Northern Virginia Hospital Alliance 9/11/01 – 9/11/11 NorthernNorthern VirginiaVirginia HospitalHospital AllianceAlliance (NVHA)(NVHA) The Mission of the Northern Virginia Hospital Alliance (NVHA) is to coordinate emergency preparedness, response and recovery activities for the member hospital and healthcare systems in cooperation with Local, Regional and State response partners. NVHANVHA atat aa glanceglance…… • Formed in 2002 as a A 501‐[c] 6 non‐profit company. • Governed by the CEOs of the member hospitals. • 14 hospital members and 6 Free Standing Emergency Departments from Arlington to Spotsylvania, supporting more than 2.5 million residents over 3,000 square miles. • 3,500+ beds • More than 700,000 ED visits and 170,000 admissions in 2009 • 40,000+ employees. Largest private sector employers in NoVA 3 NoVANoVA HospitalHospital PreparednessPreparedness RegionRegion LocalLocal JurisdictionsJurisdictions inin thethe NoVANoVA Region:Region: ••CityCity ofof AlexandriaAlexandria ••ArlingtonArlington CountyCounty ••CarolineCaroline CountyCounty •Fairfax County •Fairfax County Northwest ••FairfaxFairfax CityCity ••CityCity ofof FallsFalls ChurchChurch ••FauquierFauquier CountyCounty ••CityCity ofof FredericksburgFredericksburg ••KingKing GeorgeGeorge CountyCounty ••LoudounLoudoun CountyCounty ••CityCity ofof ManassasManassas ••CityCity ofof ManassasManassas ParkPark Northern ••PrincePrince WilliamWilliam CountyCounty ••SpotsylvaniaSpotsylvania CountyCounty ••StaffordStafford CountyCounty Near Southwest Far Southwest Eastern Central NorthernNorthern VirginiaVirginia HospitalHospital AllianceAlliance (NVHA)(NVHA) Members… Hospitals: Size 1. Fort Belvoir Hospital 120 (Formerly DeWitt Community Hospital) 2. Fauquier Hospital 97 3. Inova Alexandria Hospital 318 4. Inova Fair Oaks Hospital 182 5. Inova Fairfax Hospital 844 Level I Trauma, Peds Critical Care Center 6. Inova Mount Vernon Hospital 237 7. Inova Loudoun Hospital 183 Pediatric Emergency Department 8. Mary Washington Hospital 442 Level II Trauma 9. Prince William Hospital 170 10. Reston Hospital Center 187 FreeFree StandingStanding EmergencyEmergency Departments:Departments: 11. Sentara Potomac Hospital 183 1.1. Heathcote Heathcote HealthHealth CenterCenter 12. Spotsylvania Regional Medical Center 120 2.2. Inova Inova EmergencyEmergency CareCare CenterCenter –– Cornwall Cornwall 13. Stafford Hospital 100 3.3. Inova Inova EmergencyEmergency CareCare CenterCenter –– Fairfax Fairfax 14. Virginia Hospital Center 314 4.4. Inova Inova EmergencyEmergency CareCare CenterCenter –– Healthplex Healthplex 5.5. Inova Inova EmergencyEmergency CareCare CenterCenter –– Reston Reston 6.6. Mary Mary WashingtonWashington HealthcareHealthcare FSEDFSED NVHANVHA MemberMember FacilitiesFacilities LocationsLocations Fort Belvoir Community Hospital Fauquier Hospital Inova Alexandria Hospital Inova Fair Oaks Hospital Inova Fairfax Hospital Inova Loudoun Hospital Inova Mt. Vernon Hospital Mary Washington Hospital Prince William Hospital Reston Hospital Center Sentara Potomac Hospital Spotsylvania Regional Medical Center Stafford Hospital Virginia Hospital Center IECC- Healthplex IECC- Cornwall IECC- Fairfax IECC- Reston Mary Washington Free Standing ED Heathcote Health Center NVHANVHA MissionMission AreasAreas Missions Areas… • Regional Planning & Collaboration • Communication & Information Management • Training, Education & Exercises • Finance & Administration • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) • Critical Infrastructure Protection • Decontamination & Detection • Surge Capacity & Capabilities • Pharmaceutical & Materials Management • Organization & Leadership • Security • Fatality Management ThenThen andand Now:Now: SeptemberSeptember 11th11th 20012001 toto 20112011…… On September 11th, 2001, the hospitals in Northern Virginia had: • No regional hospital disaster plan or mutual aid agreement • No regional inter‐hospital radio communications • No web‐based incident management tools • No redundant / interoperable communications systems • Limited identified surge capacity • Limited or non‐existent disaster equipment and supply stockpiles • No pharmaceutical stockpiles to respond to biological terrorism • No stockpiles of chemical nerve agent antidote • No unified incident command structure • Limited local integration with Police, Fire, Emergency Management, Public Health and other regional response partners and no regional integration • Limited integration with the DC and Maryland Hospitals 911 Pentagon Victim Disposition Patients Treated/ Facility Received Released Admitted VHC-Arl 44 26 18* [2 to WHC] IAH 23 4 19 NoVA IFH (Trauma) 0 1* [transfer] n/a NV Comm 6 6 n/a IECC-Sp 3 2* n/a GWU 3 3 n/a WHC 13 5 8* Arl Urgent 10 7 3* [2 to VHC, 1 to WRMC] NoVA Rader Clin 4 3 1* [1 to VHC] Totals 106 57 49 Arlington County After-Action Report on the Response to the September 11 Terrorist Attack on the Pentagon, Annex B, Page B-15, 2001. NoVA Regional Hospital Coordinating Center (RHCC) Main RHCC: Central Prince William Hospital: West RHCC