S2234 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 3, 2019 CFR Part 910)) received in the Office of the permitting vehicles traveling on interstate EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF President of the Senate on April 2, 2019; to highways in West Virginia to have the same COMMITTEES the Committee on Energy and Natural Re- maximum gross vehicle weight and axle con- sources. figuration as currently permissible for vehi- The following executive reports of EC–846. A joint communication from the cles traveling on United States routes in nominations were submitted: Acting Secretary of the Interior and the Sec- West Virginia; to the Committee on Environ- By Mr. RISCH for the Committee on For- retary of Agriculture, transmitting proposed ment and Public Works. eign Relations. legislation; to the Committee on Environ- SENATE RESOLUTION 78 John P. Abizaid, of Nevada, to be Ambas- ment and Public Works. Whereas, Federal law currently imposes a sador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of EC–847. A communication from the Sec- maximum gross vehicle weight of 80,000 the United States of America to the King- retary of Education, transmitting, pursuant pounds on interstate highways, without any dom of Saudi Arabia. to law, the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) tolerance, and with axle weight restrictions Nominee: John P. Abizaid. for the Department of Education’s fiscal and the bridge formula often reducing such Post: Saudi Arabia. year 2018 Annual Performance Report and (The following is a list of all members of maximum weight; and fiscal year 2020 Annual Performance Plan; to my immediate family and their spouses. I Whereas, West Virginia also has an 80,000- the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, have asked each of these persons to inform pound maximum gross vehicle weight limit, and Pensions. me of the pertinent contributions made by but permits a 10-percent tolerance, raising EC–848. A communication from the Sec- them. To the best of my knowledge, the in- the permissible maximum weight to 88,000 retary of the Treasury, transmitting, pursu- formation contained in this report is com- pounds; and ant to law, a report entitled ‘‘Financial Re- plete and accurate.) Whereas, Vehicles transporting commod- port of the United States Government for Contributions, amount, date, and donee: ities through West Virginia often reach our Fiscal Year 2018’’; to the Committee on 1. Self: $0,00. state on interstate highways, but leave the Homeland Security and Governmental Af- 2. Spouse: $1000.00, May 30, 2017, Dean Hell- interstate highways system and switch to fairs. er. West Virginia’s local roads, taking advan- EC–849. A communication from the Assist- 3. Children and Spouses: Sharon Shaw: tage of the higher weight limit on such ant Secretary for Legislative Affairs, De- none. Robert Shaw: none. Christine Abizaid: routes; and partment of Homeland Security, transmit- see attachment. Jill Murphy: see attach- Whereas, Such practice increases traffic on ting, pursuant to law, the Department’s Fis- ment. David Abizaid: none. Joanna Abizaid: West Virginia’s mountainous country roads, cal Year 2018 Federal Information Security none. raises safety concerns, and limits economic Management Act (FISMA) and Agency Pri- 4. Parents: Ernest Abizaid—deceased; Fae avenues; and vacy Management Report; to the Commit- Williams Abizaid—deceased. Whereas, Interstates could safely support tees on Homeland Security and Govern- 5. Grandparents: Arthur Jepsen—deceased; the same weight restrictions as those on U.S. mental Affairs; Commerce, Science, and Elva Jepsen—deceased; Amin Abizaid—de- routes in West Virginia given that the design Transportation; and Appropriations. ceased; Martha Abizaid—deceased. standards used for both systems are identical EC–850. A communication from the Direc- 6. Brothers and Spouses: Arthur Q. Jepsen: and the weight increase would be minimal; tor, Bureau of Consumer Financial Protec- none; Gail Jepsen—deceased. and tion, transmitting, pursuant to law, the Bu- 7. Sisters and Spouses: Sandra Burk—de- Whereas, The West Virginia Department of reau’s fiscal year 2018 annual report relative ceased; Richard Burk—deceased. Transportation, Division of Highways, is to the Notification and Federal Employee poised to address any questions Congress or ATTACHMENT Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act of the U.S. Department of Transportation, Fed- Contributor name, recipient, state, em- 2002 (No FEAR Act); to the Committee on eral Highway Administration, may have to ployer, receipt, date, amount: Homeland Security and Governmental Af- demonstrate the feasibility of this request; Murphy, Jill, Beto for Texas, VA, Federal fairs. and Government, 11/05/2018, $50.00. EC–851. A communication from the Sec- Whereas, Providing an exception to the ex- Murphy, Jill, ActBlue, VA, Federal Gov- retary to the Board, Railroad Retirement isting weight limits and restrictions in Title ernment, 11/05/2018, $50.00. Board, transmitting, pursuant to law, the 23 of the United States Code, including the Murphy, Jill, Beto for Texas, VA, Federal Board’s