RIt'GU. GOA:5 I Panaji,10thFebruary, 1977 (Magha 21, 18981 SERIES HI No. 46> OFFICIAL GAZETTE GOVERNMENT OF GOA,. DAMAN AND DIU and eligible contractors upto 24~2-77 till 2.30 p. m. for theo GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN below mentioned works are as follows:- AND DIU I 1. Construction of one room school building at Satrem, Satari. 2. Construction of two rooms school-building at Gaunkar­ Education and Public Works Department wada Satari Vantem. II Construction of drinking water wells at:- Public Works Department 3. Fadtewada Arnone Taluka Bicholim. 4. Bhamanwada Navelim Bicholim. WorkS Division 1- Buildings (Panaii~Go';) 5. Mansnatwada, Adwalpale Bicholim.. 6. Kasarpal near Temple Bicholim. 7. Latambarcem Usap, Kasarpal Bicholim. Ten.der Notice no~ 8/8/"16.77/88 8. KadsaremNagzar, Pemem. The Executive Engineer, Works Division I (Buildings) I P. 9. Assapur, Pemem. W. D., Panaji-Goa, invites on behalf of President of India, 10. Torap Chandel Pernem. Sealed -Item Rate Tenders from approved and eligible con­ 11. Morgim No.2 Pernem. tractors, upto 4.00 p. m., 001 25th February 1977, !lor the work of uRepairs to, Police Training School at Valpoi". Estimated 12. Gautam HaUarna Pernem. cOst Ra. 87,849/-. Eimest ni_ Rs. 2196/-. Conditions and 13. Mhalsewada Poriyem Bicholim. Tender Forms can be had frOm the above offi"" upto 4.30 p. m. Construction of Irrigation Wells on 24th February 1917, during working hours. Tenders of at:- contractors who do not depOsit earnest money in the pres­ 14. Savrichem Mol Herve V. P. Thana Satari. cribed form are liable to be rejected. The contractors must 15. Advoi Dabashi Ghol V. P. Pissurlem Satari. \ p.roduce Income Tax Clearance Certificate before the tender Estimated cost; earnest money deposit, time limit in 4a,ys is S()ld to him. and cost of tender fonns are as folloWS: - ' ·.Panajl,· 28th January, 1977; - The ExecutiVl> Engineer, K. (1) Ra. 20,753-49. Ra. 518/-, 150, Ra. 20/- (2) Rs •.31,841-93, V. Nadkarni. Ra. 796/-, 150, Ra. 20/- (3 to 13) Rs. 9l20-75, Ra. 228/-, 90, Ra. 10/- each, (4) 14 and 15 Rs. 7,448-56, Ra. 186/-, 90,. Ra.10/-. Tenders will-" be . opened at 3.00 p. in. on the same day. ~- Worn Division V - 'anaji Conditions and tender forms can be had from this office upto-- 3.30 p. m. on 23-2-1977 on working days. Tenders of the contractors who d.o not deposit' earnest money in the pres­ Tood&r Notice nO. Hl/AcctsiF.I~/27/76.77 cribed form is liable to be rejected. Contractors also shOUld , , produce the income-tax clearance certificate before the issue of the~form. 'Th~ Executlv,e ,Engineer. Works Division .V, PuQlic Works Department, . Panaji-Goa, . invitea on. behalf of the Prealdent Panajl, Qth February, 1977• ..:- The Executive -Engineer, U •. of India, sealed percentage rate tenders from the approved R • .Pi8suTlencar.. Tend., n~t;ce nO. f'lWOIWoO)N/I/b/7b-77 ,The Executi~e Engineer, vvorks_ Division XV, PWD, Margao, of C. P. W. D. and those of app,:opriate list of Union 'rerri-< G,oa._ inVites' on behalf. of the Presiderit '_of Iridia, sealed. Per,:, tories/Stale PWD/M. E. S./ Rallways, upto 3.30 p. in. on.. Ce~~ge }lat~ .:re~dE!1;s fror,n' app'rQyed ~d ,eligtble contraetors 19~2-1977 for the, follo~g wo~ks separately:- Estimated Earnest Cost ot Time limit 'Description c cost !Doney tender (dayS) Rs. Rs. " Rs; 1. Repairs to ],<atlonal High~y ,17 between KIn•. 70 to 80 12,172:93 304:00 20:00 120 (Panaji-Karnataka Section),' . ...... ....... !536 SERIES)1tNo:.. 46 Tenders will be _opened immediately after 3.30 p. m. on plied with by puplication of nqtice_ of change of name from -th~ same day. "Gurudassa Gaungo" to "Gurudas R. Kankonkar" as per the -Government decision. Earnest money ~hown against works should be deposited In ,the State Bank of India., Margao or any Scheduled Bank Now, t,herefore, the request made by the said Guradas in the form of Deposilt at iGall-Receipt and enclosed it with Rama Ka;nkonkar is grante_d -and 'he_ is 'hereby allthorised to the tender. Conditions of contract and tender "forms, can be publish this Order in the Official Gazette ana. apply: for" endor­ '11ad from the above mentioned Office upto' 3.30 p. m. of 18-2-77 sement 'in the respective registration as per no. 4 of 'the ~aid '-on ,all working days on payment of, ,cost of tender (Non-refun­ Article 178 of the "Codigo do Registo Civil '!. -<labIe) per each item hi cash. If required by post an amount By order -and In the name of the Adniinistra.tor -of Goa. --of Rs. 5-00 will be charged extra. Daman and Diu. The Intendmg tenderer will have .to pr.oa:uce rnconle