Abstracts Issue I. =*-. A =e-~* S I = 9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20814 Phone: 301-530-7114 Fax: 301-530-7133 Biophysical Society E-mail: [email protected] a Journal: [email protected] http://www.biophysics.org/biophys 2000 Program Committee Steve Siegelbaum, Program Chair W. Jonathan Lederer Richard W. Aldrich Ann E. McDermott Steven M. Block Kathleen M. Trybus Local Arrangements Chair Sam Landry Abstract Sort Committee Steve Siegelbaum Robert Guy Nina Sidorova James Ames Jan Hoh Alasdair Steven Mordecai Blaustein Robert Horowits Sergei Sukharev John Chik Jon Lederer W. Gil Wier Marco Colombini Jim Sellers Leepo Yu Officers Jonathan King, 1999-2000 President Ken Dill, Past-President Christopher Miller, 2000-2001 President Jill Trewhella, Secretary Mary Dicky Barkley, President-Elect Toni Scarpa, Treasurer Administration Ro Kampman, Executive Director Kathy King, Systems and Operations Manager Jeanne Brooksbank, Marketing & Sales Manager Dianne McGavin, Publications Manager Joan Himmelhoch, Accountant Julia Petteway, Administrative Assistant Debbi Hogan, Biophysical Journal Production Manager Lynne Vargas, Membership Assistant Catherine Kenney, Membership Services Manager Christina Williams, Editorial Assistant Meeting & Exhibit Management Gerry Swindle, Director Drita Schruefer, Meeting Assistant Jean Lash, Exhibit Manager Joni Friedman, Exhibit Assistant ii Biophysical Society Forty-fourth Annual Meeting Biophysical Journal Published monthly by the Biophysical Society. Edited by Editor Associate Editors the Biophysical Society in cooperation with the Division Peter B. Moore Louis DeFelice of Biological Physics of the American Physical Society. Thomas M. Nordlund Martin Caffrey Editorial Board Publications Committee Bridgette Barry Jack H. Kaplan Mary Barkley, Chair Bruce P. Bean Michael L. Klein Timothy A. Keiderling Steven M. Block Peter Kollman Brian Salzberg Steven G. Boxer Howard Kutchai Nadrian C. Seeman Howard Brockman Barry R. Lentz Eugene Stanley David S. Cafiso Leslie M. Loew James Stull Michael D. Cahalan Timothy M. Lohman Brian Sykes Robert Callender Ronald N. McElhaney John Connor Stuart G. McLaughlin Franco Conti Edward G. Moczydlowski Editorial Office William Cramer Richard L. Moss Debbi Hogan, Production Manager Timothy A. Cross Colin G. Nichols Christina Williams, Production Assistant Micah Dembo B. Montgomery Pettitt Jeanne Brooksbank, Marketing & Sales Winfried Denk M. Thomas Record, Jr. Manager David De Rosier Lynne J. 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For information about other issues contact the Biophysical Society Center Inc., 222 Rosewood Dr., Danvers, MA Members may purchase print journal sub- 01923, a non-profit organization. This consent scriptions for $60 (US members) $120 (for- Office. does not extend to other kinds of copying, eign members). Non-member subscriptions Submission of Manuscripts such as may be ordered through: Submit manuscripts to: copying for general distribution, for Subscription Manager Biophysical Joumal advertising or promotional purposes, for cre- Biophysical Society Peter B. Moore, Editor ating new collective works, or for resale. Re- 9650 Rockville Pike, Room L-0502 9650 Rockville Pike production for commercial use requires per- Bethesda, MD 20814 Bethesda, MD 20814 mission of the copyright holder. Febnjary 12-16,2000* New Odearns, Louisiana ii meectirg surrlrrnel/ For more complete information on each event, please see pages v-xx. Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 7:30 AM CLC Breakfast Biophysical SocietyAnnual Postdoctoral Breakst Business Meting 8:30 AM Bioenegetics Subgroup Symposium 1: Symposium 5: Symposium 9: Symposium 13: Hybrid Musle Crossbridges: Stepping Protein Folding. An Urgent Phosphatidylinositides in Crystallography and Electon into the Millenium Problem in the Posrgenomic Era Cell Signling Cryomricrsopy- Elucidaing Macromolecular Complexes Platform Sessions (A-F) Platform Sessions (P-U) Symposium 10: Molecular Motors: Design and Symposium 14: Sensational Performance Molcules: Mehanisms of SensoryTransduction Platform Sessions (AE-AH) Platform Sessions (AR-AU) 9:00 AM Exhibitor Presentation 10:00 AM Exhibitr Presentation 11:00AM Symposium 2: Symposium 6: Menmrane Awards Symposium Platform Sessions (BA-BG) MembraneTransport Proteins: Traffickdng &Veside Fusion Schlepping thrugh the Bilayer . Student Symposium Symposium 7: Folding Form PPlatform Sessions (G-K) and Function ofRNA and Platform Sessions (AI-AM) DNA Molecues Platform Sessions (V-Y) 12:00 PM CPOW Lunch Roundtable 12:30 PM Biological Fluorescence Subgroup 1:00 PM Membrane Biophysics Subgroup Membrane Structure & An-mbmy Subgroup Molecular Biophysics Subgroup Motility Subgroup 1:15 PM Poster Sessions Poster Sessions Poster Sessions Poster Sessions 2:00 PM Exhibitor Presentation 3:45 PM Symposium 3: Sutual Public Policy Forum Symposium 12: MeetingEnds Biology in GenomicAnalysis Transmittgerated Cannel . Platform Sessions (AA-AD) Structure and Function SymnposiumnSymposium44: GProteinG Protein Signaling: From Receptor to Platform Sessions Effectr (AN-AQ) Platform Sessions (LO) 5:00 PM Opening Mixer Exhibitor Presentation 6:00 PM SRAA Competition 6:30 PM An Evening on the Mississippi 7:00 PM Workshops 8:00 PM Awards Ceremony & National Lre_ _ 9:00 PM Society Reception & Dance ______ I J. ____________ ~~~~~~~~II Saturday 11:00 AM Unique Structure-Function Aspects of the Cytochrome b6f Complex WiUiam A. Cramer -s Bioenergetics Subgroup - Purdue University 8:30 AM-6:00 PM, Rooms R02/03 11:30-11:40 AM Structural Analysis of Membrane Proteins: Discussion Realizing the Mitochondria's Potential (Generously supported by Anatrace, Inc.) Maureen W McEnery (Chair) 11:40AM - 12:00 PM Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine Session II: Presentation ofAnnual Young Investigator Awards 8:30-11:40 AM Session I: Electron Transport: Three-dimensional Structural Determination Cytochrome bcl and Cytochrome b6f Complexes 12:00-1:00 PM EdwardA. Berry Lunch Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and Chang-An Yu Oklahoma State University (Co-Chairs) 1:00-5:00 pm AM Session III: Structural and Functional Studies 8:30 of Mitochondrial Transporters Correlation Between Intramolecular Electron Transfer Rates and Structural Data of Cytochrome Ronald S. Kaplan (Chair) bcl Complex FUHS/The Chicago Medical School, and Chang-An Yu Maureen W McEnery Oklahoma State University Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine (Co-Organizers) 9:00 AM 1:00 PM Quinone Binding Sites in the Avian Cytochrome bcl Complex The Mitochondrial Carrier Family: A Special Breed EdwardA. Berry (1-Subg) Martin Klingenberg Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory University of Munich 9:30 AM 1:45 PM Rieske FeS Protein Motion in the Bovine Identification and Functions of New Transporters Cytochrome bcl Complex in Mitochondria So Iwata John E. Walker Uppsala University Medical Research Council, Cambridge 10:00 AM 2:30 PM 2.3 A Resolution Structure of the Phosphate Transport Across the Inner Cytochrome bcl Complex from the Yeast Mitochondrial Membrane. How Does PTP Do It? S. cerevisiae Hartmut Wohlrab
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