---- ----.---- .....-~-----:~--~~ •..----""':'""'---.,...w_~--~~....__,•.....,....-......,.----- ---~-----,.__,.-,----....,.---~-~~---~- / • the Waf Memoriil Center Needs Your Help rosse,-, •••• Hom_ 0/ ,h. News ews Give Now! " Kercheval TV. Z.69Ot Complete News Coverage Pointes 5c Per COpy Entered .. Second ClasS Matter VOLUME 1~NO. 19 53.00Per Yew GROSSE POINTE.' MICHIGAN, MAY 7, 1953 at the Post Office at Detroit, Mlch. Fully Paid Circulation i i I • I I .,i ! HEADLINES TrafficSafety Wins St. Paul Green Pennant 'Memorial. Center's Christ 'Church 0/ Ih', " \VEEK · To Be ,Scene As Compiled by Jhe Campaign Nearly Of Collection Grosse Pointe News Four-Point Program of Red Thursday, Apr~1 30 Half vVay to Goal- Cross Makes Contributions JAMES C. HAGERTY, White House press secret?ry, anncunced . Vitally Important that President Eisenhower will But Only 961 Families Out ofPoi"te's 11,000 Have make major pronouncement on The Red Cross Bloodmobile a Donated to Annual Campaign; All Residents Urged the defense of the United States. returns to the Pointe next It was made clear that the pres- . ' To Contribute ident will disclose the over-all Wednesday, May 13, and don. defense spending figure which The War Memorial Center's annual family participation ors are urgently requested to his Administration will present drive for funds approached the half-way mark to its goal of give contributions. The unit to Congress next month. This will $25,000 as the third week of the campaign was completed. will be stationed at Christ come ~fter a meeting with the Government's top pclicy-making Totals through and including Tuesday morning's mail showed Church, 61. Grosse Pointe tha.t families had given unit on hot and cold war strate- 861 $11,535. gy, It was expected that contribu- 0------------- I boulevard, and the collection . " tions received on Wednesday and 1953 Census, will be made from 2 to 4 p.m. THEODORE KAGHAN a top Thursday would put the total and from 5 to 8 p.m. State Department public affairs over the $12,500 mark .. The cam- The Bloodmobile is again com- official in Germany, who was re: paign was launched on April 16 To Be Taken ing here under the sponsorship of called to Washington by a group and will be terminated on Me- the Community Blood Bank Com- investigating subversives in gov. morial Day. \ 'mittee, headed by Mrs. Lyndle ernment positions, told Senate Only One Out of 12 Thz.s Month Martin. Mrs, William Baubie and investigators he attended many Follow-up letters were sent to Mrs. Henry. B.. Kinzie are eo. meetings in the late '30s that may all residents who had not made chairmen for this collection. have been Communist led. He their donations by this week. Annual Canvass for School Make Your Appointment denied under oath, however, that With more tQan 11,000 families in Appointments may be made by he was ever a Communist, and the Pointe, only about one out of Purposes Will Get Under donots by calling Mrs. Baubie at said he changed his ideas about 12 of them have contributed to Way On May II TUxedo 4-2850; Mrs. Kinzie" the party after the Hitler-Stalin the Center to date. TUxedo 5.2585; or Mrs. Maxwell pact in 1939. All residents are urged to send The annual school census at the Christ Church office, TUx. • in their checks as soon as pos- edo 5-4841. • • Being the first Grosse Pointe school to be presented the Detroit Times Green Pennant, symbol of school traffic h will be taken in Grosse Pointe SENATOR ~AFT (R.O.) said safety, accounts for the happy smiles of those s}:1own in the picture above. Accepting the pennant on behalf of the sible. The $25,000 goal is t e b M d Transportation will be avail. that within two weeks he will minimum amount needed to eginning ay 11, in accor - school are, from left to right: REV. FR. LaSALLE LENK, of St. Paul Church; JOHN BRECHT, patrolboy lieutenant; bring to the Senate floor. a bill maintain and operate the Center ance with the laws of the able for all who, require it. Ar- dealing with the outer belt of FARMS PATROLMAN JOSEPH MILLER; TERRY HUTTON, patmlboy assistant captain; TONY CLARK, patrolboy during the fiscal year from State of Michigan, announced. rangements may be made by call. captain; WILLIAM KALKOFF, patrolboy lieutenant, and FARMS PATROLMAN FRANK KERBRAT, August I, 1953 to ,July 31, 1954. t f ing Mrs. Albert J. Eckley at TUx. undersea land. The Republican L. M• B ar tl e,tt D lrec or 0 edo 5.5921. Miss Marion Camp. leader spoke as the Senate de. Many more facilities could be Pupil Per son n e I for the bell is in charge of the nursery bated a pending bill to establish added at the Center and the pro- Grosse Pointe ,Public Schools. which will be provided for chil. states' titles to submerged off. Public Urged Posters for Clean-Up Drive C 00 oar gram expanded if the goal i~ ex-. This census must be taken dren who accompany their par- shore lands within historic state S h l B d ceeded. The endowment fund each year during the last 20 ents. boundaries. These boundaries are could be built up t9 provide ad. days of May. 