INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE PLEADINGS, ORAL ARGUMENTS, DOCUMENTS CASE CONCERNING THE CONTINENTAL SHELF (LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYAI MALTA) VOLUME II Counter-Memorials; Application for Permission to Intervene and consequent proceedings COUR INTERNATIONALE DE JUSTICE MÊMOIKES, PLAlDOIRlES ET DOCUMENTS AFFAIRE DU PLATEAU CONTINENTAL (JAMAHIRIYA ARABE LIBYENNEIMALTE) VOLUME II Contre-mémoires ; requête à fin d'intervention et procédure y relative Abbreviated reference : 1. C. J. Plriadings, Continental Sheif(Libyan Arab Jamahiriyal Malta), Vol. II Référence abrégée : C.I.J. Mémoires, Plateau continental (Jarnahiriyu arabe libyenne/Malte), vol. II Sales number No de vente : CASE CONCERNING THE CONTINENTAL SHELF (LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRfYAtMALTA) AFFAIRE DU PLATEAU CONTINENTAL (JAMAHIRIYA ARABE LIBYENNE1 MALTE) INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE PLEADINGS, ORAL ARGUMENTS, DOCUMENTS CASE CONCERNING THE CONTINENTAL SHELF (LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYAIMALTA) VOLUME II Counter-Mernorials ; Application for Permission to Intervene and consequent proceedings COUR INTERNATIONALE DE JUSTICE MÉMOIRES, PLAIDOIRIES ET DOCUMENTS AFFAIRE DU PLATEAU CONTINENTAL (JAMAWIRIYA ARABE LIBYENNE/MALTE) VOLUME II Contre-mémoires ; requEte il fin d'intervention et procédure y relative The case concerning the Continental Shev(Libyan Arab Jumahiriya/Malra), entered on the Court's General List on 26 July 1982 under number 68, was the subject of Judgments delivered on 21 March 1984 (Continental Shey (Libyan Arab Jumahiriya/Moltcl), Application ro Inrervene, Judgmenr, I.C.J. Reports 1984, p. 3) and 3 June 1985 (Continental ShelflLibyan Arab JamuhiriyalMalra), Judgmen t, I. C.J. Reports 1985. p. 13). The pleadings and oral arguments in the case are being published in the fol- lowing order : Volume 1. Special Agreement; Memorials of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and Malta. Volume II. Counter-Memorials of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and Malta; Application by Italy for Permission to Intervene, and consequent proceedings. Volume III. Replies of Tunisia and the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya; commence- ment of Oral Arguments. Volume IV. Conclusion of Oral Arguments; Documents submitted to the Court after closure of the wntten proceedings ; Correspondence. Volume V. Maps, charts and illustrations. Certain pleadings and documents of this edition are reproduced photographic- ally from the original printed text. In addition to the normal continuous pagination, the Volumes feature on the inner margin of pages a bracketed indication of the original pagination of the Memorials, the Counter-Memorials, the Replies and certain Annexes. In interna1 references, bold Roman nurnerals (in the text or in the margin) are used to refer to Volumes of this edition; if they are immediately followed by a page reference, this relates to the new pagination of the Volume in question. .On the other hand, the page numbers which are preceded by a reference to one of the pleadings relate to the original pagination of that document and accordingly refer to the bracketed pagination of the document in question. The main maps and charts are reproduced in a separate Volume (V), with a renurnbering, indicated by ringed numerals, that is ako added in the margin in Volumes 1-IV wherever corresponding rcferences appear; the absence of such marginal reference means that the map or illustration is not reproduced in the present edition. Neither the typographical presentation nor the spelling of proper names may be used for the purpose of interpreting the texts reproduced. L'affaire du Plareau continental (Jamahiriya arabe libyenne / Malte), inscrite au rBle général de la Cour sous Ic numéro 68 le 26 juillet 1982, a fait l'objet dlarr@ts rendus le 21 mars 1984 (Plateau conrinenral (Jamahiriya arabe libyenne/Malte), requête àfin d'inrervention, arrêt, C.I. J. Recueil 1984, p. 3) et le 3 juin 1985 (Pla- teau continental (Jamahiriya ombe libyenne/ Malte), arrêt, C. 1. J. Recueil 1985. p. 13). VI11 CONTINENTAL SHELF - PLATEAU CONTINENTAL Les piéces de prockdure kcrite et les plaidoiries relatives à cette affaire sont publiées dans l'ordre suivant : Volume 1. Compromis; mémoires de la Jamahiriya arabe libyenne et de Malte. Volume II. Contre-mémoires de la Jamahinya arabe libyenne et de Malte; requête de l'Italie à fin d'intervention et procédure y reIative. Volume 111. Rkpliques de la Jamahiriya arabe libyenne et de Malte; dtbut de la procédure orale. Volume IV. Suite et fin de la procédure orale; documents présentés B Ia Cour aprés la fin de la procédure écrite ;correspondance. Volume V. Cartes et illustrations. Certaines pitces de la prCsente édition sont photographiées d'aprts leur texte imprimé original. Outre leur pagination continue habituelle, les