Thirteenth Series. Vol. XVI. No. 22 Monday. April It., 20tll Cbaltra 26. 192.1 (Saka) LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Sixth Session (Thirteenth Lok Sabha) Gazs1ta1 &. D~b.:jt£: I..'nit Parlisment Lit)! Jr~ i':"'.lilding Boom f\.(' f-B-Ci!> Sioek 'G' (Vol. XVI contains Nos. 22 to 31) LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI Price : Rs. 50.00 EDITORIAL BOARD G.C. Malhotra Secretary-General Lok Sabha Dr. P.K. Sandhu Jomt Secretary P.C. Chaudhary Principal Chief Editor YK Abrol Chief Editor A. P. Chakravarti Senior Editor P. Mohanty Editor [OHll.INIIL ENGLISH PROCEEDINGS INCLUDED IN ENGLISH VERSION IINO J"":;IN"-L HNDI P'1OCEEDINGS INCLUDED IN HiNDI VERSION WILL Bl mE.IITEO 1\5 "-UTHORIT"-TIVE ANO NOT THE TRANSLATION THEREOF.] CONTENTS [Thirteenth Series, Vol. XVI, Sixth Session, 200111923 (Sale.)] No. 22, 1IIonay, AprIl 16, 20011Ch111tN1 26, 1123 (SIIkII) JBJECT COlUMNS "RY REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................. -EN ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Starred Questions No. 401--420 .................................................................................................... 2-96 Unstarred Questions No. 4173--4402 ............................................................................................ 97-320 LOK SABHA DEBATES LOK SABHA also its Leader of Opposition in 1963. After the creation of Haryana State, he was a member of the Haryana State Legislative Aseembly from 1974 to 1980 and from 1987 to 1989. He also adorned the offioe of Chief Minister Monday, April 16, 2001lChBitra 26, 1923 (salca) of Haryana twice from 1977 to 1979 and from 1987 to 1989. A veteran freedom fighter, Shri Devi Lal joined the The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the Clock freedom struggle at an early age of 15 years responding to the call of Mahatma Gandhi and actively participated [MR'. SPEAKER in the Chait1 in Civil Disobedience and Quit India Movement. [English] Hailing frem an agriculturist family, Shri Devi Lal was a firm believer in the Gandhian philosophy of uplifting OBITUARY REFERENCES rural masses. He was a champion of the cause of farmers and actively participated in Mujara agitation of landless MR. SPEAKER: Hon. Members, I have to inform the farmers in 1946-48; Kisan Movement in 1972; and House of the sad demise of two of our esteemed former Haryana Bachao agitation in 1985. colleagues, Sarvashri Jagadish Bhattacharyya and Devi Lal. In the sad demise of Shri Devi Lal, the nation has not only lost a popular political leader but also a true Shri Jagadish Bhattacharyya was a Member of the son of the soil. Shri Devi Lal passed away on 6th April, Fifth Lok Sabha from 1971 to 1977 representing Ghatal 2001 at New Delhi at the age of 87 after a brief illness. Parliamentary Constituency of West Bengal. We deeply mourn the 1088 of theae friends and I am An able parliamentarian. Shri Bhattacharyya took keen sure the House would Join me In conveying our Interest in ventilating the grievances of the poor in the condolences to the bereaved families. House. He was a Member of the Railway Convention Committee from 1973 to 1977 and a Member of the The House may now stand in silence for a short Committee on Government Assurances during 197 ~ 75 while as a mar\( of respect to the memory of the departed and 1975-76. souls. A teacher by profeSSion, Shri Bhattacharyya was (The Members then stood in silence for a short whHe.) associated with various educational organisations. An active social worker, Shri Bhattacharyya worked relentlessly for the development of rural areas. [English} Shri Jagadish Bhattacharyya passed away on WRITTEN ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS 9th March, 2001 at Kolkata, West Bengal, at the age of 87. ExpM8Ion of FIHt of Air Ind.. Shri Devi Lal was a Member of the Seventh Lok ·401. SHRI M.V. CHANDRASHEKARA MURTHY: Sabha from 1980 to 1982 representing Sonepat SHRI N. JANARDHANA REDDY: Parliamentary Constituency of Haryana and the Ninth Lok Sabha from 1989 to 1991 representing Sikar Parliamentary Will the Minister of CIVIL AVIATION be pleased to Constituency of Rajasthan. He was a sitting Member of state: Rajya Sabha (a) whether due to delay in implementation of Air Shri Devi Lal served as Deputy Prime Minister and India's fleet expansion plans, the airlines in suffering Union Minister of Agriculture and Tourism from 1989 to losses; 1991. An active pariiamentarian, Shri Devi Lal was a Member of the Committee on Agriculture. (b) if so, the details thereof; Eariier. Shri Devi lal was a member of the undivided (c) the extent of 1088 suffered as a resuH thereof: Punjab Legislative Assembly from 1952 to 1967 and was and to Questions 4 3 Written Answers APRIL 16, 2001 (d) the corrective steps taken by the Govemment in quick processing of export and import cargo under a this regard? single roof at the four metro airports at Kolkata, Mumbai, Chennai and Delhi. These arrangements, which include THE MINISTER OF CIVIL AVIATION (SHRI SHARAD Computerisation, cold storage facilities, cargo apron for YADAV): (a) to (d) Due to limited fleet. Air India has not