- , , - S, - , * ,1 -- 11 - - - 11 1 .. -l - - 1 i- .- * X* MIT---| Continuous Cambridge - News Service Massachusetts Since 1881 Tuesday, December 5, 1989 i s I_ Ha; __ Volume 109, Number55 Thefts hit architecture Colombian eader to studios speak at graduation By Andrea Lamberti This Stereo equipment, cameras and By Annabelle Boyd of formidable challenge." was in- drafting tools were among the Colombian President Virgilio unprecedented resolution the Insti- items stolen from the Level I ar- Barco '43 will be the speaker at tended to demonstrate of Barco's efforts chitecture studios over the MIT's 124th commencement on tute's support down Colombia's drug Thanfksgiving weekend, accord- Monday, June 4. to shut I the assassination ing to Sgt. D)avid Carlson of the Barco, who was elected to the traffickers after presidential can- Campus Police's Special Services. Colombian presidency as the can- of Liberal Party in August. The robbers broke into stu- didate of the Liberal Party in didate Carlos Gallan a cold-blooded dents' lockers and stole eqluip- hIay 1986, has recently gained in- Implementing assassination, civilian ment ranging from cameras val- ternational attention for his de- policy of threats and bribes of ued at $250-$350 to cheap clared war against drug traffick- bombings, officials, the Medel- drafting supplies. ers in Colombia, and his staunch government drug Cali drug cartels have ex- The incident is presently "un- refusal to negotiate with lin and pressure on the der investigation," according to kingpins. erted tremendous and proud Barco government, in an attempt Campus Police Chief Anne P. "We are delighted as our to gain recognition as legitimate Glavin. Police had an initial sus- to have President Barco MIT players in the Colombian power pect, but are now pursuing a new commencement speaker," said. The Medellin cartel has lead, Glavin said. President Paul E. Gray '54 structure. as a most successful; Medellin's Sixty-two items were reported "His dedication and strength been court system has been stolen during the long weekend. national leader bring honor both criminal to MIT. He to a virtual standstill and The thieves apparently used to his native land and brought to the bet- curfews have been imposed crowbars to pry open the lockers. has committed himself country through throughout the city. The Thanksgiving thefts were terment of his of out- While many Colombian politi- the latest of a rash of thefts' in more than three decades which including the mayor of the studios. standing public service in cians - he has combined political activity Medellin and the Speaker of the Office Stereo equipment targeted Photo courtesy MIT News oitlook." House of Representatives - have Barco '43 with a humanistic Colombian President Virgilio an undergradu- urged the government to open "If anybody had anything tak- Barco received civil engineering talks with the drug kingpins, en, it was stereo stuf," com- ate degree in and pursued Barco has repeatedly refused to mented Anne Sammis '91, a Lev- from MIT in 1943, Branmmer is appointed in economics do so. Instead, he has declared el I student. Sammis lost graduate studies the early 19507s. measures that allow drug traf- approximately $85 worth of here in member of the MIT Corpo- fickers to be summarily extradit- equipment, including a walkman headvof PlhyFsICaI Plant A from 1970 to 1980, Barco ed to the United States for trial. and headphones. By. Re~uven "M. Lerner He also said that he has been ration has also served on several Insti- At the end of August, he ordered The wealth of equipment accu- ~H. E - rammer, Physical involved in the discussions over a committees in the the military to confiscate the as- by the thieves included Plahit's associate director for op- possible new postering policy, tute visiting mulated of Ecnoomics, Po- sets of-promfinew. drug traffickers valued- as., .hastbeen -namne.lbhye- -adding that he ",would-- like to Departmnkiets. more walkmans, some eratios, and Civil Erkgi- m a pubWg-dialay of go-wemment porta- Pilanvt director, by Seuidr Vice; find something that is workable litical Science,, high'as $250, and several cai Center for ability t~o combat the drug Williamh R...,Dickson for- everyone." neering and- in the ble stereos -valued from -$100- President Studi.i -4 intment Will take The appointme'nt concludes In' fiohal $150. '54. The appo' Also, Barco has maintained Jan. L. four months of searching for a A collection of approximately, effect on Cited for leadership that the drug problem is not about 20 com- Branimer, who served as direc- successor to Paul F. Barrett, who 100 cassette tapes, In October, the MIT Corpora- merely a supply-side phenPm'e- at $300 two tor of Housing and Food Services announced his retirement in Au- pact discs valued tisn adopted a resolution saluting non. Citing drug users in the cameras from 1972 through 1987, said gust. Barrett had been head of tennis rackets, and two Barco "for his courageous leader- United States as partially respon- were also yesterday that "there are lots of Physical Plant since June 1980. worth $250-$300 each ship of Colombia during a time I (Please turn to page 2) stolen. things to be done" with Physical (Please turn to page 19) LM I- ---- -- -- 119 -- ---.