ANNEXURE B Submitter List - Proposed Natural Resources Plan PLEASE NOTE THE COURT'S DIRECTIONS FOR SERVICE Submitter Submitter Name Address for Service Address Updated No. S175 Joan Allin and Rob Crozier 47 Rodney Ave, RD1, Otaki, 5581 S77 Juken New Zealand Limited PO Box 535, Masterton 5840 S365 A J Barton Ongaha Farm, RD 1, Featherston 5771 S298 A T McKay 1390 Te Whiti Road, RD 4, Masterton 5884 S327 A.J Barton and Ongaha Farms Limited PO Box 117, Wellington 6140 S427 AB and DE Smith 60 Chester Road, RD 1, Carterton 5791 S97 Alan Jefferies 1102 Maymorn Road, Upper Hutt 5018 S18 Alan Rice 6 Florio Terrace, Tawa, Wellington 5028 S334 Alan Westbury 567 Westmere Road, RD 10, Masterton 5890 S129 Alana Bowman PO Box 24332, Manners Street, Wellington, 6142 S221 Alex Kelly 21 Kapiti Cres, Titahi Bay, Porirua, 5024 S345 Alex Kyle 1644 Te Wharau Road, RD 3, Masterton 5833 S274 Alexander Haddon Webster 50 Bicknells Rd, RD1, Featherston, 5771 S430 Ali and Dion Kilmister 1665 Te Ore Ore Bideford Rd, RD 11, Masterton 5871 S406 Alison Turner 10 Cologne Street, Martinborough 5711 S35 Allan A Smith 150 Terrace Road, RD 1, Waikanae 5391 S159 Allison Diem 5A Hatton Street, Karori, Wellington, 6012 S304 Anders and Emily Crofoot Castlepoint Station, RD 9, Masterton 5889 S153 Andrew James Alan McIntyre PO Box 729, Paraparaumu, 5254 S292 Andrew Patrick 102 Buchanan Road, RD 4, Masterton 5884 S336 Andrew Thomson 315 Wood Street, RD 1, Greytown 5794 S206 Andrew Wallace 2 Thornley Street, Titahi Bay, Porirua, 5022 Page 1 UPDATED LIST 2 SEPTEMBER 2019 Submitter List - Proposed Natural Resources Plan PLEASE NOTE THE COURT'S DIRECTIONS FOR SERVICE S411 Andrew Douglas Harvey 100 Fenwicks Line, RD 1, Greytown 5794 S40 Andrew Francis Carman 15 Todman Street, Brooklyn, Wellington 6021 S343 Andy Phillips 490 Ngaumu Road, RD 10, Masterton 5890 S362 Angela and Nigel Johns 47 Seaview Road, Paremata, Porirua 5024 S239 Anita MacPherson PO Box 52066, 28 Tieriti Rd, Titahi Bay, Porirua, 5242 S36 Aroha Huia Christine Spinks 39 Lupin Road, Otaki 5512 S251 Arthur Hunter PO Box 52072, Titahi Bay, Porirua, 5022 S398 Atiawa ki Whakarongotai PO Box 509, Waikanae 5250 S252 Autie Matthew Hunter 17 Painui Street, Titahi Bay, Porirua, 5022 S258 Awhina Takerapa PO Box 57052, Mana, Porirua 5742 S1 Barry Joseph Doyle 222 Karori Road, Karori, Wellington 6012 S296 Becky Lasenby 41a Seaview Road, Paremata, Porirua 5024 S311 Beef and Lamb NZ PO Box 121, Wellington 6140 S294 Bell Camp Trust 115 Manly Street, Paraparaumu Beach, Paraparaumu 5032 S259 Ben Notes 37 Terrace Road, Titahi Bay, Porirua, 5022 S396 Bernie George 28 Georges Rd, RD 3, Martinborough 5783 S426 Beryl Masters Stuart 107 Manuka Street, Masterton 5810 S149 Best Farm Limited, Hunters Hill Limited and Stebbings Farmlands 107B Westchester Drive, Churton Park, Wellington, 6037 Limited S137 Beth Jones 21A Crieff Street, Northland, Wellington, 6012 S67 Bevan Marten School of Law, Victoria University of Wellington, 55 Lambton Quay, Wellington 6011 S429 Blair Percy 36 Masterton Stronvar Road, RD 6, Masterton 5886 S393 Blair Roberts 94 Georges Road, RD 3, Martinborough 5783 S58 Blended Fuel Solutions NZ Ltd Box 16 135, Te Horo 5544 Page 2 UPDATED LIST 2 SEPTEMBER 2019 