need by distributing food at food banks, offering interpreting skills, for reaching out to families adversely affected by the pandemic.”- Supervisor John Foust (D-Dranesville) See Community Champions Page 11 www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Burke / Fairfax / Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton / Springfield v April 15-21, 2021 v 3 Opinion www.ConnectionNewspapers.com @BurkeConnection Earth Day An independent, locally owned weekly newspaper delivered to homes and businesses. Published by – Then and Local Media Connection LLC 1606 King Street Alexandria, Virginia 22314 Now Free digital edition delivered to your email box. Go to By Paul Gilbert connectionnewspapers.com/subscribe NOVA Parks Executive Director NEWS DEPARTMENT: [email protected] ifty-one years ago, in 1970, the first Earth Day took place on April 22. The Kemal Kurspahic issues of that time were quite different Editor ❖ 703-778-9414 Fthan what we face today. In 1970 our New parkland at Pohick Bay. Photo courtesy of NOVA Parks [email protected] nation was awash in pollution. In 1969 the Bonnie Hobbs Cuyahoga River in Ohio caught fire due to so some time. Since 2007 NOVA Parks has tracked Community Reporter, 703-778-9415 much oil and chemicals on the surface. The every gallon of gas and kilowatt of electricity [email protected] same year a large oil rig spill off the coast of consumed and converted it to carbon. Many in- California happened.
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