October 8, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2467 disabled and developmentally disabled pro- dedicated her life to public service. She is FRIANT WATER USERS AUTHORITY, grams. The weighted average PMPY cost often asked to train and mentor employees in Lindsay, CA, October 1, 2009. across all Title XIX groups is $7,182.60. other branches, which she does without hesi- Subject: Support for transfer legislation for I am concerned that the Medicaid expan- the Central Valley Project. sion proposals being discussed at the federal tation. In fact, this is the third time she has re- ceived the Regional Commissioner’s Citation, Hon. Congressman JIM COSTA, level do not consider the fiscal difficulties Longworth House Building, states are facing and are likely to continue an award that is rarely awarded even once in Washington, DC. to face over the next few years. At the same a career, let alone three times. DEAR CONGRESSMAN COSTA: On behalf of time as Congress is considering prohibiting Friant Water Users Authority (Authority), states from changing their Medicaid eligi- I applaud the good service that Joyce Bo- land has not only provided the Social Security we thank you for introducing transfer legis- bility standards, there have been discussions lation for the Central Valley Project (CVP) about establishing a federal floor for Med- Administration, but to the citizens of York and we support your efforts and this legisla- icaid provider rates, which even further lim- County and Pennsylvania as a whole. For this tion as a means of providing greater flexi- its state flexibility in setting funding levels. reason, I urge my colleagues to join me in bility for management of CVP water sup- State flexibility has been key to Arizona’s plies. success in developing and efficiently man- commending Joyce Boland for her good work The diminished water deliveries to the aging a Medicaid program that provides high and service to her country. CVP as a result of 3 years of below average quality care at a low cost. precipitation amplified by various regu- Even with our strong cost containment f measures, I remain concerned about Arizo- latory restrictions, including the ESA and na’s ability to sustain the existing AHCCCS the most recent delta smelt and salmon Bio- INTRODUCTION OF THE ‘‘WATER logical Opinions, have, as you know, created model, let alone a mandatory expansion to TRANSFER FACILITATION ACT 150 percent, regardless of whether the federal a desperate situation in the San Joaquin government provides full financing of the ex- OF 2009’’ Valley. pansion for the first five years. Medicaid is While long-term solutions are being already an increasing share of state budg- sought, numerous short term efforts are ets—Arizona’s General Fund spending on HON. JIM COSTA needed to help bridge the water supply gap AHCCCS has increased by 230% over the past and greater flexibility, as provided in your ten years, and has risen from 8 percent of OF CALIFORNIA legislation, to move water supplies across the San Joaquin Valley would be a useful General Fund spending in FY 1999 to an esti- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mated 16 percent in FY 2009. tool. In addition, the legislation would help Friant districts affected by the SJR Settle- Maintaining this level of spending in- Wednesday, October 7, 2009 creases will be difficult, especially given ment improve management of surface and that Medicaid enrollment and costs continue groundwater supplies. Mr. COSTA. Madam Speaker, today with The Authority consists of nineteen mem- to rise. Moreover, Arizona’s revenues are not Congressman CARDOZA I introduced the expected to turn around for several years ber water, irrigation and public utility dis- and, even when they do rebound, we would ‘‘Water Transfer Facilitation Act of 2009.’’ The tricts. The Friant Service area includes ap- require significant revenue growth in order measure should reduce unnecessary delays in proximately one million acres and 15,000 to sustain rising expenditures for the exist- water transfers at a time when Central Valley mostly small family farms on the east side of ing Medicaid program. farmers have been hard hit by a three-year the southern San Joaquin Valley (Madera, Attached, please find data responsive to drought. It would allow new water transfers of Fresno, Tulare and Kern County). Friant Di- vision water supplies are also relied upon by your requests. There is a summary sheet roughly 250,000 to 300,000 acre-feet of water that provides an overview of the information several cities and towns, including the City requested, along with several other sheets per year. The bill would grant