University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 7-22-1905 Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 07-22-1905 T. Hughes Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news Recommended Citation Hughes, T.. "Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 07-22-1905." (1905). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news/575 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. VOLUME 1S ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO. SATURDAY JULY 22, 1005. NUMBER 32 SERIOUS ACCIDENT Ashing grounds just below town Thy DEATH ON WINGS look with them the IstMt and oeat In TO EXPLORE WILDS the way ol tackle, bait, ud otker Hp HITS AEROPLANE ETHEL BARRYMORE NEAR KELLY, N. M. piianoes. " Nor did bey fargai rWrejhmeots l OROWD SBES AIR SHIP AND PROF. LANDS J. H. JAMBS BADLY INJURED IN A for the Inner mi, both mild and ENGLISHMAN HqtiM. They did not emulate the MALONEY PLUNGE PROM A RUNAWAY. HBIBHT OF J, 600 PBET TO DE- Knights Templar , WHERE fillSBAND DIED from jhnysv11( Kr STRUCTION. who a o the tri- itpostal CoiTMpalMM. fev agojmnt ennial conclaverr at OsWsland, Ohio, A Hen Jane. Cat, dispatch, dated Jte.ly. N. M , Jnty The many 1. and having ever slate teen embalmed July aaye: women r is. With fainting MRS. LE0NIDA8 HUBBARD WILL THACE OUT STEPS Or EXPLORER flien da of J. If. Jsraaa, sometimes In history as the "1S-M-1- because and men sahtimg. Daniel Maloney, who WHO DIED IN correspondent, will be grieved to bear there were 11 kultavJsi musicians numerous public THE WILDERNESS OP STARVATION. TO INVES- 4 has made sarxnsinas and salloas of In the out , TIGATE CONCITIONS UNDER of ht misfortune ott luttday. the 1Mb tou.ala whh Profsaaor Mositgomory' sem-p;an- WHICH HE PERISHED A DARING InatSMt Sir. ItnM niMvunnatilail bp St. mill, the AlbtMuarfne flshermen TASK FOR A NERVY WOMAN - Ml 3J00 real to bis dath nt L. H. Bahtmafc, started for nasswale. r w'." ! ffjhey were da- flam a Clara this morning. to noil i - When about six miles from Kelly and termtned suVer from hvn- Professor MoHiamnery had an- going down a mil some slight nod-den-t aer nor fmm thirat.. nounced So, too, emtaantty an asaynslnn from the occurred and tke carriage pole their Ashlns s eottage in hon- naet-eeatu- l grounds of Santa Clara aeek-yok- They eau; t sevea, dropped from the Thare mt or of the IasTM of the Cross esdets. as one 01 had I 11 waa - being o brake on the Barring It of thm sot who are ho dm that'- annnal efioawp-HMM- course ran against tho spirited horses counted itt nmlng In that team. The anwasroosaaent and they at once ran sway. the,trophic of their . they mdde a present m attrnoted probabty l.oon people, who It was a bad place fcr a runaway, ttic entire tcb to Jttda mthUIhwi with teiarem hug W. H. Burkv, 0f (fee eaik. the and In a flasn a front wheel struck a The as tt shot m$ from the oolleaw hog boulder, throwing Mr. Ilabcoek jnage, ai trrwlnM not be outdona in noepusiitr ana u garden attached to a huge balloon olenr off the seat and twenty feet to Hr. had the At a height of Ash cook it nd aarvei a ash din-- ifitoi Mloner dm side. With rare preaenoe of tnlnd ner eut loos and besnn mnneuvrrlng th Mr. Babooek, knowing he to quit to Asrnn ftosf, W; t, Slrbnt and had n.in Huiser. namplnne. He circled gracefully the rig. grabbed young Ixuls and took th-1- .it Then was feast Raoh Bah. ab for some mlantes, having the hhet with him. and although both aon-tro- l. tne Mrgen of waleh not leas mnahine apparently under perfect ware badly shaken up and bruised, than Thau he essayed a deep dip. any Injury. two Inchfi long, lay a platter neither sustained serious two feet in Irngth, and Sias uddenly the mnahine swerved, heal Mr. James was not so fortunate. After furnwned tated oosnpieteiy with a leaf f Iflttame inid a Saratoga and tnmed over. It staying with the team for nearly halt eoasjtaom-bl- o chip. Thorn wSM a ber of peo-- r'.ahtod itself, sank down a a mile and doing his beat to control pie In h.. rafti, distanco and turned over again. thorn, up Jump. tmt thtlr nnmes Joe made his mind to had no 1. , In 3 Malmiey was clinging desperately to My oat pot. they this time the team wo going Ilka could but Mand by envy hl !t(at nnd evidently endaavoriac to wind waa terrible. In and watch he and the shock me gornianda lick the plattei clean roaam nia oatttroi, mit all km efrorta The left knee oap was dreadfully