Tasmanian Polar Network and Tasmania Maritime Network Response to the Hobart Railyards Urban Design Strategy Tasmanian Polar Network Suite 25-26, Salamanca Square, Hobart Phone: 03 6233 5493 Email: [email protected] Web: www.tpn.aq Tasmania Maritime Network Tasmanian Technopark, Dowsings Point 7010 Phone: 03 6273 1533 Email: [email protected] Contents Introduction 3 Vision for the Port of Hobart 4 Industry opportunities and challenges 5 Key issues and concerns 10 Recommendations 16 Conclusion 17 Appendices 18 Appendix 1: Cargo Macquarie Wharf August 2008 18 Appendix 2: Port of Hobart, international gateway to Antarctica 19 Appendix 3: Antarctic Sector in Tasmania 20 Appendix 4: Value of Antarctic and Southern Ocean ships using Port of Hobart 22 Appendix 5: Tasmanian Polar Network’s Interests 23 Appendix 6: The Tasmanian Polar Network 24 Appendix 7: The Tasmania Maritime Network 25 Appendix 8: Network Membership 26 2 Cruise Shipping IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn There were just over 57,600 visitors to Tasmania in the 2006-07 Tasmanian cruise ship season TT(hShisies p isi s – aa A ccpoormm),b brieninpeerded rs ereesnsptpoinongns seae pt opto ra oanxn iim ninvavittaietatliyoti on7n %t ot ooc foc amolmlm vmeisneitno otr nso ntho te ht hede rda Srfatt faHt toHeb.o abrat rRt aRilayialyradrsd Us rUbarbna Dn eDseigsnig n SSttrraatteeggyy.. I tI to ouutltilnineess t hthee i sisssuueess a anndd c coonncecernrns sr ariasiesde db yb yth teh em maraitriimtime ein idnudsutrsytr uy suesres rosf othf eth Pe oPrto ortf oHf oHboabrta rt aaAnnd ds ttuhhedeiyrir o rrenep pcrrereusseisenent atsathitviivpeep b ibnoogdd ieiines s,A ,t uhthsete rT aTaliasams bmayan Aniaicnac nPe sPosloa lEra cNr oNentewotmworoikcr sk(T f(oPTuNPn)Nd a) njaudns tdT u aTnsadmseamrn ahiana ilMaf taMhreiat ir4mit4iem cNeru eNitsweeto wsrkho irpk ((TvTMiMsiNtNs) ).t. o T TThhaees s msuubabmnmiaisi ssinsioi o2nn0 i n0inc6cl-ul0ud7de ebss ea ra tnh nueumdm babet erH ro ofo brf earcertoc. mo Hmmomebneadnrtad ataioctincoosn uston t toae ddad dfroderrs eass btsho teuh tec ho canolcfn etchrenesr nt.o s t.a l estimated expenditure of $22.8 million. The SCWA Hobart Railyards Urban Design Strategy has emerged against a background of adverse The SCWA Hobart Railyards Urban Design Strategy has emerged against a background of adverse trends affecting maritime industry use of the Port of Hobart, including tTrehned st uadffye clitsintsg Hmoabraitirmt’se aincdcuestsr yto u mseu oltfip tlhee d Peoerpt owfa Hteorb baertr,t hinsc alusd ain gke y factor in the capacity of Tasmania to develop cruise tourism. lack of master plan that considers wider context of industry requirements in relation to entire port ! lack of master plan that considers wider context of industry requirements in relation to entire port system and facilities (eg Princes Wharf) Accesss yEsctoenmo manicds f,a Tcailistipeosr t(se ga nPdr inincdeuss Wtryh eaxrfp) ects this market to grow further and Tasports has identified cr.u ise nsohnip-ppoinrtg r ealsa taend icmopmomrtaenrct iaolp apnodrt uconmitym founr itthye la Pnodr tu osef sH ionb aanrtd. close to Port of Hobart is non-port related commercial and community land uses in and close to