PUXTON PARISH COUNCIL Puxton & Hewish Clerk: Donald Hill 18 Mitford Slade Court, Mendip Road, Yatton, Somerset BS49 4JG Tel: 01934 835578 Mobile: 07774 125578 e-mail: [email protected] You are summoned to attend a Meeting of Puxton Parish Council on Thursday 1st December 2016 at 7.30 p.m. at Hewish Village Hall Members of the public are entitled to be at the meeting unless precluded by the Parish Council by resolution during the whole or part of the proceedings. You will not be entitled to speak at the meeting except within the Public Session as under. Don Hill - Clerk A G E N A & agenda notes 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Cllr Wilson - Mr Jim Corbett 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 3. PUBLIC SESSION - 15 minutes: Residents may raise matters affecting the parish. 4. REPORTS: Ward Cllrs Report - Cllr Leimdorfer. Medical Practice Report - Tom Dalley 5. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING: To approve and sign Minutes of the 3rd November meeting. 6. MATTERS ARISING NOT DEALT WITH ELSEWHERE 7. POLICING AND TRAFFIC Crime: police.uk September: Burglary on or near Wick Road. Burglary on or near Palmers Elm Lay-by. A370 Speed: PCSO Broomfield chased - 22 Nov - to report on possible A370 accident report. SpeedWatch: 3 volunteers to date. No response from October Community News. 8. NORTH SOMERSET COUNCIL MATTERS Wick Lane: Final reparations done as reported by Andy Mack. Rail Bridge Cycle & Speed Signs: Date requested of DB on 10th Oct and again on 22nd Nov. A370 Footpath and Hedges: Flailing due in November. Path clearance must wait until 2017-18, Palmers Elm Bristol-end junction: White-lining date awaited from Liam Abercrombie. Wick Lane Rail Bridge: Footway and hedge trimming due during November. Gullies: Clerk chased to confirm that work done, via Frank Cox 22nd Nov. A370 North Parish Entry Planter: In hand. Cycle Rack: On hold. Grit Bin: Clerk to investigate buying/placing/refilling of up to 4 bins - inc Kara and Palmers Elm lay-bys. Palmers Elm Lay-by condition and upkeep: Renovation of area low priority. Go4Free: Puxton not in benefit area. NSC response: “Our Go4Free project is funded via a Sport England grant (Community Sport Activation Fund) I secured around three years ago. The criteria for the fund was areas with low participation levels and also areas with high IMD scores (indices of multiple deprivation). Weston-Super-Mare met this criteria, in particular four of the wards in Weston had high IMD scores which also correlated with inactivity levels in the town. The inactivity data is based on national participation figures from the Active People Survey which can be accessed on the Sport England website. We were awarded the grant based on the application that was submitted and have agreed to deliver the project in line with this. The Weston boundary we identified for the purposes of the project did not include Puxton and Hewish and we are unable to change this.” PUXTON PARISH COUNCIL Puxton and Hewish 9. OTHER ISSUES Broadband Speeds: Update information is filtering through. Andy McKenzie is sharing some possibilities with Cllr Wilson. Clerk is keeping a register of those interested in being part of a community system. If this list can grow to some 40 registrants, contractors can be approached to quote for the supply of a community broadband system. The Village Hall: At the Annual General Meeting of the Village Hall Committee of Management, held on November 15th 2016, the following persons were elected to serve on the Committee and to be Trustees of the Hewish and Puxton Village Hall Charity - Registered Number 304554: David Hares : Jane Woolmington : Christine Richardson - Chair : Sue Popperwell - Vice Chair : Pauline Pearce - Booking Secretary : Simon Barker - Hall Manager : Donald Hill - Secretary & Treasurer. Notice Board & Public Seats: Estimate didn’t arrive from Terry Nelms, despite follow-up, but see alternative via Adrian’s Project Services, below. Litter Pick: Piece being prepared for the next P&H Community News. Village Map: Cllr Popperwell to pick up from Geoff Board, for valuation & long-term safekeeping. A370: MotorScene requested to adjust floodlights. Adrian’s Project Services: possible parish orderly services provision.Clerk investigating what services are on offer at what costs. Cooption of Councillors: To consider an application from a former Chair of the Council - Jim Corbett. 10. FINANCE 2016-17 Accounts to date: pre-circulated with meeting papers, discussed and noted. Hewish and Puxton Community Fund (HPCF): An open meeting was suggested as a way of drawing people in the parish together to develop ideas for managing and possibly growing this fund. Final total of £41,172.25, now in PPC bank, to be moved to Cambridge and Counties Bank, which is owned by Cambridgeshire County Council Pensions Fund and Trinity College Cambridge. Bank Mandates for HSBC and Cambridge & Counties Banks: Paperwork ready for completion. Cheques for Signature: 100098 HMRC for PAYE Oct-Dec £132.00 100099 H&P Village Hall re Hall Hire April-Dec 2016 (excl Aug) £200.00. 