3216 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 154, Pt. 3 March 5, 2008 Latham Oberstar Shuster The result of the vote was announced Whereas, as a novelist, Margaret wrote 23 LaTourette Obey Simpson as above recorded. books, including best-selling mysteries and Latta Olver Sires biographies; Lee Pallone The title of the resolution was Skelton Whereas Margaret exhibited a deep com- Levin Pascrell Slaughter amended so as to read: ‘‘Condemning mitment to public service, serving as sec- Lewis (CA) Pastor Smith (NE) the ongoing Palestinian rocket attacks Lewis (GA) Payne retary to the Board of Trustees of the Tru- Smith (NJ) on Israeli civilians by Hamas and other Lewis (KY) Pearce Smith (TX) man Scholarship Foundation, as a member of Linder Perlmutter Smith (WA) Palestinian terrorist organizations, the Board of Directors of the Truman Li- Lipinski Peterson (MN) Snyder and for other purposes.’’. brary Institute, as a member of the Execu- LoBiondo Peterson (PA) Solis tive Committee on the Truman Centennial Loebsack Petri A motion to reconsider was laid on Souder Lofgren, Zoe Pickering the table. Committee, and as a constant advocate for Space Lowey Pitts Stated for: Presidential libraries; Spratt Whereas, in 1984, Margaret received the Lucas Platts Mr. PENCE. Mr. Speaker, I was detained Lungren, Daniel Poe Stark Harry S. Truman Public Service Award; E. Pomeroy Stearns during a vote on March 5, 2008. Had I been Whereas for Missourians and countless oth- Lynch Porter Stupak present, I would have voted in the following Sullivan ers, Margaret will be forever respected and Mack Price (GA) manner: Rollcall No. 93 (On Motion to Sus- considered a ‘‘real’’ person, who grew up in Mahoney (FL) Price (NC) Sutton Maloney (NY) Pryce (OH) Tancredo pend the Rules and Agree, as Amended—H. Independence, Missouri; Manzullo Putnam Tauscher Res. 951)—‘‘yea.’’ Whereas Margaret Truman Daniel was an Markey Radanovich Taylor Mr. FATTAH. Mr. Speaker, had I been intelligent, independent, and gracious Marshall Rahall Terry present for the vote on H. Res. 951, I would woman who made our Nation proud as she Matheson Ramstad Thompson (CA) flourished in every aspect of her life; and Matsui Regula Thompson (MS) have voted ‘‘yea.’’ Whereas Margaret in every sense carried McCarthy (CA) Rehberg Thornberry f on the Truman family legacy and is survived McCarthy (NY) Reichert Tiahrt by 3 sons, Clifton Daniel, Harrison Daniel, McCaul (TX) Reynolds Tiberi HONORING MARGARET TRUMAN McCollum (MN) Richardson Tierney and Thomas Daniel, as well as 5 grand- McCotter Rodriguez Towns DANIEL AND HER LIFETIME OF children, and is pre-deceased by her husband, McCrery Rogers (AL) Tsongas ACCOMPLISHMENTS Clifton Daniel, and a fourth son, William McGovern Rogers (KY) Turner Daniel: Now, therefore, be it McHenry Rogers (MI) Udall (CO) Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I Resolved by the House of Representatives (the McHugh Rohrabacher Udall (NM) move to suspend the rules and agree to Senate concurring), That Congress honors McIntyre Ros-Lehtinen Upton the concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. Margaret Truman Daniel and her lifetime of McKeon Roskam Van Hollen 292) honoring Margaret Truman Daniel accomplishments. McMorris Ross Vela´ zquez Rodgers Rothman Visclosky and her lifetime of accomplishments. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- McNerney Roybal-Allard Walberg The Clerk read the title of the con- ant to the rule, the gentleman from Il- McNulty Royce Walden (OR) current resolution. AVIS Meek (FL) Ruppersberger linois (Mr. D ) and the gentleman Walsh (NY) The text of the concurrent resolution from Indiana (Mr. BURTON) each will Meeks (NY) Ryan (OH) Walz (MN) Melancon Ryan (WI) Wamp is as follows: control 20 minutes. Mica Salazar Wasserman H. CON. RES. 292 The Chair recognizes the gentleman Michaud Sali Schultz Miller (FL) Sa´ nchez, Linda Whereas Margaret Truman Daniel was from Illinois. Waters Miller (MI) T. born to Bess and Harry S. Truman on Feb- GENERAL LEAVE Watson Miller (NC) Sanchez, Loretta Watt ruary 17, 1924, in Independence, Missouri; Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I Miller, Gary Sarbanes Waxman Whereas Margaret, a loving daughter, wife, ask unanimous consent that all Mem- Miller, George Saxton mother, and friend, passed away on January Mitchell Schakowsky Weiner bers may have 5 legislative days in Mollohan Schiff Welch (VT) 29, 2008, after leading an interesting and which to revise and extend their re- Moore (KS) Schmidt Weller eventful life rooted in the strong will and Westmoreland marks. Moore (WI) Schwartz independent spirit of her mother and father; The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Moran (KS) Scott (GA) Wexler Whereas Margaret grew up in Missouri and Murphy (CT) Scott (VA) Whitfield (KY) moved to Washington when her father be- objection to the request of the gen- Murphy, Patrick Sensenbrenner Wilson (NM) came a United States Senator for Missouri, tleman from Illinois? Wilson (OH) Murphy, Tim Serrano during which time she attended The George There was no objection. Murtha Sessions Wilson (SC) Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, Musgrave Sestak Wittman (VA) Washington University; Myrick Shadegg Wolf Whereas Margaret became First Daughter it is my pleasure now to yield such Nadler Shays Wu when Vice President Harry S. Truman, the time as he may consume to the sponsor Napolitano Shea-Porter Wynn former Missouri Senator, was sworn into of- of this legislation, the gentleman from Yarmuth Neal (MA) Sherman fice after the passing of President Franklin Missouri (Mr. CLEAVER). Neugebauer Shimkus Young (AK) D. Roosevelt; Nunes Shuler Young (FL) Mr. CLEAVER. First of all, Mr. Whereas, on April 21, 1956, Margaret mar- Speaker, let me thank the committee ried newspaperman Clifton Daniel in Inde- NAYS—1 and the work that has been done by Paul pendence, Missouri, at Trinity Episcopal Church, the same church in which her par- Chairman DAVIS. All nine members of ANSWERED ‘‘PRESENT’’—4 ents were married; the Missouri delegation joined together Abercrombie McDermott Whereas after graduating from The George to support this concurrent resolution. Capuano Moran (VA) Washington University in 1946 with a degree As I think all people in this Nation NOT VOTING—19 in history, Margaret pursued a singing ca- know, Harry Truman was from Inde- reer, which featured performances at Con- pendence, Missouri, a part of the dis- Brown-Waite, Johnson, E. B. Renzi stitution Hall and Carnegie Hall; Ginny Keller Reyes trict that I currently represent, and we Whereas, in 1953, after the Truman presi- Buyer Kucinich Rush are very, very pleased and proud that dency, Margaret moved to New York City to Cardoza Marchant Tanner Harry Truman not only rose to become Conyers Ortiz work with the National Broadcasting Com- Weldon (FL) President of the United States in 1948, Doggett Pence Woolsey pany, working on such shows as Edward R. Gonzalez Rangel Murrow’s ‘‘Person to Person’’ and cohosting but he contributed to our community ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE a talk show program with Mike Wallace; in a number of ways. The SPEAKER pro tempore (during Whereas, in 1955 and 1956, she acted as And his daughter, Margaret Truman the vote). Members are advised that hostess on a radio program called ‘‘Week- Daniel, was not a person who had her day’’, and in 1965 cohosted a half-hour special sights on becoming an individual in there are 2 minutes remaining in this events program broadcast live from Philadel- vote. Washington who would garner a great phia; deal of attention, but it was bestowed b 1226 Whereas, in 1966, Margaret conducted a radio program called ‘‘Authors in the News’’, on her. And when her father chose to So (two-thirds being in the affirma- a 5-minute interview with prominent writers run for President, she actually traveled tive) the rules were suspended and the which was broadcast every weekday on more around with him on the ‘‘Whistlestop’’ resolution, as amended, was agreed to. than 100 radio stations; campaign. VerDate Mar 15 2010 15:07 Oct 20, 2010 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR08\H05MR8.000 H05MR8 rmajette on DSK29S0YB1PROD with BOUND RECORD March 5, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 154, Pt. 3 3217 b 1230 earned her associates of art. In 1946, one journalist and author. She was filled Once he became President, she did all year after her father was sworn in as Presi- with the unique Truman spirit, and of the things that the offspring of dent of the United States, Margaret graduated personified the plainspoken, no-non- Presidents will in fact do. But she had with her bachelors in history. sense nature of so many Show-Me- more to offer than just being the Presi- At the age of 16 Margaret began taking State residents. The qualities that de- dent’s daughter. She ended up being a voice lessons from a friend in Independence fined Margaret as a person were in- great singer. She performed at the Met- and after graduating from GW, she actively stilled by her parents, President Harry ropolitan Opera, she was on the old pursued her career as a vocalist. S Truman and his wife, Bess. Through- ‘‘Ed Sullivan Show,’’ and then eventu- Making her concert debut in 1947 with the out her life, Harry and Bess provided a ally had her own television show in Detroit Symphony Orchestra, Margaret Tru- steady hand and unfailing support and Philadelphia, a daily show in Philadel- man embarked on a career that included sev- love which allowed Margaret to flour- phia. eral national tours and appearances at Con- ish. She was such a factor in our commu- stitution Hall and Carnegie Hall. But Missouri itself played a meaning- nity that on February 23, my colleague Never shirking her duties as first-daughter, ful role in Margaret’s life. She was al- she always made time to break from her blos- from Missouri, IKE SKELTON, and I, ways a proud Missourian.
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