CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Wednesday, October 24, 2018 9:00 a.m. CITY COUNCIL Martin Heines, Mayor Linda Sellers, District 1 Broderick McGee, District 2 Edward Moore, District 3 Don Warren, District 4 Bob Westbrook, District 5 John Nix, District 6 Edward Broussard, City Manager CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS - CITY HALL 212 North Bonner Tyler, Texas 75702 Wednesday, October 24, 2018 9:00 a.m. Internet website http://www.cityoftyler.org and Cable Access Channel 3 Please call (903) 531-1250 if you need assistance with interpretation or translation for this City meeting. Si usted necesita ayuda con la interpretación o traducción de cualquier material en este sitio o en una reunión pública de la Ciudad de Tyler por favor llame al (903) 531-1250. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT NOTICE The City of Tyler wants to ensure that City Council Meetings are accessible to persons with disabilities. If any individual needs special assistance or accommodations in order to attend a City Council meeting, please contact the City Manager’s Office at 903.531.1250, in advance so accommodations can be made. COURTESY RULES Thank you for your presence. The City Council appreciates your interest in Tyler City Government. To ensure fairness and orderly meetings, the Council has adopted rules of courtesy which apply to all members of the Council, Administrative Staff, News Media, Citizens and Visitors. If you wish to address the Council, obtain a speaker card from the receptionist’s desk outside the Council Chambers, complete the information requested on the card, and deliver to the City Clerk before the meeting or as soon as you can. Speakers will be heard as the individual item(s) in which they have registered an interest come before the Council. Your remarks will be limited in duration depending on the number of people wanting to speak on a particular item. Delay or interruption of the proceedings will not be tolerated. INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MINUTES Consider approval of the Minutes of the City Council Meeting from September 12, 2018. Consider approval of the Minutes of the City Council Meeting from September 26, 2018. AWARDS A-1 Request that the City Council consider accepting two Texas Municipal League 2018 Excellence Awards, one for Public Works and one for Management Innovation. ZONING Z-1 C18-007 HILAND DAIRY FOODS COMPANY LLC (UNIMPROVED PORTION OF AN ALLEY RIGHT-OF-WAY) Request that the City Council consider approving the closure of an unpaved portion of alley right-of-way. Z-2 Z18-032 HILAND DAIRY FOODS COMPANY LLC (1402 EAST LOCUST STREET, 302, 310 AND 318 NORTH FULLER AVENUE, 1425 AND 1417 EAST LINE STREET) Request that the City Council consider approving a zone change from “R-1B”, Single-Family Residential District and “R-2”, Two-Family Residential District to “C-2”, General Commercial District. Z-3 S18-001 LASATER CECIL ETAL (4526 SOUTH BROADWAY AVENUE) Request that the City Council consider approving a Special Use Permit to grant a variance to reduce the required 300 feet distance separation from the property line of French Quarter Shopping Center and a public school to 60 feet in order to be eligible for a Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission license to sell wine and beer. ORDINANCE O-1 ZA18-002 UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE (BIANNUAL REVIEW) Request that the City Council consider approving an ordinance amending the Unified Development Code in Tyler City Code Chapter 10 by amending regulations related to landscaping exemptions for certain non-conforming developments, landscaping installation certification, fences, off- street parking, temporary signage, and definitions, including the definition of sexual encounter center. RESOLUTION R-1 Request that the City Council consider authorizing the City Manager to execute an engineering services contract in an amount not to exceed $2,100,000 with Lockwood Andrews & Newnam, Inc. (LAN) in conjunction with Adams Engineering for the Rehabilitation of Sanitary Sewer Basins 8 and 15 and to approve a resolution reserving the right to reimburse expenditures with proceeds of future debt. MISCELLANEOUS M-1 Request that City Council consider authorizing the City Manager to award City of Tyler Bid No. 18-077 for Bergfeld Park Splasher the Dolphin renovations to TCMC Commercial LP of Tyler, Texas, to furnish all necessary materials, equipment, superintendence, and labor for an amount not to exceed $235,000 and $37,000 for the Bid Alternate for signage once all donations have been received. This project is 100 percent funded by donations. M-2 Request that the City Council consider authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Jacobe Brothers Construction for the construction of Fire Station No. 1 in the amount of $4,828,409.83. M-3 Request that the City Council consider authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Garrett and Associates for the construction of Fire Station No. 4 in the amount of $2,989,713.64. M-4 