is a function, not just a place, to provide: • Coordination of patient movement with EMS • Regional situational awareness • Logistics and material support for NVHA members • Coordination with Virginia Department of Health (VDH) Emergency Communications Center Mary Washington • Coordination with other NCR response agencies Hospital: South and hospitals such as Law Enforcement, Emergency Management and others. RedundantRedundant // InteroperableInteroperable DATADATA CommunicationsCommunications SystemsSystems WebEOC Common message boards to share situational awareness between the NVHA hospitals, neighboring Virginia hospital regions, State Health Department and local Emergency Operations Centers (EOCs). Patient Tracking Bed Status Board Mass Notification / Alerting RedundantRedundant // InteroperableInteroperable VOICEVOICE CommunicationsCommunications SystemsSystems Redundant Interoperable Deployed Voice / Data Satellite Established Full Radio Interoperability with all Terminals in every hospital NoVA Fire/EMS agencies command center NoVA RHCC On-Scene Fire/EMS Hospital Command Center Emergency Department Video Conferencing linking all Developed the Medcomm Radio System: An 800Mhz NVHA hospital command centers radio system that connects all NVHA members DevelopedDeveloped surgesurge capacitycapacity andand capabilitiescapabilities…… The NVHA members have developed plans to collectively manage for up to 96 hours…- - 1,175 general medical / surgical patients. 40 “Crash” carts 100 + IV Pumps - 140 adult critical care patients [i.e., burn / trauma / ICU] - 120 burn patients - 40 pediatric critical care patients - 100 general pediatric patients 250+ suction units 130 air scrubbers - 1,000+ patients requiring negative pressure air isolation These numbers are supported by… $1.5M in hospital based drug stockpiles $3M+ of hospital based medical supplies 1,200+ temporary beds 196 Disaster Ventilators HospitalHospital SurgeSurge CapacityCapacity DevelopedDeveloped inin NVHANVHA MembersMembers sincesince 9/119/11 250 200 150 100 General Critical Care / Trauma 50 Peds 0 ital nter p e Hospital on Hospital non Hospital ford Hospitalt ospital Centerr f H Sta Fauquier Hospital nal Medical Center o nce William i Inova Fairfax Hospital Washing Pr Reston Hospital C ry Inova Loudoun HospitalInova Fair Oaks Hos Virginia a Inova Alexandria HospitalInova Mt.Sentara Ve Potomac Hospital M ylvania Regi s Spot RegionalRegional LogisticsLogistics StockpileStockpile andand WarehouseWarehouse…… Located in Sterling, VA, the NVHA warehouse holds a large equipment and supply stockpile for all of Northern Virginia hospitals, public health and Fire/EMS agencies. 250 temporary beds 1M Surgical Masks 600,000+ N95 Respirators Pillows, blankets and sheets to support 1,250 beds for 1 week 12,000 liters of IV fluid RobustRobust DecontaminationDecontamination && DetectionDetection capabilitiescapabilities…… Radiological Detection Portals –2 at each facility Decon Showers & PPE in place at each hospital. Standardized equipment. 16 nerve agent CHEMPACK stockpiles in the member hospitals Northern Virginia Hospital Alliance (NVHA) We helped launch the Northern Virginia Emergency Response System… Local& State Public Health Local & State Fire & EMS Emergency Management NoVA Emergency Response System Hospitals Law Enforcement Northern Virginia Hospital Alliance (NVHA) We helped launch the Northern Virginia Emergency Response System… The Mission of the Northern Virginia Emergency Response System (NVERS) is To support and enhance a regional approach to coordinated preparedness, response, and recovery: – Across jurisdiction and discipline boundaries – During day-to-day emergencies and regional disasters – Through strategic planning, priority-setting, information sharing, training, exercises, equipment acquisition, and policy-making. 21 TelemedicineTelemedicine SupportSupport NetworkNetwork forfor PedsPeds andand TraumaTrauma…… A regional telemedicine system that allows for centralized management and support for trauma and pediatric critical care during a crisis. Northern Virginia Hospital Alliance (NVHA) Improved the resiliency of critical water & power systems… Emergency Well Water & Filtration Systems Generator “Quick Connects” Emergency HOSPITAL Transfer Generator Switch Northern Virginia Hospital Alliance (NVHA) We’ve exercised and trained continually, and activated for real events… Since 9/11, NVHA has: • Conducted more than 15,000 hours of emergency preparedness and disaster training with staff in our member hospitals in the areas of Incident Command, Communications, Active shooter incidents and many more. • Conducted more than 40 large, multi-hospital and multi agency exercises testing a wide range of emergencies. • Activated for real events: •56th Presidential Inauguration • National Scout Jamboree 2005 / 2010 • Influenza “A” (H1N1) Outbreak • “Snowmageddon” • 3 bus crashes with 60+ patients • Others Zachary Corrigan Executive Director [email protected] 703‐894‐8110 .
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