freighters, etc., have significantly upgraded and streamlined been able to optimally utilise all its revenue eaming the cargo handling at these airports. opportunities. The extent of losses specifically on account of this cannot be isolated as there are several other AAI has also created modest cargo terminal facilities causes for losses. It is, however, a fact that Air India did at Nagpur. Guwahaii and Lucknow airports. Further. pursue a policy of fleet expansion from 1992 onwards international cargo handling facilities at Bangalore, both by acquiring new aircraft as also taking wet lease Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Jaipur, Varanasi, Pune, Calicut aircraft upto 1996-97 when it had to take urgent measures and Trivandrum are provided through the cargo terminals to reduce its losses. Air India acquired 6 new aircraft owned and operated by the concemed State Govemment between 1993-96 to operate on the prestigious India-US, undertakings. India-'=urope and India-UK routes. It also acquired aircraft Q(l wet lease between 1994-97. This lease, however, had AAI has incurred an expenditure of Rs. 14.11 crores to be terminated prematurely as the wet lease operations for upgradation of cargo terminal faciiities at· the airports did not produce expected revenue, due to which Air India during the financial year 2000-01. had to suffer losses. Thereafter, for three years from 1997 to 2000, Air India, because of this set back, and The upgradation of the facilities and concurrent due to its poor financial health, put or. hold its expansion systemic improvements in the terminal processing have projects so as to first consolidate its existing operations. augmented the handling capacity by approximately 50% Air India had already taken corrective measures by taking at the Cargo Terminals of the four metro airports. two aircraft on dry lease and by signing lease agreement for two more aircraft that are expected to be delivered in Protection and Development of Forests the mOllth of May, 2001. *403. PROF. UMMAREDDY VENKATESWARLU: Will Cargo handling facllltl.. at Airport. the Minister of ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS be pleased to state: '402. SHRI ADHIR CHOWDHARY: SHRI NARESH PUGLIA: (a) whether the Government have received any representation for development and conservation of forests Will the Minister of CIVIL AVIATION be pleased to in association with the tribals and forest dependent people; state: (b) if so, the details thereof during the last three (a) whether the Govemment have decided to tone years and as on date; and up the cargo handling facilities at various airports in the country in view of WTO agreement to remove restrictions (c) the details vf steps taken by the Govemment on on exports/imports; such representations? (b) if so. the details thereof; THE MINISTER OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS (SHRI T.R. BAALU): (a) Yes Sir. The Govemment has (c) the total expenditure incurred by the Govemment received a representation from Dr. P. Pulla Rao regarding to renovate the cargo units at various airports during the the problems of Medara Communities in Andhra Pradesh last one year; and and for formulating proposals for the benefit of tribals living in or near forests. (d) the extent to which the capacity of such cargo units has been increased to handle exports/imports? (b) and (c) In this regard, officers of the Central Govemment have attended the meeting of the Medara THE MINISTER OF CIVIL AVIATION (SHRI SHARAD Communities organised by Dr. P. Pulla Rao in West YADAV): (a) to (d) Improvement and modemisation of Godavari District. Andhra Pradesh and also visited the cnrgo handling facilities at various airports is a continuous Papikonda Wildlife Sanctuary. The State Govemment of process keeping in view the demand for such facilities Andhra Pradesh was requested to look into the problems and availability of resources. Airports AuthOrity of India being faced by the Medara Communities favourably and (II.AI) has created Integrated Cargo Terminal facilities for to take necessary action in the matter since most of the 5 Written AnswelS CHAITRA 26. 1923 (Saka) to OuM1ions 6 problems of the Madara Community who largely depend (Translation] on bamboo for their livelihood can be addressed by the State Government. The Central Government would MobIle Telephone Equipment Contract consider providing financial assistance for Papikonda Wildlife Sanctuary under the Centrally Sponsored Schemes '404. SHRI RADHA MOHAN SINGH: Will the Minister if proposals are received from the State Government for of COMMUNICATIONS be pleased to state: Central assistance. <a) whether it i$ a fact that Sharat Sanchar Nigam Meanwhile. the Central Govemment has formulated Limited (BSNl) has recently awarded a contract to a a Centrally Sponsored Scheme ·Association of Scheduled foreign company the ·lucent Technology INC"; Tribes and Rural Poor in Regeneration of Degraded Forests on Usufruct Shanng Basis· which is being (b) whether it is also a fact that this company was implemented in Andhra Pradesh.
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