wore In vain. bruised. If not broken and misplaced, Again the aeroplane tarried In the the right leg broken above the ankle, DA'ES iET FOR THE air. and tais unit the wings oame tn besides other outs and bruises. gether t)w HORTICULTURAL FAIR and man and inaehta Mr. Jamas was brought back to ntungetl fttmlht downward, while the Kelly with all possible haste. Dr. uor rifled apootntorn gnxml helptoetly Minn was summoned, the fracture (Prom Thursday's Dally Cltison.) upward. Amid shrieks and groans, reduced, and many willing hands did A meeting of thu mqmbera of the many people rushed to the saene. iholr host for "iMior Joe." At thki Nwv Mexico Hortletilturat Society, wiiiie otkera turned away weening. writing tho rueulte of lite Injuries ean A number of cadets first reached not be foretold, hu alt that medical with ciiisena Intorested In the the unconscious man. nnd ploklng him skill and the kindness of a boat of siibjoot of a fair, was held at tho court up they conveyed him to tho oollogo friends oan do will be done. Mean- homo In fanta Pe Tuesday ovenlne. hospital. His head wns fractured and while we will hope for the beet. Hon. I Ilradforti Prlnco, prosldont of blood was ilowlng from his ears nnd A. I.. HIMSTHn. tho HortlruHiirnl society, prosldod, mouth. He oxplrod within n short IJTHKl. IIAHIIY MOIIK. and Jay Turley noted as socrotnry. time. The aeroplane, whloh was con- Tho report thai tho beautiful A Is Harry-Ornlmm- . ARIZONIANS FALL HEIR full structed ot tho toughest oak procur- mrian nctress engaged t After a consideration of the sub- privato aorretary to Hosoberry, ject it was resolved, on able, was ground Into small fragments. formr Lord Is prnoUoally con- motion of Dr. firmed, nnd TO MANY MILLIONS W. 8. Hsrroun. to hold n tentorial establish Miss Unrryuii.re in tho high social position shobw hortleultural fair In Santa Pe on Tues- Rained In Hugland during her engage menia on the London stago. MU8. LHONllUS Hl'IUIAHD. day, Wednesday CON O'KEEFE ONE OF TWENTY. nnd ThunHlny. Sep- LARGEST SINGLE Indiu rr,.l by lier husband's ml It develops thai Wallace started on tember 12. 13 and 14. n NINE :ato in the wild of l.Wradr, similar trip a tew weeks ahead of CLAIMANTS OF ESTATE On mothm of Frank Dlhert. a com- NEW S. The aggrugato treble her. and wli: not know of her vtmturu EXPLOSION KNOWN RULING OF number ot Jr.. has start-i- d OF $15,000,000. mittee consisting of A. M. DeUlebnoh, Mr. Hubbard. unless they encounter each other In Jay months taught in the said ten yearn un- Turlev and Ohnrlea H. I.lnnoy. with uld io explore the i he Interior. IMson, who declined an was 10 TERRITORIAL BOARD must be at least seventy. Con O'Koefe, county treasurer ot miMntnl oall on tho citizens known Interior and see he Nasoau-i.e- offer to accompany Wallace. Is Mrs. during the week nnd request them to J. The ntd ten years of teaching hus- guide. Santa Gru countv and well known Five Indians, visited first by her Hubbard's chief be present at a general mooting to be Hundred Thousand Tons The territorial board of education must be oom prised within tho four- band In view or HubbanrH Heath by It said tLat Mrs. Hubbard In- ttyuuKhoilt.Arltona, partlculnrlj; In joromo. wnoro once rasiueii, is tno hold in the court liotiso next Monday of Arixona has decided regarding Ike teen years Immediately prceedlngdato wan at ion in l&nj. the Intrepid wife's tends not only to explore the eoun'ry, lie evening At this meeting full arrange- of Stone arc to be venture soem doubly haeardous. but to investigate also the conditions realpient at as btg a piece of good luok grunting of diplomas, that: ot application. as generally to lot man. Hu ments for holding tho fair will be 4. Hubbard's demise was reported by under which her epouse perished, she falls the of made. Removed 1. Tho oaudldat must have been The applicant must pass an Dil- appeared be has roflolvod news that ho. togothar in pedagogy, history tho survivors o( the expedition, having recanted what to The general ceinUmont tli siiMMsfuNy engaged teaalilniTwr of erlttefam by Uuban.djs yrith his brother Timothy. Is holr to nt mootf in social oeonomy and school lon Wallace nntl Oeorga rihon,a half Watlaflo.other ing TiiGNday teast years, lirvdl Mr Hubbatd at first strongly Judgment. She bt a Canadian woman, the osiato of r Bfhnlftiflolo Whlfili nt ten government.
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