•' l UNIVERSl1Y OF NEW MEXICO-GENERAL LIBRARY 1 r E \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\ -D CONSERVATI 0 N A14422 716060 I 0J:f BIRDS OF TH SALTON SINK: AN ENDANGERED ECOSYSTEM W. DAVID SHUFORD AND KATHY C. MOLINA, EDITORS CSEL QL Studies in Avian Biology No. 27 676.56 A Publication of the Cooper Ornithological Society .C2 1 E29 2004 STUDIES IN AVIAN BIOLOGY Edited by John T. R tenberry Department of Biology Univer ity of California River ide, CA 92521 Studies in Avian Biology is a series f works to long for The Condor, ubli 'hed at irr gular int rvaL by th C op r Ornith l gical So iety. Mal\u­ . cript for con 'iderati n hould be . ubmitted to the edit r. tyle and format h uld follow tho , f pr viou i u s. Price $17.00 including p tage and handling. All ord rs ca 'h in advan e; make hecks payable to Cooper Ornithological Society. S nd order to Coop r Or­ nithological Society, o/c Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology, 439 Calle an Pablo, Camarillo, CA 930 I 0. ISBN: l-891276-37-9 Library of Congre s C n tro I Number: 20041 0I014 Printed at Allen Press, Inc., Lawrence, Kansa 66044 Is ued: April 23, 2004 C pyright © by the C op r Ornithological Society 2004 CONTENTS LI T OF AUTHORS . v PREFACE . vii INTRODUCTION ........ .... Kathy . Molina and W. David Shuford Lin ing t~e Salton S a with its pa t: the history and avifauna of Lake Ca- uilla . ............... Michael A. Patten and Brenda D. Smith-Patten 12 His ory of ornithol gical exploration f th Salton Sink ................ .. Kimball L. Garrett, Kathy C. Molina, and Michael A. Patten 18 Porulatio11 changes and biogeographic affinities of the birds of the Salton ink, California/Baja alifomia ................................... ..... Michael A. Patten, Richard A. Erick on, and Philip Unitt 24 Pat ern 'nd processes of the occurrence of pelagic and subtropical water- btrds a the Salton Sea ......... Michael A. Patten and Guy McCaskie 33 Annual c Jony site occupation and patterns of abundance of br eding cor- 1oranB, herons, and ibis at the Salton Sea ......................... ........................ Kathy C. Mo1ina and Ken K. Sturm 42 Wat rbird communities and associated wetlands of th o1ora<...lo River Delta, T\1" ice ................. Osvel Hinojosa-Huerta, St phen DeStefano, Yamilett Carri11o-Guerrero, Wi11iam W. Shaw, and arlo. Valdes- a. i Ila. 52 Patt rns f shorebird us of the Salton ea and adja ent Imperial VaJley, alifor1ia ...................................................... ... W. David huford, Nils Warnock, and Rob rt L. Mc Kernan 61 Dis ributi >n patterns or waterbirds at the alton ea, alifornia, in 1999 .. Nils Warnock, W. Da id huford, and Kath . Molina 78 Br .:ding larids of tht.= alt n Sea: trends in population si.le and colony site ·cupa ion ...................................... Kathy . M >lina 92 The Salt Sea as important waterfowl habitat in the Pacific Flyway ..... .................... Douglas A. Barnum and Steven John:on 100 Lai bird migration at the alton ea: the value of d sert riparian habitat . M ~ ureen lann ry, Sw~an L. Guers, Thomas Gardali, Nada Nur, and Geoffrey R. Geupel 106 De1 sity aid abundance of Burrowing Owls in the agricultural matrix of the lnperi'l Va11ey, alifornia ........ David F. DeSante, ric D. Ruhlen, and Daniel K. Ro enberg 116 Th col =>y of Burrowing OwL in th agroecosy tern of the Imperial Vall y, Califonia . Daniel K. R senberg and Katherin L. Haley 120 Tyre ootulism in pelican and oth r fish-eating birds at the Salton Sea .. .... Tonie E. Rocke, Pauline Nol, Charles Pelizza, and Ken K. Sturm 136 Inve tigation of a large-scale Eared Gr be (Podiceps nigrico/lis) die-off at the Sal ton Sea, California, in I 992 .. ............................ .. Car 1 U. Meteyer, Daniel J. Audet, Tonie E. Rocke, William Radke. Lynn H. reekmore, and Ruth Duncan J 41 The Salton Sea: a conservation conundrum or paradigm for . ucce, ? .. ... W. David Shuford and Kathy C. Molina l 52 LITERATURE CITED . 