HANDBOOK OF PRODUCTION INFORMATION PARAMOUNT PICTURES PRESENTS A SCOTT RUDIN PRODUCTION A BARRY SONNENFELD FILM ANjELlCA HUSTON RAUL JULIA CHRISTOPHER LLOYD JOAN CUSACK CHRISTINA RICCI CAROL KANE Music by MARC SHAIMAN Visual Effects Supervisor ALAN MUNRO Edited by ARTHUR SCHMIDT and JIM MILLER Production Designer KEN ADAM Director of Photography DONALD PETERMAN, A.S.C. Executive Producer DAVID NICKSAY I Based on the Characters created by CHARLES ADDAMS Written by PAUL RUDNICK Produced by SCOTT RUDIN Directed by BARRY SONNENFELD "Addams Family Values" Album available on Atlas Records, A PolyGram Company Read the Paperback from Pocket Books ® A PARAMOUNT COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY TM & COPYRIGHT © 1993 BY PARAMOUNT PICTURES. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ~Q~ DOLBY. STEREO D IGI T A L TH E DIll Morticia Addam s .......................ANjELICA HUSTON Donald ....... .................. STEVEN M . MARTIN Go mez Adda ms .................... RAULjULIA Dex ter " ............... DOUGIAS BRIAN MARTIN Fester Addams......... .. .......... CHRI STOPHER LLOYD Lumpy ... .. ........................................ RYA N HOLIHAN Debbie j elinsky .................................. JOAN CUSACK Delivery Nurse ................................. LOIS deBANZIE W ednesday Addam s ..................... CHRISTINA RICCI Forceps Nurse .......................... VICKILY REYNOLDS Gra nny ................................................. CAROL KANE Heather ........................................... CYNTHIA NIXON Pugsley Addam s ..........................jIMMY WORKMAN Mrs. Montgomery ............ ..................... EYDE BYRDE Pubert Addams ........... KAITLYN & KR ISTIN HOOPER Delivery Room Doctor ............. DAVID HYDE PI ERCE Lurch .........................................CA REL STR'UYCKEN Obnoxious Girl ........................ANDREANA WE INE R j oel Glicker .......................... .... DAVID KRUMHOLTZ Host.. ............... PETER GRAVES Thing ... ... CHRISTOPHER HART .. ............................. RI CK SCARRY Margaret .................... DANA IVEY Flirting Woman ................................ MONET MAZUR Ga ry Granger ............................... PETER MacNICOL Flirting M an ................................... FRANCI S COADY Bec ky Granger ....................... CHRISTINE BARANSKI Driver ............... .. ....................... .IAN ABERC ROMBIE Amand a Bu ckm an ............... MERCEDE S McNAB Moving Man .......................................... CHRIS ELLI S Don Bu ckman ................................ SAM McMURRAY Co nce tta.. .................................... CAM ILLE SAVIOLA Ellen Buckman ................ HARRIET SANSOM HARR IS Passport Clerk .......................... ........... ZAC H PHIFER Mrs. Glicker ..................................... JULIE HALSTON jorge ................................................TO Y SHA LO UB Mr. Glicker ............... .. ...... BARRY SONNENFELD hw in ........... .. ..................... JEFFREY VAN HOOSE Desk Se rgeant.. ................. ................ NATHAN LANE M ordecai ........................... MICA H WINKLES PEC HT CO ll sin It ........ ... ................. JOHN FRANKLIN Whee lchair Camper ..................... MATTHEW BEEBE Co usin Aphasia .............................. CHARLE S BUS CH Ya ng ........... .. .. .......... MICA H HATA CO ll sin Ophel ia .... .............. IAURA ESTERMAN Jamal.................... .. ..............j OEY WILCOTS Fl ora Amor ........... .......... MAUREE N SUE LEVIN Ca mper # I ............................................. JASON FI FE Fauna Am or ..................................... DARLENE LEVIN Camper #2 .................. ............... KARL DAVID·Dj ERF Dementia ........................................ CARO L HANKI NS Young Debbie ........................................ HALEY PEEL "ADDAMS FAMILY VALUES" PRODUCTION INFORMATION IWI ove is in the air. And when that air surrounds the Addams Fami ly, events unfold in deli ghtfully unexpected ways. Take Gomez and Morticia: passionate, devoted, demented , and thrilled by their new arrival, baby Pubert, brandishing that sweet smil e, that fami li al pallor, that cute littl e moustache. The love bug has bitten Uncl e Feste r, an innocent if ever there was one, who has developed hi s own yearning for Debbie Jellin sky, the new nanny with her own ideas about Fester's future, none of which in volve hi s lo ngevity. Even young Wed nesday has met a kindred spirit in the most unlikely of locations - summer camp. Welcome back to the irreverent world of Charles Ad dams's macabre chara cters as they return to the screen, fo ll owing their debut appearance in o ne of the major blockbuster films of 1991. Starring once aga in are Anj elica Hu ston, Raul Julia and Christopher Llo yd as Morticia, Gomez and Uncle Fester, and