Request that the City Council consider authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Reynolds and Kay, Ltd. for the construction of the Sunnybrook Drive Structure Replacement in the amount of $579,687.28. M-5 Request that the City Council consider approving the release of retainage and a final contract amount of $645,174.02 to Reynolds and Kay, Ltd. for the 2018 Seal Coat Program. M-6 Agreement to allow Phirst Technologies, LLC to conduct Alpha Testing of its Automated Drone First Response System with temporary installation of a base station at Fire Station No. 9. M-7 Request that the City Council consider canceling the November 28, 2018 and December 26, 2018 City Council meetings. M-8 Request that the City Council consider approving Northeast Texas Public Health District Proposed FY 2018-2019 District Operating Budget. M-9 Consider approval of an Information Systems Facilities Management Interlocal Agreement with City of Whitehouse. CONSENT (These items are considered to be routine or have been previously discussed, and can be approved in one motion, unless a Council Member asks for separate consideration of an item.) C-A-1 Request that the City Council consider authorizing the City Manager to approve the use of Analytical Environmental Lab, of Tyler, Texas, Ana-lab of Kilgore, Texas and Lower Colorado River Authority Environmental Laboratory Services of Austin, Texas as sole sources for certain testing services during Fiscal Year 2018-2019. C-A-2 Request that the City Council consider authorizing the purchase of the FY 2018/2019 Annual Firefighter Uniform Shirt and Pant order from Galls, through Texas BuyBoard #507-16, in the amount of $51,579.50. C-A-3 Request that the City Council consider authorizing the City Manager to approve purchasing goods through The Texas Smart Buy and Oklahoma Statewide Purchasing System, whereby the City of Tyler can take full advantage of purchasing any and all items available through these cooperatives. Also, request that the City Council consider authorizing the City Manager to purchase a paratransit bus and minivan through these cooperatives as shown below with the usage of Transportation Development Credits (TDC’s) to offset local the match. C-A-4 Request that the City Council consider authorizing the City Manager to extend the annual price agreement to the vendor listed for office furniture and equipment for one year beginning October 1, 2018. C-A-5 Request that the City Council consider authorizing the City Manager to approve an agreement with First Choice Cooperative and the National Intergovernmental Purchasing Alliance (NIPA), whereby the City of Tyler can take full advantage of purchasing any and all items available through the cooperatives and to award the purchase of office supplies for the fiscal year, October 1, 2018, thru September 30, 2019, to Office Depot of Fort Worth, Texas, through the NIPA contract. C-A-6 Request that the City Council consider authorizing the City Manager to purchase unmarked vehicles from the lowest bidders and tractor trucks through The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS) as part of the Fleet Replacement Program for FY2019. C-A-7 Request that City Council consider authorizing the City Manager to award Pro Tech Track & Tennis, Inc. of Tyler, Texas for resurfacing of all the tennis courts at Faulkner Park in the amount of $31,920. C-A-8 Request that the City Council consider authorizing the City Manager to execute the Reconciliation Change Order with Reynolds & Kay, Ltd for decreasing the total contract amount by $216.38 and increasing the time for completion by 89 calendar days for the 2016 Runway 4-22 Rehabilitation Project 3 at Tyler Pounds Regional Airport. C-A-9 Request that the City Council consider authorizing the release of escrow funds, in the amount of $163,462.87, for the Madison Apartments to Heritage Construction Co., Inc. C-A-10 Request that the City Council authorize the City Manager to release payment in the amount of $100,000 to the Jim and Dottie Hairston Family Partnership for the partial funding of a drainage structure over West Mud Creek Tributary M-11. C-A-11 Request that the City Council consider authorizing the City Manager to execute the first renewal option for a five year period from June 1, 2016 through May 31, 2021 for Renewal of Civil Air Patrol (Non Profit) Lease at the current rates as set forth in the lease. C-A-12 Request that the City Council consider authorizing the City Manager to execute the first renewal option for a five year period from July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2021 for Corporate Hangar/Operator Lease at the current rates as set forth in the lease for the Historic Aviation Memorial Museum. C-A-13 Request that the City Council consider authorizing the City Manager to execute the first renewal option for a five year period from January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2020 for Corporate Hangar/Operator Lease at the current rates as set forth in the lease for Bob L.
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