Port of Hobart is ! constraining the operations of shipping and maritime activities An articloen isnt rtahien iBngri sthbea noep eTriamtieosn so no f1 s1h Mipapyin 2g0 a0n8d hmigahrliitgimhtes athcetiv citriietisc al importance of planning for the fu.tu re aa nredd euncstiuornin ing pthoartt caadpeaqcuitayt eth prorouvgihs itohne ips rmogardees sfiovre p noornt -inshfriapsptirnugc tuusrees t o fb weh uaprfd aapterodn o ar reexapsa snudcehd to ! aas rCedSuIRctOio nsi tien, pEolirzt acbaeptahc pitiye rt harnodu g(sho tohne) pMroagcqreusasriivee W nhoanr-fs Nhiop.p 1in sgh uesde s of wharf apron areas such meet uasse rC nSeIeRdOs sfoitlelo, wEilnizga tbheet hd epcieisr iaond t o(s eosotna)b Mlisahc aq umaurileti -Wushea rmf uNloti .u 1s esh (ereds idential, commercial, cruise) M.u ltipltehxe Ppoortrs sidtaet eT eorfm pionrat li nthfraats htrausc tduraes atincda lrley sctoricmtipornosm pislaecde dc rounis ues seh oipf Mopaecrqautiaornies Nboy 5n oatn bde Ninog 6s ited ! the poor state of port infrastructure and restrictions placed on use of Macquarie No 5 and No 6 whereb tehreth csr uainsde tohpee craotnotrasin reerq curiarende, ibnu pta rratitchuelra rto suit the developers of the apartments and retail berths and the container crane in particular te.n ancthiees .d amage to international reputation and capability of Hobart as working port and international ! Athneta drcatmic aGgaet etow ianyt.e rnational reputation and capability of Hobart as working port and international A“Antnanrc Stich eGrrayt,e twhaey c. hief executive of Carnival Australia, which represents cruise lines including P&O The revieCwr uoisf ethse, PHroinbcaerts Rs aCilryuaisrdess Uarnbda nC uDneasridg,n sSatirda tcerguyis aen ldin ceorsn swueltraet iogne tptirnogc ebsigsg ies ra ann odp Qpouretuenistyla tnod The review of the Hobart Railyards Urban Design Strategy and consultation process is an opportunity to address wthoeusled lesogoancy f aiscseu emsa ajonrd p nroebwl ecmonsc aetrtnrasc atirnisgin bgu fsrionmes psr.o posals for developing the waterfront and aa dnderwe shso sthpeitsael. legacy issues and new concerns arising from proposals for developing the waterfront and a new hoSshpeit asal. id Brisbane needed another terminal at the bayside end of the Brisbane River so bigger ships would avoid the problem of being too high to go under the Gateway Bridge. The people who live around Portside Wharf are not enamoured with the noise associated with visiting cruise ships. Any new terminal should not be built near residential areas, Ms Sherry said.” 8 VViissiioonn f foorr t thhee P Poortr to of fH Hoobbaartr t .! TThhee P Poortr to of fH Hoobbaartr’st’ sin ifnrafrsatsrutrcutcutruer ea nadn ds esrevricveicse ms emeet etht eth eex eisxtisntgin agn adn fdu tfuurteu rnee endese dosf soef as etraa dtrea de frforomm S Soouuththeernrn T Taasmsmanainai aa nadn dth teh eA nAtnatracrticct iac nadn Sd oSuothuethrne rOn cOecaena, nc,r ucirsuei steo utroisumris, mde, fdeenfceen caen da nd fifsishhiningg i nindduusstrtireies.s . AActionction needed needed t oto achiev achievee the the v isionvision .! EEnnssuurere s suufffifciiceiennt tla lnadn dis i sa vaavialailbalbel efo fro sr tsotroargaeg,e q,u qaurarnatinntein, eh,e