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DhYE DOCUMENT RECElV - IH AILIfW, OR FDA AlOlW I MEHT!5, DATE OF olSTRle Ii TITLE un I c-alrrn LLI I rector $AID/N icaragul HM DO YY 01811 IO/-TI~I - I I ._ rl UNCLASSIFIED PROJECT PAPER NICARAGUA - NUTRITION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM TABLE OF CONTENTS PART ONE - SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS A. Face Sheet Dotc Be Recornmendations i C. Borrower/Gmn tee i D. Progmm Descript'on ii E . Financial Plan xii F. Summary Findings xii G. Progmm Issues xiii H. USAlD Progmm Committee xiv PART TWO - PROGRAM BACKGROUND A. Introduction B. PL 480 Title ll Assistance C. Nicamguan Nutrition Sector Assessment D. Current GON/AID Sector Programs E. Evaluation of Nutrition Rogmm Development Gmnt F. GON National Fwd and Nutrition Plan and Stmtegies G . Other Donor Assistance PART THREE - PROGRAM DESCRIPTION A. Program Beneficiaries B. Program Goal and Purposes C. Program Components 1 . Component One, Improving Food Habits 2. Component Two, Increasing Food Availability 3. Component Three, Extending MCH Services 4. Component Four, Evaluating Nutritional Impact D. Nutrition Progmm Benefit Transmission Mechanisms E . Rogram Timing UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED TABLE OF CONTENTS -Page Cont. PART FOUR - PROG RAM ANALYSIS A. Financial Plan and Analysis 8. Technical Analysis C . Economic Analysis D . Social Soundness Analysis E. Program Impact on Woman PART FIVE - PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION A. Borrower Arrangements B . A. I.D . Arrangements C . Implementation Plan D. Program Evl.~luation E. Conditions and Covenants UNCLASSIFIED ANNEXES Rart One Series IA AID/W Approval Messages 1B Checklist of Statutory Criteria IC Director's 61 1 Certification ID Dmft Program Authorization IE GON Letter of Application Part Two Series IIA Framework of the Strategy for Integrated Ruml Development 118 Tabulations of Malnutrition IIC GON Inputs During Progmm Development Period IID Study Terms of Reference (Bulk Annex) IIE List of Contributing Consultant Reports IIF Nicaraguan Policy Document IIG Estublishment of ClPAN and CTAN IIH Financial Status of Gmnt Project II I NFN P Coordination and Execution Mechanism Part Three Series lllA Maps of Nicaragua lllB Progmm Motrix lllC Detail of Component One Ill0 Detail of Component Two lllE Dettai l of Component Three lllF Detui I of Component Four hrt Four Series IVA Detail of Financial Analysis IVB Economic Analysis 1) Specific Cost-Effec tiveness Considerations 2) Updated Macro- Economic Analysis (Bulk Annex) IVC Initial Environmental Determination IVD Population Impact Statement V CTAN Organization Chart Bulk Series (In USAlD File) UNCLASSIFIED PART ONE - PROGRAM SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS A. Face Sheet hta. See preceding hce sheet for summary of fiscal data and project purpose. B . -Recommendations. The USAlD recommends authorization of both loan and grant financing for a Nutrition Improvement hogram to be implemented by the Gov- ernment of Nicaragua (GON). Annex I E contains the GON Letter of Application for this assistance. 1. Rogram Authorization. $3.5 million. The loan element of $3.0 million will be funded by a FY 19/rauthorization. It is expected to finance both foreign exchange and local currency costs on approximately equal footings. Rec- ommdnded terms are repayment within 30 years,* including a ten-year gmce period carrying an interest mte oi 2% per annumduring gmce and 3% thsreafter. The grant element of $500,000 represents the planned amendment-extension of the current Nutrition Grant NO. 524-0117 and will be funded by allotments from FY 1977 and FY 1978. It is expected that the majority of costs to be grant-financed will be foreign exchange costs with the remainder being local currency costs. The Nicamguan unit of currency is the Cordoba (C$) and the current rate of exchange is C$7.00 = US$l.OO. 2 . Rogram Terms and Conditions. Program funding will be subject to the terms and conditions specified in the draft Progmm Authorization of Annex I Do Borrower/gmntee will be the GON represented by the for Food and Nutrition (CIPAN). The CIPAN is presided by the Minister of Public Health and further comprised of the Ministers of Agriculture, Education, Economy and the Director of the National Planning Office. The Executive Secretary of CIPAN is the Director of the Technical Committee for Food