* $p •y • ; ivj^iiMTrrni jr4 ^-v'.T-f 'M v S-'llliW a •*• T »I1 %m SK-Vvi ; = '•-,-! I is 7ft<,... r,xa'vi', ,4Jffi"; _ i"' '* -»« ';, *3$| >) . 'J i !': -f*di ;n«-»7 raw. M: .M-: .'* ;'' *•.» ^ilii C yj :<;rl '••Jr'T^J • t;;'' ' •" ::' .ailr?::,'v - <- PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY MORNING BY ^ : A. H. BYINGTON & CO., x > , AT TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE JlrlfjwdJt IJtowpapw, Jfawtefl to Jsral pew* aid gntmste, #r#ml gutrfligettw, sfitataw, ffllitifs, j^ritnltaw, $$Mtowws; &r.™^»t»Wjsli«4 in 1800. .*uCU' 'ft, I-' .fj... NUMBER 816-NEW SERIES, : it* ci -x^. • ifJiv, WOLUME XLVI—NUMBER 35 lilvV.« <-. ' ' ' Swflr&tv, NORWALK, CONN., "TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1863. •c'r'ro •-•:?• * ^NORWALK GAZETTE. D. PRITCHABD, M. D., jv *>*«,#•!•» /.'iVidptaf, i'w * tifully decorated with a profusion of flow­ Commander George W. Rodg WAR NEWS OF THE WEEK. &c., have fallen in. The guns are all dis- Death of the Wife of Admi A": A I7UBSERT SONG. , ; i ers, for which we are desired to return era U.S. H. dismounted. One private killed. ral Foote. IN •d-yr • OFFICE GAZETTE BUILDING., Physician and Snrgeon, Bine, ting 11 wi»h I were a primrose— thanks to tbe fair donors. The men had The late news from Charleston brings ... Tuesdayf— On Saturday the land batteries opened The death of Admiral Foote has beei Villi A bright yellow primrose, blooming in the spring! from south to north, and the monitors A.H.BYINQTON& CO. - ^ : us the sad intelligence of the death of The Governor of Alabama recom­ speedily followed by that of his widow Residence next door to Ruggles' Store,' , ( The stooping boughi above me, 54 : ,•! all they wanted to eat and drink and from east to west, coming close up. The H. BYINGTON, J. B. ELM, 6. N; ELLS. 1 Commodore George W. Rodgers, late mends the Legislature to pass a law com­ which occurred at her father's residence .ji'yA-rn'-' 'V-'. The wandering beeto lore me, enough to spare for nearly another regi­ fire was very damaging. The east wall ®CH:: •j-Ui -,VWMS( MAIN STREET,*" ^ J The fern and moss to creep acroiB, - >'i Commander of the Catskill, who wasi n- prising within military dnty all between last evening. She has been ill ever sine* Advertising Rates. And tke elm-tree for our king 1 £. ment. The mayor, Aldermen, and Com­ 16 and 60 years of age, including L per­ was cracked and breached and the shot .One Square, one inBertlon, ^,} $1 00 :.J,' SOUTH NORWALK, CONN. || mon Council and many of our private cit­ stantly killed by a portion of the interior sons of foreign birth as well as natives. swept through the fi>rt. the decease of the Admiral, bnt only < two insertions, NIFRI ^MIMI 35 Nay, stay 11 wish I wjere ui elm-tree-' ^ f *'• A shell bursted, wounding Lieut. Boy- •Jo three insertions, £.>.j. ... 1 60 A great lofty elm-tree, with green leaves gay t izens will receive the thanks of the sol­ lining of the pilot honse,which was knock­ The State Senate once more pledged few days ago she was able to take th< ft one month, ?*...... '; •"*" 1 J® leston on Saturday, and also, Col. Rhett two months, sattr^JjaS'* W M>: The wind would set them dancing, diers and their friends for the warm and ed off and violently hurled against him that last man, and voted never to yield— air in her carriage.—New Haven Courierj! tnree months, , , ' 4 00 War Claims. The sun and moenshine glance in, ~ ~ never—never—until independence was se­ Capt. Flemming, Lieuts. Scanlan and six months, "-•' " ' ^ 700 And birds would house among the boughs, : ;<1 generous reception given the regiment. by a shot from Fort Wagner, at the Fickling. The fort is now a ruin. Col. Thursday. •#.. one year—with paper i-v 15 00 HE undersigned, through the agency of And sweetly sing t same timn killing Paymaster Woodbury, cured. They also voted that the people , , 9 t /.ill; Two Squares, one year—with paper, '' '• " 95 0b reliable friends in Washington, is pre­ ,?i-.:i.h<• Six hundred and fifty men of this reg­ and the army had lost confidence in Pem- Rhett is ordered with his brave garrison Bach additional Square, per year, rh 8 00 T : to hold his post even as a forlorn hope, ONNECTICUT ICK AND WouNMn OL ; One half column, one year, 40 00 pared to secure Bounty Money, Back Pay, Oh, no! I wish I were a robii—" iment return to us. of the vessel, who was standing beside berton and Holmes, and tbat a change in C S S . .ONE Golumn, one year, " * '• ? ;L'-' _ '5 OD Pensions, and claims of all kinds against tne A robin or a little wren, everywhere to go, :v Commander Rodgers. At the time of his till he is relieved or the place taken. On DIERS.