W ffW- tftU T ar^d EAST CENTRAL VOLUME XXXXIII — No. 14 THE HANNA HERALD and EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS — THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, T-* $75,000 FIRE RAZES HANNA MEMORIAL ARENA MARKS ICE PROJECT IN* XLATION WITH CEREMONY SATURDAY NIGHT YOUNGSTOWN BLDG. PUPILS AND TEACHERS FLEE TO PARENTS COMMEND SAFETY AS FLAMES QUICKLY LEVEL SCHOOL TEACHERS 'Parents of children in th* Youngstown school which was TWO STOREY BRICK BUILDING totally destroyed by fir* lest Thursday are high In their Member of School Division Board praise of the manner in which th* teaching staff han­ Tells Herald That New School Now In dled the situation. Mrs. J. Bic­ Blue Print Stage; Ready for Fall kell on behalf of the Youngs­ town/Home and School Assoc­ A fire loss of seventy-five thousand dollars was estimated iation, tenders sincere thenks following a bl6ze last Thursday afternoon which totally des­ end commendation to ail members of the staff whose troyed the Youngstown public and high school and left teach­ presence of mind and exem­ ers and pupils with considerable loss of books, supplies and plary conduct made it poss­ tlothing. The fire started about three o'clock in the afternoon, ible to remove all -th* child­ pnd definite origin ofthe blaze is unknown. ren from the burning build­ 1 First hint of the fire was de-$.— ing without a single mishap. ected by principal C. W. Parker While th* students' clothing rho was teaching on tbe second was lost, and many of th* •oor. He smelled smoke and in­ Library Ass'n teachers' personal effects, th* vestigated. He was met by a cloud orderly exit of th* building \t smoke coming up the stairway. was in itself a remarkable Ir. Parker immediately sounded Annual Meeting achievement. the fire alarm, and all children Assembled in orderly manner and D D rere quickly out of the building before the flames rapidly spread Friday Night throughout the entipe structure. Greater Interest And Oyen Teen-Agers Valiant efforts on the part of the Assistance Given ifoungstown volunteer fire bri­ During Past Year gade were to no avail. There were Elect Bob Weller Approximately 130 pupils in the With a ydar of considerable piilding at the time. achievement behind them, mem­ The two story brick building bers of the Hanna Public Library Clnb President lix classrooms. Grades taught in Association will hold their annual |ix classrooms. Grades tauht in meeting this Friday, Feb. 10 at Plan Meetings Every tie school were from l.to 12. Be- 8 p.m. The meeting will take place Week With Presentation |ides the principal, Mr. Parker, the in the basement of the Lutheran Of Varied Program eaching staff included J. Meehan church. THE DREAM OF MANY COMMUNITIES in Alberta will become a reality for residents of Honna and district this coming Saturday night, with the offic­ Irt. Mary Goobrand, Mrs. Eva Rev. M. Starr, a spokesman for OYEN, Feb. 7—Bob Weller, was ial opening of the artfMLfco plant in the local arena. Tha idea wWA firs* gained prominence 4arly Jost year was given tha gojohead by ratepayers in a (rs. Mary Goodbrand, Mrs. Eva the association toldr .the Herald elected president of the Oyen Teen plebiscite held lost Augusfewhereby a provincial loan was granted for construction and installation of the plant. The curling «***«" "JSST J£i r Twent club The total lose ot $75,000 included this week that during the past y at a reorganization ice inrfim*4Qi'-4haA*w0qiitor»w Se*wr«»«jtto arena as pigtw-ed from tha interior will be the scene <»Ju»|«*_^b™*^^V)e the school and equipment, and year, considerable assistance has meeting held-on M-ond-ayr F«N 8. 1 ^was partially covered by insur­ been given by the tewn council The meeting attended by thirty- ^nfW^-^e^roi^inyv wWtfg«k-A»te».-the Hd^drly^^xfclhflft^^ 'mum -u^i>•••«•!»*' \S/» pea-a*Jii«. Mfl&tlOT! ance. in improving conditions at the seven young boys and girls of 500 more. The ice surface is a little ovor regulation size, ond the centre boasts two coffeeTBrs, showers, Steom heated Messing room*, tRT Provisions were made immed­ library. Mr. Starr also stated that Oyen and district, was enthusiastic iately for opening classes in halls $500 worth of new boks have in preparing plans for the year, LEADS OLDTIMERS the library and churches in Young­ been added to the library, so that 1956. PARENT-TEACHER INTERVIEWS HI stown. The Herald learned on Mon­ now a total of 1500 volumes are The newly elected executive JOINT MEETING OF SASKATCHEWAN now at the disposal of the reading which met after the annual meet­ day that high school students had ing has decided to hold regular returned to classes in these tem­ public. Mrs. Rose Mossey is the librarian, and Rev. I Hohm is pres­ meetings every Tuesday