>tan Rubin to Play College Jazz uring Spring Prom Intermission The c('ntral theme of all con- success was fabulous. They were SPRING PROM rsation tiiis week seems to l>e booked in such spots as (Jracie exel's first I)iiu: Spring I’rom. P^ields’ in Capri. Italy; the Kllio QUESTIONNAIRE lene of the event will ]>e the Reach Club, Rermuda; the Vieux 1. Are llo\v<‘rs p<‘nnilt<*d? oadwood Hotel, and tlie time is (’olumbriere, in Paris. No. absolutely not. The com­ iday, A])ril 2 2. (’ouples will mittee decided against flowers to Ince to the rhythmic strains of Jiixx at (’aI■IH*^i<• Hall cut down expenses for those at­ renowned Sammy Kaye hand International personalities such tending. 111 nine until one. Admission as King Farouk and Eva Rartok 2. Do botlj niy date and I 111 he sainpd upon presentation came to hear the now famed Tiger- class (lues cards? a class dues card alone, town Five. After returning to this No. one card per coui)le is sufli- s an added attraction, the com- country, the group appeared on cient. Ittee has signed Stan Iluhin and Perry (’omo’s TV’ show, and gave 8. What sliall I wear? Tisertown Five to pive a a special performance of College (!uys— a suit, preferably dark, cial performance during the in- Jazz at Carnegie Hall. and tie. (Jalsballerina and niission period. Having per­ Chairman of the Dance Commit­ waltz-length gowns or cocktail med all over the world, the tee is Dan Promislo; Abe Frumkin dresses. up has sained recognition for is assisting him. The Planning 4. Where do I pay iiiy class outstanding contributions in Committee consists of Rruce Erl) (lues? and .John Cerlach. Doing the art Dixieland At Its Best. Stan Rubin and his Tigertown Five will world of jazz. In the Comptroller’s Oflice at play during Spring Prom intermission. work and posters are Nancy (’row. any time. Career at I’rincetoii *-tan get liis start at Princeton Law School in jam sessions with his Ed Harrison. Harriet Willets. .loan Will I have a }»o(m1 time? rocmmatss and socn started playing leading colleges in the Ivy League Uuhin began his musical career Andres, and Xancy Overholtzer. The greatest! Circuit. iPrinceton I.aw School, where he Ined some of his college class- Ues in jam sessions. before ig. the boys were playing for Horror Featured iding colleges, specializing in liege week-ends in the Ivy DREXEL INSTITUTE A t Student Union sague Circuit. OF technology "Horror Night” at the Student ■^he first big step toward the PHILADELPHIA, PA. Union will begin at 7: SO p.m. with was taken when the boys were the showing of an old-time fa­ |[ned to play for the Ilolland- VOLUME XXXII APRIL 15. 1955 NUMBER 1 vorite, “Frankenstein and the Wolf lerican Lines’ College Student Man,” on Friday, April 15. A Ilings. After this engagement, ATTENTION FOREIGN dance will follow the movie, and in suddenly decided to Invade the entire evening’s entertainment STUDENTS rope. The trip turned out to Student Interest Prom pts is free. ! a rewarding one for the group. The members of the Foreign All organizations that desire of Rubin’s English acquaint- Student Advisory Committee space in the Student Ruilding (of­ ces convinced the manager of are having an informal meet­ Publishing of Dean*s List fice, tile, locker, desks, etc.) for the next year should stop at Mr. ^xim’s. gayest and biggest of the ing in the Cafeteria at 6:00 Student Council, in t’all Term, student who has not earned thirty Olson’s office and fill out a request 5ht-clubs on the Riviera, to give on Monday, April 18th. All suggested the establishment of a or more credits in the two terms for space. These forms must be band an audition, foreign students are invited to Dean’s List at Drexel. The deans under review, or who has an out­ filed by April 22. of the individual colleges were in­ standing failure on his record. laving accomplished this, their join us for dessert and coffee. Each organization in need of terviewed, and the following ac­ Similar lists for February Fresh­ space should have a representative tion was taken: men will be published during the at one of these meetings. Hiisiness Administration summer term. 