fiscal year 2018 annual report rel- bridge formula, for vehicles operating on Government, 11/03/2018, $25.00. ative to the Notification and Federal Em- interstate highways in West Virginia will Murphy, Jill, ActBlue, VA, Federal Gov- ployee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation allow more vehicles to travel the safer inter- ernment, 11/03/2018, $25.00. Act of 2002 (No FEAR Act); to the Committee state highways and expand economic access Murphy, Jill, Beto for Texas, VA, Federal on Homeland Security and Governmental Af- throughout West Virginia; and Government, 10/27/2018, $25.00. fairs. Whereas, Congress has previously provided Murphy, Jill, ActBlue, VA, Federal Gov- EC–852. A communication from the Chair- exceptions to the maximum gross vehicle ernment, 10/27/2018, $25.00. man of the Council of the District of Colum- weight on interstate highways for several Murphy, Jill, ActBlue, VA, Federal Gov- bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report states of the United States; therefore, be it ernment, 10/27/2018, $2.50. on D.C. Act 23–47, ‘‘Sense of the Council Urg- Resolved by the Legislature of West Virginia: Murphy, Jill, ActBlue, VA, Fed Gov, 09/25/ ing the Federal Government to Prevent Nu- That Congress is urged to allow vehicles 2018, $5.00. clear War Resolution of 2019’’; to the Com- traveling on interstate highways in West Murphy, Jill, ActBlue, VA, Fed Gov, 09/25/ mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- Virginia to have the same maximum gross 2018, $50.00. mental Affairs. vehicle weight and axle configuration as cur- Murphy, Jill, ActBlue, VA, Fed Gov, 09/19/ EC–853. A communication from the Assist- rently permissible for vehicles traveling on 2018, $50.00. ant Attorney General, Office of Legislative U.S. routes in West Virginia; and, be it fur- Murphy, Jill, ActBlue, VA, Fed Gov, 09/10/ Affairs, Department of Justice, transmit- ther 2018, $5.00. ting, pursuant to law, a report entitled ‘‘Uni- Resolved, That the Clerk of the Senate is Abizaid, Christy, ActBlue, TX, self, 11/01/ formed Services Employment and Reemploy- hereby directed to forward a copy of this res- 2018, $50.00. ment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA) Quarterly olution to the President and Secretary of the Abizaid, Christy, ActBlue, TX, self, 10/17/ Report to Congress; First Quarter of Fiscal United States Senate, to the Speaker and 2018, $100.00. Year 2019’’; to the Committee on Veterans’ Clerk of the United States House of Rep- Abizaid, Christy, ActBlue, TX, self, 10/17/ Affairs. resentatives, and to the members of West 2018, $50.00. EC–854. A communication from the Chair- Virginia’s congressional delegation. Abizaid, Christy, ActBlue, TX, self, 09/24/ man, Federal Maritime Commission, trans- 2018, $150.00. mitting, pursuant to law, the 57th Annual f Abizaid, Christy, ActBlue, TX, self, 09/10/ Report of the activities of the Federal Mari- REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 2018, $100.00. time Commission for fiscal year 2018; to the Abizaid, Christy, Gina Ortiz Jones for Con- Committee on Commerce, Science, and The following reports of committees gress, TX, Dell, 09/01/2018, $350.00. Transportation. were submitted: Abizaid, Christy, Gina Ortiz Jones for Con- f By Mr. RISCH, from the Committee on gress, TX, Dell, 07/30/2018, $500.00. Foreign Relations, without amendment: Abizaid, Christy, ActBlue, TX, self, 04/20/ PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS S. Res. 123. A resolution supporting the 2018, $5.00. The following petition or memorial North Atlantic Treaty Organization and rec- Abizaid, Christy, ActBlue, TX, self, 04/20/ was laid before the Senate and was re- ognizing its 70 years of accomplishments. 2018, $50.00. By Mr. RUBIO, from the Committee on Abizaid, Christy, Elissa Slotkin for Con- ferred or ordered to lie on the table as Small Business and Entrepreneurship, with- gress, TX, se, 03/20/2018, $50.00. indicated: out amendment: Abizaid, Christy, ActBlue, TX, self, 03/20/ POM–27. A resolution adopted by the Sen- S. 862. A bill to repeal the sunset for collat- 2018, $5.00. ate of the State of West Virginia urging the eral requirements for Small Business Admin- Abizaid, Christy, ActBlue, TX, self, 03/20/ United States Congress to pass legislation istration disaster loans. 2018, $50.00. VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:36 Apr 04, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A03AP6.012 S03APPT1 April 3, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2235 Abizaid, Christy, Elissa Slotkin for Con- Moore for U.S. Senate; $100.00, 11–20–2017, 6. Sisters and Spouses: Yvonne Annette gress, TX, se, 02/20/2018, $50.00. Senate Conservatives Fund; $50.00, 11–04–2017, Schneckenberger—None; Donald Michael Abizaid, Christy, ActBlue, TX, self, 02/20/ Senate Conservatives Fund; $50.00, 09–23–2017, Schneckenberger—None; Cynthia Cleveland 2018, $50.00. Senate Conservatives Fund; $50.00, 09–17–2017, Burnside—None; Sheldon John Burnside— Abizaid, Christy, ActBlue, TX, self, 02/20/ Senate Conservatives Fund; $50.00, 08–11–2017, None.
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