Expo Info on Emmy Winner Vice-Chair Page 5 Page 2 Speech Page 4 Carnegie, OK August 7, 2019 Vol. 2 Issue 12 Election To New Coordinator Kiowas Vocal on Compact Be Held On Will Be Selected A Special Meeting of the Kiowa August 24th Indian Council has been sched- — Request From OK Governor ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— uled for Saturday October 26, - A Kiowa Tribal Election has —————————————————————————————————— – ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 2019 at Red Buffalo Hall. The been announced by the Kiowa purpose of the meeting is to se- Election Commission. This elec- lect a new KIC Coordinator for tion will be to vote on the Annual Chairman Komalty Says Tribe Comes First! the Office of the Kiowa Indian Budget and KIC Resolutions Council, and also to discuss KIC passed by the Kiowa Indian policies and procedures. Council (KIC) at the Annual Davetta Geimausaddle, the first Meeting held on April 6, 2019, ever Kiowa Indian Council Coor- then submitted to the Election dinator under the new Constitu- Commission by the KIC Coordi- tion, resigned following the June nator. 22nd meeting. The Election will be held on Sat- Any tribal members interested in urday, August 24, 2019. Polling submitting their name for consid- places will be open for voting eration as KIC Coordinator from 9 am til 5 pm. All Mail-In should have written notice of ballots must be received by the their intent delivered to Kiowa Carnegie Post Office by 10 am Tribe P.O. Box 369 Carnegie OK Saturday, August 24th. Those 73015, Attn KIC, no later than ballots were mailed out in July. Monday August 26, 2019. Polling Places are: A picture and short biography or District 1 Anadarko/Ah-Kaw introduction of each candidate Lay: Office of the Kiowa Indian will be requested to be featured Council 730 West Petree Road, in Kiowa News. Anadarko, OK District 2 Carnegie/Zoltone: Kio- ——————————— wa Tribal Complex, Carnegie, OK District 3 Medicine Bluff/DoHau Emergency -doy: United Methodist Church of Apache 5000 South Highway Assistance 281, Apache, OK Chairman Matthew Komalty speaking at a recent prayer breakfast for Complex employees and Elders District 4 Jimmy Creek/Qop- Available aydle: Office of the Kiowa Tribal By Scott Rains, Lawton Constitution the compact does open for “limited” ago, there was no tribal gaming The Kiowa Tribe has Emergency Legislature, 219 SW "C" Avenue negotiation for a period of 180 days industry in the state. To incentivize Assistance available to all Kiowa (across the street north of the Following a letter by Gov. Kevin prior to their renewal date, they do its growth, tribes pay the state an Tribal members 18 and older. Lawton Mall) Stitt to the Tulsa World on July 8 not terminate but are automatically exclusivity fee between 4 to 6 per- Tribal members must fill out ap- District 5 Red River/P’au-aydle/ regarding renegotiation of state renewed for a 15-year period if ei- cent of revenues received — what plication for $250 and sign the P’au-gul: Cache Community gaming compacts, the Kiowa Tribe ther side does not agree to the lim- he calls the lowest fees in the na- application themselves. Building, 302 SW 5th Street, of Oklahoma Chairman Matthew ited option to renegotiate subsec- tion. He wrote that nationwide, A copy of Tribal ID and copy of Cache, Oklahoma Komalty has responded with a sug- tions of the agreement. most of those fees to the state are bill or invoice must be turned in District 6 Elk Creek/Qocaui P’au: gestion for the state to find another Stitt wrote that, due to the state and between 20 to 25 percent. or the application is considered Western Technology Center Ho- way of increasing revenue. the tribes’ exclusivity agreement Komalty wrote that the Kiowa incomplete. bart-1000 South Bailey St. Ho- The governor’s letter states that in signed 15 years ago that permit en- Tribe has expended millions of its All applications must be complet- bart, OK “the best interest of all 4 million tering into gaming “compacts” with dollars in establishing its gaming ed and all necessary documents District 7 All Kiowa/Cauigu: Oklahomans” that with the Jan. 1, the federally recognized Indian presence in Southwest Oklahoma presented or applications will be Best Western Plus 4750 South I- 2020, termination date of the origi- tribes of Oklahoma, the state has and has just reached the point of considered incomplete and will 35 Service Road, Oklahoma City, nal compacts, he wants to renegoti- grown to lead the nation in the num- being able to provide many ser- not be processed. OK ate the gaming agreements before ber of tribal gaming casinos and is vices to its citizens. Only the applicant will be noti- Election Results The counting of renewing the contracts. Komalty near the top in terms of gaming “The Kiowa people have taken all fied on the status of their