NOTIFICATIONS New Delhi, the 23rd February 1962 No.29-Pres./62 - The President is pleased to institute an award for the members of throughoutt ons of part cular Union to recognise service under cond toimake, and severe climate and in t is behalf, hardship the following statutes governing the ordainaward whichand establish shall be deemed to have effect from thelirsti of Januarys 1959.' - medal Firstly -The awarotshall be in the form of a MEDAL', ,POLICE (SPECIAL DUTY) and styled and designated the ' • (hereinafter referred to asthe medal). : Secondly - The medal shall- be circular.in shape, ' made of cupro-nic.ke1,38 millimetres in diameter, fitted to a 38 millimetres long horizontal bar with the inscription POLICE (SPECIAL DUTY)",.with.deCorative. standard fitting4' 'It, shall have embossed on the obverse the State Emblem encircled by a decorative lotus wreath. On the reverse, it shall have emossacAn,qutline of Gangotri in the centre . izir t.i4tia . , n.along the mpper and the words “VIti 4 '. a below the Outline.' . -- - rim and liGangotri . _ .. _ -aW;arded to ttl.se members Thirdly -she medal stall be erzahisations Who have .of the Police forces,CentralApecurity performed service in such conditions and for such geriods as may be recognsed from time to time by the Gove'rnment of India for the pur2oses Of this'award. -Awards may be Mnde posthumously. individual qualifying for the medal Fourthly An for the first time shall be a-derided the medal and on all suOse(luent occasions when qualifying shall be awarded only a bar to the medal. Fifthly - The medal shnll be suspended from the ..left - There ribonb shall by a ribbon 35 millimetres in width. .,,vellowand breastbe white with alternating vertical stripeso f d green each 3.5 millimetres in width and each seosrated•by a _ white stripe of 2 millimetres. of those to whom this medal. may Sixthly - The names in the Gazette of India and a be a warded may be published- Home 'Ilegister of such names may be kept in the Ministry of Affairs by such person as the President may direct. •••V- • -1 2 s- Seventhly - It shall be competent for the Presiden the medal and the bar to to cancel and annul thef award o any person and also to restore it subsequently. Eighthly - It shall be competent for the President to make rules to carry out the purposes of these Statutes. • 2 - In accordance with statutes Thirdly No.30-?res./6 PECV.L and Eighthly of the statutes relating to the nPOLICE(Sof the award the DUTY)ME DAL", the following Rules governing medal and bar ale notifieds- The Government of India may from time -to time 1. specify the special duty involving conditionssuch spec ofial particular duty and hardship and difficulty, the Area of the minimum period of service on such duty which shall -medalt iedproas ed' tbe all or ' qualify for the award of- tdhe r modif vidmay hat necessary, any of these may. be varie o 2. Deleted. 3. Sk person who dies in service or is evacuated as a result of wounds or other disabilities-d attributable shall be eligible to service in any ot the operations' snecifiE- for the award notwithstanding thkIt he has not completed the minimum period of qualifying service for the award. person who is awarded a gallantry decoration 4., s of his service in any of the specified -.in the curse eligible ftr the award the medal or operations n12111. be he hna not completed the minimum bar notwithstan:_ling that period of gut-II:Z:411g sarvirte for the aw•ard. or other 5. The award shall not carry any monetnry allowances. R.K. 1114MiDHYANI,Secretary. -m No. 34;Pres/ 4 The Amendments contained in NotifIcAti Pres/ NOT-1. 73, dated 22nd May 1973 and Notificatiln No. 35, 22nd May 1973, have been incorpora tad- in 73, dated the, above a tatutes and Rules. " 4,7 ( XINISTRY CP HOME AFFAIRS POLICE (I) E3CTION New Delhi-111 26th Seitember 1983 4th ilYina, 1885 N0424/24/60-Police the (l)t• In accordance with tule 1 of Ralts governing the award of the Police (Special. Doty) notilied in the Gazette of India on the 3rd March 1962, tinder the Preaident's Secretariat's • notification No. 3J-Pros./62? dated the 23rd rebrnary, 1962, the Government of India have degided that the members of Police forces incardirg the Central Reserve Police and the Central Intelligence Bnrean who have completed an aggregate of one year after the lst January 1959 on the effective strength of a =it/formationlocated within the geographical limits of the following areas viii be eligible for the award of the Police (Special Diaty) 1 2rada...141Ltu • bond e Tn 2. lam i the whole of Icdakh District; (ii) drag Valley; (S ii) reran; (iv) Kernah; (Y) the portion of li:aramnlla distict lying