haevayv my amteartiearl ihaal nhdalnindgli negq ueiqpumipemnte annt da nd ooththeer rs seervrvicicees st hthaat st uspupoprot rst hsihpippipnign gm movoevmemenetns tasn adn md amriatirmitiem aec ativcittiyv i ty .! EEnnssuurere w waateter ra anndd la lnadn db absaesde dp oprot rat catcivtitvieitsie csa cna onp oepraetrea teef feefcfeticvetivlye alyn adn edf feicfifeicnitelyn t–ly s –a fseatyfe, ty, sseeccuurirtiyty, ,n nooisiese, ,s pspilli llli glihgthintign,g m, manaangaegmemenetn ot fo cfo cnotanmtaimnainteadte adn adn hda hzarzdaorduos umsa mtearitaelrsia, lhse, ahveya vy mmaacchhinineeryry a anndd v evehihcilcel em movoevmemenetnst sto t,o f,r ofrmom a nadn wd iwthiitnh itnh eth peo prto rt .! RReeininvveesst tt oto m maainintatiani na nadn de nehnahnacnec ee xeisxtisintign gw hwahraf rafn adn odt hoethr epro prto irnt firnafsrtarsutcrtuucrteu rtoe mtoe mete ceut rcreunrrte annt da nd fufututurere n neeeeddss 4 4 Industry opportunities and challenges Industry opportunities and challenges The Port of Hobart supports international and coastal shipping and a range of maritime activities that are The Port of Hobart supports international and coastal shipping and a range of maritime activities that are growing and have the potential to grow further. growing and have the potential to grow further. SeaSea trade trade IInn 22000066-0-077 e exxppoortrst sfr formom th teh eP oProt rot f oHf oHboabrta irnt cinrecareseads ebdy b2y7 2p7e rp ceern ct eton t8 t4o0 8,04000,0 t0o0nn teosn naensd aimndpo imrtsp 0o.r5ts 0.5 ppeerr c ceennt tt oto m moorere t hthana no noen em milliiollino nto ntonnense. s T. h Tish fisig ufigreu reex celxucdleusd eresc reenct ennetw n ebwus binuessisn essusc hs uacsh e axpso erxtsp ofr ts of rroottaarryy p peeeeleledd v veenneere.r . AAppppeennddixix O Onnee i lliullustsrtartaetse sth tihsi sp opinotin. tT. hTish ipsh pohtoogtoragprah ptahk teank einn Ainu gAuusgt u2s0t0 280, 0a8 t,r aad tirtiaodniatilolyn qaullyie qt utimieet taimt teh ea t the ppoorrt,t ,d deeppicictsts t hthee p poortr st tsotroargaeg ea parporno fnu lflu tlol tcoa cpaapciatyc.i ty. TThhee d dyynnaammicicss o of f ufututruer es hsihpi pd edseigsnig, nfu, eful eclo csotss tasn adn rdo ardo aadn da nradi lr tarail ntrsapnosrtp torertn tdres nadnsd apnodli cpyo cliocuyl dc ocurelda tcer eaa te a ffuuttuurree e ennvvirioronnmmeennt th tahta itn icnrceraesaesse tsh eth aet tarattcraticvetivnensse sosf coof acsotasl taanl da inndte irnntaetrinoantaiol sneaal streaad etr afrdoem f rHoomb aHrot. b art. TThhee p plalannnniningg r ereggimime em musuts pt epremrmit tith eth Pe oPrto ortf oHfo Hboabrta trot rteot areinta tihne t hflex filbeixlitiby itlioty m toe emt etheist tphoiss spiboislistyib. ility. TThhee P Poortr to of fH Hoobbaartr tm musuts at laslos ob eb eca cpaapbaleb loef omf emeetinegti ncgo nctoinngtienngceiensc iseusc shu acsh tahse tbhre abkrdeoawkdno owf ntr aonf strpaonrts port iinnffrraasstrturucctuturere i ninclculudidnign gra rial ial nadn dro raoda sde srveircveicse tso tnoo nrtohretrhne prno rptso.r t s. TThhee o oppppoortrutunnitiyty t oto t rtardaed en onwow a nadn din itnh eth feu tfuurteu rme umstu nsot tn boet
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