Subject Index Abate, properties and uses 338 Alfalfa 120, 157, 175,209,232,276,375, - synthesis 338 422 Acaricides, definition 3 Algae control (see also Slime control) Acetaldehyde 111, 378 5, 115 Acethion, properties and uses 359 Algalol, see Aretan - synthesis 359 Algicides, definition 3 Acetone oxime N-phenylcarbamate, see Alipur 229 Proxypham Allethrin 131 If. 3-( et-Aceton y lbenzy I) -4-h ydroxycoumarin, Allyl alcohol 89 see Warfarin Allyl bromide 35 3-( et-Acetonyl-4' -chlorobenzy 1)-4-hydroxy- Allyl chloride 39 coumarin, see Coumachlor Allyl isothiocyanate 260 Acetophos, properties and uses 351 Alodan, permissible concentration in air - synthesis 351 65 3-Acetyl-6-methylpyrandione-2,4, see - properties and uses 52, 64 If. Dehydroacetic acid - synthesis 64, 268 1-Acetyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline, Aluminium phosphide, properties and uses see Kyuzol-A 445, 446 Acrex, see Dinobuton Ametryne 436 Acrolein 111 Amiben 148 Acrolein phenylhydrazone 279 Amides, pesticidal properties 124 If. Acrylonitrile 122, 128 Amidithion, properties and uses 363 Acylate, properties and uses 203 - synthesis 363 - synthesis 203 Amines, pesticidal properties 83 If. Adamsite 390 Amibenzenesulfonyl carbamate, see Aerogels, see Silica gel Compound ME-9057 Aerosol compositions 24 Aminocarb, see Matacil Aerosols 12, 20, 22 If. Aminoguanidine, synthesis 429 Agriculture, losses from pests 1, 5 If. 2-Amino-4-methyl-5-carboxanilidothiazole, Agronal295 see Seedvax Agvitor, properties and uses 384 Aminoparathion 324 - synthesis 384 5-Amino-3-phenyl-1,2,4-triazolyl-1- Alanap, properties and uses 152 bis( dimethylamido )phosphate, - synthesis 152 see Wepsin Alcohols, pesticidal properties 89 4-Amino-1 H -pyrazolo-3,4-pyrimidine Aldehydes, pesticidal properties 111 If. sulfate 439 Aldicarb, properties and uses 197, 198 3-Amino-1,2,4-triazole, see Amitrole - synthesis 198 Amiton, see Tetram Aldrin, analytical method 61, 62 Amitrole, mode of action 429 conversion to dieldrin 61 - properties and uses 427-430 permissible concentration in air 62 - synthesis 429 properties and uses 42, 53, 60 If. Ammate, properties and uses 262, 263 synthesis 60, 61 - syntheses 262 tolerance 62 Ammonium sulfamate, see Ammate 449 450 Subject Index Ammonium thiocyanate, properties and Aryloxyacetylhydroxamic acids, pesticidal uses 252, 259, 429 properties 160 Amoben, properties and uses 217 Aryloxyalkylcarboxylic acids, pesticidal - synthesis 217 properties 157 ff., 160, 175 ff. Amophos 375 Aryloxybutyric acids, pesticidal properties AMS, see Ammate 173 ff. Amylarsine oxide 390 Aryloxypropionic acids, pesticidal Anabasine 396, 405, 406 properties 172 ff. Aniline 83 Arylsulfonic acid esters, ovicidal properties Animal parasite control 50, 65, 76, 255, 271,272 257,296, 299, 303 ff., 317, 332-334, AsCu compound 389 342, 383, 387, 397, 424 Asparagus 232, 422 Animals, number of species 1 Asulam 204 Anisic acid esters, pesticidal properties 141 Asunthol, see Coumaphos Anthracene oil 21, 31, 32 Atratone, properties and uses 438 Anthranilic acid esters, pesticidal properties - synthesis 438 141 Atrazine, properties and uses 435, 436, 438 Anticoagulants 115 - synthesis 436 Antifeeding agents 299 Attractants 