'rexel Business Students After a two year lapse the Col­ lege of Business Administration Home Economics will again publish a Dean’s List. In accordance with their usual There will be only one list pub­ policy, the College of Home Eco­ DIT Student W ill ite Edward R. M urrow lished in tliis college which will nomics will again publish a Dean’s 11 students in the College of “ in appreciation of his presenta­ name the approximate upper ten List which will include all students iness Administration w'ere dis­ tion to the people of the United per cent of each class. Standings who rank in the upper ten per cent Lead State Confab ced from classes yesterday to States of the decisive issues and are based on the previous year’s of the various classes. The Home The Drexel Chapter of I.C.Cx, nd the second annual Bus Ad important personalities of the day work, from April to April. Economics College published the Dean’s List for several years; how­ (Intercollegiate Council on Govern­ The program%iegan at 9:00 in an objective, interesting and Engineering ever, during the war this practice ment) captured the political plum . and continued until mid-after- courageous manner.” On Institute Day there will be was discontinued. In spring of of the organization’s Regional n, featuring a series of talks, The feature address w'as given published a Dean’s List for each 1951, the publication of a list was Convention at Villanova Univer­ ussions, and questions revolv- by Mr. Harold Fellows, President of the five classes in the College of again reinstated and has been con­ sity, March 19. Drexel’s own about the pertinent subject, and Chairman of the Board of Na­ Engineering. First honors will be tinuous since then. Robin F. McNeal was unanimously e Television Industry.” tional Association of Radio and awarded to those students who, on The deans of all the colleges ex­ elected Speaker of the Convention. eorge Hosenkoff, chairman of Television Broadcasters, Washing­ the basis of previous two terms in press the opinion that it is good to This was the first time in I.C.G. Ad Day, introduced Dr. James ton, D. C. It was entitled, “The college, stand in the first tenth of recognize outstanding scholarship history that the Speaker was unan­ ese, who in turn welcomed the Political, Social and Economic Im­ their class. Second honors will be among students while they are still imously chosen by the delegates. feral distinguished speakers. Mr. pact of Television on Our Lives.” awarded to those students who, in in college, with the hope that the Most of the legislation passed aid Thornburgh, President of “It has been a magnificent contri­ the same period, stand in the sec­ publication of the Dean’s Lists will by the convention in General Ses­ AU, Inc., moderated a panel bution to the happiness of families ond and third tenths of the class. act as an incentive to other stu­ sion and will be taken to the State ussion covering “The Televi- of our citizens,” Mr. Fellow's said. No honors will be aw’arded to a dents. Convention at Harrisburg. Industry — Organization, blenis and Opportunities for lege (Jraduates.” f particular interest to some Horn Blows at Midnight^' Keys Varsity Show dents were Dr. Irving W olf’s “A Horn Blows at Midnight” lunents regarding television re- Seminick is to aid tliose men who rch. Dr. Wolf is Vice-President will be the theme of the Fifth An­ while actively interested in ath­ iCA Laboratories in Princeton, nual Varsity Club Show which will letic participation would find it im- Jersey. Included in this talk be presented on Friday and Satur­ possii)le to continue without finan­ re such items as organization day evenings, April 29 and 30. cial help. The proceeds of the “team” i-esearch and problems The show will begin at 8:15 p.m. wing out of patents and licens- show will go into a fund for that each evening in the Drexel audi­ pu rpose. )ii the subject of manufactur- torium. Friday night tickets will be Dr. (’ourtney Pitt, Vice-I'resi- The show' relates the story of a priced at $1.00; Saturday night it of Philco (’orporation, spoke. man who goes to heaven. He never are $1.25. touched on tiie redu(;tion of |t problems through imi>i'<>ved gets inside the Pearly Gates be­ linology; teciuii(iues of (imility cause he is told that he doesn’t itrol; lalior-management rela- belong there. lie is sent below. Bus A ds Continue ►is. and the financing of expan- The action takes place in three and development. acts. B’elevision broadcasting was cov- Testing Program |d l)y Mr. Earnest Lee Jahncke. Frank Calabrese will direct the The College of Business Admin­ .lalincke exi)lained tyjies of Varsity Sliow. Directing the danc­ istration in cooperation with the ^Boiuu'i emi)loyed, the planning ing for the show for the second American Institute of Accountants scheduling of programs, and and the Pennsylvania Institute of year is Mrs. Fred Haid whose hus­ ^uilcastiug comi)any relatlt)ns (’ertllied Public Accountants will [h employers, sponsors, and art- band is a Drexel grad.
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