THE#201: OCTOBER 24–NOVEMBER INDYP 23 A FREE PAPER FOREN FREE PEOPLEDENT MEXICO MURDER MYSTERY, P14 | THE NEW FACEBOOK? P22 GREEN PARTY RISING P6 AFTER THE CLIMATE MARCH, P8 ROB LAQUINTA EPIDEMIC OF FEAR FERGUSON PHOTO THE PLAGUE THAT’S WORSE THAN EBOLA ESSAY, P12 NICHOLAS POWERS, P4 THE INDYPENDENT OCT/NOV THROUGH NOV 16 PARTY: 2ND ANNUAL NUYORICAN explore city-level efforts to reduce car- SAT NOV 22 THE INDYPENDENT, INC. Various times • Free BLOCK PARTY. Celebrate the 41st an- bon emissions and fossil fuel consump- 8pm • $18 388 Atlantic Avenue, 2nd Floor EXHIBITION: “SELF-DETERMINATION niversary of the Nuyorican Poets Café tion, adapt to climate change and ensure MUSIC: PEOPLES’ VOICE CAFE 35TH Brooklyn, NY 11217 INSIDE/OUT.” Recasting the history at this community block party. Enjoy an infrastructure resiliency. ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION. After 212-904-1282 of the prison-industrial complex, this afternoon of poetry readings, musical International Center of Photography opening its doors in 1979, Peoples’ Voice exhibition features cultural materials performances, food and carnival games 1133 Ave of the Americas is still going strong. Come have a ball www.indypendent.org produced by incarcerated people and while honoring this long-standing hub of 212-857-0000 • icp.org with the special program of perform- Twitter: @TheIndypendent their allies. Subjects include the Attica cultural creativity. ers, including Sally Campbell, Mike facebook.com/TheIndypendent Rebellion, political imprisonment, AIDS East 3rd St btw Aves B & C FRI NOV 14 Glick, Judy Gorman, Barry Kornhauser, education, prisoners-as-laborers, the 212-780-9386 • nuyorican.org 6:30-9pm • Free The Ray Korona Band, Susan Lippman, BOARD OF DIRECTORS: struggles of incarcerated women and COMMUNITY VOICES: BRONX STORIES. Bruce Markow, Peter Pasco, Anne Price, Ellen Davidson, Anna Gold, queer people, prison hunger strikes and SAT NOV 8 Storytellers, poets and musicians will Professor Louie, Rachel Stone and Steve John Tarleton more. 1-3:30pm • $5 raise their voices to challenge the ste- Suffet. Interference Archive WORKSHOP: FOOD WASTE REDUCTION reotypes of the Bronx. The event will end Peoples’ Voice Café 131 8th St, #4, Bklyn AND COMPOSTING IN THE CITY. A with an open mic in which the audience 40 E 35th St EXECUTIVE EDITOR: interferencearchive.org workshop on composting options in the is encouraged to contribute stories, 212-787-3903 • peoplesvoicecafe.org John Tarleton city along with education relating to the poems and songs. MON OCT 27 processes of transferring leftover food Bronx Museum, 2nd Fl MANAGING EDITOR: 7pm • Free into usable soil. Registration is required 1040 Grand Concourse, Bx Alina Mogilyanskaya DISCUSSION: THE COMING SWARM. at lesecologycenter.org. 718-681-6000 • bronxmuseum.org Author Molly Sauter and other panelists Dana Discovery Center, Central Park will lead a discussion about online activ- 110th St Between 5th Ave & Lenox SAT NOV 15 CONTRIBUTING EDITORS: ism. Sauter is the author of The Coming 212-477-4022 • lesecologycenter.org 6pm • $150 Ellen Davidson, Swarm: DDOS Actions, Hacktivism and GALA: PATHMAKERS TO PEACE. Nicholas Powers Civil Disobedience on the Internet. SUN NOV 9 Brooklyn for Peace will honor celebrated Bluestockings Bookstore & Café 10:30am-3:30pm • Suggested donation public intellectual Noam Chomsky and ILLUSTRATION DIRECTOR: 172 Allen St $20/$40/$80 commemorate its 30th anniversary with 212-777-6028 • bluestockings.com WALKING TOUR: THE MANHATTANIZA- a reception and gala dinner. Chomsky Frank Reynoso TION OF BROOKLYN. The upscaling of will give the keynote address and dinner WED OCT 29 Brooklyn has been on planners’ drawing and drinks will be provided. HEAD DESIGNER: 7pm • Free boards for decades, and over the last Plymouth Church Mikael Tarkela DISCUSSION: CAN THE LEFT TAKE decade, their dreams have been coming 57 Orange St, Bklyn OVER THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY? A true. Led by journalist Doug Henwood, 718-624-5921 • brooklynpeace.org DESIGNERS: discussion of progressives’ strategy to the tour will explore the strategy behind push the Democratic Party to the left. the transformation. All donations go to SUN NOV 16 Steven Arnerich, Rafa Calleja, The discussion will include the roles of benefit the Marxist Education Project. 2:30pm • Various Anna Gold activists and political actors such as Meetup at the Hungry Ghost Café FILM PREMIERE: THE HAND THAT Bill de Blasio, Elizabeth Warren and the 647 Fulton St, Bklyn FEEDS. A group of undocumented low- CALENDAR EDITOR: Working Families Party. thecommonsbrooklyn.org wage workers at an Upper East Side deli Seamus Creighton Queens Pride House risk deportation by forming an indepen- CONGRATULATIONS TO 76-11 37th Ave, 2nd Fl MON NOV 10 dent union and fighting for a contract. INDYPENDENT STALWARTS ANNA Jackson Heights, Queens 7pm • $15/$10 student Will they win? Premiers as part of the FELLOW: GOLD AND SAM ALCOFF ON THE nycsocialist.org PANEL: TOWARD A POST-CARBON DOC NYC festival, running Nov. 13-20. Alex Ellefson NYC. Hurricane Sandy dramatically IFC Center BIRTH OF THEIR SECOND CHILD, NINA SAT NOV 1 exposed New York’s vulnerability to the 323 6th Ave SIMONE HARRIET ALCOFF, BORN INTERN: 12-6pm • Free ravages of climate change. Panelists will thehandthatfeedsfilm.com • docnyc.net SEPTEMBER 9, 2014! Rebeca Ibarra GENERAL INQUIRIES: [email protected] SUBMISSIONS AND NEWS TIPS: [email protected] COMING SOON!