3, 10, 89, 139 Antio, see Formothion - definition 3 Antiseptics, definition 3 Auxins 138 Antu, properties and uses 227, 237, 238 Avadex, see Di-allate - synthesis 238 Avenin, properties and uses 317 APC 192 - synthesis 317 Aphicides, definition 3 2-Azido-4-ethylamino-4-tert-butylamino-s- Aphidan 366 triazine, see WL 9385 Aphid reproductive rate 2 2-Azido-4-isopropylamino-6-methyl- mercapto-s-triazine, see C-7019 Apholate 318 Azinphos ethyl 372 Aphoxide 318 Azinphos methyl, oxygen analog 372 Apples 100, 102, 155, 188, 238, 264, 274, - methyl, properties and uses 371, 372 283,289, 315, 392, 396, 405, 418, 427, - methyl, synthesis 372 432 Azobenzene, properties and uses 280, 281 pest-caused losses 1, 5 - synthesis 281 Apricots 366 Azobenzide, see Azobenzene Aramite and cancer 266 Azo compounds, pesticidal properties photodecomposition 266 278 ff. properties and uses 266, 267 Azomat 393 stabilization 266 Azosulfides 279 synthesis 266 Azoxybenzene 278 Arboricides, definition 3, 5 Aresin, see Monolinuron Aretan, properties and uses 292 B/77, see Fitios B-169-ferrocyanide, see Fungilon - synthesis 292 B-995, see DMSA Argox 295 Bacteria control 30, 82, 84 ff., 91, 93, 102, Arsenic acid, synthesis 389 105, 107, 111, 118, 142, 148 ff., 213, and cancer 387 227,275,276,280,283 ff., 387, 397, compounds, irritant properties 390 400, 409, 443, 445 compounds, pesticidal properties 387 ff. Bactericides, definition 3 in tobacco 387 Baits (see also Rodent control) 12, 25 N-Aryl-N',N'-dialkylureas, syntheses 230 Balding 446 Aryloxyacetic acid derivatives, pesticidal Banol, see Carbanolate properties 159 ff. Banvel-D, see Dicamba - acids, reactions and syntheses 161 ff. Banvel-T 147 Aryloxyacetylamino acids, pesticidal Barban, analytical method 202 properties 159 - decomposition 202 Subject Index 451 Barban, persistence 202 BHC, oxidation 68 - properties and uses 184, 185, 202 permissible concentration in air 44 - syntheses 202, 203 properties and uses 32, 42 If., 50, 68, Barium carbonate 446 69, 104, 166, 216, 287, 295 Barium chloride 446 smokes, composition 23 Barium fluosilicate 444 stereoisomers 42 If; Barium polysulfide, see Solbar synthesis 46 If. Barley 125, 155, 202, 210, 211, 438 Bi-58, see Dimethoate Barthrin 131 If. Bicyclohcptylcarbinol norcamphane- Bayer-22,555, see Dexon methanol 91 Bayer-30,686, see Eradex Bidisin 155 Bayer-32,394, see Fungilon Bidrin, properties and uses 314 Bayer-37,344, see Mesurol - synthesis 314 Bayer-39,007, see Baygon Binapacryl 100 Baygon, properties and uses 193, 194 Bi-PC, properties and uses 201, 229 - synthesis 193, 194 - synthesis 201 Baytex, see Fenthion Biphenyl, properties and uses 26, 27, 67, Beans 1, 104, 113, 115, 159, 174,206,209, 82, 294 210,216,419 - tolerance 27 - pest-caused losses 5 Bird repellents 117 Bees and organophosphorus compounds Birlane, properties and uses 314, 315 304 If. - synthesis 314, 315 Beets 113, 155,204,209,211,292 Bis( 4-chlorophenoxy)methane, see Mikazin Benachlor 68 Bis(3,4-dichlorofuranon-5-yl-2) ether Benefin 84 396, 397 Benlate, properties and uses 418 Bis(2,4-dichlorophenoxyethyl) phosphite 308 Benzene hexabromides 44 1,1' -Bis(3,5-dimethylmorpholinecarbamoyl­ Benzene hexachloride, see BHC methyl)-4,4' -dipyridylium