Submitter List - Proposed Natural Resources Plan PLEASE NOTE THE COURT'S DIRECTIONS FOR SERVICE S337 Bob Tosswill 277 Woodside Road, RD 1, Greytown 5794 S166 Bob Stewart Family Trust 118 Clifton Terrace, Fitzherbert, Palmerston North, 4410 S188 Bonita Moana Level 8, 14 Hartham Place, Porirua, 5022 S383 Brad Gooding Prairie Holm Company, 1346 Western Lake Road, Featherston 5773 S347 Brian Bosch 1145 Kahutara Road, RD 2, Featherston 5772 S416 Bryan Thompson Tucker 76 Cross Line, RD 1, Greytown 5794 S109 Bryce Derek Wilkinson PO Box 10972, The Terrace, Wellington 6143 S236 Carl Jamieson 76A Main Road, Titahi Bay, Porirua, 5022 S27 Carlo Jaminola 53A Ohariu Road, Johnsonville, Wellington 6037 S255 Carlos Nathan Watters-Rangitiki 15 Paenui Street, Titahi Bay, Porirua, 5022 S122 Carrus Limited PO Box 50391, Porirua, 5240 S301 Carterton District Council PO Box 9, Carterton 5743 S79 Castlepoint Ratepayers and Residents Association Incorporated c/o Linda Macrae, Secretary, Whitespurs, RD 3, Masterton 5883 S217 Cathie Tomkies 80 Owhiti Street, Titahi Bay, Porirua, 5022 S101 CBEC 190 Pukepoto Road, Kaitaia 0410 S121 CentrePort Limited (CentrePort) PO Box 794, Hinemoa Street, Wellington, 6140 S141 CentrePort Properties Limited PO Box 794, Wellington, 6140 S51 Charles William Barrie 156 Owhiro Bay Parade, Wellington 6023 S320 Charlie Matthews 2170b Western Lake Rd, RD 3, Featherston 5773 S289 Charlotte and Toby McDonald 390 Clifton Grove, RD 3, Masterton 5883 S144 Chorus New Zealand Limited PO Box 632, Wellington, 6140 S235 Chris Eastwood 22 Latitude Close, Whitby, Porirua, 5024 S170 Chris Engel Waihakeke Rd, RD 2, Carterton, 5792 Page 3 UPDATED LIST 2 SEPTEMBER 2019 Submitter List - Proposed Natural Resources Plan PLEASE NOTE THE COURT'S DIRECTIONS FOR SERVICE S191 Chris Van Niekerk HNZC, Level 9, BNZ Towers, 14 Hartham Place, Porirua, 5022 S339 Chris and Steven Price 138 Gordon Street, Masterton 5810 S2 Christine J A Burt 1/105 Wyndam Ave, Waterloo, Lower Hutt 5011 S53 Christine Ann Edwards 21 Rosetta Road, Raumati, Paraparaumu 5032 S87 Christine Marjorie Stanley 325 Grays Road, Pauatahanui, RD1, Porirua 5381 S96 Christopher Butler 26 Tainui Street, Raumati Beach, Paraparaumu 5032 S45 Claire Jones 54 Huia Street, Waikanae 5036 S379 Clayton Hartnell 67A Bush Gully Road, RD 4, Martinborough 5784 S93 Coastal Ratepayers United Incorporated 100 Marine Parade, Paraparaumu 5032 S73 Conrad John Toussaint Edwards 32 Richard Street, Titahi Bay, Porirua 5022 S303 Craig and Janet Morrison Kaiawa Farm, RD 3, Masterton 5883 S358 Craig Dairy Farm Ltd 144 Lincoln Road, Carterton 5713 S25 Craig Lamont Eaton Flat 10, Pukehinau Flats, 10 Brooklyn Road, Aro Valley, Wellington 6011 S13 CT and EM Brown 267 State Highway One, Waikanae 5391 S104 Cuttriss Consultants Limited PO Box 30429, Lower Hutt 5040 S38 D P Wood Paharakeke, Featherston 5772 S316 DairyNZ and Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited PO Box 10002, Wellington 6143 S350 Dan Riddiford 50 Garden Road, Northland, Wellington 6012 S395 Daniel George 100 Georges Rd, RD 3, Martinborough 5783 S256 Danny Makamaka 70B Sea Vista Drive, Pukerua Bay, Porirua 5026 S267 Dave Abbott 44B Herewini Street, Titahi Bay, Porirua, 5022 S341 