CENSUS OF INDIA 1981 LISTS OF SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES Office of the Registrar General and Census Commissioner for India Ministry of Home Affairs New Delhi PREFACE From 1951 Census onwards the cenSllS questionnaire contains items of enquiry to ascertain whether the respOlldt;nt belongs to a Scheduled Caste o~' a Scheduled Trit e and, if yes, the name of the Scheduled Caste/Tribe to which r.e belongs with a view to .colle<;ting information for discharging the Constitutional ocliga­ tions towards these communities. Tn the Individual Slip (universal) adopted for 1981 Census, Question 9 makes an enquiry atout the Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe status and Question 10 about the name of the specific Scheduled Caste/Tribe. Likewise, the Question 3 of the Household Schedule enquires wh,ether the head of the household belQngs to SC or ST and Question 4 the name of the Scheduled CasteJTribe of the head of the household, if the answer to Question 3 is in 1Jhe affirmative. The statutpry lists of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes are notified in pursuance of Articles 341 and 342 of the Constitution. Tile li_:«tf; of Scheduled Castes and Sch~duhld Tribes ;were notjfied for the first time under the Constitution (Scueduled Castes) Order, 1950 and the Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order, 1950, These li~ts have been modified ~r amended or supplell1ented 1"r0111 time to time. On the reorganisation of. the States, !he Sch<;:dlJ,led. Castes and S'cheduled T,ribes' (Modification) Older .f_;lme il}t9 force from 29th betober, 1956. l;'h!:!ft;:after" a ._few-. orders specifying Sch.eduled Cast.~s/,Tribes iIJ.~respe~t of a few indivic!l!ql States. also qamc, into fo(c.e. For instance, qle Constitution, (Jammu .• & Kashmir) Sehep_uled Castes prder was jssu~d in 1956, while the Constitution. (Dad~a & Nagar Haveli) ~chedul~d Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders were issued in 1962. In -Uttar Prad!!sh the Scheduled Tribes were notIfied for ,the jir~titiJn(\! ill ,967 v·ide the ConstItution (Scheduled Tribes)'(lltW,' Pradesh). Q~der, 1.967. Likewise. the ConstltutlOn CfoI1dicherry) Sch~d:uled Castes Order was enforced in 1964. ]n ~ase ofUn~on Territory Qf G9a, Daman (i) (ii) and Diu the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Order was issued in 1968. Likewise, the Constitution (NagaJand) Scheduled Tribes Order came into force in 1970. Recently. the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 1976, has come into force, The main purpose of this Amendment Act was to remove area restrictions in respect of most of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. The lists of Schedl;lled Castes and Scheduled Tribes appended to this Act are materially the same as contained in the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (M<;>di­ fication) Order, 1956. The only difference is that most of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes are now notified through­ out the State unlike in the 1956 Order where in most cases these were notified in relation to different regions of the State, resulting in area restrictions. The Amendment Act of 1976, did not include the lists of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in