> Blockchain > Internet of Things > Internet Trends and Applications > Virtual and Augmented Reality JANUARY 2019 www.computer.org IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETY computer.org • +1 714 821 8380 STAFF Editor Publications Portfolio Managers Cathy Martin Carrie Clark, Kimberly Sperka Publications Operations Project Specialist Publisher Christine Anthony Robin Baldwin Publications Marketing Project Specialist Meghan O’Dell Senior Advertising Coordinator Debbie Sims Production & Design Carmen Flores-Garvey Circulation: ComputingEdge (ISSN 2469-7087) is published monthly by the IEEE Computer Society. IEEE Headquarters, Three Park Avenue, 17th Floor, New York, NY 10016-5997; IEEE Computer Society Publications Office, 10662 Los Vaqueros Circle, Los Alamitos, CA 90720; voice +1 714 821 8380; fax +1 714 821 4010; IEEE Computer Society Headquarters, 2001 L Street NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036. 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Chen, George Mason University IEEE Micro IEEE Software IEEE Intelligent Systems Lizy Kurian John, University of Ipek Ozkaya, Software V.S. Subrahmanian, Dartmouth Texas, Austin Engineering Institute College IEEE MultiMedia IEEE Internet Computing IEEE Computer Graphics Shu-Ching Chen, Florida George Pallis, University of and Applications International University Cyprus Torsten Möller, University of Vienna IEEE Annals of the History IT Professional of Computing Irena Bojanova, NIST IEEE Pervasive Computing Marc Langheinrich, University of Gerardo Con Diaz, University of Lugano California, Davis www.computer.org/computingedge 1 JANUARY 2019 • VOLUME 5, NUMBER 1 THEME HERE 17 24 29 Adaptable Accurate The Last Mile Blockchain-Based Indoor for IoT Privacy Systems Location for the IoT Blockchain 10 Blockchain: The Emperor’s New PKI? HILARIE ORMAN 17 Adaptable Blockchain-Based Systems QINGHUA LU AND XIWEI XU Internet of Things 24 Accurate Indoor Location for the IoT ROY WANT, WEI WANG, AND STAN CHESNUTT 29 The Last Mile for IoT Privacy RICHARD CHOW Internet Trends and Applications 33 5G in E-Commerce Activities NIR KSHETRI 38 A New Era for Web AR with Mobile Edge Computing XIUQUAN QIAO, PEI REN, SCHAHRAM DUSTDAR, AND JUNLIANG CHEN Virtual and Augmented Reality 48 360-Degree Virtual-Reality Cameras for the Masses JACK TAN, GENE CHEUNG, AND RUI MA 56 Virtual Travel CHARLES DAY Departments 4 Magazine Roundup 8 Editor’s Note: Emerging Blockchain Applications 58 Career Opportunities 38 A New Era for Web AR with Mobile Edge Computing Subscribe to ComputingEdge for free at www.computer.org/computingedge. CS FOCUS Magazine Roundup Computer, the authors provide insight into artifi cial emotional intelligence (AEI) and present three major areas of emotion— recognition, generation, and augmentation—needed to reach a new emotionally intelligent epoch of AI. Computing in Science & Engineering he IEEE Computer Computer The Heat Equation: High- Society’s lineup of 12 Performance Scientifi c T peer-reviewed technical The Age of Artifi cial Computing Case Study magazines covers cutting-edge Emotional Intelligence In recent years, high-performance topics ranging from software Science fi ction often portrays computing and powerful super- design and computer graphics to future AI technology as having computers have become staples Internet computing and security, sophisticated emotional intelli- in many areas of academia and from scientifi c applications gence skills to the degree industry. The author of this arti- and machine intelligence to where technology can develop cle from the September/October visualization and microchip compassion. But where are 2018 issue of Computing in Sci- design. Here are highlights from we today? In this article from ence & Engineering introduces recent issues. the September 2018 issue of the concept of shared memory 4 January 2019 Published by the IEEE Computer Society 2469-7087/19/$33.00 © 2019 IEEE programming in the context of propose real-time algorithms that uses in the areas of psychology, solving the heat equation, which detect multiple body poses and health informatics, pharmacovigi- will allow the exploration of several recognize punching and touching lance, and aff ective computing. fi nite diff erence and parallelization gestures from top-view depth schemes. images. A pointing and touching IEEE Internet Computing test shows that the proposed IEEE Annals of the History algorithm outperforms other Real-Time Identity-Deception of Computing algorithms. In addition, the authors Detection Techniques for created a game to make the best Social Media: Optimizations How Atex Helped an Industry use of the proposed system. and Challenges Change the World Identity-deception detection Douglas Drane was one of three IEEE Intelligent Systems me thods have been proposed for co-founders of Atex, an early social-media platforms with high dominant supplier of digital Detecting Personal Intake of eff ectiveness, but their effi ciency systems for newspaper and Medicine from Twitter can vary. Previous literature has magazine publication. In the July– Mining social media messages not examined the potential of September 2018 issue of IEEE such as tweets, blogs, and Face- these methods to work as real-time Annals of the History of Computing, book posts for health- and drug- monitoring systems. Such imple- Drane recounts his memories of related information has received mentations further highlight the Atex’s founding and operation signifi cant interest in pharmaco- challenges of applying computa- until it was bought by Kodak. vigilance research. Social media tionally intensive methods in online websites have been used for moni- environments that involve large IEEE Computer Graphics toring drug abuse, searching for datasets and high speeds of data. and Applications adverse reactions to drug usage, This article, which appears in the and analyzing expression of sen- September/October 2018 issue of ThunderPunch: A Bare- timents related to drugs. Most of IEEE Internet Computing, attempts Hand, Gesture-Based, Large these studies are based on aggre- to classify detection methods Interactive Display Interface gated results from a large popula- based on the approaches and iden- with Upper-Body-Part tion rather than specifi c sets of tifi es factors that, in real-time sys- Detection in a Top View individuals. To conduct studies at tems, will impact the eff ectiveness The authors of this article from an individual level or in specifi c and effi ciency of these methods. the September/October 2018 groups of people, identifying posts Optimizations are proposed that issue of IEEE Computer Graphics mentioning intake of medicine can limit the computational over- and Applications present a new by the user is necessary. Toward head. Further challenges involving bare-hand gesture interface for this objective, the authors of this real-time identity-deception detec- large-screen interaction in which article
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