—Governor Buckingham has snol ' Fifteen lines, or 100 words,make a square.^ Fraction Government. Charge for collecting .from Through forrest, field or garden ; ^ Thirty of them are sick or wounded their commands was imperatively deman­ ded. The Augusta Age smoothes over Saturday, at Wagner, a lieutenant and ceeded in completing arrangements foif two to five per cent No charge will be ht«v And ask no leave or pardon, '• and were conveyed to the Hospital last death he was acting Fleet Captain to Ad­ • Yjea: the wholesale desertions from Johnston's fonr men of the siege train was wounded. fii '•• T«arly made for advice given in relation to claims, Till winter comes, with icy thumbs, miral Dahlgren. In the demise of Com­ On Sunday the brave Col. Getillard having sick and wounded soldien of out p kt' \ plated at the time of contract.. and no fee charged unless the claim is col­ To ruffle up our wing! n* ^ , evening. The 1st Assistant Snrgeon, army by saying that the Mississippi boys 1 |Mr" These terms will he inflexibly adhered to.. lected. JOSEPH W. WILSON. i mander Rodgers the navy has lost one of lost his life. It is said to day that there Connecticut regiments brought home and| Well, tell! Where shall I fly to ? Geo. Benedict, was left sick at Cleveland only stopped to see their families and are Aug. 22, 1862. its most valued officers, and a host of now all coming back. The defeat of are 23 vessels inside the bar, including cared for, instead of being left to the mer-r Where to go to sleep In the dark wood or dell? ; The following a^^ na^y|t|e the Ironsides and the monitors, and 13 Before a day was over, ^ si _ friends have also lost a companion whose Shorter for Governor of Alabama, net­ cies of scattered hospitals in which thej| [ifc cers returned : ut- .'>* ou c.'w 1 more ontside. J BUSINESS DIRECTORY. •bss& •i ?i Home must come the rover, -/ place cannot be easily filled. George W tles the secessionists; Mr. Watts, the may happen to fall. Officers in Connec-I NORWALK, CONN. For mother's kiss, sweeter this ^ Gen. Gilmore sent communication at Lieut.-Col. C. W. Worden. j Governor elect, was a Union Whig, and II o'clock on Sunday, giving notice that ticnt regiments are ordered to report to- 'WorwalkPost O E. S. Brewster, Proprietor. Than any other thing XA.ilingham, Quartermaster, C. W. Hall. Rodgers was born in New York State, it is evident that his triumph squints HIS House, having been renovated and but was a citizen of Connecticut, from at 11 o'clock to-morrow he would open the adjutant General the names of sick or| wmii CLOSE. improved, is now open for the reception Major, D. H. Miller. strongly toward the old flag. The Rich­ T c Cheer. u mond Whig wants Davis to send word fire on Charleston, and that in the mean­ wounded soldiers left on the road or in! West 7.30 A. M.—2.30 P. M. of permanent or transient boarders, and will •ih >1^ -y Adjutant, J. H. Whiting. ' which State he was appointed in 1863. time non-combatants could go out of tbe : ' Xast 8.30 A. M.—5.00 P. M. be kept as & first class Hotel. This Hotel is BT ALICE CABT. Surgeon, W. H. Trowbiidge. He entered the naval service on the 30 th to Seymour that he is willing to talk hospital, in accordance with this plan. | ; Danbury & Norwalk Railroad 8.50 A. M. very pleasantly situated in one ot the most Seek to be patient in distress, Second Assistant Surgeon, George O. over re-nnion ; the Copperheads will Cityjv^K^ ;f i. ; ..«s».. We»ton, Redding and Redding Ridge, Tiies- beautiful towns on Long Island Sound, and The weariest night at last must close; of April af the same year. His first or ————— j ^ } vi>+;:Lyl,.; days, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 12 M. Dalton. v^« compel an armistice, and then the South J^The whole matter in regard to the| is especially attractive for Summer Board­ Tears are akin to happiness, den were to the sloop of-war Boston, can talk as long as they please ; mean­ f^;. Thursday. MAILS DUB. ers. The thorn is neighbored by the rose. [ ; COMPANY National Cemetery at Gettysburg,. fori r !i Commandant B. Dnnday, attached to the A. letter from Winchester, Tenn., after ; West 9.10 A. M.—6.CC P. M. i" ! The Proprietor would assure the public, Second Lieutenant, Bronson. » ' . time an alliance with France can be made the interment of the gallant dead who| that it will be his cohstant endeavor to The love tbat keeps the buried flower by granting exclusive privileges, and then describing the progress of Rosecran's ar­ East8.20 A.
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