applica- ballots will begin at 5 pm on the suggested that Stitt look toward an- revenue. of the risk in the building and oper- tion. day of the Election. Each Polling other avenue to garner state income Komalty wrote that, since the sign- ation of the Casino properties while Checks will be sent directly to Place will conduct their own and stop placing the burden on the ing of the compacts, Oklahoma the State has reaped the benefits all the vendor (except Fuel Assis- count and then forward their re- backs of the tribes. Tribal Governments have paid in while the Kiowa people paid off tance). Fuel assistance is based sults to Election Officials at the “While we are open to the Gover- excess of $1.5 billion in exclusivity debt associated with the building on the GSA mileage rate. Tribal Complex for a final tabula- nor’s request, rest assured that we fees to the State of Oklahoma. and infrastructure of the Casino – Emergency Assistance is granted tion. will always keep our citizens in the Tribal gaming has grown to become Operations,” Komalty wrote. “We ———————————————————— once per tribal fiscal year. Two Resolutions have been sub- forefront of any negotiation that the eight-largest industry in Oklaho- will continue to care for the needs For an application, go to the Ana- mitted for this Election. may take place,” Komalty wrote in a ma and the third-largest gaming of our people and expand our ser- darko office at 806 Wynan Court They are KIC-CY-0052-2019 - statement to The Constitution. “The market in the country, behind only vices in the near future.” or the Carnegie office at the Kio- Legalization of Recreational and Oklahoma Legislature has by legis- Nevada and California, and gener- “Our elders and children shall re- wa Tribal Complex or go to the Medicinal Marijuana and lation cost the State billions of dol- ates around $4.5 billion annually for main our focus as we continue to Tribal website at kiowatribe.org KIC-CY-0053-2019 - Approval lars in revenue by reducing taxes on the tribes. improve our ability to serve the Click on Social Services. of New Loan Agreement for the wealthy and the oil companies Through gaming, Stitt recognized people by expanding our business Construction of Hobart Casino that do business in the State.” that the tribes have become the third enterprises to include, not only Amendments. “Rest assured that your Tribal Gov- -largest employer in the state by Casino Operations, but many other All Resolutions calling for Con- ernment will not allow the State to providing more than 54,000 jobs to businesses as the opportunities stitutional Amendments have use the Kiowa Tribe to make up for citizens. Komalty wrote that the arise,” he wrote. been tabled to a Special Meeting the tax losses and carry the load for jobs provided by the state’s tribes Stitt closed his letter with a com- to be called by the Legislature at the State because of the State Legis- have added over $4 billion in wages mitment to reach new agreements a future date. For Any Questions lature’s actions.” and brought tourism to Oklahoma that recognize their “historic and on the elections feel free to call Komalty said in his response that that has had an economic impact significant economic contributions the Kiowa Election Commission the governor needs to understand exceeding $9 billion. to Oklahoma” and to provide the 580-654-6325 or 580-654-2300 that in the response of the Oklahoma Stitt’s letter cited that when the framework for continued economic –– - ext. 325 Indian Gaming Association, while compacts were first signed 15 years growth. Momaday Receives Distinguished CINCINNATI (AP) — A Native He drew from Kiowa history and American author whose writings folk lore for "The Way to Rainy Lifetime Achievement Award have highlighted his indigenous Mountain" in 1969 and wrote culture is this year's winner of a about the influence of ancestors lifetime achievement award cele- and traditions in his early life in brating literature's power to foster "The Names: A Memoir" in 1976. peace, social justice and global Sharon Rab, founder and chair- understanding. woman of the peace prize founda- Dayton Literary Peace tion, said Momaday's work shows Prize officials selected novelist, the "power of ritual, imagination, poet and essayist N. Scott Moma- and storytelling" to produce peace day for the Richard C. Holbrooke through intercultural understanding Distinguished Achievement and that it honors and safeguards Award. It's named for the late U.S. "the storytelling traditions of our diplomat who brokered the 1995 nation's indigenous communities." Bosnia peace accords reached in Momaday said in a statement that Ohio. peace is the objective of human A Kiowa Indian, Momaday earned evolution, and literature is the the 1969 Pulitzer Prize for fiction measure.
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