H1302 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 12, 2009 former colleague in the State Senate, and the ten on any single figure in human his- Mr. Speaker, to address three central rest of the Kentucky Abraham Lincoln Bicen- tory. issues. tennial Commission for their tireless work I have been honored and privileged by The first part of my presentation is since 2004 to organize and coordinate the Speaker NANCY PELOSI to serve as the to answer the question, Did Lincoln many events celebrating President Lincoln’s Democratic representative on the ex- free the slaves. The second part of my birth. Judge Turner and Senator Kelly’s roles traordinary commission that has presentation tonight, Mr. Speaker, is to ensure that Kentucky played an essential worked tirelessly to pay, globally, the to answer the question, What is it that part in the national celebration of Abraham kind of homage to the 16th President Lincoln saw. And it’s in that second Lincoln’s 200th birthday deserve recognition. that President Abraham Lincoln de- part of the presentation that we will I trust that my colleagues will join me in serves. venture back through American his- commemorating this historic day for Ken- I got up early this morning and went tory to understand the complex issues tucky’s Second Congressional District, the en- to a dedication ceremony at the Lin- that Abraham Lincoln had to deal tire Commonwealth, and our nation. coln Memorial. And there, Mr. Speak- with—and I apologize for the limita- f er, I had this awesome sense of the im- tions upon my time to answer all of pact, in my own small way, that the those questions. STIMULUS MONEY NEEDS TO 16th President had on his generation of And I hope tonight, Mr. Speaker, to PURCHASE AMERICAN GOODS Americans. close on the future that Abraham Lin- (Mr. TIM MURPHY of Pennsylvania To look at that extraordinary tem- coln guaranteed for all of us. I hope to asked and was given permission to ad- ple, to see the figure, the enormous fig- accomplish this in the allotted time dress the House for 1 minute.) ure of Abraham Lincoln recessed into frame. Mr. TIM MURPHY of Pennsylvania. the temple with a constant vigilance Interpreting Lincoln’s life and work Mr. Speaker, thank you so much. over our Republic, even in death, the is extremely important. It’s important I just want to add one other element presence of Abraham Lincoln is felt to the past, it’s important to the to what’s being discussed here. and it is awe inspiring. present, and it’s important to the fu- As the final moments are taking To see President Lincoln looking out ture. It’s why I’ve come here tonight to place in putting together this economic over the National Mall, looking out lay before the House of Representatives stimulus package, I’m still holding out over the activities of the Congress of my understanding of that interpreta- a little bit of hope that we can put the United States, gives him a sense of tion. some things in there that protect divine presence in the life of our de- Recently, there have been questions American jobs. mocracy. In fact, he becomes, and is, raised as to whether Lincoln should be There is a segment in the bill, we the most pre-eminent figure in Amer- credited with freeing the slaves. The think, that would say that steel used in ican history. argument goes, given some of Lincoln’s transportation infrastructure would be And as you sit there looking at the history, his racial attitudes and state- bought in America. There is no provi- enormity of the temple, it’s not that ments, his moderate views on the sub- sions yet that say that $600 million Lincoln is looking over us; it’s also ject, his noninterference with slavery worth of cars purchased would be that we look to Lincoln for guidance. where it already existed, his once pro- bought in America, $400 million worth In other words, because Mr. Lincoln of- posed solution of colonization, his of buses would be bought in America, fered the last full measure of his devo- gradualist approach to ending the in- hundreds of millions of dollars worth of tion, saved the Union and saved our stitution, his hesitancy with respect to furniture for Federal buildings would country, President Abraham Lincoln issuing the Emancipation Proclama- be bought in America, $1 billion worth has earned the trust of the American tion, and using colored troops in the of computers. people. war, his late conversion to limited vot- It is so important. This is not a vio- And since his Presidency, very few ing rights for blacks and more, why lation of any treaty. It’s clear that Presidents of the United States have should Abraham Lincoln be credited when a Nation is spending money to not ventured in deep and reflective with freeing the slaves? create jobs, we ought to be creating thought upon the single proposition of Some have even argued that it was those jobs in this country. We love what is it that Mr. Lincoln would have the various actions taken by the other countries, but we can’t trade me do. Members of Congress and others slaves, including the power given to with other countries if we don’t have who have entered into public life the Union cause as a result of the the money to buy their products. throughout this country, they look to moral case for overturning slavery, I still hope this is part of what may the example of Lincoln knowing that plus the actual military role of work- end up in this bill. The American peo- he gave the last full measure of his de- ing and fighting in the Union cam- ple are depending on it. I hate to see votion to keep this country together, paigns that actually freed the slaves. our dollars go overseas or where we’re to guarantee for us the future; that I’ve heard the arguments. I’ve read borrowing money from other countries. even as our newest President, Presi- the arguments of our Nation’s most Let’s make sure it’s used to purchase dent Barack Obama, said today in the profound historians who make this American goods. Capitol Rotunda, he said, ‘‘It seems case. f that the problems that we have as By forcing the Emancipation Procla- Americans are small compared to the mation issue on to the agenda, first of CELEBRATING ABRAHAM LINCOLN problems that Mr. Lincoln dealt with. military officers, then of the Congress The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under And yet, Mr. Lincoln persevered.’’ of the United States—which we all the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- Sure. We’re arguing about to vote for know then and now know to be reluc- uary 6, 2009, the gentleman from Illi- the stimulus or to not vote for the tant—and finally of Lincoln, it was nois (Mr. JACKSON) is recognized for 60 stimulus, to support the President’s their actions, the actions of the slaves minutes. agenda or to not support the Presi- themselves that led to their freedom. Mr. JACKSON of Illinois. Mr. Speak- dent’s agenda, to help our economy, I think when looking at this argu- er, as a member of the Abraham Lin- and from some others’ perspective to ment—clearly just as the Congress and coln Bicentennial Commission, this not help our economy. President Lyndon Johnson would not commission has worked for a few years But the central issues that we deal have been able to pass and sign the now to help pay homage to commemo- with, President Barack Obama said are civil rights and social legislation of the rate the life of, from my perspective, small by comparison to the issues that 1960s apart from a modern civil and the most extraordinary American who Lincoln dealt with. We owe him a tre- human rights movement—so, too, the ever lived: Abraham Lincoln. mendous debt of gratitude. military commanders, the Congress, Abraham Lincoln was our 16th Presi- There have been some questions and Lincoln would not have been able dent who, today, would have been 200 raised during the Lincoln bicentennial to achieve what they did without the years old. This President’s impact on about whether or not Abraham Lincoln agitation and the movement of the the lives of every American has been should be credited with freeing the slaves and their allies. There is no told in more books than any book writ- slaves. And I came to the floor tonight, doubt about that. VerDate Nov 24 2008 06:27 Feb 13, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00052 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A12FE7.029 H12FEPT1 rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with HOUSE February 12, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1303 On the other hand, the slaves would tories. And while gradual in his ap- fore the war and throughout and even not have become freed men apart from proach, Lincoln and the slave States of during the war, but even so, this is not what these leaders did. Because histor- the South knew this would eventually the same as bringing an end to the pe- ical interpretation has played up the mean the end of slavery. culiar institution of slavery, which role of white male leaders while play- It was Lincoln who brought out and only the Civil War and Lincoln’s lead- ing down the role of mass movements sustained all of these factors. Thus, ership did.
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