co-starring are Chri stin a Ri cci and Ji mmy Workman as Wednesday and Pugsley. Th e fa mil y also incl udes Christopher Hart as Thing, Ca rel Struycken as Lurch the butle r, Dana Ivey as Ma rga ret, and Jo hn Franklin as Co usin Itt. Joining the happy group in "Adda ms Fam il y Values" are Ca rol Kane as Granny, and Joan Cusack as Debbie, the nanny who isn't quite what she seems. Th e cast also includes Peter MacN icol, Chri stine Baranski and David Krumhol tz. This lunacy is again unde r the auspices of the team that created "Th e Addams Family": directo r Ba rry So nnenfeld, an award-winning cinematographer who made his directorial debut with the first ''Ad dams,'' and proli fic produce r Scott Rudin , whose d ra matic thriller "The Firm" has grossed more than S 150 milli o n to date; and whose comedy hit "Sister Act" was one of the highest grossing film s of 1992. The screenplay is by Paul Rudnick, who, earli e r this year, e nj oyed consid erable accolades, including an Obie Award , for hi s off-Broadway hit, "Jeffrey." David Nicksay is the executive producer of the presenta ti o n of rh e Motion Pi cture Gro up of Paramount Pictures. "Addams Family Va lu es" filmmakers include director of photography Donald Peterman, A.S.C., a two-time Oscar nominee for "Fla shdance" and "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Ho me." Academy Awa rd-winning producti o n designer Ken Adam, whose creative vision fueled the major James Bond film s and Stanley Kubri ck' s classics "Dr. Strangelove" and "Barry Lyndon," was enli sted to make tangibl e the atmosphere and spirit of Charles Addams's macabre drawings. Th e costumes, re fl ecting both rhe eccentricity and elegance of the Adda ms mili eu, were desig ned by Academy Awa rd- winner Theoni V. Aldredge, who won he r Oscar fo r "The Great Ga tsby." The co-editors are Academy Award winner Arthur Sch midt. who won hi s Oscar for "Who Framed Roger Rabbit." and Jim Mill er. who was co-editor with Dede All en on "The Addams Fam il y." Ma rc Shaiman ("Sleepless in Seattle." "Sister Act," "C ity Sli ckers") composes and conducts the score for the new "Ad dams Family" film. ABOUT THE PRODUCTION irector Barry Son nenfeld ca ll s the Addamses "the ultimare functional family. The parents love the children. The mother and father love each othe r. They don't change their values based o n a wh im. Th ey're a perfect family." "It's an interesting thing making a sequel to 'The Addams Family... · Sonnenfeld says. "because there are certain characters who can change and grow and become different. An d there are other cha racters who the audience doesn't want to see change. For in stance. you wouldn't want to make a movie whe re Go mez and Morticia get a divorce - they have a perfect re lationship. Yo u wouldn't want Wednesday to be any mo re evil o r deadpan. or Pugsley to be any more or less goofy." "At the beginning of the movie we find that Fester is very lo nely. He rea li zes that everyone's very happy - the fam il y has another baby - and Fester is lonely. He wants a mate." Observes Sonnenfeld . "One of the things we've done wit h 'Ad dams Family Va lu es' is to have more of a story than in 'The Addams Family,' and in troduce new characters. So we have an opportunistic nanny. baby Pubert. and Joel Glicke r. Wednesday's first boyfri end." Screenwriter Paul Rudnick re li shes the delicious mischief of the Addams psyche. "The best t hing about w ri ting for the Adda ms Family is that you don't have to be wholesome," says Rudnick. who displays an obvious playful glee about the opportunity to portray the happy prankishness and twisted humor of the Addams clan. Rudnick worked extensively on the first Adda ms film. and ''Addams Family Va lu es" is his origin al screenplay. Co mments executive producer David Nicksay. "As you get to know them. you realize that the Addamses have fantastic traditions which they pass o n to each other. They love each other ve ry much. They che ri sh each othe r's freedom to be in dividual. quirky. however they want to be, and so they have a reall y great working fam il y unit." Says RaulJulia, "I think the appeal of the Addams Fam il y is that they are ve ry eccentric and naughty. And we all have in ourselves the desire to be naughty once in a while." Anj e li ra Hu ston adds, '" think within all of us there is a search for things that are a little off-center and offbeat. 'think their appeal is the fa ct that they accept what is to the normal world unacceptable- in fact they embrace what is unacceptable-and that they have such a wonderful understanding of each other. Th ey have wonderful fam il y val ues. They are devoted to each other." Huston describes the re lationship between Morticia and Go mez as "extremely loving and ve ry passionate, If anything, , think their
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