■ tt rym « « at * THE NEWS VOLUME XVI—NO. 52 ST. JOHNS, MICH., THUH8DAY, AUOUST 10. 1906. ONE DOUIiAB AYEAB DEFEATED BY CHER0KEE8 ST.JOHNS STTIKE-OUr FITCBEK MET BIS WRTKRLOO. One of the most exciting games the St. IT 1$ NOW UP TO ,THE PEOPLE RAOLR MAN THBEATBN6 TO KILL BIS FACTORY IN RUINS Johns team has every participated in this WIFE AND CHILDREN season was that with the Cherohee Indians i AN AERIE OF EAGLES Tuesday afternoon. It was a game in which scieBtific playing seemed well match ­ SOLO GIGAREHES TO MINORS FIRE BROKE OUT AT ONE O'CLOCK THIS AFTERNOON FROM THE QUESTION OF FACTORY OR NO FACTORY TO BE WAS OHOAM1ZBD1M ST. JOHNS X^ST ed especially in the work of of the battery, THUHSOAT MIUBT. but the Indiana were in luck because tbeir PICKING MACHINE Last Thursday eight the Fraterval Order errors were not costly while St. Johns* ST. JOHNS MAN PAID FINS OF f SA FOR errors coat them two soorea. The Indians DECIDED MONDAY of Eagles organized an aerie In St. Johns THAT OFFKNSR with about 100 members. The work was only got one eAmed run and Graham doue by the Ionia team under the direction struck out fifteen of their men. They paid him the compliment of being the best ot state deputy John V. Suit , ex-mayor Olltcers are D«t«rmliied to Stop the Frac of St. Joseph, aud district duputy F. A. pitcher they had played agsint in two years Warbop, an Iiidiab pitcher struck out tice—Olive Man Fined for Lettlns THE FLAMES SPREAD LIKE WILDFIRE Jillett of Owosso. The order instituted here was one of the largest charter lists eight men. Thiallee goto Seed established anyplace in the state. The St Johns was weak at the bat getting meeting was held in Maccabee ball, only three safe bits. The star play of the EVERY VflTEIMOST BE BROOGHT OBT game w^s made by Wilson in the second GAS HOLDER WAS IN GREAT DANGER FOR A TIME BUT THE These oflicers were elected: Past Worthy Sheriff Keeney arrested John Wirtb of president, E. J. Bullard; worthy president, ing, when Warbop batted one to the right Esgle Monday on complaint of his neigh ­ J. Esrie Brown; vice president, Frank field which looked like a clean bit. Wilson bors who testified to bis extreme and re FLAMES DID NOT REACH IT Jewett; secretary, W. E. Gardiner; treas­ ran from second base to right field and peated cruelty to bis family for the last urer, Arthur Bullard; ebaplin, Howard hurrying the ball to first, retired the runner. three or four months. Two-Thirds Majority Necessary to This was pronounced by some to be the Keeney; conductor. W. H. Richmond; Wirtb is a drinking man and of late has About $500 Insurance on the Buildins:—riuch Stock trustees, Con Stephan, W. J. Black and quickest? and neate^ play made on the been under the infiuence of intoxicants Eugene Parker; physician, Dr. J. V. Dool- diamond this summer. Score: much of the time, keeping kis wife and six Carry the Proposition Ing. R H E children in constant terror of him. He Destroyed and 12 People Thrown Out of This order has been organized only seven Cherokeea 000111000 8 6 3 threatens to kill the whole family aud burn years and now basa members>'ip of 400,000. St. Johns 000000000 03 4 the house and barns aud carries ont bis Employment They pay sick, accident and funeral bene ­ Batteriey—Warbop and Beaulieu, Grab- threats by chasing different members of the fit. Each aerie elects a local physi ­ ham and Spring. Passed balls on Spring, family around with a butcher knife, pitch Every Public Spirited Citizen Should Do Active Work—A one, on Beaulieu, three. The game was fork or other weapon which he may lay bis cian whose duty is to perscribe for the north wall would be saved and tbe tank in members and their families free of charge, played in an hour and thirty minutes and bauds on. It is said that on one occasion Fire broke out at tbe quilt factory this New Factory Is Conslderlug St. Johns As a Loca­ the order paying his salary. was witnessed by a crowd of over 400. he struck his wife over the bead with a afternoon at one o ’clock and before the fire no immediate danger. Over S06 visitors were present Thursday Chailes Stephenson umpired. broken wagon spring and cut off the top of Tbe gasoline was safely taken out and The St. Johns team will play Charlotte, department could get uu, tbe spot, fiames tion-Some Erroneous Ideas Corrected. night from Lansing, Ionia, Owosso and her ear. She is in mortal tearor of