<<<<<< ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION: [email protected] A FREE PRESS ISN’T FREE. THE INDYPENDENT BEGINS ITS VOLUNTEER CONTRIBUTORS: Sam Alcoff, ANNUAL FUND DRIVE ON DEC. 1, BUT YOU CAN SHOW YOUR Eleanor J. Bader, Bennett Baumer, Devika Bilimoria, Catherine Byun, José SUPPORT AND HELP US GET OFF TO A GREAT HEAD START BY Carmona, Hye Jin Chung, Renée Feltz, Lynne Foster, Robert Gonyo, Michael Hirsch, David Hollenbach, Dondi J, GIVING TODAY! WHETHER YOU CAN GIVE $25, $50, $100, $200, Adam Johnson, Mamoudou Keita, October 24–November 23, 2014 Marty Kirchner, Timothy Krause, Rob $500, $1000 OR MORE, IT ALL MAKES A HUGE DIFFERENCE. ENT LaQuinta, Christine Larsen, Gary D Martin, AnnMary Mathews, David EN Meadow, Katie Moore, Mike Newton, IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING INDYP Maya Peraza-Baker, Anna Polonyi, Andy HE HE Pugh, Ann Schneider, Jim Secula, Maiko T MONTHLY DONATION, VISIT INDYPENDENT.ORG/DONATE OR Sembokuya, Marlena Buczek Smith, Elke Sudin, Gabriella Szpunt, Diego Terros, 2 Lucy Valkury, Matthew Wasserman, SEND A CHECK OR MONEY ORDER TO THE INDYPENDENT • 388 Beth Whitney, Keith Williams and Amy Wolf. ATLANTIC AVENUE, 2ND FLOOR • BROOKLYN, NY 11217. 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS THE INDYPENDENT October 24–November 23, 2014 EBOLA AS FANTASY By Nicholas Powers 4 Ebola gives life to the right-wing fantasy of pristine whiteness and the menace posed to it by the wretched of the Earth. THIRD PARTY BREAKTHROUGH? MANY PATHS OF ACTION INTERVIEW WITH LESLIE CAGAN By John Tarleton A half-dozen climate activists discuss ways to By John Tarleton 6 With growing support from the traditional 8 continue working for climate justice now that the 10 A key People’s Climate March organizer offers a Democratic Party base, the Green candidate for People’s Climate March is over. behind-the-scenes look at how the historic event governor, Howie Hawkins, is poised to make the came together. strongest showing of any independent third party candidate in New York State history. SUBWAY SURVEILLANCE By Rebeca Ibarra 11 The MTA plans to install surveillance cameras inside more than 900 subway cars. Will this initiative do more harm than good? FERGUSON PHOTO ESSAY By Ellen Davidson Two months after the police killing of Michael Brown, protests 12 continue in Ferguson, Missouri. A SHOCKING CRIME ROCKS MEXICO By Héctor Agredano Rivera 14 The killing and kidnapping of dozens of teachers’ college students have sparked nationwide protests. THE FRENCH DISCONNECTION STANLEY ARONOWITZ DOES IT LOOKING BACK By Mike Newton By Anna Polonyi Ralph Fascanella’s fondness for the working 16 François Hollande had promised to safeguard 20 AGAIN By Michael Hirsch 21 class New York of his youth shines through in an France’s generous welfare state. Then the Socialist In his new book author and agitator Stanley exhibit at the American Folk Art Museum. president did an about-face. Aronowitz insists labor’s future lies in taking bold action on behalf of all workers. HOW IDEALISTIC IS ELLO? By Alex Ellefson Ello is a new social networking site that vows it will not 22 sell user info to advertisers. So what do its venture capital investors want? PUBLIC HEALTH FEAR FACTOR EBOLA AND THE POLITICS OF PARANOIA By Nicholas Powers Discovered in 1976, Ebola fi rst broke out in Sudan and hen he coughed, I fl inched. As the the Democratic Republic of train left Jamaica Station, I studied the Congo (formally known Wthe people with airport luggage. as Zaire). Each epidemic be- What if one of them has Ebola? The deadly gins with fruit bats, which are virus has spread through Guinea, Liberia and immune to the virus but act Sierra Leone and was carried by an infected as its natural reservoir. Ebola jet passenger to Dallas, where he died. Then, spreads from them after they a doctor was diagnosed with it right here drop partly-eaten fruit that in New York. Had it spread? Was it on this is then polished off by graz- train? Shaking my head, I realized that we’re ing animals like gorillas, that infected with something worse than Ebola. in turn are hunted and eaten Paranoia is the fi rst symptom of a plague. by humans. Or directly, when When news of an infectious disease like Ebo- the bats are caught and eaten la, SARS or swine fl u breaks, the risks quickly by people. ignite underlying social fears that themselves Since 1976 at least fi fteen become a danger. When the disease passes, Ebola outbreaks have been carrying off however many or few to an early recorded.
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