WALL OF TIME. Time traveler‘s wisdom: A conversation with David Woodard by Jonas Obleser for walloftime.net There are various reasons why David Woodard is the perfect interviewee for the WALL OF TIME. First, he is a composer, he writes music, which is sound, which consists only of and exists only in: time. His interests are diverse, though, and include the somewhat failed utopias and their ramifications likeNueva Germania in Paraguay or North Korea, as well as the hypnotic lampshade-cum-artwork-cum-altar Dreamachine of William S. Burroughs fame, or− most recently− ambitious projects like The Great Pyramid. This alone would make for a never-ending conversation, but on top of that, his name is tightly linked to a somewhat new genre of musical pieces, the prequiem, commissioned by individuals to be played right before their time to die has come. Woodard became somewhat notorious for composing and performing a prequiem for Timothy McVeigh. Death, of course, is another one of the manifold instantiations of time, that is, the passing of time. Thirdly, Woodard recently has written a yet-to-be-published piece on one of our notorious bad guys, Ernst Jünger− a man who himself was deeply fascinated with time, who collected hourglasses, who saw Halley’s comet twice, and who wrote one of the most ambitious 20th century essays on (planetary) time scales, „An der Zeitmauer [At the wall of time]“, in 1959, which lends its name to the present publication. Jünger himself became a monument of time in that he outlived his century, crossed the magical line of turning 100, and died ten years ago, in 1998. Dr. Woodard, thanks for your pre- Well, first of all you have to under- rather like a butterfly, whose brain has cious time, we feel very honored to stand that Ernst Jünger is better known to been neatly carved out and replaced by a have you as the opening interviewee in Americans than Germans like to imagine. UHF-transceiver. our new series at the wall of time. Now, In Germany, his seemingly contradictory maybe Ernst Jünger is a good topic to paths have yielded a charged fog. Neu- When you examine photographs of start off. I was surprised and pleased to tered German academics look askance Jünger, you see only the machine. They learn that you will contribute to a new at the apparent militaristic sympathies will not help you. He always combed and anthology on Jünger. Could you give us found in Storm of Steel, for instance, sprayed his hair nicely and scrubbed his a brief idea what to expect from your es- whilst unabashedly marveling at Jünger’s face with more or less natural exfoliants say? What is your take on him, and what later ability to simultaneously be revered and that sort of thing, had thin reedy is it that renders Jünger a worthwhile by and undermine the Nazis’ internation- lips which contributed favorably to his subject for your thoughts and works al recruitment program in France. Jünger birdlike profile, sometimes romanti- (e.g., “Ernst Jünger in Leningrad”)? himself possessed a rare and inscrutable cized and indeed eroticized war, some- quality for a German, and that was his times took LSD in a forest near his home Thank you, Dr. Obleser, you are very sense of aboveness, or actual aboveness, under the guidance of his friend Dr. kind. It is a pleasure for me to be the enabling him to command his person Hofmann. These popular notions are as Wall of Time’s first guest. as if it were a radio-controlled airplane, iridescent ice-dust clouds, twisting and from a distant tower—not like a Predator, turning, perfunctory and aleatory, and WALL OF TIME. Time traveler‘s wisdom—David Woodard ii I daresay irrelevant, characterizing the nommen vom elektronischen Ensemble collar at one end and to a collar worn by veneer or atmosphere of Jünger’s cente- Plecid; sie besteht aus Sounds, die an Jünger at the other. nary existence. Beyond the stratosphere, sich klangfarblich ständig verändernde heliotropic Jünger occupied an invisible Radiostörgeräusche erinnern, und die At the moment of death, signaled spinning tower. It is with this in mind man hier etwas lauter hört als im ersten by Jünger’s physician discreetly gazing that “Ernst Jünger in Leningrad” was Raum. Die Atmosphäre ist nachdenklich heavenward, a cloud of butterfl ies would written, during a visit last year to the und erinnert eher an ein Kuriositätenka- have burst from portals alongside the psychoanalyst Dr. Victor Mazin, in the binett als an ein Museum. stage—the imposing and many-colored childhood home of Lou Salomé. Cairns Birdwing of Australia, the irides- (Brief excerpt from David Woodard, cent Blue Morpho of South America, the Hermes kam mir bekannt vor. Er lä- „Jünger in Leningrad“, in: Alexander Painted Lady with its empathogenic eyes, chelte, und Viktor wandte sich mir zu: Pschera (Hg.) Bunter Staub. Jünger im the common yet reliable Monarch, every „David, das ist Hermes. Er ist mein bes- Gegenlicht. Matthes&Seitz Berlin, 2008) species of butterfl y known to man would ter Freund“ — „Es freut mich sehr, Sie have been represented, their celebratory wiederzusehen, Hermes. Wir trafen uns I do loathe what-if questions. Anyway, fl ight within the glass hemisphere com- kurz in Moskau im März letzten Jahres“, would you have liked to write a prequi- mencing just as the chamber ensemble wagte ich einzuwerfen. em for Jünger? As far as I understand, he segued into the fi nal movement, their wasn’t very drawn toward music. How gentle fl uttering an elegant choreogra- Hermes bestätigte meine Vermutung. could it have sounded, and what would phy of otherworldly microtonal celli and Sein Anblick wurde von seinen neuen have been the instrumentation? contrabasses serenading Jünger’s newly Schuhen geprägt—schwarze Leinwand- remnant Earthly vehicle in tutti. Slipper mit einem Fach für den großen It was his feminine side that resented Zeh und einem anderen für den Rest. music. I might have written and con- Aft er the prequiem, the glass hemi- Die Schuhe sahen wie Hufe aus, einem ducted a prequiem for Ernst Jünger, had sphere would have been carefully de- Attribut Satans. Im kommenden Monat he known more or less precisely when he tached from the raft , turned upside down sollte in Freuds Traummuseum eine would make the Eternal Leap and given like an hourglass, and, tethered to an an- Konferenz zum Thema Infernalität im suffi cient notice. I believe I would have chor, permitted to fl oat near the middle Zeitalter des illuminierten Computermo- scored such a work for bassoons, contra- of the lake for a period of three weeks. nitors stattfi nden. bassoons, bass clarinets, and a swarm of Inside, Jünger’s remains, basted in maple celli and contrabasses that would have syrup, would have been devoured by „Das sind Schuhe von japanischen entered the equation at the moment of many wild southwestbound birds, pious Bauarbeitern“, sagte Hermes. — „Inter- death. I would have kindly advised Dr. wasps and courageously right-thinking essant…Was passiert, wenn ein riesiger Hofmann to be present, and the setting bees. Betonblock auf Ihre Füße fällt?“ — „Er would have been a round wooden raft würde auf deren Füße fallen, nicht auf fl oating in the lake beside Wilfl ingen, Fittingly, on Death. Maybe you ob- meine“. — „Ja, sicher“. Gesegnete Para- the castle where Jünger lived during his ject to my simplistic equating of sound noia. „In diesem Fall würde es sich nur autumn years, which stretched into au- to time to death. Nevertheless, I think it um fallenden Bambus handeln“. tumn decades. Or, the circular raft could might function as a bracket around most more fi ttingly have been fl oating in the of what you are interested in (as far as I Hermes war es, der uns vom Flugha- serene lake here at Schloss Wiesenburg, can tell, from your creative output). Es- fen hätte abholen sollen, sagte man mir. in former East Germany. pecially the prequiem concept sounds Viktor glaubt wie ich nicht ans Autofah- like a very interesting little trick on time, ren. Ich fragte mich, mit was für einem As his death occurred on February 17, anticipating one’s own death, and having Auto Hermes wohl unterwegs gewesen 1998, Jünger, Hofmann, the chamber en- a usually post-death event B (a requiem) war. semble, Jünger’s physician and I would performed before event A (the death have been protected from the cold by a itself) has actually taken place. Did the „Ein Paranoider ist glass bubble fabricated specifi cally for idea of the prequiem emerge in order to jemand, der Bescheid weiß.“ the occasion, hermetically sealed along approach, to scrutinize, and maybe even — W.S. Burroughs, Gespräch the raft ’s circumference and heated with- to “measure” death by getting your art in by a central pyre consisting of Old (composing music) as closely as possible Ein bebrillter Freud, gemalt in Schwarz Growth redwood logs harvested from to the event of death itself? und Weiß, der über der Tür hängt, dient the Black Forest. als ein ahnungsvolles Willkommen für It has been pointed out, waggishly, den zweiten Raum, in dem die Dinge Auxiliary attendees other than Hof- that something fundamental in my plötzlich wieder zeit- und raumlos wer- mann would have been limited to a se- work resonates with the philosophical den—wie in einem Traum, oder damals, ries of pleasant animals—cats, squirrels, precepts of Dr. Condoleezza Rice. She als man tot war. Im Mittelpunkt des birds, lemurs, possibly others depending and I have, over the course of a decade, Raumes arbeitet, auf einem 1 × 1 × on timing and availability, and fi nally a demonstrated sensitivities toward the 1.5 Meter hohem Sockel, die Dreama- smallish group of fl ying squirrels teth- Locrian, or anticipatory, gesture.
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