chloride, Benzenesulfonyl fluoride 276 see PP-745 Benzimine, synthesis and uses 152 Bis(ethylxanthogen) disulfide, properties Benzoic acids, pesticidal properties 142, and uses 177, 178, 180, 181 144 If. - disulfide, synthesis 181 Benzopyrenes 31, 32 Bis( ethylxanthogen) tetra sulfide 181 Benzoquinone 4-chlorobenzoylhydrazone Bis( ethylxanthogen) trisulfide, properties 279 and uses 177, 178, 181 Benzoquinone monoguanidinehydrazone - trisulfide, synthesis 181 thiosemicarbazone, synthesis and uses Bis(methylxanthogen) disulfide, properties 280 and uses 180 Benzoquinones 115 - disulfide, synthesis 180 4-Benzothienyl N-methylcarbamate, Bis(pentachlorocyclopentadien-2,4-yl) 55 see Mobam Bis(pentachlorophenyl) disulfide 49 Benzotriazole, formative elfect 427 Bis(tetrachloroethyl) disulfide 249 Benzoxazolinone, synthesis 414 Bis(trichlorophenyl) disulfide 49 Benzoylhydrazinoaniline 280 Biuret, properties and uses 225 Benzoylhydrazone of quinone oxime, Bladafume, see Sulfotepp see Cerenox Bladan, see TEPP Benzylamine 83 Blastin, properties and uses 92 Benzyl benzoate 141 - synthesis 92 Benzylphenol 94 Blastogenic elfect 6 Betanal, properties and uses 204 Blood anticoagulants 400 If. - synthesis 204 Boa ts, marine growths 297 Beta-oxidation 160 Boliden-bis 389 BHC, analytical method 46 Bordeaux mixture, synthesis and uses dehydrochlorination 45, 49 188, 442 formulations 14, 18, 21 Boric acid, pesticidal properties 447 isomerization and isomers 43-46 Bornyl thiocyanoacetate, see Thanite 452 Subject Index Bran 111 C-2059, see Fluometuron Brassisan, properties and uses 48, 49, 81 C-3126, see Patoran - synthesis 81 C-3470, properties and uses 232 Bread 118 - synthesis 232 Brestan, properties and uses 297, 299, 301, C-6989110 302 C-7019 438, 439 - stability 302 C-8353 192 Broccoli 195 Cabbages 81, 109, 180,209, 314, 315, 375, Bromacil, properties and uses 421 437 - synthesis 421 - pest-caused losses 1, 5 5-Bromo-3-sec-butyl-6-methyluracil, Cacao trees 316, 392 see Bromacil Cacodylic acid, properties and uses 5-Bromo-3-tert-butyl-6-methyluracil, 391, 393, 394 see Compound 733 - acid, synthesis 393 N -4-Bromo-3-chlorophenyl-N'-methyl- Cacodyl oxide, synthesis 393 N' -methoxymethylurea 235 Cadmium-calcium-copper-zinc chromate- I-Bromo-3-chloropropene 40 sulfate 443 Bromodiphenyl sulfones as acaricides 243 Calcium arsenate, properties and uses 388, Bromonitrostyrene, properties 80 389 Bromophenylethane 67 - arsenate, syntheses 389 N -4-Bromophenyl-N' -methyl-N'-methoxy- Calcium arsenite, properties and uses 388 urea, see Patoran - arsenite, synthesis 388 Bromophenyl sulfones 243 Calcium chloride chlorate 445 Bromophos, persistence 335 Calcium hypochlorite 445 - properties and uses 320, 321, 335, 337 Calcium polysulfide 188,441 - synthesis 335 Calcium propionate 118 Calcium sulfamate 263 Bromophos-ethyl 335 Calcium tetrathionate, properties and uses Bromostyrene 67 246, 264, 442 Bromoxynil, properties and uses 150 - tetrathionate, synthesis 264, 442 - synthesis 150 Camphene, chlorination 50 ff. Bromoxynil octanoate, properties and uses Cancer (see also Blastogenic effect) 150 6,32, 266, 387, 425 - octanoate, synthesis 150 Captan
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