and Nutrition (CTAN) which is the planning, implementing (in selected activities) and evaluation arm of CIPAN. c However, see Program Issue No. 1 below regarding GON request for a 40 year repayment period. UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED D. Program Description 1. Strategy for Integrated Rural Development. The Nutrition Improve- ment Program set forth in this paper constitutes priority support of the Nicaraguan strat- egy for integrated ruml development (IRD). The strategy is to simultaneously conduct multi-sectoral programs within designated rural areas," thereby providing the target group of resident rural pooc with expanded and mutw lly reinforcing development re- sources and services and a full range of opportunities for improving their lives and modernizing their outlooks. A. I.D. support of this comprehensive 'IRD strategy began in mid-1975 with authorization of Rural Development Sector Loan No. 524-T-031 that has helped create the GON1snew rum1 devaiopment institution, the lnstituto de Bien- estor Campesino (INVIERNO). INVIERNO'S income-generating operations in program areas are now well underway and represent the first line of attack on rural poverty which is the primary determinant of malnutrition among the target group. The first annual evaluation of INVIERNO operations, conducted in late 1976, showed that interim objoctives are being met and/or surpassed. The second instunce of A.I.D. support for the GON's IRD strategy consists of the Rural Health Services Program, a combined loan-grant program that was author ized in mid-1976. It is designed to extend, improve and integrate rural health cov- erage within the target areas in order to achieve substantial declines in the high rates of morbidity and mortality that plague the ruml poor. This program has also storted strongly, particularly in respect to its ruml community action component being ad- vanced by PRACS/PlANSAR.** Adequate nutrition is a primary determinant of hwlth status, and the Nutrition Improvement Program thus representsan appropriate addition to efforts under the Rural Health Services Program. A third AID-supported program in rural education is currently pending authorization. Ebsed upon the expcrience gained under the two ongoing programs (INVIERNO and Rural Health), and strengthened by their thrust to increase rural incomes ar,d health * Pacific and Central Regions II and V to stort. ** PRACS is the acronym for, and unit of the Ministry of Health's ruml health edu- cators. PLANSAR is the acronym for and unit of the MOH's rural engineers. These units work in tondem. UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED - iii - coverage, complementary efforts under the Nutrition lmprovemen t Rogram are judged to be especially piomising and feasible. These efforts will support the GON's new National Food and Nutrition Plan (NFNP) (1978-1982). They will also coincide with INVIERNO and rum1 health opemtions, both geographically and (even more so) in the use of community participation mechanisms for the delivery of program benefits. The pending rural education progmm as well as the ruml municipal development pro- gram now in preparation will simil~rlycoincide with these programs and further ad- vance the GON's strategy for IRD. 2 . Roaram Goal and Purmse a. -Goal. The socio-economic goal of the program (and of the overall IRD effort) is to increase the well-being of Nicaragua's rum1 poor. Inter mediate to that goal is this progmm's sector goal of improving nutrition among the rural poor by achieving declines in the incidence and prew lence of malnutrition. Nutritional deficiencies in Nicaragua have been identified in studies by the Nutri- tion Institute for Central America and Panama (INCAP) as well as by the GON and A. I. D. in the 1976 Nutrition Sector Assessment. Major deficiencies include protein- calorie malnutrition (PCM)," endemic goiter, anemias, and deficiencies in Vitumin A and Riboflavin. b. Purpose. The composite purpose of the Nutrition Improve- ment Prcgmm is to (i) improve the food habits of, (ii) increase the availability of food to, and (iii) extend preventive an+ maternal and child health (MCH) services to the tame; group, with emphases upon ~regnant/nuning women, 0 - 5 year old children** as well as the malnourishea in rural arMs, including low-income workers upon whose earnings the disadvantaged ruml fbmily depends.
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