'R. C. Unit to Work , three miles out to sea, but Texas ditional income each year, it has The Red Cross Volunteer Unit and Florida claim theirs to be To Inspect Being Distributed Thr.ough ElectIon Set b . t d ut Part of the money which the een pom eo. which will be active in the col. 10;2 miles out. A Few Give a Lot local schools receive from state • • • AAA Camps All Pointes By Garden.Clubs For June 8. Fourteen families are now do- funds is apportioned on the basis lection is headed by Mrs. Wil- of. the number of children resid- liam K. Muir. Members include THE VAST COAL and steel nating a total of $6,800 per yt:ar Mrs •. Robert Semple, Mrs. Alex- fortunes of the late Fritz Thys- t d th b d t f $67 200 ing in the district. Information Residents Invited to Visit Students of Public, Parochial and Private Schools Have owar s e u ge 0 ,. 1 an'der WI'ener, Mrs. J. Steu'art len, one at Germany's greatest Candidates Warned They . th h If h received from the annual schoo ... Ant-i.Aircraft Stations on Worked for Months to Make Their Contribution ThIS IS more an. a'h as muc. census is also essential for. .the en-. Hudson, Mrs. W. .Dea'n Robl'n'so'n• industrial barons under Hitler, Must File Petitions. by Sat- as the 861 famiheS" ave gIven Mrs. David Rust, Mrs. Bruce will be broken up liy the Western 'Armed Forces Day To Campaign . urc{ay to B~. Eligible to .RL;iii , who have cohtributed to the 1953 for~ement of the compulsory edu- Chalmers, Mrs. Nelson Holland. Allies. This will make 'l'hyssen's drl.'ve.so far._'T'h.e..,..a..i......,..o.Ltl...e Cen •. ~atIon laws. .- . .' M H'I ".S~..:n..; ••~'- ."-d' ~"'&I- -, -. .1 .... - -'~- - ~4 ProvJdes 1m-taut Data " r6. a mJLn.:'~.,r••.an :,.~~.. heiresses among the..richest .wom- Since the announcement of the \~rhining slogan in the ter is to have 100 percent co.... .... r":t . '.', Cameron Waterman"IIt.~Mii: o. l en in the world. They are his The 99th A.A.A. Gun Bat- Clean-Up contest, "Keep '53 Rubbish Free," plans have been The last'date that persons operation from the residents, Another l~portant us.e of the Aljets is chairman of hoste~es. ..widow and daughter, who now talion units located in Grosse rapidly going forward towards the climax of the camp~ign, who are interested in rU'flning which would mean that each censl;ls data IS to prOVide facts The gamma globulin program live in Buenos Aires. Each will Pointe and East Detroit will Clean-Up Week proper, from May 15 through May 23. for the Grosse Pointe Board family would have to give but a r~latlve ,to the growth of P?pula- makes this collection especially receive indu~trial shares with a of Education may file peti- very nominal amount to provide ~Ion an~ t~~ number of chddren important. The Red Cross has nominal value of about $35,700,- open its camp sites on Armed This week stores, offic~s and <0;>-------------- tions is Saturday, May 9, by an annual sum sufficient .to 111 t~e dls.tnc1. The data are sum. accepted the responsibility for 000. Forces Day, Saturday, May buildings throughout business flying the week of May 11 in its 16, The site~ will be. opened see.tions in the five Pointes will usual location on Jefferson at the 4 d' t E G operate and maintain the' Center marl zed 111 s';1ch a way that the collecting two million pinta 01 display po~~ers illustrating Clean. Limits. W:;~" ~~,~~ro;ngof °Busines~ and. allow for its contined. ex. ~~~b:ro~~l~~?l~r:~ ~el~a:~ ~~: blood lor processing into aamma Friday. 1\Iay 1 from 1 p.m. t 0 4 p.m. U Th h I h . I Tours will be conducted and p. e sc 00 c ildren m t Ie Business Men Help and Finance for the Board of panSIon. from birth to 20 years of age is globuliJi by July 1. THE COMMUNISTS in Korea will include the Orderly Room, public schools,' the Convent, Many business men are now Education, who is in charge Checks should ~e made p~yable tabulated tor eacb municipality Confers Immunity were accused by the United N~- of school elections.
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