volumes comportent, entre cro- chets sur le bord interieur des pages, l'indication de la pagination originale des mémoires, des contre-mémoires, des répliques et de certaines de leurs annexes. S'agissant des renvois, les chiffres romains gras (dans le texte ou dans la - marge) indiquent le volume de la présente édition; s'ils sont immédiatement suivis par une référence de page, cette référence renvoie A la nouvelle pagination du volume concerné. En revanche, les numéros de page qui sont précédts de l'indication d'une piéce de procédure visent Ia pagination onginale de ladite pièce et renvoient donc d la pagination entre crochets de la piéce mentionnte. Les principales cartes sont reproduites dans un volume séparé (V) oh dles ont reçu un numérotage nouveau indique par un chiffre cerclé. Dans les volumes 1 i IV, les renvois aux cartes et illustrations du volume V sont poflks en marge selon ce nouveau numérotage, et l'absence de tout renvoi A la présente édition signifie qu'une carte ou illustration n'est pas reproduite. Ni la présentation typographique ni l'orthographe des noms propres ne sau- raient être utilisées aux fins de l'interprétation des textes reproduits. CONTENTS .TABLE DES MATIÈRES Counter-Mernorial of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya .Contre-mémoire de la Jamahiriya arabe übyenne ~NTRoDuC~~ON............................ PART1 . THEFACTUAL ELEME~S ................... Chapter 1. The background of the dispute .............. Introduction ........................... A . Legislation .......................... B. Exchanges between the Partics in 1972-73 ........... C . Petroleum activitics of the Parties ............... D . The "nodriHingWundmtanding ................ Chapter 2 . The physical factors of geography, geomorphology and geology .............................. Introduction ........................... A . The gtographical setting of the dispute ............. 1 . Malta's ncglect of geographical factors ........... 2 . The twin thcrnes : "simple" and "normal* .......... 3. "Location" and "distance" as discusscd by Malta ...... 4. The location of the Parties - the prescnce of third States . B . Thc coasts of the Parties - the factors of length and rela- tionship ............................ 1. The importance of coasts as rtflected in the jurisprudence . 2 . Malta's neglect of coastal details .............. 3. Malta's rationalc for avoiding coastal details - its basepoints assertions ......................... 4 . The major importance of the coasts of the Parties in the present case ........................ C. The sea-bed and subsoil of the continental shelf areas ...... Introduction ......................... 1. Malta's trcatment of geomorphology and geology ...... 2 . Thc importance of the physical factors of geomorphology and geology in the prcscnt case ................. Chapter 3 . Econornic and other considerations introduced by Mdta A. Economic considerations ................... 1. Apportionment of natural resources ............. 2 . Generai economic factors .................. 3. Fishing .......................... 4 . Malta's status as an "island developing country" ....... B . Other considerations ..................... 1. The element of national security .............. 2 . Malta's ncutraiity ..................... 3. Malta's politicai status ................... X CONTINENTAL SHELF .PLATEAU CONTINENTAL Page PART II . THELAW.......................... 77 Chapter 4. Continental shelf entitlement and deiimitation ...... 79 Introduction ........................... 79 A . Entitlement .......................... 82 1 . The continental shelf entitlement of islands ......... 82 2. The coastal basis of continental shelf entitlement ...... 85 B. Delimitation ......................... 89 1. The relative weight of coasts of different lengths for purposes of delimitation ........................ 2 . The alleged priviieged status of island States ......... 3. The so-called "distance principlen .............. Chapter 5. Neither equidistance nor any other method has an obligatory character in continental shelf delimitation ........ A . The trends away frorn equidistance ............... 1. As reflected in the jurisprudence .............. 2 . As reflected in delimitation agreements ........... Continental shelf boundanes ................ Maritime boundary agreements ............... 3. As reflected in the fhird Conference on the Law of the Sea 3. The progressive disappearance of any distinction between "oppo- site" and "adjacent" States ................... C . State practice relating to continental shelfdelimitation ..... 1. The legal relevance of State practice ............. 2 . Malta's treatment of Slate practice ............. Delimitation agreements cited by Malta ........... Delimitation agreements in the Mediterranean ........ Italy-Yugoslavia .................... Italy-Tunisia .....................
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