(aspects of sports medicine) Osteochondral Lesion of the Femoral Head in a Fencer: A Case Report Yoshihide Nakamura, MD, PhD, Hiromasa Mitsui, MD, PhD, Satoshi Toh, MD, PhD, and Naoki Echigoya, MD, PhD steochondral lesions, condition and to avoid unnecessary months after she first complained of including osteochon- surgical treatment, such as oste- right hip pain (10 months after start- dritis dissecans (OCD) otomy and arthroplasty. The authors ing fencing), she again noticed right in the elbow, knee, and have obtained the patient’s guard- hip pain during fencing, especially Oankle, are very common in athletes.1-3 ian’s written informed consent for when performing lunging or attack- However, there are few reports of print and electronic publication of ing actions. During these actions, osteochondral lesions of the hip.4,5 the case report. the player plants the heel firmly on Weaver and colleagues5 reported 11 cases of femoral head osteochondral lesions in athletes. Other authors have “We emphasize the usefulness of arthroscopy reported subchondral stress fractures to diagnose [osteochondral lesions] and to of the femoral head associated with repeated impaction and axial loads in avoid unnecessary surgical treatment, such young populations.4,6-8 as osteotomy and arthroplasty.” We report a rare case of an osteo- chondral lesion in a young female fencer. Repeated axial impaction CASE REPORT the floor with the right hip in deep force may cause osteochondral A 16-year-old girl had begun fenc- flexion and knee flexed to thrust lesions of the femoral head in addi- ing at age 13. She had suffered from the body forward. The patient pre- tion to stress fractures. This condi- right hip pain 3 months after starting sented to our hospital 10 months tion is easily overlooked because fencing. The symptoms spontane- after the onset of symptoms. She there are less typical clinical find- ously disappeared after a few weeks complained of persisting hip pain and ings. We emphasize the usefulness without any medical treatment. Seven was not able to continue fencing. A of arthroscopy to diagnose this rare A B Dr. Nakamura is Associate Professor, Dr. Mitsui is Research Associate, and Dr. Toh is Professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Hirosaki University Graduate School of Medicine, Hirosaki City, Aomori, Japan. Dr. Echigoya is Chief Orthopedic Surgeon, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Kuroishi Hospital, Kuroishi City, Aomori, Japan. C Address correspondence to: Yoshihide Nakamura, MD, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Hirosaki University Graduate School of Medicine, 5 Zaifu- cho, Hirosaki City, Aomori, Japan 036- 8562 (tel, 81-172-39-5083; fax, 81-172- 36-3826; e-mail, [email protected] u.ac.jp). Figure 1. (A) Plain radiograph shows very minimal osteosclerotic change of the Am J Orthop. 2009;38(7):356-359. Copyright, Quadrant HealthCom Inc. weight-bearing portion of the femoral head. (B, C) The arthrography showed no 2009. All rights reserved. findings of torn labrum or any free bodies. 356 The American Journal of Orthopedics® Y. Nakamura et al 3A). Mild softening of the articular dition.9-11 Some authors have reported cartilage of the weight-bearing por- OCD following Legg-Calvé-Perthes tion of the femoral head was noted disease, but there are few reports of (Figure 3B). No surgical intervention OCD or osteochondral lesions of the was performed under arthroscopy. femoral head associated with sport After the arthroscopy, the patient activities.12-14 was permitted weight-bearing walking Linden and colleagues15 described as she tolerated the hip pain. She grad- 15 cases of OCD. They reported that A ually returned to fencing 14 months they found no explanation for OCD after the onset of symptoms (2 months other than trauma in 5 patients in after arthroscopy). She fully recov- their series. Weaver and colleagues5 ered and returned to competition-level reported 11 cases of femoral head fencing 15 months after the onset of osteochondral lesions in athletes. In symptoms. Therefore, 5 months of only 4 of these 11 cases did the repose were needed for full recovery patients recall a discrete traumatic until she returned to the sport. She event preceding the onset of the hip B C continued fencing for 19 months until pain. The authors postulated that she graduated from high school. transient subluxation with resultant When the patient visited our shearing force or impaction force, hospital 4 years after the onset of such as the force in sudden stops symptoms, she did not complain of or landing from jumps, is a mecha- any symptoms around the hip. The nism for occurrence of osteochondral D E mobility of the affected hip was nor- lesion of the hip. They claimed that mal without pain during motion. The MRI evidence of damage to the joint Figure 2. (A) High-uptake lesion was radiographs at the latest follow-up capsule and associated soft-tissue