--- --- P- -e - Vince Bandy G. a Level I stu- Plant. He added that he plans to dent, said that of the 17 people in 'spend a lot of time" with people his studio, at least 14 have had who have worked for Physical something stolen. Of the thefts Plant longer than he has, in or- i occurring throughout the term, der to get a better idea of the "just about everybody" in the department's needs. graduate studio 'had something Dickson, in a telephone inter- stolen on one of those occa- view yesterday, called Brammer sions," he said. "a real proven administrator" Bandy organized a list of all and an "excellent communica- the stolen goods for the Depart- tor." While Brammer's appoint- ment of Architecture "to docu- ment will not mean any major ment the incident," he said. This changes in Institute policy, the was necessary to make the Insti- promotion "will be good for the tute aware of the security situa- [Physical] Plant and the whole tion, and because the large scale MIT community," Dickson said. of the thefts was "not the case of Brammer said that "it is very Dust] one student not locking the difficult to say' how his appoint- locker door," he said. ment would affect students, since i "The facility does not allow the dormitory system is not un- for security - that corridor is der the control of Physical Plant. just such a freeway," Bandy said, He did note that Physical Plant Tech referring to the openness of the had "upgraded some of the class- Kristine AuYeung/The area. After the thefts, he is "not rooms" this past summer, and Members of Phi Delta Theta made wooden helicopters and racing cars on Saturday, to to improve Boston and Cambridge for Christmas. really afraid to work there [in the added that he plans be distributed to hospitalized children in II WE - I - - (Please turn to page 2) them. Y4 rCI·P·II- - --- _ A_ 8 Cray-2 supercomputer proves to b2e powerful tool, but is under-utilized fluid isting MIT system, allowing users search project. He is developing a advanced computational By Joan Abbott time needed for~ one computa- the supercomputer calcu- model of wind and wave motion mechanics. "I plan to use MIT users have had access to a tional cycle, is 4.1 nanoseconds to perform lations from their workstations in bodies of water. Trials of his Cray-2 as more than a number Cray-2 supercomputer facility - one of the fastest periods while using Athena printers and model, which took seven hours cruncher," he said. "The students July, but notas many have available. to program algorithms since plotters. or longer on a Microvax II, now can learn utilized it as had been expected. The cost to users is $140 per of UNIICOS, the Cray-2 operating takes two or three minutes on the necessary to run on this type "It can handle many more clients central-processing unit hour. system, may be familiar to Athe- Cray-2, he said. computer." than it currently does," said There is no minimum amount-of an account on the may na users since it is a Cray version While the Cray-2 is intended Getting Edward M. Andrews, the facili- computer time that users is relatively simple. Re- hour can be of UNIX. Pascal, Fortran, and C primarily for research, it can also Cray-2 ty's administrative officer. purchase - one projects can obtain a as 100 compilers are available on the be used for coursework. Cray Re- search Cray Research Inc. provides a bought just as. easily Cray-2 account ifi about 24 hours beginners todgain system along with CAL, the Cray search donated 2000 hours of substantial amount of funding hours, allowing by-submitting a request-form, a Cray-2 without a assembler. In addition, members computing time during the first for the program in the form of access to the brief description of the project, financial investment. of the MIT community may re- year to be used for course-related yearly research grants for wort- huge initial and-a requisition for the cost of The cost of using the Cray-2 is quest that additional, software be activities. At this tme, the Cray-2 done on supercomputers. purchased for the Cray-2 by sub- 'is not being used widely in under- Jthe comnputer time.
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