-r >pii iipiHi|iwK'*ii i>iivtn ‘ \ \ ■ / ' ■' . THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1961 PAflB tffw rr fKanrlr^Bt^r lEvjynins l|;ertillk Seaman William J. Topping, aon P u t chiefs of Momorlsl Tompls, Averate D e ilf Net P reee Ron The Wenther 9 « t Jamaa J. Mortarty. aon of Pythian Slaters, will omit their of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Top­ For the Week Ending Mr and Mrs. Jamea H. monthly meeting In April. The ping of 19 Wadsworth street. Is a Aptfl 14, 1961 Foreeaat of 0. a. Weather Barea AbontTown of 90 HtUiard atr^et, haa ^ v e d next meeting will t*ke place in member of the crew of the De­ d d 00 at Indlanlown Gap Military May at a date to be announced. stroyer US8 Hopewell, whlclj he vatlon to begin hla l 4 -week bMic helped to reactivate at the U. 8. Today fair to partly cloody. eool; M V P.T-A. l i iKddinc €9m4iHdtion0 10,181 t l » training cycle with the 5th The North Methodlat WSC8 Naval Station. San Diego. Califor­ toalfbt fair aad eools Saturday trv Dillon. He will be aaalgn^ nia. The Hopewell played M ac- Memlwv e f the AedH ' tupittitg Upralb gMMtally fair. groups will have a rummage sale I b d 5 t e i f f c t « * i y » t tl>* »chool. \ 7 Srpany B, 1st Battalion 2d tomorrow morning in the church tlve part In the Pacific in World BureM of drealaMam ATtld* «iS ^ »ocept*d by the Manchester— A City of Village Charm Infantry Regiment. basement. War 11. nocntnc »ft« *«* The Mary McOure group of the ,-,^,r • AWJ idtiU 0 Second Congregational VVomen a VOL. LXX, NO. 170 (CMeelSed AdvwtW ag 10) MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY. APRIL 20. 1951 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENTS clotM l«. League will meet tomorrow eve­ LOWER vtlclM. *<c- »" tno« *c- ning at eight o'clock wUh Mra cMtabl*. b ^ a b c ^ (Jo =ot s«U « eU. Frederick McCurry of 61 North would ■pprK'i*!* Elm street. cloUUltir marked with the «tze on ONE It If poaeible. ___ Senior Deputy Grand Tall Cedar William Forbes, chairman of Nut­ PRICED 3„*rtnimn W, K»thar. of Water- meg Forest Tall Cedars spring bury. a •wdor Wealeyan ceremonial, haa called a mret np Millions Hail Mac Arthur in New York City ilty, will be the guest of the committee to be held at thi STOP the fourth of the senes of Epworth Washlngton_Social club tomorrow League meetings. ','* '’ 1!’^ I evening at 7:30. at 6:30 at the South Meth^ist chureh. on the theme.' "Does lis te r Vozzolo. Jr., aon of M r At HALEYS Self Serve 1 Wage Board Head MucArthur Sny* ‘Hello’ lo New York Chrlatlanty Make a ,aiid Mrs. Lester Vozrolo. Sr • Lifts Curbs Mr. Kathan la vice pres Went of I S22 Center street, was among the Fear 40 Men Lost the Wesleyan University ‘-7”’'^/ I leveii students to be placed on ^ g < , Aaaociation. and was captain of the the Dean's honor list at New Eng­ and Neat Department On AluYninuiii General Gets cross country athletic team of the land College, Hennlker, N. [1- “ college. ' is the third time Mr. Vozzolo ha.s As Tankers Crash In 200 Items Ctovenant Hi-Ueagues of the I been awardd this honor He will h^e giadii.ated from a course In Fourth District. Eastern Sunday 4 Extra Specials MEAT DEPARTMENT BuUetin! reported it could aee the Ease School RRjioriRtion. will hold ft imi- I Civil Kiigmeenng m ‘ jf Suez ablaii' but there was no sign Hero Welcome W e’re Riad to have a chance to advertise beef, ’cauM New Orleane. April 20— i.T’i sir ftnd prcllTTilnary piiMlr Fpcftk- I spent two years in the I . of the other vcs-sel. | Rpiiioves May 1 Ban on ■ Navv In eleelronirs Irnming. ami we know you’ve had to leave it out of your menu lately! —Two Standard Oil ianUi n. Ing conte.st In the Covenant-Con- C A M P B E L L ’S H A L E ’S ••nIHded In the (iulf of .Mexico The Con.1t C.unrd said the Esso I Mrtal in Some Cixil- gregational church Saturday from rer.-ntly married Mis.s Heverly ' Now York, April 20— (zT)— An eNtimated 7,500,000 persons Herrick, also of New England BONELESS early today. Both remained Suez rndiord "Struck tanker and [ 3 00 to 7-30 to which nil ftre Invit­ afloat but one waa blazing ao apparently ail handa were lost.' ^ ian Proiliicts; Orders I turned nut in New York today to glTc Gen. Douglas Mac« ' College. TOMATO Tile colUsion occurred abuul 5 , ed. fiercely that the Coaet (iuard Plaslic Nylon Limits ■' .