seen in bone scintigram at the femoral showed no abnormal findings except injuries, such as hematoma or edema head. There was a low-signal area in mild residual sclerotic lesion of the in muscles or fat, would not neces- the upper part of the femoral head both femoral head (Figure 4A). A remark- sarily be expected from impaction in T1-weighted (B, C) and T2-weighted ably diminished, small, low-signal force because all the abnormal forces (D, E) magnetic resonance images. lesion of the upper part of the femoral would be transmitted directly to the There were no findings of bone mar- head was confirmed on MRIs at the joint itself. Our case also had no defi- row edema in the acetabulum. latest follow-up (Figures 4B-4E). nite injury or trauma and also showed no evidence of soft-tissue changes at plain radiograph showed very mini- initial examination. mal change of osteosclerosis of the DISCUSSION Etiology of osteochondral lesion weight-bearing portion of the femoral Previous epidemiologic studies have or OCD is still unclear and multi- head (Figure 1A). The arthrography shown that hip injuries constitute 5% factorial.8 Several causes have been showed no findings of torn labrum to 9% of injuries sustained by high postulated, including inflammation, or any free bodies (Figures 1B, 1C). school athletes. Osteochondral lesion genetics, ischemia, ossification, and A high-uptake lesion was seen in of the femoral head is a very rare con- repetitive trauma. Kusumi and col- bone scintigram at the femoral head (Figure 2A). There was a low-signal area in the upper part of the femoral head in both T1-weighted (Figures 2B, 2C) and T2-weighted magnetic resonance images (MRI) (Figures 2D, 2E). There were no findings of bone marrow edema in the acetabulum. Although the patient was restricted from fencing, avoided partial weight- bearing, and used double crutches for 2 months, her hip pain remained. For further investigation, we performed an arthroscopy of the right hip. There were no abnormal findings at the ace- A B tabular cartilage. The labrum did not Figure 3. (A) The labrum shows no injury. (B) Softening of the articular cartilage show a tear or detachment (Figure of the weight-bearing portion of the femoral head was confirmed. July 2009 357 Osteochondral Lesion of the Femoral Head in a Fencer There were no findings of obvi- ous cartilage changes in MRIs. In our case, arthroscopy revealed mild softening of the joint cartilage of the femoral head without soft-tissue injuries. Arthroscopy was useful for B C denying detachment of the labrum, for which the MRI did not provide any findings.19,20 Conservative treatments successfully relieved the symptoms in the present case, although a small, abnormal-signal lesion remained only in the MRI. A D E When a young athlete complains of Figure 4. (A) Radiograph at the latest follow-up shows no abnormal findings hip pain, the surgeon should consider except mild residual sclerotic lesion of the femoral head. An extremely small osteochondral lesion of the femoral low-signal lesion of the upper part of the femoral head was still seen both in head. It is essential to perform a dif- T1-weighted (B, C) and T2-weighted (D, E) magnetic resonance images. ferential diagnosis from necrosis of the femoral head through careful esti- 16 leagues studied the mechanism of T1-weighted and T2-weighted MRIs mation of the radiographs, MRIs, and progression of osteochondral lesions reflected the healing process of the bone scintigram. Arthroscopy may in the elbow histopathologically. lesion. The absence of low–signal be useful in confirming the absence They revealed that the primary patho- intensity lesions on T1-weighted of osteochondral loose bodies or logical changes of the condition were MRIs and high–signal intensity torn labrum, as reported by Edwards 19 due to damage of articular cartilage lesions on T2-weighted MRIs was and colleagues and Kelly and col- induced by repeated stress. In our due to an adequate period passing leagues.20 To treat osteochondral case, we believe repeated impaction to allow for healing of bone marrow lesions, one needs to rest the joint and and axial loads to the femoral head in edema. Osteochondral lesions should carefully observe the symptoms. The the lunge action of fencing were the be differentiated from osteonecrosis symptoms should disappear in 4 to 6 primary cause of this condition. of the femoral head in order to pro- months by restricting sports activity, “Because repeated impaction force to the hip joint may be a cause of osteochondral lesions of the femoral head, the surgeon should consider this condition when a young athlete exposed to such impaction force presents with hip pain.” In recent years, some authors have vide appropriate treatment. The typi- including limitation of weight-bear- reported stress fractures of the femoral cal finding of osteonecrosis of the ing.
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