Tax Panaji, 28th January, 1977. - K. O. D. Gangwani.. Law Se­ Clearance "Certificate at the time of buying ,the tender. cretary. The- tender of the conltracto:m who do: not deposit Earnest" v. no. 7734/1977 Mone'y-jn the prescrib'ed"'manner will be summarily rejected. •• I, Right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any ,reasons thereof is reserved.. Advertisements Fatorda, 3rd February, 1977. - The Executive Engineer, Office of the Notary Public Ex·Officioof the Coma rea <1. S. Ja"in. ... (Judicial 'Division] of 'lihas of Goa r, Narayan Shripad Bhende, Civil Registrar-cwn-Sub­ -Registrar and Notary ex-officio, in the said Comarca of Revenue Department Ilhas of Goa, hereby announce, in accordance with the provi-, sion and for tile purpose .'.of paragraph first and second of Administration of Comunidades of Central Zone, Panaji the Law No: 2049, dated 6th August. 1951, the following extract of the decla~ation made in the succession deed drawn / by 'Notice me, on 19th January, 19,77 at"-. page 43v of the Notarial Book No. 609, according to which Mrs. Maria Geneveva 'Orlando Antonio Jose Siqueira Lobo, Admihistrator: RosaJina Prisca da Silveira, _alias M~ria Genev:eva Braganga Do hereby convene the Comunidade (jf Cuncoliem, of Ponda or Maria Geneveva Prisca Rosy Silveira Braganza, married '"Taluka, to meet in its ext,raordinary session on 26th Febru&ry, to Eduardo Francisco Alcantara Bragan~a, houseWife, residing 1977 at 10 a. m. wi~h representation of 2/3 of its sOcial at Panaji, was legally -qualified as sole and only heiress of capital and resolve -to "make available and transfer -in favour her parents Maria Liberata Natividade Mathews e Silveira of Government, free of charge;, an additional area to ,the alias Maria Liberata- Natividade Matos e Silveira and Antonio land previously granted by the Comunidade, for _distribution, Estevam Silveira, also known as Antonio Estevao Raimundo­ of house sites to the families of landless workers, to the da Silveira' who were married: to each other in their first --extent of 400 sq. metres .. and only nuptials without any, "antenuptial. agreement and If the same Comunidade fails to meet on the abovemen~ theref~re und~r tpe regime Of. general com,niunity,of p;-opert.y­ tioned day it is convened again for. the second time :on 27th who dIed as mtestates, respectively on 4th December 1971 of the said month at 10 a. m. in the same way and for the ~t Bicholim and 13th March, 1976, at St. Esteyao,' l~avini .same purpose; if still it fails to meet at the second time as their ,sole and, ,only heiress their 'only :daughter the it is convened to meet for the third time -in its -ordinary aforesaid -Maria Geneveva Rosalina Prisca da' Silveira. ' form on 28th of the same month at 10 a. m._ at the same Any persons desiring to claim' any right should dC/SO within place and for the same purpose. legal period. ' : . The Managing Comm'ittee of the Comunidade should 'also P~aji, 24th January, 1977. - The, Notary ex-officio, Civil emit its opinion even.in default of the meeting of the General Reglstrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and Notary Public Narayan Body of Comunidade. ' - Shripad Bhende. ' Panaji, 7th February, ,1977. - The Administrator, Orlando v. no: 7645/1977 Antonio J. Siqlleira,Lobo. • Office of the District Magistrate of Goa Mamlatdar's Office Pernem Taluka Notice Not.ice No. LN~/BEST/47/76-77 No. JUD/EXP/L/77.50-3491 2 Mis. V. M. Salgaocar _& Brother Pvt. Ltd., P. O. Box_ A:',M; Bhandare, l'I.iamlatdar -of P~nem TaJuka. No. 14, Vasco da Gama, Goa,'have applied in 'form 'C' of the 'In pursuance -or' articie 3 'of Legislative Diploma ,No.' 349 Expl()sives Rules~ 1940 for the grant of a licence in f()rm :_~U dated 9-11-1928, all heirs of the late Shri Arjun Rama Paliye­ of the'said-'Rules for "the possessi6n'of the' folloWing kinds and kar of Paliem Village Pernem Taltika, who, was' co~essionaire quantities of explosives .-iIi- the 'proposed- magazine at Sancor-· of Government land denominated as "QUiraniavoril" Lote dem village, Taluka Sanguem,;District-Goa. No. 92 Survey No. 210, situated at Paliem, Pernem Taluka 1. Class 2 &/or Class 3 4,925 Kgs. contained in Alvara No. 546 dated 7th July, 1934, are hereby . 2. Safety fuse (Class 6 Dn. 1) 3,000 Metres. notified to appear in this office on 4-3-1977 at 2 p~ m. in order' to choose one of the heir for the bestowal of the said Alvara. 3. Detonating Fuse (Class 6 Dn. 1) 2,500 Metres. To make it known to all concerned parties this notice' is . 4.
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