_. ",., -';"'" .. ____ 1. THE JEWISH POST Thunday, April 15, 1976 Thursday, AprU 15, 1976 THE JEWISH POST , THE COTJRSE of events In the reinstated; and three Y'3ars after Farouk In 19112. During World War MIddle East w11l be Influenced to no that, In 1966, he became Defence II he Involved himself deeply In small degree In the foreseeable Minister, p~lItical conspiracy "to hasten the Two Views of the Jerusalem Zoo future by two men: Egypt's Presi­ defeat of the British," but came a dent Anwar Sadat and Syria's HE WAS SOON to reach the top. cropper In 1942 when he tried to President Hafez Assad. In November, 1970. after three contact Rommel In North Africa The Spots of the Leopard Over the past few months there years of Iron rule by the radical and was captured for his pains, A DiHerent Kind of Zoo has been a shift In the power wing of the Ba'ath Party, he But he managed to escape - how, balance between the two and masterminded a bloodless has never been expl.ained - and STORY AND PHOTOS BY GRACE GIRSCH Assad has moved to the forefront. DIE .QImUSALEM' POST WEEKLY "correction movement" that lived as a fugitive for fpur years, By JULIAN MELTZER The United States and other At the end of that time, he was ousted his extremist Ba' athist 'tX THEN GOD created the beast of the earth, the fOwl of the air, the fish " Western countries' may be Egyptian President Sadat has cast in his lot with colleagues and put him In power, back in jail, charged with com· wondering whether, In b8.nklng on One of his first significant pliclty in the assassination of an VV of the sea and every creeping thing, He must have foreseen their role N ENCHANTING diversion at which to w~ile away a co~p~e of ho~ or Badat to rally the Arabs behind a in "Zoo Zionism." At least that's how Professor Aharon Shulov, founder A so on a free morning or afternoon when m Jerusalem IS m the Biblical the United States; Syrian President Assad is moves as president was to open up Egyptian cabinet minister, Amln Zoological Garden.. .. "moderate" policy, they did not the fortress-like state of Syria to Othman. He was eventually and current chairman of the Jerusalem Biblical Zoo sees it. put their· money on the wrong playirig Moscow and Washington bff ag~inst each the Arab world. This, and his talk released, and was permitted to Certainly, the history of the Biblical Zoo ~s enmesh~d with .the turbu. It is a Zoo to. which you should go with Bible in hand. Each of the horse. of solidarity, can now be seen as a rejoin the army.. cages has a plaque with an appropriate verse from the Scriptures pinpoint­ Sadat has never before been so lent past of Jerusalem itself. Today zoo arumaIs rerrund their 300,000 ing the animal or bird mentioned. other. The power play between them is discussed preparation for the war against Sadat now finds his past flirta· on-lookers each year, not only of the ancient fauna of Eretz Israel, as Isolated. It explain,,' his recent Israel in October, 1973. But hardly adoption of a Irulre militant stance tion with the Nazis embarrassing mentioned in the Bible and Talmudic literature, but also of the city's more :.... '1 by Middle East Expert A NAN SA FAD I. was the war over than Arab unity and he denies having been sym· recent history_ and his back-pedalling on two crumbled and Assad reverted to pathetic to Hitler. The fact is that major Issues: after opposition to the pursuit of Damascus's long· at the outbreak of World War Two One Zoo Sign punctured with shrapnel during the Six-Day War is a the holding of last month's Securi- cheris:led aspiration: a "Greater he explored every means of mute reminder of 110 animal casualties. ty Council debate, Egypt joined ... _____________- ____-.,. ______ --, Syria" which would include Jor­ the militant Arab bloc to prees for collaborating with the Nazis. es· In 1939 with the donation of 15 English pounds and a monitor lizard, dan' and Lebanon as well as pecially when tge British were a .resolutlon that the U.S, had to "Palestine," presumably busy fighting the' Germans and Professor Shulov, then a young Russian immigrant, established his animal veto; and after pledging to attend swallowing up the lara,el· Italians In,North Africa. life comer. Envisioning its role in Zionism as a "neutral meetil,lg ground the Geneva conference without administered Arab territories, If Under the guise of "hastening for people of all cultures and creeds" the Zoo thus began unpretentiously the Palestinians, Sadat has now not Israel itself. in a laundry. courtyard of the former Hadassah Hospital near the centre made PLO participation' a condi­ the British defeat," he sought sup· of Jerusalem. tion for