Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1963-03-15 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1963). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 2149. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/2149 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Xavier University Library MAR lLi 1963 VOLUME XLVll 20~ CINCINNATI, OHIO, FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1963 No. 11 XU WINS THIRD PLACE IN WILSON Thirteen Seniors Ruberg Appointed New Head Coach Awar·ded Honors McCafferty Retains Xavier University has takell third place among the nation's Post As Director NSA Vote Nears Catholic colleges participating in the annual Woodrow Wilson Na­ by Ken CzUUnger A student referendum on the issue of whether Xavier tional Fellowshir> Foundatio11 NEWS Sports EdUor University will remain a member of the contrnve1·sial United competition, Sir Hugh Taylor. States National Student Association will be held on Thurs­ pl'esidcnt of the foundation an·• Don Ruberg has been named nounced yesterday. head basketball coach at Xavier day, March 21, and Friday, March 22, between 9 a.m. and U1liversity. The appointment was 3 p.m. in the Alter Hall foyer. Thirteen Xavier seniors werit m<icle by the Very Reverend· awarded honors in the contest. The balloting, which is to be Paul L. O'Connot·, S.J., President Seven 1· e c e iv e d fellowship eonducted under the supel'Vision of the Univel'sity. Shaul would face James Gross, grants; six were awarned honor·· of the Student Review Boal'd, Jim McCaft'erty, head basketball president of the ·student body at able mention, which is consid­ will determine if Xuvier's mem­ coach at Xavier for the past six Ohio State and a staunch foe ered tantamount to :.ln institu• bership in the oi·ganizalion will ycilrs and dil'ector of athletics of NSA. tion-sponsored fellowship. be extended fo1· a two yeat' since last spring, resigned late Gross was unable to attend the period. Those· receivin!( fellowshifl:t Tue>day after.noon as basketball convocation on the scheduled Eligible voters include only are: Thomas M. Conle.v and co~ch in order to devote full date and Shaul spoke alone. The full-time, undergrnduate day di­ James M._ Lawler, JJhilosopby; tim\! to his duties as athletic di- Gross speech was then reset for Alex P. MacG .. egor and Terrence 1·ect0r, vision students. A simple major­ next Monday, March 18. P. O'Connell. classics; James E. Rubcrg, who posted an 81-38-2 ity is necessary fot· passage ot . The NSA followers contend Potzick. physics: Leon a r cl W. rec--rd in seven seasons as fresh• the measure. NEW COACB &VBEaG that the national organization Schmalb:, psychology; and Ken• man coach, considered the ap• Iurthe1·s the cause of student pointment as "an honor and a HOT TOPIC neth P. Yanosko. mathematic.<. ve1·sity that Don Ruberg is my leade1·ship, creating an ail' of ch8 l' ~nge." I'm real I y very Surrounded by controversy successol'. I know Don's ability responsibility. They hold that Recipients or tbe honorable thrilled and I feel that it is a since it . was first proposed in a and his willingness to wo1'k and "academic freedom" and student mention are: Jerome .J. Boske.!', grcs l honor to be a l,tead coach News editorial in September, I am- confident that he will do representation in university ad­ physics; Alfred Kleine-Kreut:o:­ at my Alma M<1ter. I shall do as 1961, the question of NSA mem­ ari outs'tanding jobr - ~ .. minsll'ation is desirable in effect­ mann, English; La w r c n c e .J. ·"ffnea:~fOb as I know how. bei;sf1il)'"iias··" theronte1· ot been ing a well - rounded, unbiased K1·atz, mathematics: Ma r k V. "I do want to thank Ned Wulk . "i leave basketball with no re­ f1·equent and heated dispute on g1·ets. '1t· has been my whole life educa lion. Pauly, economics; Alan C. Von­ who made this po s s i bl e by the X<wier campus. for many years and I have en­ They add that the free ex­ derhaar. classics; and Gerald J. brin;:ing me to Xavier seven Shortly after the editorial ap­ Zeitz, philosophy. yea rs ago and I owe a great deal joyed ·every minute of it." change of ideas brought fo1·th by peared, Edward Gurvey, then the communicative spirit in na­ to Jim McCafferty for a won­ In his six years as coach of· president of the national group, Xavier placed immediately h.