CIRCULATION LARGER THAN THAT OF ANY OTHER RADIO PUBLICATION SEPTEMBER 25 Cents Over 200 Illustrations Edited by HUGO GERNSBACK r ulf ist tN . ri aumum SCIENCE and INVENTION RADIO REVIEW AMAZING STORIES RADIO INTERNACIONAL www.americanradiohistory.com Radio News for September, 1926 193 majestically sweet LKE the grand cathedral organ- Due co the exclusive direct -drive unit mighty monarch of all musical in- with its eight points of contact from unit struments -the new Tower Cone runs the to cone, the new Tower Cone gives not entire gamut of tone, bringing to you each only a complete range of tone, but a note, majestically sweet and clear -with beauty of "voicing ", and a' responsiveness the variety of color and shading de- to changes of tempo, long sought but manded by the real musical critic. never until now achieved. Your Dealer Will Be Glad to Demonstrate www.americanradiohistory.com Radio News for September, 1926 'NIEWS Published by EXPERIMENTER PUBLISHING COMPANY, Inc., Publishers of "Radio News," "Science and Invention," "Radio Internacional," "Radio Review" and "Amazing Stories." Editgrial and General Offices: 53 Park Pl., New York City H. GERNSBACK, President. S. GERNSBACK, Treasurer. R. W. DEMOTT, Secretary Member: Audit Bureau of Circulations Radio Magazine Publishers Association SEPTEMBER, 1926 NUMBER 3 Contents of This Issue: [®3 Is Radio at a Stalidstill? The Eusonic Receiver, By Hugo Gernsback 203 By Joseph Bernsley 228 How to Make Radio Pay Your Way, How to Build Wireless Receivers, By C. William Rados 204 By Edmund T. Flewelling 231 Television an Accomplished Fact, A Family Receiver, By Watson Brown 232 By A. Dinsdale 206 A New Idea in Set Construction, By Joseph Riley 234 Radio News of the Month Illustrated, The Hobodyne, By `Bo" McHinnessey By 236 George Wall 208 The Detectorium, By Hugo Gernsback 237 What Price Salesmanship ?, A Tuned -Radio -Frequency Regenerative By N. B. Platt 209 Receiver, By Roy Lyster 238 Radio Equipment of the Byrd Polar Flight 210 Tubes Within Tubes, 239 A Radio -Here, There and Everywhere, 211 Combined "B" Eliminator and Power Amplifier, By D. WRNY Celebrates E. Harnett 240 Its First Birthday, Alleviation By Charles D. Isaacson 212 of Static, By L. W. Hatry 242 Overloading "Echoing Silence," By George B. Ludlum 213 the Audio Amplifier, By Sylvan Harris 244 Audio Amplification for the Beginner, A Plug By A. P. Peck 214 -In Coil Short -Wave Receiver, By A. P. Peck 245 Radio Set Owners' Information, 216 Radio Wrinkles-Awards in $50.00 Prize List of Broadcast Stations in the United Contest, 246 217 States, Radiotics, 248 The Latest Discoveries in the Range of Standard Hook-Ups, 249 Electromagnetic Wave- lengths. With By Prof. Boris Weinberg 218 the Amateurs -Constructing a Ripple Meter, By Edward W. Berry 251 New Developments in Radio Apparatus, RADIO NEWS LABORATORIES, By G. C. B. Rowe 220 252 I Want to Know, By Joseph Bernsley An Ultra -Modern Radio Factory. 254 By B. H. Baker 222 Correspondence from Readers, 256 Calls Heard, Radio -Operated Furnace Melts Precious 272, 309 Metals, By S. R. Winters 223 Q. R. A's. 285 Kits of Parts for the Set Constructor, Book Reviews, 285 By M. L. Muhleman 224 r3 Radio Jingles, 287 In Forthcoming issues: ESTABLISHMENT OF RADIO STAND- AUDIO -FREQUENCY AMPLIFYING CIRCUITS FAVORED BY BRITISH ARDS OF FREQUENCY. DEVICES. LISTENERS. An interesting explanation of the manner in The series of articles by Sylvan Harris, ex- Articles will appear describing and illustrat- which frequencies are measured to a remarkable plaining the problems of obtaining better repro- ing, with circuit diagrams, the types of sets degree of accuracy, thus standardizing trans- duction from receivers, and how they are being which are giving most satisfaction on the other mission. met. twill continue. side. and at Brentano's, Ave de L'Opera, Paris, France. European RADIO NEWS Is published on the loth or each preceding month. There are 12 agents: S. J. wise price Is 52.50 a year in U. S. and possessions. Et Cie, 40 Place Vexe. Antwerp, Belgium. numbers per year. Subscription HOW TO SUBSCIRI11E FOR RADIO NEWS. Send Canada and foreign countries, 53.00 g year. U. S. Coin as well as U. S. Stamps your name, address and or stamps). Single, copies, 25 cents each. Checks and remittance to Experimenter Publishing Co.. 53 Park Place, New York. 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Line of Bass Notes of Weaker Stations Power Amplifier Supply Transformer, R198 furnishes current for both plate and filament Greater Clarity Better Volume Control of the power stage on all Programs using the U. X. 210 power tube with 400 volts on the plate and 7'.'t volts on the filament. In addi- Impedance coupling is universally accepted as tion furnishes com- plete B-supply for the most perfect form of amplification from a the set. Price $12.00 reproductive standpoint -But the amplification /3-Eliminator Transformer R195 is designed for use Nsith the Raytheon tube. furnishing increase of the straight impedance is low. B voltages for the entire receiver. Capable of supply- ing 140 volts at 40 The Thordarson Autoformer is an impedance milliamperes. Con- servatively rated. with a step -up ratio -It combines the faithful Will not heat up in continuous service. reproduction of the impedance with the ampli- Price $7.00 fication increase of the transformer, paving the 30 Henry Choke Coil R196 is used in the filter circuits of power amplifiers and B-eliminators operating way for the release of the deeper tones with from the house lighting current. D. C. resis- increased volume and unrestrained quality. tance 280 ohms. Capac- ity 70 milliamperes. Price each $5.00 Price $5.00 Note: Only Thordarson makes the Autoformer THORDARSON ELECTRIC MANUFACTURING CO. Transformer specialists since 1895 WORLD'S OLDEST AND LARGEST EXCLUSIVE TRANSFORMER MAKERS Chicago, U. S°A. www.americanradiohistory.com 196 Radio News for September, 1926 INDEX TO ADVERTISERS Page Page Page Page A Crescent Radio Supply Co. 309 I R l'rosley Radio Corp., The -199 Acme Apparatus Co. 307 ..198 Illinois Stamping & Mfg. 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