\rthur the nation's greatest welrome to a returning hero. Coffee taJd It believed "ao one atzoard am. ic. s. t ». the Coa.sl Guard The estimate of the astonishing and almost unbelievable SOUP POT ROAST la alive.” said.. size of the cheering, flag-waving throngs that lined the t5- Yea. ONE STOP does It, If you do your food ahopping at W "*- Ground A» Ordered Tbe ship engulfed In fire The Coast Guard said the Esso Washington. April 20 -t.A'. The hurat OnKH-ry. Drive over and uae our eaivv to get BRISKETSKET ROLL CHUCK ROLL mile ritule of his .'iO-car mntoreade came from Commissioner waa Identified by the Coaat Suez reported that although it was government today lifted its May j lot. Take the hue. It goes right paat oUr doOT. Or If the to y la Guard aa the Eaao t,n*enaboro. afire it was not in Immediate dan­ Thomas F. Murphy. STAHL'MEVER 1 ban on using aluminum in mak­ nice, take the baby carriage and walk to PInehnrst and meet your a tsrpo T-2 ahip whleh normal­ ger of sinking. From building to curbs the sidewalks of New York were £ ’ M e ly earriea a crew of 40 men. ing more than 200 civilian prod­ friends and neighbors. .... j.u ..larir. lb. ' lb. Tile Coast Guard pinpointed the packed wilh a den.se mass of hoarsely shouting humanity. You will find Plnehurat a neighborly atore with friendly clerka location of the collision at l.vtltude ucts. It ordered Instead a 50 per and friendly customers whleh all adds to the pleasui^e of shop^ng. Now Orlcana, April 20 - (zF) — 26.18 north; longitude 91 27 west. Office building windows were jammed. 79« 8 9 cent cut in use o( the metal dur­ Many of the Kpectntora welcom- — ........ — - .. .— CANNED HAM And reniemlier one stop does It . • for we sell M i«ts, Or«H Two tankera collided in the Gulf \ Tlie Coast Guard said it did not cerles. the freshest fruits and vegetables . frosted foods and have the name of the chief mate ing May and June. ing tile oM solillera back from the P E T E R P A N C U D A H Y ’S PURITAN BRAND PURITAN BRAND of Mexico about 200 miles south Far Kaat came from nelgliborlng of Morgan Oty, La, early today of the Esso Suez. In another order, the National SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY *”'you will find fresh Arnolds and Pepperidge Farm bread and A Coast Guard PBY flying boat alatea ( ’onnectlcul. New Jersey Says General and one waa believed "lost with all Production authority (N P A ) put ami Pennsylvania. m ils ......... cakes and coffee rings from Drake . E!offee was sent from Corpus Christi. Tex., plastic type nylon under alloca­ AND SATURDAY ONLY! cakes and buns from Hoderholm's fine bakery. PEANUT CANNED BACON handa.” and another flying boat, a PBM. : The almost unbelievably huge The other was reported aflre tion beginning June 1. crowil nearly doubled the size of You will find all. Calgonlle and Elecirasol, or you can turn In with H doctor aboard wsa also sent Dr, George W. Taylor (abfi\c). Has Proof of your coupons for P A G products or Coke#. Won’t yon come In TANG fore and aft with her Oral mate This does not apply to textile the 4,000,000 turnouts for Gen. from there. The cutters Tampa of lormer chairman of the old War BUTTER HAMS nylon from which nylon hose and Dwight I>. El.scniiower and Col. 11 Lbs. to 13 Lbs. Average and IcMtk around ? dead and a number of crewmen Mobile and Triton of Port laabel Ijibor Boartl, was chosen liy Prea- Pound other wearing apparel are manu- Charles A I.tmibergli. About 19 Lba. Each badly burned. • , Tex., were alao en route to the Ident Truman to ser\e as tempor­ I Staff Support 12 Oz. The loat veeael waa a type T-2 ractured, but does apply to the The people grished forth from scene. 1ary chairman of the new tVage a\ibways and piled into the rity on 12 Oz. Eaao tanker that normally carries At Baton Rouge. La.. The Marine . 'Stabilization Board. Dr. Taylor nylon used In making paint In Hie Piece sperlai trains and buses. Gan a crew of 35 men, the Coast Guard department of Esso Standard Oil ' Is professor of Industry at the brushes, lenses and various Indus­ Aitip in Tokyo State* aald. Name of the ahip waa not Co., under which the Esao Suez trial parts. Ticker Tape Shower Jar Top Quality For Homa I'niversity of P<<nnsylvanta. Showers of tom paper ami Stahl-Meyer Canned Cooked Immediately known. SJarlier the operates, said it had no informa­ MacArthur Gin Supply SUclng N P A said It relaxed the alum­ ticker tape rained throughout the Ooaat Guard tentatively identified tion except that the Eaao Suez waa inum ban to allow additional time gaily-decorated city from Cen­ Dopiiincntfl to Burk Up it aa the 'Gator, but later said that in trouble In the Gulf.
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