156 LIST OF AUTHORS DA 11:.L J. A DET KATl!ERI L. HAL y U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit I I 03 E. Montgomery Dr. Department of Fisherie. and Wildlife Spoka ne, WA 99206 Oregon late University Corvallis, OR 97331 DOUGLAS A. BAR UM U.S. Geoogical Survey (Current address: Florida Fish and Wildlife Salton Se.i Science Office Conservation Commi ion 620 St. Meridian St. 7840 I Hi ~hway I I I, Suite R Tai lahassee, FL 32399-1600) La Quint ~, CA 92253 Y AMILEn CARRILLO-GUERRERO 0 VEL HJ OJO A-H ERTA l 04 Biolcg ical Science East I 04 Biological Sciences East Scho I of Renewable Natural Resources School of Renewable Natural Re ources Universit: of Arizona Univer ity of Arizona Tucson, /.Z 85721 Tucson, AZ 85721 LY H. ~ REEKMORE TEVE JOH SON U.S. Dep1rtment of Agriculture U .. Fish and Wildlife Service National ildlife Research Center onny Bono Salton Sea National Wildlife Refuge 4101 La orte 906 W. Sinclair Rd. I P.O . Box 120 Ft. Collin.;, CO 80512-2154 Calipatria. CA 92233 D AVID F. ESA TE G Y McCASKIE The InstitJte for Bird Populations 954 Grove Ave. P.O. Box 1346 lmperial Beach. CA 91932 Point Re s Station. CA 94956 ROBERT L. McKER A STEPHE ESTEFA 0 U.S. Geo gical urvey an Bernardino County Museum Massach -etts Cooperative Fish and Wildlife 2024 Orange Tree Ln. Research Unit Redlands. C 92374 Hold worh Natural Resource Center CAROL . METEYER Universit~ of Massachusett U.S . Geological Survey Amherst. MA 01003 ational Wildlife Health Center R TH D CAN 6006 Schroeder Rd. U.S. Geo gical Sur cy Madison, WI 5371 I National .Yildlife Health Center 6006 ch·ocder Rd. KATHY C. Mou A Madi. on. WI 53711 ccl!on of Ornithology atural History Museum of Los ng les County RICI! RD .\. ERJCKSO 900 Expo-.ition Blvd. L sscciat s Los ngele-., C 90007 20 Execu:i c Park. Suite 20) !nine. A 92614 p, LI l NOL U . G eologic al Survey MAURGL:.N b. FLA NERY National Wildlife Health C nter Departme·1t of Ornithology rnd Marnmalogy 6006 Schroeder Rd. Californi· Academy of ciences, Golden Gate Park Madison, WI 5371 l San rancisco, A 94118 THOMAS GARDALI ADAY NuR PRBO Ccnservation Science PRBO onservation Science ..+990 ho·eline Hwy. 4990 Shoreline Hwy . Stinson B~ach, CA 94970 tinson Beach. CA 94970 KIMBALL ~ . GARRETT Mr l!AL·L A. PATrE ·Section o• Ornithology utton Avian Research Center Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County P.O. Box 2007 900 Expo;ition Blvd. Bartlesville, OK 74005 Lo. Ang es, CA 90007 (Alternate address: Bird and Mammal Department GEOFFR Y R . G · PEL an Diego Natural History Museum PRBO C n ervation Science P.O. Box 121390 4990 ho·eline Hwy. an Diego, CA 921 12) Stinson B~ach, A 94970 CHARLES PELIZZA SUSA!\ L. G ERS U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service PRBO Crnservation Science onny Bono Salton Sea National Wildlife Refuge 4990 Sho·eline Hwy. 906 W. Sinclair Rd. I P.O. Box 120 Stinson B~ach, CA 94970 Calipatria, CA 92233 WILLIAM RADKE w. DAVID SllUH)IW U .. Fish and Wildlife er vice PRBO Conservation Science San Bernardino/Leslie anyon National Wildlife 4990 Shoreline Hwy. Refuge tinson Beach, 94970 P. Box 3509 BRL [) D. SMllll-P\111. Douglas, AZ 85608 rchaeological Ad\ isor) Group P. Box 491 TONIE . ROCKE Pioneertown. CA 92268 . Geological Survey National Wildlife Health enter KE K. ST R 1 6006 Schroeder Rd. ish and Wildlife Service Madison, WI 5371 I onny Bono Salton Sea National Wildlife Rl'fugc 906 W. inclair Rd . I P.O. Box 120 D I . L K. ROSE B RG Calipatria, CA 92233 Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit ( urrent address: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Ser ice Department of Fish ries and Wildlife aanan Valley ational Wildlife Refuge Oregon State University HC70, Box 189 orvalli., OR 97331 Davis. WV 26260) (Additional address: Department of Forestry, Range. PHILIP UNIIT anc.J Wildlife Science. San Diego Natural Hi<ilOr} Museum tah State University P.O. Box 121390 Logan, T 84322) an Diego. CA 921 12 AR LOS V ALDES-CASll l AS ~RIC D. RUHLE The Institute for Bird Populations Centro de Conservaci6n para el Aprovcchamiento de P.O. Box 1346 los Recursos Naturales Point Reyes Station, C 94956 ITESM Campus Guaymas Guaymas. Sonora, Me il.'.o WILLIAM w. SHAW NILS WARNOCK chool of Renewable Natural Resources PRB onsenation cicncc University of Ari/ona 4990 horeline Hwy. Tucson, Z 85721 Stinson Beach, CA 94970 Studie · i.1 Avian Biology No. 27:vii, 2004. PREFACE Thi vo!Jme i the re 'ult of two ympo ia held for critical revi ws of manuscripts: Dan Ander­ on the P'-St and pre ent . Latus of the avifauna of . on, Doug Barnum, harles Collins, Sam Fitton, the Saltcn Sea: the fir t in the Imperial Valley Milton Friend, Kimball L. Garrett, Steve N. G. in th LI.Timer of 1997, . p ns red by the West­ H well, Stuart Hurlbert, Joseph R. Jehl, Jr., John ern Fiel Ornithologi t , the second in River, id Kelly, Guy McCa kie, Miguel Mora, Brian Mill­ in spring of 2000, ho ted by the Cooper Orni­ sap, Steve Myer , Lewi, Oring, duardo Pala­ thologicJ ociety. In the introductory chapter cio , Michael Patten, Marilyn palding, Larry that follcw. we summarize the dynamic history pear, Lynne Stenzel, Ken Sturm, John Take­ of the Sa:.ton Sink and Colorado River Delta, the kawa, Phi lip Unitt, and Brian Walton. We are key envi·onmental i ues in the region, and the indebted to N.
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