of each AND ALBERTA FARMERS TOLD GREAT HIGH SCHOOL PLANNED FOR UTTER porary quarters, and towards the week at 8 p.m. at which a well [end of this week provision will be ident of the association. With more active interest be­ balanced program will be present­ I made for pupils in the lower grad­ ed. es. At a hastily called meeting of ing manifested, particularly on BRITAIN WILL RENEW AGREEMENT PART OF FEB.; REPORTS COMING the Sullivan Lake School Board, the part of the Hanna Home and Other officers elected were: School Association, Mr. Starr was vice president, Edna Furneaux; President of Saskatchewan Farmers' High School Teaching Staff Places >™ under whose jurisdiction the secretary, Jim Campbell; social Youngstown school operates, im­ highly optimistic over even great­ er success during the coming year. convenor, Joyce Kuich; athletic Union Foresees Britain As Among Much Value on Good Teacher-Po mediate action was taken to pro­ He strongly urges that a large at committee, Louise Gripp and Mor­ Relations; Benefits Already Evident cure new and second hand desks tendance be on hand for the an ris Tracy. International Agreement Signatories and other school equipment to nual meeting this coming Friday replace that lost in the fire. LLOYDMINSTER, Sask.—Great Britain will in all likeli­ With the second report period completed by the on* of this month, members of tho high school staff oro planning ta James Cameron, of Youngstown hood be one of the signatories to a renewed International a member of the Board told the a First Annual Wheat Agreement if forthcoming Geneva talks prove fruitful. hove a parent intervjew at that time. A spokesman for the staff Herald by wire on Tuesday from DANGEROUS "MISSILE" This was the opinion expressed by Chris Hansen, president of states that these interviews have proved highly beneficial in Edmonton that blueprints are now LOST ON HIGHWAY the Saskatchewan Farmers' Union, in an address to a joint many cases, and that parents would be won advised fo have drawn up for a new school at a confidential talk with the teachers to whom they hove on- Youngstown. Mr. Cameron explain­ A dangerous "missile" Is ly­ Cereal Bull Sale meeting of some 300 Alberta and Saskatchewan farm union members at Lloydminster on Tuesday afternoon, January 31 trusted the education of their children. ed that further details of tbe new ing along the highway b*tw**n » Continuing, the teachers' spok­ structure would be released soon, Hanna and Morrin ar Morrin (The SFU president is a mem Mr. Hansen estimated that since about 90 per cent of all current esman said that parents may rest and in all probability the new and Startler. It is not some­ Sel For May 19 ber of the advisory committee who assured that any problems discus­ thing planted by the Russians, will accompany the Canadian dele­ world wheat production is sup building would be up in time for ' Twenty-Five Head Of DAVE "SWEENEY" SCHRINER sed are in the truest sense of con­ school opening next fall. er some underworld charact­ gation leaving shortly for the talks ported through national subsidies Home and School Top Quality Butts Now of- one sort or another, it is in­ One of the all time National fidential nature and wiH not o • '^g: ' er. Its an oil .well perforating in Switzerland). divulged in public. "Every con­ gun, seven f**t long and a- Listed For Auction "In my own thinking, it's going evitable that Canadian producers Hockey League greats, Dave Schri- will eventually have to be suhsil- ner will lead a contingent of Cal­ scientious teacher desires his er bout three ind a half inches to be more difficult to get a wheat Association Plans her students-to be successful, but in diameter. Th* fact of the Of interest to cattlemen in east agreement than it has been in the ized also if they are to continue gary Oldtime hockey players a- Community Club central Alberta is the. first ann­ competition in the world wheat gainst the Hanna Hornets as part only by a frank discussion aad matter is that the gun Is def­ past", he stated. Three chief con­ exchange of views between par­ initely dangerhus if mishand­ ual Cereal Bull Sale to be held siderations determining whether markets. ot tbe program at the arena this on Saturday, May 19. The first of Saturday night. After starring "Bun" Session ents and teachers can this he ach­ led. It belongs to Perforating or not a new agreement is reach­ Henry Young, vice-president of ieved", said a member nf tke Al Chinook Guns ef Canada Ltd. and roll­ its kind staged in Cereal, tile sale ed, he pointed out, are price, with the old Calgary Bronks, Call for Resolutions is Sponsored and will be held at the Farmers' Union of Alberta, teaching staff.
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