respect of States/Union Territories like Chandigarh, Delhi, Jammu & Kashmir and Pondicherry which were not affected by the Act. This necessitated referring to different Acts and Orders for the purpose of ascertaining the lists of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in different States and Union Territories. For instance, while in case of Andhra Pradesh, the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 1976, is fully applicable in resp~ct of Scheduled Castes as well as Scheduled Tribes, in case of D~lhi, the 1956 (Modification) Order has to be referred to. Likewise, in case of Janunu & Kashmir, the Consti­ tuti ln (Jammu & Kashmir) Scheduled Castes Order, 1956 is r~bvant, while in case of GJa, Daman and Diu, the Constitution (G n, Dlmln & Diu) Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Oider 1968 is relevant. In a few cases a -reference to different A~ts and Orders is necessary for ascertaining the lists of Scheduled Castes and S::h<!duled Tribes for the same state. For Uttar Pradesh, the Scheduled Castes ana Scheduled tribes Orders (Am~il.dm~nt) Act, 1976, is relevant for Scheduled Castes only, while for the Scheduled Tribes a reference is required to be made to the Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) (Uttar Pradesh) Order, 1967, whiCh is still valid for the state. (iii) For the purpo<;es of enumeratiun at the 1981 Census, It W,l~ Idt that it will be useful to print a consolidated list of Scheduled Ca:>tc" and Scheduled Tribes in respect of these States and UOH)!l Territories based on the relevant Acts and Orders for refen:n.ce and use in the Census organisation. P. Padmanabh,l Registrar General, India New Delhi December 21. 1990 CONTENTS, List of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in different States/Union Territories Name of the States/Union Territories Pages STATES Andhra Pradesh 1-4 Assam 5-7 Bihar 8-9 Gujarat 10--12 Haryana 13-14 Himachal Pradesh 15-17 Jammu & Kashmir 18 Karnataka 19-23 Kerala 24-27 Madhya Pradesh 28-31 Maharashtra 32-36 Mampur 37-38 Meghalaya 39-41 Nagaland 42 Orissa 43-47 Punjab 48-49 Rajasthan 50-52 Sikklm 53 TamIl Nadu 54-57 Tripura 58-60 Uttar Pradesh 61-63 West Bengal 64-67 (v) (vi) Pages UNION TERRITORIES Andaman & Nicobar hlands 6R Arunachal Pradesh 69 Chandigarh 70 -71 Dadra and Nagar Haveli 72 Delhi 73-74 Goa, Daman & Diu 75 Lakshadweep 76 Mizoram 77~79 Pondicherry ~o ANDHRA PRADESH [The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 1976 (No. 108 of 1976, dated the 18th September. 1976)] Scheduled Castes 1. Adi Andhra 2. Adi Dravida 3. Anamuk 4. Aray Mala 5. Arundhatiya 6. Arwa Mala 7. Bariki 8. Bavun 9. Beda Jangam, Budga Jangam 10. Bindla 11. Byagara 12. Chachati 13. Chalavadi 14. Chamar, Mochi, Muchi 15. Chambhal 16. Chandala 17. Dakkal, Dokka!war 18. Dandasi 19. Dhor 20. Dom, Dombara, Paidi, Pano 21. Ellamalawar, Yellammalawandlu 22. Ghasi, Haddi, RelIi Chachandi 23. Godagali 24. Godari 2 Scheduled Casles (ColT/d.) 25. Go~angi 26. Horeya 27. H oleya Dasari 2R. Jaggali 29. jambuvulu 30. Kol upulvandlu 31. Madasi Kuruva, Madari Kuruva "'1.:)...._. Madiga 33. Madiga DaslI, Mashteen 34. Mahar 35. Mala 36. Mala Dasari 37. Mala Dasu 38. Mala Hannai 39. Malajangam 4fl. Mala Masti 41. Mala Sale, Netkani 42. Mala Sanyasi 43. Mang 