FsTCCMt ky V. 8. WMtker Boictm* New .■,.•■"■ Partly cloody and colder to­ night; Sifnday incrmsing clondU MANCHBSTBH, CONN^ SATURDAY, FEBRUABY 1?, 19?7. XT^LWFAGES) PRICE THREE CEIfTS VOL. X L I, Classified Advertising Page A y ; 'j. ALL MARKETS CLOSED LEGISUTURE ON LINCOLN’S BIRTHDAY.' Police Bid SkiedlB Of FHni N d E l J U R New York, Feb. 12.—In bb- , servance of the birthday of. Wri BROKE RECORD I Abraham Lincoln, all of the fi- t nancial and commodity markets r in the United States are closed Royal Oak, Mich., Feb. Ifi^Wlth^and firs. ' today. the discovery of an kbsndtmed I ‘‘Mar. 5, 1925“ was written on the DURWG WEEK I. Banks and clearing houses trunk lu a house in Royal Oak ' clipping. ,*-v'- are closed as also are the New , township, containing the skulls-of i InVestlgatofn-iM* copvincea thkt ! York Stock Exchange, New : four women and a braid of blopde ; the trunk is the proppfty ot Jan^ I York Curb Market, New York hair clotted with blood, Oakland f H. Coyneri'ci^aig^ World Wgr yel^ F o i^ Harvard Hen in Lock- Disposed of 70 ' Judgeship . Cotton and Prodqce Exchanges county deputy sheriffs today bega^ eran who gave, up the house abput I and Chicago Board of Trade. a nation-wide search for the former two years-ago-a|[ter a residence of i^ as Resdt of Ea^y Appointments and Numer­ occupants of the cottage, believed four yegrs. Ad wroy ufUform- bear­ to be the owner of the trunk. ing' an engineers Insignia aDd 'mer- With the skulls were found eev- vlce strip^ was .found,In the trotik Homing Riot— Cop Badly ous Other Matters; Plans eral clippings from Plttslfurgb and pamally l4aDlllled^ae,paiyBW’s. TOBACCO BAIT newspapers referring to women The man wapia memhar -jOf Co|n- For ^m in g Week. prominent in society there, all,.of pany D., ,5li)th engineer#„of the A. Hurt " which had telephone numbers pen­ E. F., it was said. Other- papers HELPS TOPASS ciled upon them. A note book also found inclpded several- letters ad­ found in the trunk contained the dressed, to Ooyner and an Income ' Cambridge, Mass., Feb. 12.—- BY HERBERT L- CRAPO tax declaration. names of several Detroit and Cleve­ Forty men, nearly all Harvard stu­ CHIANG’S MEN land women and their addresses. Corner, a mechanic, was employ­ Hartford, Conn., Feb. 12.— By TAROEUEF’ The.word “ white” had been written ed at the Ford Uotor Company dur­ dents, were under arrests nine men IN 1HE FRENCH CAPITAL disposing of approximately seventy in pencil after several of them. ing his oocppnacy of the' house, were in Cambridge City hospital Names of Women police were told; Where, he wont and the vicinity of Harvard Square DRlVm iACKI judgeship appointments In commit­ PEEPING TOM SCARES The names of these'women were after leaving.. Royal Oak tpwpshlp was littered with broken bottles, tee and in final action, the Legisla­ given as Mrs. Joseph Scribner, Mrs. or the cause of his 'It-avlug, Is uot WELLESLEY GIRLS. McNary-Hangen Bill Wins in vegetables and sticks today as the In Washington Such a Reply ture created a new record this A. B. Frampon, Mrs. Arthur Little known. , week, doing something no previous after-math of an early morning riot Cantonese' Troops Strongly Legislature ever had done. This Wellesley, Mass., Feb. 12.— Senate by West vs. East between more than one thousand Extra guards-were on duty at Is Expected— Japan Ac­ action indicates the entire machin­ Harvard students, their friends and Entrenched In Mountains ery In the capitol is functioning per­ I ■i^ellesley college and vicinity Vote; Nearly Sure to Re­ ’QUAKES ROCK ATTEMPIS SUiODE policemen.' today, as the result of reports fectly. The two bodies of the Legis­ The battle between the Crimson cepts; Also Great Britam; lature have had a considerable that “ Peeping. Toms” with fiash- and the' bluecoats began in Harvard Back of H angchow - lights had been operating. Two number of bills reported In from ceive a Veto. Square, scene of the start of a riot committee, all committees have IMPERIAL VALLEY TO AVOID ARREST girls at Dana hall have been Italy Awaits Decision of between Massachusetts Institute of Bloody Fight Yesterday. scared by a “ peeper.” been organized and most have made Technology students and police. assignment for hearings of all thel^ By ROBERT CHOATE The generally accepted version of French— No Outright Re­ ''bills. In addition the Legislator^ the cause was that students be­ Shanghai, Feb., 1^.— Outnumber­ has acted favorably upon six new Correspondent Boston Herald and Three'Shocks Shake Two Breaks Away From Detec­ came angry because a patrolman ed two to one, but equipped with laws, though none happens to be of Manchester Herald arrested a student who was intoxi­ fusal, However, Antici­ the most modern artillery, the.Can- USE LOUD SPEAKER major Importance and all relate to Washington, Feb. 12.