David Hume 2605 Lake Ferry Road RD 2 Featherston, 5772 New Zealand S70 David Wilson 14 Queen Street, PO Box 380, Blenheim 7201 Page 4 UPDATED LIST 2 SEPTEMBER 2019 Submitter List - Proposed Natural Resources Plan PLEASE NOTE THE COURT'S DIRECTIONS FOR SERVICE S197 David and Marlena Peacock 24 Opapa St, Titahi Bay, Porirua, 5022 S169 David and Michael Keeling 194 Takapu Road, RD 31, Levin, 5573 S76 David and Pauline Innes 353 Moores Valley Road, RD 1, Wainuiomata 5373 S61 David and Pip Blackwood Hinewaka, 456 Te Wharau Road, RD 3, Masterton 5883 S419 David G Holmes Pakaraka, RD 4, Masterton 5884 S186 Deborah Maddox 117A Gloaming Hill, Titahi Bay, Porirua, 5022 S402 Derek Daniell 32a Kahikatea Road, RD 6, Masterton 5886 S278 Derek Neal 1791 Whangaehu Valley Road, RD6, Masterton, 5886 S237 Di Robertson 76A Main Road, Titahi Bay, Porirua, 5022 S128 Diane Strugnell 805 Moonshine Road, RD 1, Porirua, 5381 S19 Don Long 622 Marine Drive Day's Bay, Lower Hutt 5013 S377 Donald McCreary 1974 Hinakura Road, RD 4, Martinborough 5784 S16 Donald Robert Frampton PO Box 575, Paraparaumu 5254 S180 Donna Zimmerman 62 Matatiro St, Titahi Bay, Porirua, 5022 S323 DW and PC McKay 1359 Te Whiti Road, RD 4 Masterton 5884 S287 DW and RMC Lynch 28a Willow Park Drive, RD 11, Masterton 5871 S321 Edward Handyside 24 Te Hopai Road, RD 2, Featherston 5772 S14 Egon Guttke 6 Glengavel Grove, Papakowhai, Porirua 5024 S266 Emily Wikingi 25 Hiwi Cresent, Titahi Bay, Porirua, 5022 S199 Emma Ward 1 Main Rd, Titahi Bay, Porirua, 5022 S110 Environmental Defence Society Incorporated PO Box 91736, Victoria Street, West Auckland 1042 S26 Evelyn Chu B503/3 Hutchison Road, Newtown, Wellington 6021 S244 Ezric Slow 19 John Street, Titahi Bay, Porirua, 5022 , Page 5 UPDATED LIST 2 SEPTEMBER 2019 Submitter List - Proposed Natural Resources Plan PLEASE NOTE THE COURT'S DIRECTIONS FOR SERVICE S213 Falyn Kamana 2/52 Awatea Dr, Ranui Heights, Porirua, 5024 Unknown S3 Fatima Al-Maery 2/341 Ohiro Road, Brooklyn, Wellington 6021 S352 Federated Farmers of New Zealand PO Box 715, Wellington 6140 S302 Fertiliser Association of New Zealand Inc Ground Floor, 4 Hazeldean Road, PO Box 110, Christchurch 8140 S263 Fiona Apanui-Kupenga 73 Gloaming Hill, Titahi Bay, Porirua, 5022 S150 Fiona Jean Heron 17A/9 Chews Lane, Wellington, 6011 S145 First Gas Ltd PO Box 3942, Wellington, 6140 S308 Fish and Game PO Box 1325, Palmerston North 4440 S275 Forest Enterprises Growth Ltd 5 Papawai Place, Masterton, 5840 S435 Forest Owner Marketing Services Ltd 8 Weld St, Feilding 4702 S69 Friends of Taputeranga Marine Reserve Trust 20 Witako Street, Epuni, Lower Hutt 5011 S319 Friends of the Otaki River Inc 22 Ludlam Way, Otaki 5512 S112 Friends of the Paekakariki Streams 137 Tilley Road, Paekakariki, 5034 S431 Garry Daniell Te Ore Ore Road, Masterton 5810 S424 Gary Svenson 148 Whareroto Road, RD 2, Featherston 5772 S342 Gary James and Anne Marie Daysh 112 Hururua Road, RD 1, Carterton 5791 S363 Gavin Bruce 180 Takarau Gorge Road, Ohariu Valley, Wellington 6037 S66 GBC Winstone 26 Patrick Street, Petone, Wellington 5012 S139 GE Free New Zealand PO Box 13402, Wellington, 6440 S371 George Ritchie 243
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