bim efforts are being made to gave tbe outer Au^iat 17. and yet does not leave bim or enter a com were bursting from the windows in tbe Grand Rapids and other places. After the building but tbe main factory will be com- initiation a banquet was served to the The evening game was more of a novelty plaint against him. third story on tbe south side and it was visitors. Mu«ic was furnished by the St. than an exhibiton of scientific ball. It It is thought that bis violence is due to known that the building could not be saved. lost with its contents. was like indoor base ball, the bases all be^ temporary insanity while under the in It is up to the people St. Johns to decide culation to the effect that the Keid com­ Johns band under the leadership of L. G. Smoke rolled out of main door on east Excited crowds rushed around tbe bum- Tubbs of Owusso. ing shortened and different rules being fiuence of drink. Last winter bis oldest ing building, but fear of an explosion kept i«vnetber St. Johns is to have a factory now, pany has given up coming to St. Johns obwrved. However it furnished no^nd of son was accidently shot and killed while side and in spite of heavy streams thrown or whether the city shall run along and that they wanted to raise $2o,000*8tock fun for the spectators and the bleachers bunting and Wirtb has been much worse in the opening, flames broke out again and them from the vicinity of tbe gss works. trust to luck that it may get one ’some day. here and being nnable to do so had given SIXTH ANNUAL REUNION were convulsed with laughter most of the since that happened. He is 51 years of age again. Ropes were quickly stretched and the time. Sbotwell of Owosso, who pitched and owns a large farm of 105 acres in people kept at a safe distance. somehow. up the plan. Firemen were driven back by tbe dread­ CLINTON CO. SOLUIKKg AND SAILORS for Owosso this winter when they won the Eagle. It is impoasible as yet to state the loss Next Monday a special election will be In order to verify this report. President championship of several cities, pitched for ful smudge caused by the wet and burning MKKT ALCiCST 16 AND 17 He 8ul<l Coffln Nh IU exactly, but it includes about 1,500 com­ held to determine whether the city shall Brown of the Business Men's Association St. Johns but the boms team not being Byron G. Tripp who runs a iuti.’.cco store cotton. It was with greatest difficulty that The sixth annual reunion of the Clinton forters which were all ready to ship out, buy the factory buildings and land at a wrote to Harmon J. Hunt, of the Heed used to playing last kind of game gave bim at the foot of Clinton avenue waa arrested papers and books from the office were County Battalion will be held at DeWitt poor support. The Indians won in a score and a large number of mattresses. About price not to exceed-SIS,(NK). The land is Company, to which he replied as follows: August lU and 17. The meetings will be Saturday by Sheriff Keeney on complaint saved. • of 7 to 3. One of the features of the game of Arthur D. Gilson, for selling tobacco to twelve people ware employedjat the time of to be bought nominally for park purposes, ‘‘Dear Sir:—Hastily replying to your held at the Baptist church and the foliow- was a home run by Graham. Lyon and ing program will lie ob8er\'ed: minors. Every energy was strained to prevent the fire, all of whom are now out of em­ ^ ' but this is merely a formality. There is favor of the 2nd iiist. beg to advise that I Sbotwell made the other scores for St. On August 5 Arthur D. Gilson who bss August l(i: Music by DeWitt liand; in ­ the riaiues reaching tbe big gas bolder ployment. / * no deception about the matter, for eveiy- am lying on my oars only waiting for St. Joins. About 400 attended the evening two little boys, one 11 and the other 7 vocation by Chaplain Morris; song by De­ games and the receipts for both games which stood only a rod from the burning body knows, and everj’body is expected Johns to vote on the proposition of bond ­ years of age, made complaint against Tripp Tbe building was but partially insured ing the city to obtain the buildings. ^Ve Witt Glee club; address of welcome by amounted to over |i200. building. Pigs of lead weighing 100 lbs. Comrade Patterson; response by L. F. Con ­ for selling bis boys tobacco and cigarettes.
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