along the Cease lira Line to the So•ith of Baratrnlia Town; • (vi) Police Station Vilgam, Police S_ation Eandwars, Police S.,;ation Bijhamal Police Station Pants's. and Police Station GrImarg in the Kashmir Valley; and (vii) Police Station Riranagar, • Police Station Samba9 Police Station Ramgarbi Police Station Bishnah, Police Station Ranbir Singh Pure, Police Station AkhEoor, Police Station Manz, Police Station athamb, Police Station NowsEerat Police Station R4jaril Police Station y.endhar, Police Station ert.rankotol Police tation Poona h and Police Station Xandi in dammn. • 4 the area of Sibzagar and Nikir Rills which lies between the Railway lino and Naze. Hilly border; - I (ii) Diphn Town!' • (iii• North Cachar'hills Sub-Division; and (iv) all Border Outposts, Police Stations, Police Outposts, actually. sitnation on re. border.the border or within one mile -from the 4. hold or N “ - . 5. if (I) Tamenglorig &lb-Division! (ii)•Ukhrul 'Sub-Division; • Mao-Maram:.Circle; •(iv Sadar Circle; (v ) Police Station Bishenpur; (vi) all other hills. and Sd/- (V. VISWANATHAN) SECRETARY TO THE GOVERNMENT OF . INDI A r No.24/24/60-Police(I) Government of India Ministry of Home Affairs From: - Shri P Sitapati Under Secretary to the Govt. of India To: All State Governments and Union Territories. NEW.DELHI-11, the 28th October, 1963 6th Kartika, 1885. The Police(Special Duty)medaX. Sir, I am. directed to refer to . this ministry'sletter of even number dated the 6th march; 1952, on -the subject mentioned dpove, and to say that in accordance with rule 1 of the rules governing the award of the Police(Sneeial Duty) Medal, the Govt. of India have decided that members of Police Forces including the Central Reserve-police and the Central Intelligence Bureau, who have . completed al aggregate of one year's service after 1st January, 1959, on the effective in strength of a unit formation located within the geographical limits of the areas notified in this Ministry's Notification No.24/24/60-P-I, - dated the 26th September, 1963, will be eligible for the award of the Police(Special Duty) Medal. Ten copies of the Notification are enclosed. I am to request that a list-of- nanes and ranks of -all the o` 'ricers who have completed one year's service in the Specified areas may be furnished to this 'Ministry' by. the 15th January," 1964. The names of such officers who died or were wounded while on service in the specified areas, irrespective of the period of Service rendered by them in. these areas, may also be-furnishedseparately in accordance with the award of the'Police(Special Duty) rule 3 of the rules governing Medal. While forwarding the recommendations the aime of the Service of Which the person recommended is or was a member and.the grant of the medal is recommended should - particulars for which the- be clearly.nentioned ire. the name and rank'of the officer, the • area of service and the period of service. Yours faithfully, Sd/-P.Sitapati . Under Secretary to the Govt. of India. No.24/24/60L-P.I, . Dated the 28th October, 1963 6th Kartika, 1885. ' Copy with 10 copies of the Notification No.24/24/30-13.1, dated the 26th SepteMber, 1963 forwarded to (i)- the DireCtor 0.i) 'the I.G.P., Central Intelligence Bureau, New Delhi , and Reserve Police Force, Delhi, for Information and necessary action. Sd/- P.Sitapati nrv=e-r secretary to the Govt. of India. Government of India/Bhar?,t Sarkar Ministry of Home Affairs/Grih Mantraiay;.-1 New Delhi, dated the 27th August, 1969 5th Badra, 1891 NOTI FI CATION No.9/11/69—P.IV: In supersession of the Ministry of Home Affairs Notifiction No,24/24/60—P.I. dated the 26th September, 1963, and in accordance with Rule 1 of the Rules governing the award of the Police(Special Duty) Medal, notified in the Gazette of India on the 3rd March, 196 2 under the President's Secretariat's Notification No.30—Pers/62 dated the 23rd February,1962, the Members of the Police Forces including the Central Reserve police and the Central Intelligence Bureau will be eligible for the award of the Police (Special Duty) Medal and the Bar to the Medal, for service in the areas specified in paragraph 2 below, as under:— (1) Those who have completed an aggregate of one year's service after 1st January,1959, will be awarded the Police (Special Duty, Medal. (2) Tho First Bar to the Medal will be awarded after a continuous service of two years. (3) The second 3ar to the Medal Will be awarded after an additional aggregate service of 5 years subject to the conditicin that the maximum number of Bars to be awarded to each eligible person will not be .more than 2.
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