35482 Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 114 / Wednesday, June 13, 2012 / Rules and Regulations DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: • The Alaska State Director, U.S. Chair, Federal Subsistence Board, c/o Bureau of Land Management; Forest Service U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, • The Alaska Regional Director, U.S. Attention: Peter J. Probasco, Office of Bureau of Indian Affairs; 36 CFR Part 242 Subsistence Management; (907) 786– • 3888 or [email protected]. For The Alaska Regional Forester, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR questions specific to National Forest Forest Service; and System lands, contact Steve Kessler, • Two public members appointed by Fish and Wildlife Service Subsistence Program Leader, USDA, the Secretary of the Interior with Forest Service, Alaska Region, (907) concurrence of the Secretary of 50 CFR Part 100 743–9461 or [email protected]. Agriculture. [Docket No. FWS–R7–SM–2010–0066; SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Through the Board, these agencies FXFR13350700640L6–123–FF07J00000] Background and public members participate in the RIN 1018–AX33 development of regulations for subparts Under Title VIII of the Alaska C and D, which, among other things, set Subsistence Management Regulations National Interest Lands Conservation forth program eligibility and specific for Public Lands in Alaska—2012–13 Act (ANILCA) (16 U.S.C. 3111–3126), harvest seasons and limits. and 2013–14 Subsistence Taking of the Secretary of the Interior and the Federal Subsistence Regional Advisory Wildlife Regulations Secretary of Agriculture (Secretaries) jointly implement the Federal Councils AGENCY: Forest Service, Agriculture; Subsistence Management Program Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior. In administration of the Program, the (Program). This Program grants a Secretaries divided Alaska into 10 ACTION: Final rule. preference for subsistence uses of fish subsistence resource regions, each of and wildlife resources on Federal public SUMMARY: which is represented by a Regional This final rule establishes lands and waters in Alaska. The regulations for seasons, harvest limits, Advisory Council. The Regional Secretaries first published regulations to and methods and means related to the Advisory Councils provide a forum for carry out this program in the Federal taking of wildlife for subsistence uses in rural residents with personal knowledge Register on May 29, 1992 (57 FR 22940). Alaska during the 2012–13 and 2013–14 of local conditions and resources to These regulations have subsequently regulatory years. The Federal have a meaningful role in the been amended several times. Because Subsistence Board (Board) completes subsistence management of fish and this Program is a joint effort between the biennial process of revising wildlife on Federal public lands in Interior and Agriculture, these subsistence hunting and trapping Alaska. The Regional Advisory Council regulations are located in two titles of regulations in even-numbered years and members represent diverse the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR): subsistence fishing and shellfish geographical, cultural, and user interests regulations in odd-numbered years; Title 36, ‘‘Parks, Forests, and Public within each region. public proposal and review processes Property,’’ and Title 50, ‘‘Wildlife and Fisheries,’’ at 36 CFR 242.1–28 and 50 The Board addresses customary and take place during the preceding year. traditional use determinations during The Board also addresses customary and CFR 100.1–28, respectively. The regulations contain subparts as follows: the applicable biennial cycle. Section traditional use determinations during ll.24 (customary and traditional use the applicable biennial cycle. This Subpart A, General Provisions; Subpart B, Program Structure; Subpart C, Board determinations) was originally rulemaking replaces the wildlife taking published in the Federal Register on regulations that expire on June 30, 2012. Determinations; and Subpart D, Subsistence Taking of Fish and Wildlife. May 29, 1992 (57 FR 22940). The This rule also revises wildlife customary regulations at 36 CFR 242.4 and 50 CFR and traditional use determinations and Federal Subsistence Board 100.4 define ‘‘customary and traditional the general regulations on subsistence Consistent with subpart B of these use’’ as ‘‘a long-established, consistent taking of fish and wildlife. regulations, the Secretaries established a pattern of use, incorporating beliefs and DATES: This rule is effective July 1, Federal Subsistence Board to administer customs which have been transmitted 2012. the Federal Subsistence Management from generation to generation. * * *’’ ADDRESSES: The Board meeting Program. The Board comprises: Since 1992, the Board has made a transcripts are available for review at • A Chair, appointed by the Secretary number of customary and traditional the Office of Subsistence Management, of the Interior with concurrence of the use determinations at the request of 1011 East Tudor Road, Mail Stop 121, Secretary of Agriculture; affected subsistence users. Those Anchorage, Alaska 99503, or on the • The Alaska Regional Director, U.S. modifications, along with some Office of Subsistence Management Web Fish and Wildlife Service; administrative corrections, were site (http://alaska.fws.gov/asm/ • The Alaska Regional Director, U.S. published in the Federal Register as index.cfml). National Park Service; follows: MODIFICATIONS TO § ll.24 Rule made changes to the following Federal Register citation Date of publication provisions of ll.24 59 FR 27462 ............................................................. May 27, 1994 .......................................................... Wildlife and Fish/Shellfish. 59 FR 51855 ............................................................. October 13, 1994 .................................................... Wildlife and Fish/Shellfish. 60 FR 10317 ............................................................. February 24, 1995 ................................................... Wildlife and Fish/Shellfish. 61 FR 39698 ............................................................. July 30, 1996 ........................................................... Wildlife and Fish/Shellfish. 62 FR 29016 ............................................................. May 29, 1997 .......................................................... Wildlife and Fish/Shellfish. 63 FR 35332 ............................................................. June 29, 1998 ......................................................... Wildlife and Fish/Shellfish. VerDate Mar<15>2010 14:31 Jun 12, 2012 Jkt 226001 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\13JNR2.SGM 13JNR2 tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with RULES2 Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 114 / Wednesday, June 13, 2012 / Rules and Regulations 35483 MODIFICATIONS TO § ll.24—Continued Rule made changes to the following Federal Register citation Date of publication provisions of ll.24 63 FR 46148 ............................................................. August 28, 1998 ...................................................... Wildlife and Fish/Shellfish. 64 FR 1276 ............................................................... January 8, 1999 ...................................................... Fish/Shellfish. 64 FR 35776 ............................................................. July 1, 1999 ............................................................. Wildlife. 65 FR 40730 ............................................................. June 30, 2000 ......................................................... Wildlife. 66 FR 10142 ............................................................. February 13, 2001 ................................................... Fish/Shellfish. 66 FR 33744 ............................................................. June 25, 2001 ......................................................... Wildlife. 67 FR 5890 ............................................................... February 7, 2002 ..................................................... Fish/Shellfish. 67 FR 43710 ............................................................. June 28, 2002 ......................................................... Wildlife. 68 FR 7276 ............................................................... February 12, 2003 ................................................... Fish/Shellfish. Note: The Board met May 20–22, 2003, but did not make any additional customary and traditional use determinations. 69 FR 5018 ............................................................... February 3, 2004 ..................................................... Fish/Shellfish. 69 FR 40174 ............................................................. July 1, 2004 ............................................................. Wildlife. 70 FR 13377 ............................................................. March 21, 2005 ....................................................... Fish/Shellfish. 70 FR 36268 ............................................................. June 22, 2005 ......................................................... Wildlife. 71 FR 15569 ............................................................. March 29, 2006 ....................................................... Fish/Shellfish. 71 FR 37642 ............................................................. June 30, 2006 ......................................................... Wildlife. 72 FR 12676 ............................................................. March 16, 2007 ......................................................
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