44. Mang Garodl 45. Manne 46. Mashti 47. Matangi 48. Mehtar 49. Mltha Ayyalvar 50. Mundala 51. Paky, Moti, Ihoti 52. Pambada, Pambanda 53. Pamidi 54. Panchama, Pariah 55. Relli 3 Scheduled Castes (COl/tel.) 56. Samagara 57. Sam ban 58. Sapru 59. Sindhollu, Chindollu. Scliedu/e(l Tribes I. Andh 2. Bagata 3. Bhil 4. Chenchu, Chellchwar 5. Gadaba., 6. Gond, Naikpod, Rajgond 7. Goudu (it} the Agency tracts) 8. Hill Reddi~ 9. Jatapus 10. Kammara 11. Kattunayakan 12. Kolam, Mannervarlu 13. Konda Dhora& 14. Konda Kapu& 15. KOlldareddis 16. Kondhs, Kodl, Kodhu, Desaya Kondh~, Dongria Kondhs, KuttiYd Kondhs, Tikiria Kondhs, Yenity Kondh& 17. Kotia, Bentho Oriya, Bartika, Dhulia, DulIa, Holva, P.liko, Putiya, Sanrona, Sidhopaiko 18. Koya, Goud, Rajah, Rasha Koya, LingadhaI i Koya (t ldinary), Kottu Koya, Bhine Koya, Rajkoya 19. Kulia 4 Scheduled Tribes (Contd.) 20. Malis (excluding Adilabad, Hyderabad, K,mmnagar, Khammam, Mahbubnagar, Medak, Nalgonda, Nilama­ bad and Waranga1 districts) 21. Manna Dhora 22. Mukha Dhora, Nooka Dhora 23. Nayaks (in the Agency tracts) 24. Pardhan 25. Porja, Parangiperja 26. Reddi Dhoras 27. Rona, Rena 28. Savaras, Kapu Savaras, Maliya Sa-vala .. , Khutto S,wara~ 29. Sugaliu, Lambadis 30. Thoti (in Adilabad, Hyderabad, Karimnagar, Khammam, Mahbubnagar, Medak, Nalgonda, Nlzamabad and War­ angal dbtricts) 31. Valmiki (in the Agency tract...) 32. Yenadis 33. Yerukulas. ASSAM fThe Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 1916 (No. 108 of 1976 dated the 18th September, 1976)J Scheduled Caste~ 1. Bansphor 2. Bhuinmali, Malt 3. Brittial Bania, Bania 4. Ohupi, Ohobi 5. Ought, Oholi 6. Hira 7. Jalkeot 8. Jhaio, Malo, Jhalo-Malo 9. Kaibartta, Jaliya 10. Lalbegi 11. Mahara 12. Mehtar, Bhangt 13. Muchi, Rishi 14. Namasudra 15. Patni 16. Sutradhar. Scheduled Tribp~ I. In the autonomou~ districts 1. Chakma '1 Dimasa, Kachari 3. Garo 4. Hajong 5. Hmar 6. Kha~i, Jaintia. Synteng, Pnar, War, Bhoi, Lyngngam 5 6 Scheduled Tribes (Contd.) 7. Any Kuki Tribe~, includlllg 0) Biate, Biete (ii) Changsan (iii) Chongloi (iv) Dounge} (v) Gamalhou (vi) Gangte (vii) Guite (viii) Hanneng (ix) Haokip, Haupit (x) Haolai (xi) Hengna (xii) Hong·mngh (xiii) HrangkhwaJ. Rangkhol (xiv) Jongbe (xv) Khawchung (xvi) Khawathlang. Khothalong (xvii) Khelma (xviii) Kholhou (xix) Kipgen (xx) Kuki (xxi) Lengthang (xxii) Lhangum (xxiii) Lhoujem (xxiv) Lhouvun (xxv) Lupheng (xxvi) Mangjel (xxvii) Misao (xxviii) Riang (xxix) Sairhem (xxx) Selnam (xxxi) Singson (xxxii) Sitlhou (xxxiii) Sukte (xxxiv) Thado 7 Scheduled Tribes (Con/d.) (xxxv) Thangngen (xxxvi) Uibuh (xxxvii) Vaiphei 8. Lakher 9. Man (Tai speaking) 10. Any Mizo (Lushai) tribes 11. Mikir 12. Any Naga tribes 13. Pawi 14. Synteng. II. In the State of Assam excluding the autonomou'> d'I.,trich: 1. Barmans in Cachar 2. Boro, Borokachari 3. Deon 4. Hojai 5. Kachari, Sonwal 6. Lalung 7. Mech 8. Mili 9. Rabha. BIHAR [The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 1976 (No. lOS of 1916, dated tile 18th Septelnber, 1976}t Scheduled Castes I. Bantar 2. Bauri 3. Bhogta 4. Bhuiya 5. :Bhumij (excluding North Chotanagrur and South Chola- nagpur div;sions and Santal Parganas di~trict) 6. Chamar, Mochi 7. Chaupal 8. Dabgal 9. Dhobi 10. Dom, Dhangad 11.
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