Egypt's presence. In his relations with the super­ port for a pro-Hitler coup d'etat, powers, Assad has played a more similar to that staged in Iraq In Since their 1973 'military subt1e game than his Egyptian Later situated near Mandelbaum Gate on the perimeter of Jewish alllap.ce was ruptured by dis­ 1941 under the leadersh~p of Jerusalem, animals came under heavy sniper fire during the beginning of .counterpart. Sadat threw out the Rashid Ali el-Keylan!.. agreement over diplomatic policy· Russians in July, 1972, when he the War of Independence. ReloCated in 1947 to Mount Scopus, the' 122 after the Yom Kippur War, Badal Sadat's open '8ympathy 'with animals were oons~uently besieged for three years. By 1950 only 18 of and Assad have competed for the was planning to strengthen his Hitler remained alive until the support of the Arab world. They ties with the West - the United early 'fifties when, In a press the animals were still alive, and these only because Professor Shulov and do not differ over the Ultimate ob­ States in particular. But Assad statement, 'he expressed his ad· keepers crawled by night under fire to feed them. An armoured UN convoy jective - Israel's, 'wlthdrawAI to managed to keep on good terms mlration for Hitler. finally transported these few survivors to the present location in Shneller with both Moscow and Nasser had no particular regard Woods, Jerusalem. tl1e pre-1967 borders and the Waslilngton. restoration of "the national rights for Sadat: when he triggered the The Zoo now contains over 700 animals, including a complete collec­ of the Palestinian people in its . 1952 revolution Sadat was limited to the assignment of delivering tion of the some 120 animals mentioned in the Bible. Reintroducing extinct homeland" r- but Badat hali been SOME believe Sadat's anti- the order dethroning the or near-extinct biblical species to Israel is central to "Zoo ZiOnism," says advocating Arab coop'eratlon with Soviet stance flows from his monarch. Dr_ Shulov, a prof~or of zoology at the Hebrew University. For example, WashingtQn's, step-by-step ap­ adherence to Islam and Having no access to Nasser's In. the Nubian Ibex (wild goat) dwindling to only a few pairs, by 1948 has been pl'Oach, while Assad Insists on a repugnance for Communism as an ner'CIrcle. Sadat soon turned his full Israeli withdrawal t9 the, 1967 atheistic ideology, He signed the talents to journalism, becoming increased to around 800; and the biblical Fallow Deer disappearing from Israel during the '20th Century will soon be reintroduced to the Negev and 'lines.wlth no. intermediate stages. - now defunct -15-year treaty of editor-in-chlef of the 'daily AI.' Jordan Valley. friendship with the Soviet Union In Gomhouriya, Biding his time, he 1971 as a gesture towards the then watched Nasser getting rid of one As another element of "Zoo Zionism" the Cameroun Sheep has been Gazing out at the JeruSalem Hili. this Biblical Zoo elephant I.' perhaps day­ THE BREACH between Sadat and strongly entrenched backers of ,m.ember, <;If his re p \l9 .ary.)un- successfully bred at the Zoo and sent to numerous moshavim and kibbutzim Assad bec;:amjl I1lqr~ apparent, Moscow. But upoD-,lI,ecurlng hl9>:.m=atter. another;v 'hlmselfl on taking. as livestock. dreaming of the' times when !txotlc anlmats such a. he roamed freely. Th!t zoo now after the assasslnathj~ la~t ~\lrch: own position, sadat moved unlmpQrtant posts in the wings, contains over 700 animals, Including the 120 animal. mentioned In the Bible, of Kinli' Falsal 'dt: SIlUdI!',At'allHi., . against pro-Soviet circles and The chance which shot him to If preserving the animal life of Israel conjures up images of a modern. the man who, by puttmg-Ills 011 eventually tossed the Soviets sudden prominence came in day Noah, that vision may soon be reality. Plans are well under-way, with Besides, many of the mammals born on the premises and sometimes riches'at the disposal of the Arab themselves out of Egypt. , September, 1969. when he remain. rabbinical consultation, to replicate the original Ark on Zoo grounds. The brought up by hand at home by the director and keepers when abandoned 'I cause, was largely responsible for Unlike the Egyptian leader, ed as the only possible can. project will be completed according to biblical specifications by volunteer th'eYom Kippur War. His Assad Is not a practising Moslem didate for neutralizing the two carpenters and a donation from the Jewish National Fund. - by the dams, have names of their own which, Where not strictly biblical, successor'" attempts to reconcile who prays five times a day.
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