— The Sen­ cated. matters of private corporations or ate yesterday afternoon passed the\ Gides in Lower Cahfomia; tive— Dives In Front Those in Cambridge hospital as tonese forces o f " Marshal Chlang pated. associations. McNary-Haugen farm relief meas­ a result of the engagement, which Kai-Shek today were strongly en­ ure by a vote of 47-39, but In so trenched In the mountains hack of ON HUMAN HEART Next Week Busy Approachmi Train. lasted more than ah hour, were: The coming week will be active. grotesque a form and with so many No Casualdes. Benjamin H. Dorman, student; Hangchow, stubbornly resisting the New Haven county finances and “ jokers” Included, that it can Harold Hatfield, atudent; Oliver D. attacks of the trooph under Gener­ Paris, Feh. 12.— The French' various rojects and proposals of the hardly fall to receive President Ferguson, student; John . H. Mc- al Sun Chuan-Fang. Cabinet, in a three-hour session to­ section will be handled by the coun­ Coolldge’s. veto should It go Stamford, Feh. 12.— EdwUrd Colon, student;.' Andrew Fuller, Bloody Battle day at the Elysee palace, virtually through the House next week in Calexico, Cal., Feb. 12.— ^Three Electrical Stethoscope Fitted ty delegation on Tuesday afternoon. Johnson, 24, is rej^orti^ as dying student; Harold S. Barker, of Som­ The battle around Hangchow, the same form, as planned by its fairly sharp earthquakes rocked the which resulted yesterday In' the agreed upon a reply to President On the same afternoon the agricul­ at Stamford hospltel as the result erville; Patrolman Robert Culhane ture committee will consider bills proponents. lower end of Imperial Valley early Cantonese being driven back to the Up For Benefit of Medical Coolidge’s disarmament proposals Passage of practically the Identi­ of iniurie# he recelrei yesterday and Patirolnian Joseph O’Connor. mountains, was described in mes­ relating to appropriations for the today shaking plaster off walls and The condition of O’Connor was which was tantamount to a rejec­ various fair associations that an­ cal measure that failed of approval afternoon' when jumped In front sages from the front today as the tion it was learned.^ in the Senate last June was. accom­ In one-Instance causing the cornice regarded as serious. He was klckeit most sanguinary of the present Students. nually in the autumn entertain both of a large building to crash to the o f a^'raUroad tre^ at the Stamford in the groin by a young man he The reply, which was drafted by urban and rural dwellers. The same plished by the switching of several Chinese revolution. Thousands were Democrats and by the inclusion, as station to avoid being, ^t^ken to described as “ a football husky.” Foreign Minister Briand and the committee expects to have a large street. reported killed and wounded. 'The an added Incentive, of tobacco as Residents See Battle. northern troops, a hundred thous­ foreign office e.vpefts, was a diplo­ number of farmers before it on The shocks were felt in Calexico. New Haven to answer a charge of Fropi Endows residents of Philadelphia, Feb. 12.—^Marking ■'fl one of the commodities which forging a government check. John­ and strong, were matched against matic statement, couched in softf Thursday afternoon when the mat­ would supposedly be benefited by and Mexicali and are believed to streets adjacent to Harvard Square but half that number of Cantonese, Its first use anywhere for the in­ ter of area test for bovine tuber­ son received a broken deg, broken terms, but its effect was that of re­ the legislation. have centered In this area. There watched the melee rage across the but the latter were better jqnlT'ped struction of medical students, an culosis is up for discussion. Square and into Dnnster street. jection, It was learned. One N. E. Senator For It were no casualties. shoulder and fractured skull. an-' offered vigorousresistance. Committee Hearings From windows students hurled electrical stethoscope with a loud Suggestions as to changes in the Senator Gould of Maine was the Much Excitement. Arrested at Homo - There was .''inucK” hand-to-hand draft were made and the final draft Other committee hearings for the only New England senator who vot­ down on the heads of,the patrol­ fighting in wlilch both sides buffer­ speaker c£^?abIe*of * mtagnlfying week are: Considerable excitement, was W. J. KilTnartln, a Departinent men. 8wlng^pg^ night sticks, ^.a bar­ will be laid before the cabinet on ed for the bill. The rollcall reVeal- of Justice .opfjative, arrested," Jo^n- ed heavy casualties; heart sounds and murmurs so they Tuesday. Banks— Tuesday, stock increases ed a division along agricultural ver­ caused by the tremors which fol­ rage of ,b,6tl;les/ .vegetables, sticks Foi'ced <bi Retrfeat'- 'dsn'be heard tbroughpat a large of banks and trust companies: re­ jon in hls^Pl^Tsant street boarding an4 othier miseies.
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