<"• d~rrul relationship and the many the Musketeers, McCaft'erty had tional assemblies vastly aids .the hind Notre Dame. which had IB spoke at the first annual leader­ gl'owth o.f the individual membet· fine coaching habits that I have a record or 91 victories and 71 ship co n f e 1· e n c e in the Cash students in the top ranks. and colleges and awakens stud0nt learned fl'Om him. especially· his defeats. He is the second win­ Room. Calling for greater "aca­ St. Louis University, which had leade1·s to the challenges they · ·le<1dership and the development ningest .coach in Xavier history. demic freedom" and more stu­ 14. · of I Clem Crowe, with a record of will face in la tel' Ii fe. players. am most happy dent participation in political Reverend .John N'. Felt.en. S.J., 97-78, is the all-time leader. tlwt .Jim will still be my boss as affairs, he advised the gather­ assochite professor of classical Xavier's athletic director." McCafierty coached Xavier. to ings to encourage sludent picket­ SUSPICION AROUSED languages and advisor lo the In sub111it ting his resignation the National Invitational Tour­ ing of segregated facilities in Xavier entrant.<:. commented that to Father O'Connor, McCafferty nament championship in · 1958. 'fhe Xavier op1>onents to the the South. XU's record in the compel.ition s<1id: "I want especially to thank This was the first nationai' bask­ NSA, led by seniors William Almost immediately campus is particularly excellent. espec­ the squad membel's of the six etball title'eve1· won by an Ohio Collins and Edward Boone, es­ conservatives challenged G a t· - ially in view of the fact that te11ms that I have coached here team. tablished the Campus Student at Xavier. It was ·through their · Last weekend McCafferty's vey's proposals and questioned Association, countering the pro­ Xavier is relatively smaller in the prudence of Xavier affiliating student population than many cooperation and t h e i I' loyalty team Y.•on the National Catholic ponents slogan "We back the that we had many memorable Toul'nament at Louisville, Ky. with the group. NSA,"·with "We back the USA." of the other competing schools. successes. His 1960-61 squ:id took part in Sfudent Council then estab· The opposing group, charging Viewed on a per car>ita basis, "lam ve1·y happy fol' the Uni- the NCAA playoffs. Jished a committee to investigate that the NSA is a tool of the Xavier rates at. the tv1> of tlie the NSA. Following s e v e I' a l "left wing," cites Cong1·essional list. months of caucuses, meetin~s, documents and FBI reports of and interviews, in February, Other universities in t.he Ohi() Communist tactics with youlh Valley whose students received Carole Zerl111sen New 1962, the commiUee reported groups to substantiate its case. eight to one in fuvor of joining awards are: University of Day·• Opponents add that the group is ton, two fellowships and two the org:iniz:ition on a trial basis. "structurnlly suspicious," that Evening. Scl1ool Editor The lone dissenter charged that honorabie mentions; Univcrsil.Y Communist s1>cakers are encour­ of Cincinnati, one fellowship and Carole Zerhusen, communica­ the "allegedly •student' group aged to lobby at its conventions, was la1;gely preoccupied with one hono1·able rn en t i o n : and tion al'ts major in the XU's Eve­ that NSA policy declarations Jertist ·activities." Miami University, four honor­ ning Division, has been appoint­ "bend over backwards to the able mentions. On March 9, 1962, the Council.. left," and that its national offi· ed to the post of associate editor approved Xavier'!! membership eel's are not students. Each fellowship covers tuitioll of the News. Robert A. Ryan, Jr., b,. a twelve ·to four vote, with The anti - NS A committee and fees for the first year at the editor-in-chief announced yes­ one abstention, clu\l'ges Ct11·ther thal students on gnriuate school of the fellow's te1day, This decision was then for­ the sev.eral campuses are seldom choice, plus a stir1end of $150~ The 20-year-old eoed, • eon­ warded to the Univeri;ity's Board given a direct voice in voting on and dependency allowances. tl'ibulor to the publication in the. of Tmstees for final approval. policy and are -"indeed not re1>- "Committees or eminent co·r­ past, Is the holde1· of the Richard The Board tabled the matter 1·esented at all-." Jege professo1·s and deans picked pending flll'ther investigation. A. Jones Journalism Schohli'ship. (Set>- editorial, Pani> Z; 111fdi­ this yeal''s winners from amoni: Then, in September, 1962, the A g1·aduate or Villa Madonna .
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