new authority to of Fresno, as a major portion of their munic- that provide additional detail. As you know, the Bureau of Reclamation to approve vol- ipal and industrial water supplies. there are many unanswered questions re- untary water transfers between sellers and We look forward to engaging in this effort garding the proposals. This analysis includes buyers in the San Joaquin Valley. The meas- and working closely with you and your staff the assumptions that were used to develop ure also would streamline environmental re- in advancing this legislation and addressing the figures, which will obviously change as views for Central Valley water transfers by en- California water issues. Sincerely, the proposals are refined. suring that they occur on a programmatic Please do not hesitate to contact my office RONALD D. JACOBSMA, if you have questions or should require addi- basis, instead of the current project-by-project Consulting General Manager. tional information. I share your concern re- basis. garding Arizona’s ability to expand its Med- Transferring water between and within coun- SAN LUIS & DELTA MENDOTA WATER AUTHORITY, icaid program and what the long-term fiscal ties for water districts is a critical tool during implications will be for Arizona, and I hope Los Banos, CA, October 5, 2009. you find this information useful as you con- periods of drought. While the best solution Re Water Transfer Facilitation Act of 2009. sider the various proposals that are before would be to have the federal and state pumps Hon. DIANNE FEINSTEIN, you. fully operational, because we have been un- U.S. Senate, Sincerely, able to modify the Endangered Species Act, Washington, DC. JANICE K. BREWER, this change in the law provides us some relief. Hon. BARBARA BOXER, Governor, Arizona. This legislation makes permanent the ability to U.S. Senate, f transfer water to our Valley’s farms when it is Washington, DC. most needed, therefore, allowing our farmers Hon. DENNIS CARDOZA, COMMENDING JOYCE BOLAND FOR House of Representatives, RECEIVING THE REGIONAL COM- a lifeline to continue to grow crops and help Washington, DC. MISSIONER’S CITATION FROM our local economy. More will need to be done Hon. JIM COSTA, THE SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINIS- to protect the Valley’s water, and I will con- House of Representatives, TRATION tinue that fight. Washington, DC. DEAR SENATOR FEINSTEIN, SENATOR BOXER, The bill is supported by a great number of MR. CARDOZA, AND MR. COSTA: I am writing HON. TODD RUSSELL PLATTS water users across the Central Valley, includ- on behalf of the San Luis & Delta-Mendota OF PENNSYLVANIA ing the following: Friant Water Users Authority, Water Authority to express our enthusiastic IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES San Joaquin River Exchange Contractors Au- support for your bill, the Water Transfer Fa- Wednesday, October 7, 2009 thority, Delta-Mendota Canal Authority, cilitation Act of 2009, authorizing certain Westlands Water District, Metropolitan Water transfers of water in the Central Valley Mr. PLATTS. Madam Speaker, I rise today District, Glenn Colusa Irrigation District, North- Project and other purposes. Water transfers to commend my constituent, Joyce Boland, for are essential to sound water management ern California Water Association, Banta- receiving the Regional Commissioner’s Cita- and often are time sensitive. Your legisla- Carbona Irrigation District, Tehama-Colusa tion from the Social Security Administration. tion will bring important reform to existing Canal Authority, Association of California The Regional Commissioner’s Citation is the transfer authorization thus increasing the Water Agencies, Placer County Water Agency, second highest award that Social Security efficacy of this essential water management Conaway Preservation Group, and Reclama- tool. gives to employees who demonstrate the high- tion District 2035. As you are keenly aware, coping with Cali- est standards of professionalism as estab- fornia’s water crisis and, in particular, the lished by the agency. I have submitted several of these support chronic water supply shortages impacting Joyce Boland has worked for the Social Se- letters, and I understand that Mr. CARDOZA will the Central Valley Project demands utiliza- curity Administration for 39 years and has submit additional letters as well. tion of various best management practices VerDate Nov 24 2008 05:07 Jan 16, 2010 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD09\RECFILES\E08OC9.REC E08OC9 mmaher on DSK69SOYB1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE.
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