2017-18 Budget: Pre-budget discussion e.g. donations. re January budget. 2017-18 Meetings Dates: Booked and confirmed as 1st Thursday monthly (except August) to March 2018. 11. PLANNING NEW: 16/P/2549/F Rosemary Cottage, Wick Lane, Two storey extension to end of cottage and single storey extension off. 16/P/2557/F Moor Farm, Puxton Lane, New livestock building. 16/P/2634/F Puxton Park - 1st Fl Office to Day Nursery. 16/P/2636/F Stable View, Bristol Rd, Change of use of agricultural land to residential. Erection of a double garage (part retrospective). Plus any 28th Nov Update. GRANTED: 16/P/2348/LDE The Cornstore, Cowslip Lane re existing workshop. DECISION DUE: 6/P/2100/F South Farm, Puxton Lane, Agricultural storage building. ENFORCEMENT CASES: Update due mid-November. 12. COUNCILLORS REPORTS 13. DATE OF THE NEXT MEETING Thursday December 5th January 2017 in the Village Hall Clerk’s note: this has been a ‘short’ month and that, together with Village Hall development, has led to a later than usual follow-up to November meeting actions. DH !2 of !2 PUXTON PARISH COUNCIL Puxton & Hewish Clerk: Donald Hill 18 Mitford Slade Court, Mendip Road, Yatton, Somerset BS49 4JG Tel: 01934 835578 Mobile: 07774 125578 e-mail: [email protected] Minutes of the Meeting Held on Thursday 3rd November 2016 at 7.30pm in Village Hall Present: Clllrs Sue Popperwell (Chair), Amanda Edwards, Katy Wilson, Peter Penfold, Jim Sulley In Attendance: Cllr Tom Leimdorfer (NSC), Don Hill (Clerk) Public Attendance: 8 113/16 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE None 114/16 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST None 115/16 PUBLIC SESSION Puxton and Hewish are not included in the area where the NSC Go4Free benefit is available (this is a one-off £75 voucher that allows people to trial sport and exercise groups with a view to joining those suitable as part of a longer term exercise regime). This exclusion seems illogical when you realise that the parish naturally gravitates to Weston-super-Mare for shopping and social activities. It seems doubly illogical - and unjust - when you look at a map and note that Puxton is actually within the circumscribed Go4Free area. Cllr Leimdorfer offered to inquire into this and the Clerk was asked to research the reasoning behind the existing limit, to press for the inclusion of the parish within the Go4Free zone, and to include the matter as an agenda item for the December meeting. 116/16 REPORTS TO THE COUNCIL WARD CLLRS REPORT - Cllr Tom Leimdorfer. Amended Site Allocations Plan (re Core Strategy to 2026) to go to public consultation, then decision. Two sites in Congresbury have planning permission but there are no sites in Puxton. The West of England Joint Spatial Plan and Joint Transport Study covers plans to 2036. It includes a ‘garden village’ of 5400 dwellings between Banwell, Sandford and Churchill/Langford (immediately south of Puxton), plus a Banwell bypass to a new M5 junction 21A. This replaces a plan near Ashton that would have threatened the Green Belt. This will go to Public consultation. Planning appeals: The development in Sandford will go ahead, that in Banwell was dismissed. NHS Sustainability & Transformation Plan (STO) Details are due of operational revisions to Bristol, North Somerset & South Glos Clinical Commissioning Groups that will impact local hospitals. MENDIP VALE MEDICAL PRACTICE REPORT (via Tom Dally - visit www.mendipvale.nhs.uk for more) The MVMP family: Mergers mean revising when doctors will be working where, and integration of computer systems - to be completed by the year end. Recent staff changes are detailed on the website. New Build: After successful consultations, work is moving ahead. Ideas still welcome via the website. Updates will appear there as things progress. Flu Clinic: Bar the odd hitch - for which apologies have been offered - these clinics have gone well. WiFI: Live in Langford, due in St George’s. The new premises will also have WiFi. Hypnotherapy: Alison Becker is available in Langford’s Mendip Suite on Tuesday afternoons. Memory Cafe: St George’s hold Dementia information Cafés on the 2nd Saturday monthly; locally available information on dementia and support is provided. Consultations are also available and refreshments are offered. PUXTON PARISH COUNCIL Puxton and Hewish 117/16 MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING Minutes of the Meeting held on 6th October 2016 were agreed and signed by the Chair. 118/16 MATTERS ARISING NOT DEALT WITH ELSEWHERE - None 119/16 POLICING AND TRAFFIC Crime: police.uk August reports one violence & sexual offence near the Palmers Elm lay-by and one public order offence at or near the Kara Farmhouse lay-by. PCC response re inadequacies of the police.uk system provided no comfort that crime information will improve.
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